
Student Twitter asks Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood for early winter vacations

Student Twitter asks Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood for early winter vacations

Netizens are presenting their case online for vacations earlier in December.
15 Dec, 2021

Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mahmood is once again the subject of a barrage of memes on social media. Twitter has become an open forum for people, especially students, to plead their case to Mahmood. After examinations were delayed in April, they now want winter vacations in December.

The minister tweeted on Tuesday night that a proposal has been put forward for vacations from December 25 to January 4. However, students reasoned that this was unfair. They want vacations earlier in the month.

A Twitter user said the date mentioned in the minister’s tweet falls on the weekend, so announcing it from a Saturday is “nonsense.”

In response, other students presented the air quality index of Punjab asking the minister to begin the winter holidays earlier.

However, Pakistani student Twitter couldn't help but slip in a few jokes with their requests. As usual, memes have bombarded our social media and we can’t help but have a laugh along with the students.

Some people reminded Mahmood that Lahore topped the list of most polluted cities in the world.

Education ministers met on Tuesday to discuss whether vacations should be pushed back to the end of January due to an ongoing vaccination drive. However, a final decision will be made at an NCOC meeting today (Wednesday).

Students have been reacting differently but most of them aren’t happy with the thought of holidays in January. A few even shared their thoughts about how having a winter break in January is not going to help students in any way. They argued that people are more prone to illnesses and there is a lack of gas in the country, making it difficult to come to school in the morning.

One user also asked why the cold weather and students' health aren’t the first things the government is considering.

Some students, on the other hand, begged the minister to keep schools open for them to catch up on what they missed during lockdown.

Last time student Twitter appealed to the minister to postpone exams it worked, so we wonder if they'll be successful this time around.


Khaled Dec 15, 2021 05:52pm
Why don't they leave such matters to the provinces, is education not a provincial subject? The minister should be more concerned about the 25 million children out of school?
dr kamran chaudhry Dec 15, 2021 08:02pm
his highness,leaving the topic of winter vacation have the minster ,taking notice of hundred of students taken 100 percent marks in HSC examination this year.a very serious matter to be dealt in immediate or this breaking record will break our education system completely.
Syed Ahmed Dec 16, 2021 01:03am
Wow what incompetence, the entire schedule for a school year should be made public in the previous year. So schedule for 2022 should be up now .... How are people going to plan their life? Weddings, vacations, trips, etc at the last minute, this man is a education minister? Amazing
Syed Ahmed Dec 16, 2021 01:05am
@Khaled I will go further, here in the US, this is a school district decision, even the state does not interfere, our system is too top heavy, it should be at the grassroots level to make such decisions.
Mark Dec 16, 2021 06:35am
In terms of Productivity of the nation...these days off putting nation farther behind than other nations of the world...SOS...for the concerened!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Dec 16, 2021 03:13pm
Let the 2021-22 winter vacation start in the educational institutions of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Syed Aijaz Haider Dec 17, 2021 08:54am
Total absence of governence PTI government does not exist no planning no seriousness childish attitude