
The Israel government is trying to turn genocide into a Twitter meme

The Israel government is trying to turn genocide into a Twitter meme

People aren't having it and are reminding the apartheid state that it's killing children.
18 May, 2021

In the strangest news we've heard this week, the Israeli government is trying to turn its genocide of the Palestinian people into a meme. This is not a joke.

The official account of the Israeli state posted this on Twitter:

It actually posted several tweets with rocket emojis and ended with this bit of hilarity "Just to give you all some perspective, these are the total amount of rockets shot at Israeli civilians. Each one of these rockets is meant to kill."

After its incessant human rights violations, lies and straight up genocide, people were sure there wasn't anything left for Israel to surprise them with but these tweets were enough to shock even the most hardened people.

Well said.

People were quick to remind Israel about what it was doing.

Israel is able to make genocide into a meme because there is little to no accountability.

It's crazy enough that this is happening.

But in case you forgot, Israel.

Israel seems to have forgotten it's perpetuating genocide. Palestine says so far, the overall death toll is at 200, including 59 children and 35 women, with 1,305 injured. No memes will erase that.


Vengeance May 18, 2021 12:35pm
Let’s see what the Indian trolls have to say about this:
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad May 18, 2021 02:14pm
Once a cheater, always a fraudster.
funnyman May 18, 2021 03:37pm
@Vengeance its amazing indian trolls find the time for this. India meanwhile cant properly dispose of their dead and is dumping bodies in the ganga but yea, lets troll Pakistanis on Pakistani sites, that takes priority
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