
Saheefa Jabbar Khattak is protesting against Ramazan transmissions and we're with her

Saheefa Jabbar Khattak is protesting against Ramazan transmissions and we're with her

"They seem hellbent on ridiculing and insulting human beings in the name of entertainment and profit."
08 May, 2021

We're at the height of the Covid pandemic, and on one hand, the public is expected to follow protocols, keep a safe distance from each other and give up the luxuries of enjoying restaurants and public places with their loved ones, while on the other, Ramazan transmissions are in full swing, squeezing large numbers of people onto sets, and angering Saheefa Jabbar Khattak as well as the rest of us.

The model took to Instagram to highlight this hypocrisy, beginning by pointing out the realities around us.

"Covid it at its peak. Cricket leagues are getting cancelled, countries in the Subcontinent are going into lockdown and strict curfews are imposed on peoples everywhere — we are well in the middle of a this horrendous and treacherous third wave," she began.

She then encouraged everyone to follow the SOPs, wear a mask at all times and hold tightly onto hope, putting her trust in the system and the authorities to lead us through these troubled times.

Khattak then pointed out how she read somewhere how social distancing was a privilege. "It means you live in a house large enough to practice it. Hand washing is a privilege too. It means you have access water. Hand sanitisers are a privilege. It means you have the money to buy them," she said, urging us not to forget this.

Soon after, she took this opportunity to highlight problematic Ramazan transmissions.

"They do not follow protocols and are filmed on sets where crews as large as 60 to 70 people are not quarantined, and don't operate inside a bio secure environment. This is a blatant breach of government policy, and just shows our inherent insensitivity to the situation," she protested, pointing out how in actuality, these shows bring nothing productive or redeemable to the table.

"Rather, they seem hellbent on ridiculing and insulting human beings in the name of entertainment and profit. It's crass, rude, and has zero respect for human dignity. I'm sorry but this frustrates me a lot!" she added.

Khattak then presented a solution to the problem, that was both rational and much needed.

Give airtime to spread awareness about Covid and enforce message sent out by the government she suggested, adding that in reality she does think it won't be possible.

"There was no better time to do it in Ramazan, but no, how would people win a Corolla then?" she sighed, reminding people to take this pandemic seriously.

"Spend Eid while practicing social distancing, recognise your privilege and try to see through the lies we consume through the magic box!" Khattak said.


Zeba Farookhi May 08, 2021 11:42am
I fully agree with .Saheefa.These transmissions are ridiculous and can hardly be called entertainment.
Asif May 08, 2021 11:55am
I thought she is pointing towards the low people and anchors go to do things for a cell phone.
Aamir May 08, 2021 11:58am
She is absolutely right. Even the field reporting crew of all tv channels are not wearing their face masks while on duty. I recently saw crew vans of all major tv channels parked near Bilawal House and none of their reporters or support staff was either wearing a face mask or maintaining social distancing.
Guzni May 08, 2021 12:14pm
Very rightly pointed and a amicable solution also presented. Bravi.
sherry saleem May 08, 2021 12:17pm
haha look who is talking... although she is right that these shows should not be held.. its should not held even if there is no covid.. but coming from someone like her, it will not have much effect on other people what she says...
Chrís Dăn May 08, 2021 12:31pm
A lady with beautifully correct thoughts. Every sane person would applaud her.
Tariq Shamsi May 08, 2021 12:38pm
Absolutely agree with Saheefa. Most of these transmissions are crass, uncouth, and lack intelligent content. They can only be enjoyed by a nation that boasts a regrettably low IQ level. As a nation, we think ridiculing, humiliating, and disrespecting people is funny and humorous. It's about time someone like owners, producers, and directors of such shows stepped in to halt airing such shows.
Tariq May 08, 2021 01:26pm
Totally agree and i wonder where PEMRA authorities are why such programs airs make people feel COVID as non serious.
FS May 08, 2021 01:36pm
PEMRA has spread vulgarity through these Ramadan Transmission shows
Jawed Sheikh May 08, 2021 01:45pm
Totally agree with her comments. Ramazan "entertainment" is a load of rubbish. The IQ of the people in Q&A sessions is ridiculously low. Channels even have the audacity to cut of the prayer of an Imam to show ads. It's all for money. Instead of creating awareness of Covid-19, they show stupid talk shows. Instead, they should focus on prayers and show how Ramzan is celebrated elsewhere in the World as TRT the Turkish channel did. Moreover, there are lots of Hymns, Naats available on youtube from different Muslim/Non-Muslim countries which are very interesting to listen to. This would increase the knowledge of unknowledgeable Pakistanis.
Jaredlee007 May 08, 2021 02:05pm
Nothing intellectually stimulating in this news.
Toni May 08, 2021 02:37pm
Good thinking SOP matters, whether you agree with Corona and Vaccine or NOT; think about others, Ramazan teaches and reminds about that, especially help the poor who are in high inflation time!
NYS May 08, 2021 02:41pm
Point to ponder all unnecessary Worthless Ramazan transmission without any agenda Go productive auspacious
M. Saeed May 08, 2021 02:41pm
If this message had come from the mouth of 26 years old Saad Hussain Rizvi Ameer of TLP, it would have carried million tons of weight and instantaneous implementation.
AJ May 08, 2021 04:09pm
These 'Ramadan transmissions' are a simple case of demand and supply. We aren't as 'pious' as we think we are as a nation. This hypocrisy permeates all walks of life. For example, we don't work during the prescribed time during the holy month and we escalate prices of commodities to gain profits.
Funny man May 08, 2021 04:45pm
Yes, sitting at home with your IPhone 12 max pro to tweet criticizing small production teams who run a tight ship budget wise is so chic. Those 60 people are working on sets to provide food for kids. Maybe cut down on your life saving designer clothes purchasing before criticizing the working class.
Moiz May 08, 2021 05:22pm
Some Ramazan transmissions/shows are useless but not all. Promote the ones that focus on the faith and spirituality. And practice social distancing in the audience. There, We have a better solution. Just cancelling all Ramazan shows is not the solution. People are already bombarded with Covid protocols in their daily lives. Saheefa yaar...they need a break ! Maybe you can afford a luxury break in other ways, but for the majority... this is the only break they can afford :) MoizThinks ;-D
AH May 08, 2021 05:23pm
It's all a big scam. Carry on with your lives and don't get vaccinated.
HashBrown® May 08, 2021 06:05pm
The truth is that not many people in Pakistan are actually religious. If religion can't be used to sideline minorities, silence women, acquire land illegally, or allow for tacky, meaninglessness TV shows, most of our clerics have little reason to discuss it.
Fast comment May 08, 2021 09:31pm
The people are fed up of viewing VIPs elites politicians corruption news. An entertaining transmission good or bad, it’s right of people to watch Ramadan transmission. No individual has right to impose her wishful thoughts on others.
SHAHID SATTAR May 08, 2021 10:39pm
The TV channels are only interested in making money and the populace obligees in the farce going by the name of entertainment.
Captain May 08, 2021 11:22pm
actions speak louder than words ...
Dawar Naqvi May 08, 2021 11:51pm
Well Said
Kiran May 09, 2021 04:31am
I totally second her. The show jeeto Pakistan is so popular and entertaining too but nobody wears masks. They do puggam, a ritual where u bring your hands close to each other and nobody is seen washing them afterwards. The prime time on tv is an excellent opportunity to educate the masses, if in these shows people are shown wearing masks and social distancing then we might have a carnage to fight the virus. I am a doctor and am seeing tragedies in a daily basis in my hospital.
Aamir Baqir May 09, 2021 04:51pm
Agreed what is saying. But at the same time you can't stop the entertainment show. It involves billions of Rupees. In the past it was disgrace if Meera conduct a religious show in ramadan. Covid is encashed almost by everyone. Either in the govt or by an individual's. What we can do is pray for ourself and others to keep us safe from this decease. Have a Safe Eid and enjoy with inhouse family NOT with others please.
Farooq aziz May 11, 2021 02:18am
Yup she really raised the right point these transmission must be stopped