
Prime Minister Imran Khan isn't practicing what his government is preaching

Prime Minister Imran Khan isn't practicing what his government is preaching

Have our government officials not heard of this useful thing called Zoom?
Updated 25 Mar, 2021

It seems like Prime Minister Imran Khan (and his team) doesn't know the first rule of social media — don't post things that will get you in trouble.

Our premier seems to subscribe to the age-old adage of 'do as I say, not as I do'. But this isn't the 50s and people won't ignore things they see, especially when what they see is a picture of the prime minister — who tested positive for Covid-19 five days ago — in a room with at least six other people.

In one of the greatest miscalculations we have seen in a while, Information Minister Shibli Faraz decided to let the nation in on a stunning piece of information — the government doesn't practice what it preaches.

In a single photo, the information minister, but more importantly the prime minister, has managed to set Pakistan's anti-virus efforts back considerably. Convincing people to stay at home and quarantine when they have the virus has already proven to be a mammoth task and it will now be even more difficult given that Pakistanis have irrefutable proof that the prime minister of Pakistan doesn't follow the government's edicts.

The government wants people to wear masks. It wants them not to meet others indoors. It wants people who have Covid to isolate. That's what the NCOC keeps stressing, and so do the government ministers. Good luck getting people to follow protocol when the high officials themselves cannot do the same.

Having ministers from the prime minister's party patting him on the back for flouting his own government's rules isn't helping either.

You might argue that they're all wearing masks, but that just doesn't cut it. This has been a year of adapting to working from home. The world discovered a wonderful thing called Zoom. If our government doesn't know how it works, we're happy to explain: you sit at home, like a responsible adult, and talk to other responsible adults sitting in their homes via video call. We're sure the Government of Pakistan can afford to pay for a laptop and internet connection.

Wearing a mask reduces the chance of spreading Covid but using Zoom kills those chances entirely. If only our esteemed government officials could understand that (calling Asad Umar).

To say people aren't pleased with the picture would be an understatement. We can't include tweets using expletives for obvious reasons but suffice to say, people aren't happy.

Here are some PG reactions to The Picture™.

Jokes aside, people are really angry, and rightfully so.

To the government and our prime minister , we say — and we have said this before after the lack of masks witnessed during the Senate elections — lead with example. And if you can't, the least you can do is the bare minimum: don't flout the rules YOU endorse and then post it on social media.


M. Saeed Mar 25, 2021 07:46pm
In short, the Prime Minister is actively spreading the virus to others by force.
A. ALI Mar 25, 2021 07:56pm
I fully understand your helplessness for not daring to oppose PDMs gatherings.
nk Mar 25, 2021 08:01pm
Here Shibli tried to do some googly but it just did not worked. I am appalled.
Hasan Khan Mar 25, 2021 08:02pm
Prime minister is a real Pathan. And Pathans are physically the toughest ethnicity on the planet. So Corona cannot do anything to our Great Khan.
Skeptic Mar 25, 2021 08:16pm
What is there to get excited about?? Where does it show in the photo any evidence of when the photo was shot?? Just because someone claims it so, does not mean it is so! I don't see any date stamp on the photo or anyone holding today's newspaper within the photo to proof that the photo was taken today, when IK is supposed to be in isolation. Beware of fake news and those who want to bring the PM down, while the country is making progress on man fronts - trade, balance of payments, budget, exchange rates and foreign remittances, just to name a few.
Arslan Khan Mar 25, 2021 08:17pm
They are more than 2 meter away so all is well.
Zak Mar 25, 2021 08:26pm
It's already been 10 days after which quarantine finishes and test results awaited. Don't jump to negative conclusions, appreciate a hard working PM not seen in South Asia for decades.
Farhan Mar 25, 2021 08:26pm
I think he is trying to kill the hope of his opponents
Tanvir Khan Mar 25, 2021 08:34pm
According to my observations since childhood, lying is the very first pillar of our (urban) society. Each and everyone is either telling lies or hearing lies! Hence "conforming" behaviour is considered to be the highest virtue!
Shahid Mahmood Mar 25, 2021 08:54pm
Astonished to see this picture. What message is he sending to the nation. How was he allowed to risk other people's lives and potentially spread the virus. Does he not know that the virus is spread not only through the air but by touching the surfaces too.
NACParis Mar 25, 2021 08:54pm
@M. Saeed It is not right to criticize IK, in fact, it is PDM, in particular, Maryam and Maulana Fazl who are spreading the virus without any sympathy for the poor masses by continuously holding jalsas to protect their looted wealth. Agree, the Government is partly responsible for not taking strict measures as they should, to avoid violent disturbances by PDM supporters.
SeeBeyond Mar 25, 2021 09:05pm
Assuming this meeting did take place recently, ask yourself the following questions before blindly jumping on the Khan-hating bandwagon: Was the meeting urgent and necessary? no way to be certain, assume YES was this meeting likely to discuss sensitive issues? most likely YES Was the necessary safety precautions taken? most likely YES if answer to above is YES then it would be utterly stupid to hold this meeting on Zoom. was it necessary to advertise? probably not
Ahmed Mar 25, 2021 09:08pm
Zoom only works in high literacy countries.
Suchbaath Mar 25, 2021 09:20pm
What happened to IT Guru from Google for NOT introducing Zoom or Google Meet for her boss ? I guess Imran Khan get slides for bringing technology in Pakistan, but he himself not Tech savvy, where as ordinary ladies in cities and villages are tech savvy using all these new tools.
Mahmood Mar 25, 2021 09:42pm
@M. Saeed So those PDM clowns, thugs and hoodlums running around in parades in each Pakistani city at the height of the pandemic without any masks and social distancing were spreading what -- goodwill, best wishes, sweets and prayers?? Take a good look at this photo. Do you see any reason to get excited and foaming at the mouth?? What evidence do you have that this photo is NOT from last week, last month or last year?? Someone released it today, does not mean it was not sitting in some camera for weeks or months for an opportune moment to damage IK and his pronoucements and policies. Did you criticize the Maulana, Bilawal and Maryaam when they were defying all the rules and health guidance to bring down IK government (failing miserably nevertheless), or were you actively cheering them on??? Ignorance is bliss sometimes!
jaredlee007 Mar 25, 2021 10:03pm
Shibli Faraz has nothing better to do than post these pics. He is getting paid by our tax money. Did he forget it?
mansoor khattak Mar 25, 2021 10:07pm
To use zoom, You need to be technology enabled.
Mahmood Mar 25, 2021 10:19pm
@M. Saeed Such ignorance, is remarkable! If someone was to sue IK for infecting him or her, does that person, not have to prove to the court, that the infection came from IK? or that IK was negligent in any way, shape or form for spreading the virus before he/she could win the claim? Therefore, by the logic, do we not need a proof that this photo was taken over the last 48 hours, AFTER IK had announced he and his wife and tested positive for the virus and that this meeting took place, during the time, when he is supposed to be in self-isolation?? Do you have any evidence that ''PM is actively spreading the virus"? Did the PDM not spread the virus to millions during their rallies and marches in every city in Pakistan?? Did you call them criminals at the time??
Tumgan Dulogho Mar 25, 2021 10:25pm
So when he didn’t have covid, he used to meet in the lawns, But indoors with covid? no one is wearing gloves and must have touched things in covid positive indoors. Lets hope they didn’t rub eyes or ears. Smart covid quarantine!
Nalayk Niazi Mar 25, 2021 10:28pm
Couldn’t Zoom because Fawad is still busy making the lunar calendar website.
Khalid Mar 25, 2021 10:44pm
This poor man has yet to learn how y use computers. Zoom is beyond his comprehension
Parvez Mar 25, 2021 11:10pm
He has no legs to stand on if he claims he he's in self isolation ...... this certainly is not leading by example.
HashBrown® Mar 25, 2021 11:11pm
Please, spare us the self-righteous outrage. Yes, it was very poor judgement to show these photos, and yes, PMIK should have known better. But the past few months have seen multiple opposition jalsas, where buses crammed with political workers converged on multiple urban centres for the single purpose of protecting corrupt dynasties and seedy mullahs. During any of these political stunts, did you guys offer ONE SINGLE article conveying your indignation? When Diesel openly suggested Covid was a hoax just earlier this week, was there ONE SINGLE sermon offered against him by you? No, didn't think so.
Honor Mar 25, 2021 11:12pm
Ridiculous! Zoom is commonly used for meetings/conferences these days. Even doctors and patients appointments are on Zoom to discuss symptoms and medications. An infected person stays indoors in isolation and people do NOT visit or meet him, that's common practice. Infection is not only transferred through air but also by touch of body, clothes, furnitures etc.
Zulfiqar Mar 26, 2021 12:06am
That’s very irresponsible.
Zulfiqar Mar 26, 2021 12:07am
@Hasan Khan you don’t seriously believe that. Do you?
Zulfiqar Mar 26, 2021 12:09am
@Arslan Khan he has corona virus. He’s suppose to be self isolating. Where did you get this two metre theory from?
Khalid Abdullah Mar 26, 2021 12:17am
dont be ridiculous, he's covered up and there's a distance of more than two metres between him and the others, let him do his job!
ABE Mar 26, 2021 01:01am
@Khalid And yet, that 'poor Man" not only led a national cricket team to championship victory, created cancer hospitals in Pakistan, led a political movement to victory to become PM, defeat a corrupt NS, had him tried and convicted and and also recently won a vote of cofidence in the Senate, despite all the noise, hoopla, drama, threats, marches and ultimatums by PDM clowns! And what have you accomplished, so far, in your life - besides learnin g how to use a computer???
Zak Mar 26, 2021 01:38am
@Ahmed Zoom only works in high literacy countries. Oh, so you don't have it India. Pity.
Sameer Mar 26, 2021 03:19am
All PPP and PMLN supporters criticising one guy when they have been actively organising super spreader sessions not two months ago.
Shahid Tanvir Mar 26, 2021 03:50am
The PM is the leader of 220 mil people which includes a large number of his enemies who want to see him disappear. In this situation he has to tell the people in an undeniable mode that he is still capable to lead and work as PM. In short he is not ordinary person and so is the situation. However, he is completing doing everything to protect every one . Kindly to talk to PDM and preach them the same gospel you are preaching Imran Khan.
Shahid Tanvir Mar 26, 2021 03:51am
@M. Saeed no it is the PDM who gathers thousands without mask and next to each other.
Ismail Mar 26, 2021 04:19am
@Skeptic I read an article stating that self pleasure gets rid of virus in expulsed juices. PMIK is a smart and avid reader.
Abdur Razzaque Mar 26, 2021 05:28am
Looking forward and feeling happy when very soon Pakistan will be able to bottle up the licensed Covid-19 vaccine for the nation and for the rest of the poor countries.
Hamza Khwaja Mar 26, 2021 06:37am
People must remember that you can sit with a Covid positive person by wearing a mask and maintaining a distance of 6 feet which is visible in the picture. So what's the fuss all about?
Sohaib Mar 26, 2021 06:48am
@Hasan Khan tested positive already
FAHEEM JAVED Mar 26, 2021 06:59am
Yeah this article is completely baseless and useless because he is a leader of a country and he practicing social distancing. Write articles about pdm please ....... or corruption in Sindh.
Sam Mar 26, 2021 07:14am
Do we not already know this guy thinks he is better than and above everyone else - immature.
Chota Mar 26, 2021 07:42am
If nawaz looter would have done it u would have been all praise and crying the way showing tweets of trolls here u are supporting that segment of society who will critize on anything i.e rape etc just for fun or to become famous
F Khan Mar 26, 2021 08:00am
It's a basic principle of popular politics the leader must look macho.If Trump can look macho why not IK? He is anyway called Tump of Pakistan.
Khalid Mar 26, 2021 12:44pm
From day one of this pandemic, he has been saying it’s just like flu. Most of the time , he did not put on mask in public during this pandemic. What do you expect then that he would follow SOPs???
MA Mar 27, 2021 03:17pm
REMEMBER, The high level Gov sensitive meetings cannot be held on loose networks of Zoom, Skype , Microsoft Teams or similar applications. However was it necessary to upload that pic on twitter? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
MA Mar 27, 2021 03:21pm
@HashBrown® learn to use technology
Amir Mar 27, 2021 08:10pm
Forget the virus and the SOPs. Has anyone noticed the simplicity of the room and furniture of IK's home in comparison with the ostentatiousness and vulgarity of our other 'leaders'?
bhaRAT© Mar 28, 2021 09:36pm
@Ismail speaking of personal experiences in India, "Ismael"??