
Celebrities and public figures mourn the devastation caused by the wildfires in Turkey

Celebrities and public figures mourn the devastation caused by the wildfires in Turkey

PM Imran Khan, Fatima Bhutto, Bella Hadid and others took to social media to lament the damage and loss of lives.
31 Jul, 2021

Turkey witnessed massive devastation along its southern coast when large forest fires sprung up in several areas. Photos of ravaged forests and reports of deaths have captured people's attention around the world. Celebrities — including Pakistan's very own — have taken to social media to mourn the disaster.

Four people were reported dead and more than 180 were injured by the fires that spread across the Mediterranean resort regions on the southern coast of Turkey on Thursday. An investigation was also launched into suspicions that the forest fires were the result of arson.

Many celebrities and public figures took to social media to lament the havoc caused by the fires and to send well-wishes to the people of Turkey in these difficult times.

Imran Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan took to Twitter to show his support. He said, "We stand with the government and people of Turkey and share in their sorrow at the tragic loss of life in the wildfires tragedy. Pakistan stands ready to offer any help that the Turkish government and people may need at this difficult time."

Feroze Khan

Actor Feroze Khan posted "We stand with the people of Turkey" on his Instagram Story.

Alyzeh Gabol

Model and actor Alyzeh Gabol also took to Instagram Stories and expressed her sorrow over the wildfires in Turkey.

Fatima Bhutto

Writer Fatima Bhutto shared a picture of the fires and expressed her despair at the news.

Areeba Habib

Actor Areeba Habib shared a post that asked people to "pray for Turkey" in these difficult times.

Bella Hadid

Palestinian-American model Bella Hadid posted a message on Instagram and said, "This is so unbearably sad. I am praying for the land and beings of Turkey. I love Turkey so much."

Maria B

Designer Maria B also expressed sadness at the devastation caused by the fires and sent prayers for the people of Turkey.

Our heart goes out to the people of Turkey as they deal with this devastation.


Khayyam James Hussain Jul 31, 2021 04:01pm
More money and resources need to be pumped into firefighting apparatus the world over.
NYS Jul 31, 2021 04:10pm
Turkey is our brotherhood May you swiftly overcome this fiery menance
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 31, 2021 04:51pm
United we stand, divided we fall.
Desi Jul 31, 2021 05:08pm
Pakistani celebrities showing fake concern for Turkish fire. If they really care about people suffering then they should raise their voice about the water shortage in rural Sindh and how people die of thirst due to lack of water
well-wisher Jul 31, 2021 08:29pm
Praying for Turkey and its people. Please help.
Wendy White Aug 01, 2021 05:04am
I pray for all the people and the land. I am also going to pray to ask the "Creator" for some very much needed "Rain".
A Aug 01, 2021 09:42am
Center just cares for revenue, lives are not not important.
Fastrack Aug 01, 2021 12:38pm
Let us stop faking our concerns. I urge PMIK to transfer at least $1B to our friend Turkey.