
The enigmatic case of Aamir Liaquat's Ramazan transmissions

The enigmatic case of Aamir Liaquat's Ramazan transmissions

Aamir bhai seems to know as much as us about what he's doing. That's not a good sign.
Updated 20 Apr, 2021

What requires a specific annual moon sighting to begin, lasts 30 days straight, and feeds the entire nation? That's right, the Aamir Liaquat show. At this point, it doesn't even matter what his current show is called — he's done some half a dozen with different names over the years — so let's just dub them all the Aamir Liaquat show (let's be honest, he is what's on show).

We can debate what he's feeding the nation later, but he's certainly whetting an appetite.

Before we move ahead, it is integral that you, our beloved reader, understand why he's under fire this time.

It's because he tried to go full Madhuri. Never go full Madhuri. You can skip to second 18 to watch what has horrified people so deeply.

You may skip to second 56 and watch beyond.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, a currently seated member of the National Assembly, and an ex-minister for religious affairs.

Looks like a classic case of the aamil offline.

This isn't even his first fall on screen. He's taken quite a few spills in his illustrious career.

Pakistanis on social media and otherwise have been sharing these videos, rejoicing at his antics but they're not all laughing with him.

'Why would one do this?' ask Pakistanis playing the video over and over again, sharing it and allowing it to reach more people. They laugh at him and scratch their heads in confusion, as they begin following his show for these ridiculous moments. Liaquat pulls one moment after another, to an audience still confused why one would do that — though busting their guts laughing — yet still rocketing his ratings. Later that night, the audience is still asking the same question while Liaquat counts his dough in bed. His phone rings and he gets a contract for next year.

Here's how Pakistanis are reacting to our national enigma.

The multi-disciplinary artist and social worker Jamal Shah called it an intolerable ridiculing of the arts. "He's been greatly successful playing the fake scholar and the unauthentic politician, though him dancing to the Indian film Nagin's music shows his mind and body doing something completely different," he said. Shah said a character like Aamir Liaqat suits the premier well.

Fine, fine, our imagined annoying reader, we'll give you some memes.

The best of the episode came when Liaquat decided to publish a tweet, asking fans if they have questions for the "ulema". Oblivious, it seemed, to his antics of the past day. Or perhaps just excited to see what happened next.

We wouldn't be so excited if we were him.

Kya? Iblees reha hogaya?

Feeling guilty for all the times we raced while not fasting.

He has but a simple request.

Honestly, Aamir bhai, what in the world were you thinking? But then again, the nation is once again well fed.


Ayesha Apr 20, 2021 02:10pm
An absolute failure for our PM, for not looking at Liaqat shb and his acting.
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Apr 20, 2021 02:12pm
Conartist Aamir Liaquat is becoming a joke and a laughing stock.
Rubina Apr 20, 2021 02:22pm
This man should banned from everything. enough is enough.
Tahir malik Apr 20, 2021 02:29pm
Amir liaquat lack of academic skills are best displayed with his antics
Marquis de Sade Apr 20, 2021 02:50pm
Is this the same guy who makes obnoxious sexist remarks? If he is, why is Dawn giving him column inches?
Sana Apr 20, 2021 03:11pm
Please ban such shows during Ramazan.
Sam Apr 20, 2021 03:13pm
asgher Apr 20, 2021 03:23pm
Embarrassing that we have such media persons, ministers and aalims. No wonder we are in this mess.
kabir khan Apr 20, 2021 03:41pm
No comments
Tahir Raouf Apr 20, 2021 03:43pm
And all this in the holy month of Ramadan. Where is pemra ??
kabir khan Apr 20, 2021 03:45pm
I think he has some mental health issues....
Sami Apr 20, 2021 03:47pm
He makes others laugh.. Why has people problem with him can't understand?
MB Apr 20, 2021 03:59pm
Unfortunately, this is PTI
JUR-USA Apr 20, 2021 04:06pm
Jaisi qaum waisay leader. What can IK do? I this nation needs overhauling, if people won’t nature will. IK is honest and good but one man can’t change the whole nation until all wanted.
Faisal Apr 20, 2021 04:18pm
Having elected him as an MNA, Pakistanis deserve this govt!!!
Derek Miller Apr 20, 2021 04:20pm
Amir Liaquat is a joke Why anyone watches this clown act on tv is beyond comprehension
NoVoice Apr 20, 2021 04:39pm
PMIK personally accepted him into PTI.
Farhan Qazi Apr 20, 2021 04:46pm
Nothing compares to Aamir Liaquat in Pakistan. He is the best of the best. The only, and the only reason PTI won Karachi is because of Aamir Liaquat, and Imran Khan knows it very well! If the majority of people like what he does on the stage then what is the problem of this unknown author of this article?
FAZ Apr 20, 2021 05:00pm
@Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Used to say the same until i came to know his "ratings" by my cable operator. No wonder he keeps on coming with a new show
Gul Apr 20, 2021 05:01pm
We need more chill scholars like Amir Liquat as he's acting like a common man. We are tired of the hypocrite and strict so-called religious entites who are using religion as tools to manipulate people and socity. I'd say he's a thousand times better than those who are using people to grow their clothes and vice versa buisnesses.
Adeel Apr 20, 2021 05:18pm
PTI and Amir Liaqat, truly deserve each other.
Khaled Apr 20, 2021 05:22pm
@Ayesha . A person is known by the company he keeps.
Ahmad Apr 20, 2021 05:23pm
He is psychotic ! Needs a thorough evaluation. I wonder how and why the TV channels hire him.
Abdul Apr 20, 2021 05:42pm
With second marriage, he has lost his mind.
LgbtqX Apr 20, 2021 05:43pm
Needs professional help ASAP.
amjad Apr 20, 2021 06:04pm
Its pathetic and shameful that how low can a so called Islamic scholar fall.
Saeeds Apr 20, 2021 06:06pm
One of PTI member no surprise.
Abid Khan Apr 20, 2021 06:16pm
Hi honorable sir Aamir Liaquat at his best.
Edris Apr 20, 2021 06:21pm
Don't blame the person only... we should stop watching and writing articles on it and eventually people will stop doing such things.
Sarmad Apr 20, 2021 06:31pm
Why do we have double standards for Aamir Liaquat and People like Nasir khan Jan? Why being a sitting MP got anything to do with what someone does in their free time? If audience doesn't like him why watch??? Let him and everyone else involved be happy, but I guess it's a bit too much to ask
Saleem Chandasir Apr 20, 2021 06:58pm
Very strange person, his personality is getting worse every year. What message he is giving to our youth in Ramadhan.
Zulfiqar Apr 20, 2021 07:06pm
Ban him from society
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Apr 20, 2021 07:07pm
Childish act by a grown up kid. Very shameful.
Javed Ansari Apr 20, 2021 07:14pm
He is simply a Chichora insaan. Nothing else. Strange how people like to go to his shows.
Waseem, Canada Apr 20, 2021 07:23pm
Representative of his electorate and filling the vacuum left by Bhai.
hamza khan Apr 20, 2021 07:25pm
Dawn is acting as if people like this dont exist top to bottom in the ranks of PML-N and PPP. aamir liaquat is a charlatan, but his inclusion has to do with our system rather than just PM IK.
ENGR Hamid Shafiq Apr 20, 2021 07:34pm
The participants should also feel shame when they come in the program and see disgusting acts of Amir Liaquat
AQ Siddiqui Apr 20, 2021 07:41pm
I can't believe i voted him. Such a disgrace! Shame shame shame!
Fandom Beyond the Boarders Apr 20, 2021 07:53pm
This gentleman has become an attention seeker and can go to any extent to gain the fame. This is unfortunate to see him stoop to this level today.
M. Emad Apr 20, 2021 07:58pm
Shoaib Manzoor Apr 20, 2021 08:01pm
First all all every Muslims why you watch tv.
Saad Khan Apr 20, 2021 08:02pm
What an asset of PTI
Ali Zain Apr 20, 2021 10:21pm
Hats off PM.
Huminist Apr 21, 2021 12:44am
Guy is having fun. What is the issue?
Taimur Malik Apr 21, 2021 01:24am
Let him do what he wants. This is the height of illiberalism to be policing his show.
Azfar Apr 21, 2021 02:06am
I don’t understand why people are so furious, don’t watch his show (I don’t watch his show as I never liked him personally) if u find distasteful but obviously people are liking it that’s why he is still has a show
TZaman Apr 21, 2021 02:27am
Disgusting, shameful.
AJ Apr 21, 2021 03:03am
@Ayesha If he won the election...PM does not chose the politicians,!us people do.
za Apr 21, 2021 09:25am
99 percent politician are like that some are inside or some are expose in outside. That is why the country has the best economic condition in the world.
shafiq ur rehman Apr 21, 2021 10:02am
Such people are always disgrace on any platform. Its pity that these type of people are sitting inside parliament for legislation for mass population. Its more shame on us for voting and selecting these people.
Uddin Apr 21, 2021 10:36am
What’s wrong he is a media personality let him be what he wants to be .. bunch of hypocrites !
Sam Apr 21, 2021 11:49am
HAHAHA, well at least he does not take himself seriously. Don't like the guy generally, but this show is hilarious. He deserves the dough.
F Khan Apr 21, 2021 12:24pm
This guy is a doctor, religious scholar, politician and a parliamentarian. Obviously someone must have voted him, people watch him on tv that is why he is on the show, this just sums up the moral bankruptcy of our society why to only blame this joker.
Abdullah Apr 21, 2021 12:59pm
I'm just curious to know about his daughter and first wife.. Will they be happy seeing all this stuff or ashamed? A man who left his daughter and wife for another woman.. That gives rise to this point that his ex-wife and daughter must be happy to see Amir Liaquat being mocked by the world too.
Khan De Bannu Apr 21, 2021 01:04pm
@AJ Pls note that party head has to give him party ticket else he won't be able to contest the elections on PTI's sign. He can only contest independently if IK refuse him ticket and then you know he wouldn't have won...
Salman Zaki Apr 21, 2021 03:41pm
I couldn't care less about Aamir Liaquat or anything he does, but since when is Dawn letting these 12-year olds to publish their puerile judgement on their paper?
ameen Apr 21, 2021 04:17pm
This guy definitely has some issue in the head. He has no situational awareness.
Farman Apr 21, 2021 06:33pm
عامر لیاقت کی کامیابی یہ ہے کہ بھانڈ ہوتے ہوئے بھی کامیابی سے عالموں میں شمار کئے جاتے ہیں۔
Abdullah Sohail Apr 21, 2021 07:27pm
Who ever wrote this article
atif Apr 22, 2021 03:09am
@JUR-USA If IK is honest and good, how come amir liaquat is an MNA of his party
talha Apr 22, 2021 08:29am
he is such a disrespectful person .......even in Ramadan how can he play nagin song and he isn't even shameful. .......people like him exist
Azhar Iftikhar Apr 22, 2021 11:32am
Bechara......crazy alert.....
Naseem Apr 22, 2021 01:07pm
Actually, to be honest, it's his true picture... Disgraceful ...
Haris Apr 22, 2021 01:53pm
@Rubina 100% right
Abdullah Apr 22, 2021 02:16pm
A retarded man go lucky when it comes to average girls who love him. Desi liberals and feminists with western germs hate him.its all kind of awkward.
Wasee Apr 22, 2021 02:18pm
A clown in the disguise of Islamic Scholar, politician and comedian, what the hell he wants to be... Next move will be a eunuch one...
Shahzad. Apr 22, 2021 03:34pm
Ventilater se nikal k bhi hidayat nahi mili. Aise charactors ko puri dunya main aur woh bhi ramazan transmission main dikhana, hamari beizzati hai. He should be banned forever.
منصور خان Apr 22, 2021 06:08pm
عامر لیاقت ایسے لوگوں کو بیچ چوراہے پر سنگسار کرنا چاہیے انتہائی چھچھورا آدمی ھے۔۔ Should be kicked out from ..PTI
AbdulMajeed Apr 22, 2021 07:52pm
You arelooking like a monkey. Shame on u
AbdulMajeed Apr 22, 2021 07:54pm
Shame on u
Faisal Razim Apr 22, 2021 08:47pm
Whatever you call it, I call it pure confidence
Wahab Apr 23, 2021 02:41am
Shame on such like people
ambreen Apr 23, 2021 09:25am
@kabir khan You think ??? It's obvious
Ubaidullah Yousfani Apr 23, 2021 12:57pm
He's a clown. Fail to understand the importance given to him
Jaffer Omar Apr 23, 2021 03:45pm
Simply cheap and juggler.
javid ali Apr 23, 2021 07:59pm
This is how we all have to evolve to survive in the news feed and feed ourselves..
Muzaffar rana Apr 23, 2021 08:49pm
Ya loog pissey kyliey kuch be krsaqaty hain
Muzaffar rana Apr 23, 2021 08:52pm
Jogi baba
Chacha Jee Apr 24, 2021 10:14am
Amir Liaquat is exposing himself as an 'Item Girl' on National TV. Likes of Amir or Mullahs will quickly issue a Fatwa if an ordinary person does it.
Gul Apr 24, 2021 10:44am
Amir liaquat k is act K zamadar Imran khan Nahi Hain inko appne matabay Ka khud khayal Hona chahe yeh aik parliament k rukan or mazahbi alim BHI Hain inko yeh Sab harkatein Zain Nahi deti har admi appne kirdar Ka khud zamedar hai Imran khan nahi
Gul Apr 24, 2021 10:46am
@Ayesha Why Imran khan fail he is doing for public enjoyment Imran khan not telling him to do this
Gul Apr 24, 2021 10:47am
@Rubina yes you are
Satyajit Apr 24, 2021 10:38pm
and what is this "full madhuri"? By any chance, if you are referring to Madhuri Dixit -let me tell you that she never did cobra dance.
Kumar Apr 25, 2021 08:15am
The paradigmatic case of Aamir Liaquat's vulgar and revolting Ramazan transmissions
Dawood Apr 26, 2021 07:09pm
Me: kuch sharam hoti Hy kuch haya hoti Hy Amir Liauqat: nhi g. Bilkul nhi hoti
ambreen Apr 27, 2021 01:32am
@atif Sometimes u need clowns for entertainment :)
ambreen Apr 27, 2021 01:35am
Pakistani awam - Stop watching his shows so the channels dont need him !
ssa Apr 27, 2021 04:59am
This man should be no where near a decent person, he is an absolute disgrace