
Saba Qamar asks men to 'break your bro codes' and call out sexual predators

Saba Qamar asks men to 'break your bro codes' and call out sexual predators

The actor asked all men to stand up for the women in their lives days after the murder of Noor Mukadam.
26 Jul, 2021

Saba Qamar recently posted a short but powerful message for the men who follow her on social media.

The actor — who played the late Qandeel Baloch in the television serial Baaghi — addressed her fans through an Instagram Story. "Someone said today that all of us women are just one man away from being the next hashtag and it sent shivers down my spine," Qamar wrote.

The actor is one of many women who have recently raised their voice against sexual predators in light of Noor Mukadam's torture and murder.

"If you are a man and you've ever cared even once for any woman in your life, please call out men in your circles with predatory behaviour. Please break your bro codes. If you cant do that then stop pretending to be an ally because you're only enabler then," she concluded.

Qamar is known to speak up for women against forms of harassment, sexual or otherwise. Earlier this year the actor was lauded for coming to the defence of Churails star Mehar Bano who said Qamar rescued her after she was harassed by someone on set at a very young age.

We appreciate Qamar's message because it's something we believe in too. Men (and everyone else) need to start calling out toxic behaviour to prevent violence against women.


M. Saeed Jul 26, 2021 05:42pm
When we cannot stop violence against boys, how can we expect the weaker sex to be safe in this world perennially violent against them ?
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 26, 2021 05:44pm
United we stand, divided we fall.
Farhan Jul 26, 2021 08:00pm
What is your bro code?
ST Jul 26, 2021 08:02pm
Women , men , everyone has to xheck their ethical and moral codes. Follow the rules, less chances for all these traumatic events.
thinking Jul 26, 2021 10:31pm
@ST rules? Are you aware of how many sexual offenders are roaming around? A doctor was harssed by lab attender in pindi and surrounding men were enjoying it. What rule do you think the female doc violated
Mujahid Jul 26, 2021 10:38pm
What's Bro code? That I will fight for the right of rapist? Does any such thing really exist or can exist?
Gur chawala Jul 26, 2021 10:53pm
Makes no sense as the umero numo of SPS was selected.
Observer Jul 26, 2021 11:39pm
Saba is greatly admired as an actor in the subcontinent, she should also be admired for her views,
Jigen Jul 27, 2021 12:18am
Just trying to show her irrelevant importance
Tabishk Jul 27, 2021 01:30am
She is so right, men laugh at micro aggressions at women, ogle at them, harass them in public, make them feel uncomfortable. This opens room for more violent acts, we all know this breed of desi men
Zeeshan Ahmed Jul 27, 2021 02:02am
Playing the same card as misogynist men by painting all males with the same brush don't you think?
Bakhshi Jul 27, 2021 02:53am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad ...that's all you have to offer/say.
Bakhshi Jul 27, 2021 02:55am
@Mujahid Bro code is when you cover the questionable habits of you make friends..
Farouq Omaro Jul 27, 2021 04:35am
Agree with her
A Jul 27, 2021 08:38am
Breakout from bro code and name the extremists on Saturdays.
M.Tabish Siddiqui Jul 27, 2021 10:18am
Why every feminist girl demand a support from a man?
Tariq Jul 27, 2021 10:40am
Noor case is not about gender but a person who is a psychopath and move in our normal elite society. So don't confuse this special case.
ZZQ Jul 27, 2021 02:11pm
If only we start denouncing and discouraging behaviours and mindsets that have prevailed through our history and fomented by our cultures and exploitative tribal values etc. we can have a better world for Women in Pakistan.
A. ALI Jul 28, 2021 02:34am
@Tabishk ... funny to see desi men. Your mental level may be low for some desi men. What do u mean by desi men?. It all comes from the surroundings, family traits and your disdain for women.
Anita Raj Jul 28, 2021 10:28am
Being a parent myself. I request all the parents to do their job well. It's our duty & responsibility to raise a child in such a way that they don't become a threat to our nation. And by doing this timely we can "make a difference". Thank you
El Cid Jul 28, 2021 12:07pm
Bare shoulders, cleavage to down under, heavy make up, come hither look. She sets the bait then proceeds to accuse men of impropriety. "The female of the species is deadlier than the male". Kipling was writing about the cobra, but his allusion to the human female is even more true.
El Cid Jul 28, 2021 12:14pm
Men behave the way their mothers taught them.
Dr.Sadaf Jul 28, 2021 07:10pm
And can u pls start wearing decent clothes for once.