
Meesha Shafi calls out Saba Qamar for 'validating' harassers while asking others to call them out

Meesha Shafi calls out Saba Qamar for 'validating' harassers while asking others to call them out

The singer told Qamar to "hold yourself accountable" for supporting predators rather than making "holier than thou" statements
27 Jul, 2021

Singer Meesha Shafi has called out actor Saba Qamar for "supporting and giving space to" known sexual harassers after Qamar recently posted a message on Instagram asking her male followers to stop enabling sexual predators.

The actor had requested her followers to "call out men in your circles with predatory behaviour" in light of the torture and murder of Noor Mukadam. Many women have taken to social media since the killing to raise their voice against sexual predators.

Shafi posted an Instagram Story to share Qamar's message to her followers against sexual harassment and commented, "This is what epic hypocrisy looks like, ladies and gentlemen."

In the posts that followed, Shafi offered her followers more clarification and context on the matter. "A lot of you are asking for context out of genuine curiosity and need to understand," she wrote.

"Partying with, supporting, giving/sharing space, validating, endorsing and doing frivolous Instagram Lives with known sexual harassers and then putting out holier than thou statements about calling out predators is literal hypocrisy."

The singer said her followers might have "missed that this happened or have forgotten".

"The victims and their trauma can't miss it or forget even if they want to," she wrote on. "They can't miss it because they feel it in their hearts. In their gut. In their mental health. In their nausea. In their daily lives."

Addressing Qamar, Shafi said, "You don't get to say this [call out sexual predators] without first holding yourself accountable for your own enabling actions and words defending and supporting predators after survivors have shared their experiences against all odds."


IK Jul 27, 2021 12:04pm
It’s getting ugly now. Let the real issue take its course.
Awaen..!! Jul 27, 2021 12:06pm
Well pointed out Meesha.
Mahmood Jul 27, 2021 12:15pm
Always playing the female victim's card! As is these women have nothing better to do in life but constantly engage in belittling each other - sheer sign of jealousy and insecurity. Please find something more worthwhile in life to do - like Nobility of Purpose - to make a name for yourself and earn the respect you crave.
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