
03 Mar, 2021

Dear Reader, like most people, we love playing games and invite you to play a game of 'I spy' with us today. We'll go first: I spy with my little eye, lawmakers at the Senate election without masks.

Lawmakers gathered in the National Assembly in Islamabad on March 3 to cast their votes and elect new senators. To understand the election and how it works, you can click here, but that's not what we're concerned about. Our esteemed lawmakers seem to have forgotten we're currently in the midst of a global pandemic and coronavirus is still a thing.

Many of these senior citizens (an overwhelming majority of them are over 60) are playing games with their lives and those of their peers. It's all fun and games until someone gets Covid.

Health experts believe a third wave of the virus could hit Pakistan as the country continues to ease restrictions. But one restriction that hasn't been eased yet (thank God) is the requirement of wearing masks in public places. If only someone would tell our esteemed lawmakers that.

No mask.
No mask.

Also no mask.
Also no mask.

From Prime Minister Imran Khan to Leader of the Opposition Shehbaz Sharif, leaving their masks off seemed to be a bipartisan issue. It's like they had a secret meeting before the election and made a blood pact: all for one and coronavirus for all!

Another fun game: Look at this video posted by the PTI's official account and find someone wearing a mask. One of the few people to cover their faces is Federal Planning Minister Asad Umar, which is fortunate considering how often he comes on TV telling us to follow the government's SOPs.

If only he told his fellow lawmakers that. In the video we can spot Prime Minister Khan, Finance Minister Hafeez Sheikh, Federal Science Minister Fawad Chaudhry, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs Ali Amin Gandapur, Federal Minister for Communications Murad Saeed and Defence Minister Pervez Khattak all sans masks.

And lest you accuse us of favouritism, dear Reader, let us remind you that our 'favourites' are only those who wear masks (looking at you Asad Umar and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari).

We caught you, man on the bottom right
We caught you, man on the bottom right

There were also lawmakers who chose to make a fashion statement with their masks below their noses. But much like pairing black pants and brown shoes, that's a faux pax in our books.

And we weren't the only ones to notice our mask-less MNAs.

Assembly staff had their masks off too.

Dear Reader, we end this note with a question for our respected lawmakers: can they really urge people to be safe and wear a mask when they're not willing to do the same? To them, we say lead with example.


M. Emad Mar 03, 2021 02:52pm
'Herd Immunity of Pakistani people' & lawmakers.
Ahmer Mar 03, 2021 02:53pm
oh bhai shoro drama mask ka humhe bhee bina mask ke sukkoon se physical study karne do hum students par hee zulm bs
bhaRAT© Mar 03, 2021 02:54pm
Quire right. Politicians not wearing masks gives a very bad message to the public. They are endangering their own health as well as others!
M. Saeed Mar 03, 2021 03:05pm
Those who are not wearing face masks, must be disqualified for being anti-state in violating their own prescribed rules of SOPs, for their own and their country-men's safety.
M. Saeed Mar 03, 2021 03:10pm
Very recently, Government had announced heavy fine on those who do not wear face mask in public. Those law-makers found without mask in the NA , should be given the prescribed punishment so as to make the rule valid for the public.
Surya Kant Mar 03, 2021 03:50pm
No need. They have acquired immunity.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 03, 2021 04:18pm
You are 100 percent right.
FASTag Mar 03, 2021 04:40pm
No worries... Indian vaccine is on its way to Pakistan.
Asad Mar 03, 2021 04:53pm
Rich Rulers of the Poor Masses.
Ahsan Gul Mar 03, 2021 05:05pm
Don’t make a big deal about wearing Masks. 8 states in USA have dropped mask wearing requirements.
Fastrack Mar 03, 2021 05:12pm
PMIK does not need a mask, nothing can happen to him. He is kindhearted visionary leader of the Muslim world. Plus he already has had the vaccine, no not chinese sugar water.
A Bostonian Mar 03, 2021 05:54pm
No Mass Mar 03, 2021 06:05pm
He is wearing a mask you just can’t see it.
Global Peace Mar 03, 2021 06:18pm
They had already got Covid so they wont get it again.
Hansoti sh Mar 03, 2021 06:37pm
@M. Saeed agreed
People deserve better Mar 03, 2021 07:38pm
Rise up people, you deserve better honest leaders.
zulfiqar Mar 03, 2021 08:17pm
What a confident bunch we Pakistanis are when it comes to viruses. The world can learn some disdain from us.
People deserve better Mar 03, 2021 08:19pm
They are all vaccinated, Nation can fend for itself as long as these hypocrites are vaccinated. People deserve honest leaders not thugs like niazi.
Tauji M Mar 03, 2021 08:25pm
They are leading by example. Make no noise, sshhh...
Dhakaad Mar 03, 2021 09:12pm
They already vaccinated in January
Craig Mar 03, 2021 09:41pm
All top people got Indian Vaccine. That's why they are happy and carefree.
Yawar Mar 03, 2021 10:49pm
PPP's motto: It is OK to buy votes for the Senate as long as you wear a mask
P L Bakhshi Mar 04, 2021 06:47am
By not wearing masks and bidding good bye to social distancing they convey to the general public that all is well now, we have tamed the notorious Covid. If we could tame Covid, PDM is absolutely no challenge.
Sach baat Mar 04, 2021 08:06am
@bhaRAT© You have underestimated the power of IK and team. None of them will ever be infected. Mark my words.
Sane Sid Mar 04, 2021 10:01am
Imran thinks he is still so handsome that he won't get COVID.....
Steve Mar 04, 2021 10:36am
Well, there are many photos of Mr Khan not wearing a mask in his meetings with the Sri Lanka president recently. Seems like he is a "anti-mask" person like a few others - Trump, Bolsonaro...
S. Jamil Mehdi Zaidi Mar 04, 2021 03:42pm
there are three types of persons/people 1. the law makers 2. law followers 3. beyond law. most of the parliamentarian think their selves beyond law especially the rulers. the court decision in Vawda case shows the soft corner for rulers. the timing of decision with grand relaxation. NA JANEY KUB TAMASHA KHATM HO GA.
Ravin Mar 05, 2021 07:55am
Masks are not at all effective. They are a joke.