
TikTok star Jannat Mirza doesn't want to hear any criticism from Bushra Ansari

TikTok star Jannat Mirza doesn't want to hear any criticism from Bushra Ansari

Mirza apologised for posting a video wearing a cross pendant but she doesn't want to hear anything from the veteran star.
07 Jun, 2021

TikTok star Jannat Mirza came under fire for wearing a cross pendant around her waist in a series of videos she uploaded on Instagram. She apologised to the Christian community for the videos after they created an uproar but wasn't about to take criticism from veteran actor Bushra Ansari.

Ansari came across the video and commented, "Aik dur fitteh mun to banta hai, in jaahil stars par afsos. Na Islam ka pata na kisi aur religion ka [curses are in order for these disappointing, ignorant stars. They don't know Islam nor any other religion.]"

Mirza did not appreciate the comments at all and hit back at Ansari saying, "You can't judge anyone without knowing the facts!"

Questioning Ansari's rationale, she said, "Aap Islam ki kese baat kar sakti hain, kese kisi pe tanqeed kar sakti hain jab aap khud dance karti hain, khud singing karti hain, khud dramas karti hain? [How can you talk about Islam or criticise someone else's religiosity when you dance, sing and do dramas yourself?]"

But this wasn't all Mirza had to say. She uploaded Ansari's comments to her Instagram and gave her another piece of her mind. "This is not okay at all!" she said a second time.

"Please do not judge anyone without knowing anything, Amma Jee," she continued, adding, "I respect you a lot but you can’t defame anyone without knowing the facts."

"Islam ki baat ap kese karsakti hain aunty, ap koi tableeghi jamaat nahi chala rahin [How are you talking about Islam? You're not running an Islamic movement here]," wrote Mirza.

Noting her disappointment, she said she learnt today that Ansari "does not have a heart", urging people to look at themselves before criticising someone else.

In a later video post on Instagram, Mirza addressed her offensive video more directly. She owned up to her mistake and made an apology. She clarified that the chain in question was received as part of PR package by a brand and that she made the video for it without really checking the product.

"My intention was never to hurt anyone, I found out through the comment section of my videos after posting them that the chain I’m wearing on my waist has a Christian cross and I deleted the videos instantly after. It was my fault and I am accepting my mistake," she said. However, a complaint has already been filed against her with the FIA.

Ever since Ansari's comment went viral, other TikTok stars, ostensibly Mirza's friends, have been calling on the veteran actor to apologise. The problem in Mirza's argument is that it is completely flawed. Ansari's "dancing, singing and acting" have nothing to do with her comment about religion. Her comment might have been worded better, but the sentiment was that people should educate themselves about religion, and not just their own. Mirza's immediate reaction seemed to be to attack Ansari for "dancing, singing and acting", which is a bizarre argument. Does she believe that because Ansari is an actor, she has no right to comment on religion?

Anyone who identifies with a religion has the right to comment on it, regardless of their profession. Mirza started strong with her immediate removal of the video and apology, but attacking Ansari and putting her down because of her profession lowered the standard of her response. If she wanted to rebut what Ansari said — and she the right to — she shouldn't have brought her profession into it.


Nadia Jun 07, 2021 01:13pm
The thing is that until you actually love yourself you have no hope at all...golden hair blue eyes and crosses who is it all glorifying, please learn to love yourself
Gah Jun 07, 2021 01:21pm
Why are religious people so insecure?
INDEPENDENT Jun 07, 2021 01:29pm
If youngsters do something wrong like wearing a cross chain with no intention to hurt someone's faith or religion, it is a moral duty of our elders to address them and guide them politely and in orderly manner. A RESPECT FOR A RESPECT. I believe that it is a lack of understanding and knowledge from the side of Mirza but her immediate good gesture to remove the photos from the post and offering an apology to Christian community is commendable.
Chrís Dăn Jun 07, 2021 01:33pm
By wearing the Cross, she disrespected Christians of all sects as Cross is a sign of Jesusś crucification& the most precious religious sign for all Christians. She as a Muslim definitely does not believe in Crucification of Jesus & does not believe in Holy Trinity for which Cross is a sign. I do not know she disrespected Muslims or not by accepting Holy Trinity& Crucification of Jesus through wearing/exhibiting Holy Cross-but definitely,very definitely disrespected all Christians . In this case ,with surity,I have consensus with Ms.Ansari. Ms.Mirza if you are not a Christian-then do not degrade Holy Trinity by wearing Holy Cross.
Chrís Dăn Jun 07, 2021 01:34pm
@INDEPENDENT she owes an apology. She did wear Holy Trinity sign and she s not a Christian.
A pakistani Jun 07, 2021 01:53pm
TikTok, bringing up a generation of ignorant buffoons.
Tanvir Khan Jun 07, 2021 02:06pm
Some Muslim men in Pakistan wear Sikh Kara/bracelet. Out of devotion or fashion?
JD Jun 07, 2021 02:16pm
A veteran, like Bushra Ansari, should not really respond to trolls like Jannat Mirza. A tik-tok star craves attention, no matter how they get it.
ST Jun 07, 2021 02:27pm
Bushra Ansari should have used soft words..Because as the saying.. Words and eggs should be handled with care. For eggs once broken, and words once spoken are hard things to be repaired.
M. Saeed Jun 07, 2021 02:33pm
@Gah when you defy your basics of religion, you are already inviting insecurity by choice.
Gig Jun 07, 2021 02:33pm
What Christians themselves do with their cross and Bible does anyone in Pakistan know about it?
M. Saeed Jun 07, 2021 02:35pm
@INDEPENDENT but Bushra should have been polite to a budding star.
Thinking Jun 07, 2021 02:37pm
These days kids can't take criticism. In this case looks like the girl has taken her fame to her head. An elderly ladies profession was brought in to defame, in the name of religion
Chrís Dăn Jun 07, 2021 02:41pm
@Nadia this is not the point. Hair color or eyes color is a personal choice and actually these suit very well to her. She looks very pretty. It is her swinging the Holy Cross which is disrespecting for Christians who take Holy Cross as sign of crucification of Jesus to save humanity as well as sign of Holy Trinity . However there is nil violent reaction from christian community being followers of Jesus. Ms. Ansari in her views is technically correct.
Zak Jun 07, 2021 02:49pm
Everyone should make comments without insulting or demeaning additional remarks. Stick to the topic and the point to make. Nothing else.
Malik Jun 07, 2021 03:00pm
Cat fight.
Hussain Jun 07, 2021 03:02pm
@Chrís Dăn Chris usually your comments here are ridiculous. Saying things along the lines of women can do whatever they want etc and implying other people are religious extremists. Now you're ranting against her wearing the Cross? I guess when Christianity is in the spotlight your views suddenly change... The only thing wrong with her wearing it is if she's a Muslim she shouldn't have, that's all. Nothing else. Your feelings don't matter and don't dare try to tell her what to do.
Hussain Jun 07, 2021 03:06pm
Bushra Ansari's comment was unnecessarily harsh. Mirza didn't do anything wrong, she just made a small mistake. Correct her kindly and move on. Either way, she owes nobody - absolutely nobody - an apology whatsoever.
Badtameez Kudi Jun 07, 2021 03:16pm
At least they have something in common. One's career is over, the other's never started.
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Jun 07, 2021 03:53pm
I say that all junior artists, actors, journalists, politicians and officials must learn to respect their elders in their respective professions. Don't forget seniors have tangible experience that juniors can learn and progress further.
Aziza Jun 07, 2021 04:29pm
You can glam yourself up as much as you want, but once a paindu, always a paindu!
well-wisher Jun 07, 2021 08:19pm
Back off Jannat. Your apology is enough. Treat Bushra as your elder and stop commenting. She must mean well for you.
Truth be told Jun 07, 2021 08:32pm
1. Bushra was too quick to criticize. 2. Jannat should've known better. 3. Christians don't question porn stars and barely clad models to display the cross but jumped to Jannat's ignorance? This is bound to happen in the current day and age of social media.
Desi Jun 07, 2021 09:11pm
If these so called stars cant handle criticism then they are in the wrong line of work. People have a right to say whatever they want and you have to listen to it. It is quite obvious that these stars are very insecure about themselves.
Shahzad Jun 07, 2021 10:45pm
Pakistani people have nothing better to do except being a moral police. Nothing wrong with wearing a cross symbol. If you can just apply that morality to corruption and honesty then you have full right to criticism but that is not the case. Bushra Ansari maybe a senior actress but she definitely is not qualified to critique about a cross pendant.
Rick Jun 08, 2021 04:18am
Did Ansari get caught with alcohol at the airport a few years back and then used her OLD connections to get off. Yes, should not lecture others.
ali Jun 11, 2021 03:42pm
@Hussain exactly I observe that when it comes to muslim women this person comes in front and talk about freedom and blah blah and here with just a cross thing wearing he got offensive. Wow hypocrisy at its peak
ali Jun 11, 2021 03:45pm
@Chrís Dăn who are you to tell what she should do or should not do. When there are articles like muslim girls hijaab and dressing then you tell them freedom and now just because of cross wearing have got offensive. What a cheap hypocrite you are. What you know about muslim religion when you jump into the discussion about their dressings and hijab? now bear with it