
We're (wander)lusting after Aiman and Muneeb's vacation to Turkey

We're (wander)lusting after Aiman and Muneeb's vacation to Turkey

Based on their gorgeous pictures, the duo seem to be having the time of their life.
20 Nov, 2020

With the pandemic and subsequent lockdown having taken over most of 2020, travelling has seemed more and more out of reach.

Aiman and Muneeb, however, have taken some time out for a break and left for Turkey (as most Pakistanis are). Based on their gorgeous pictures, the duo seem to be having the time of their life and as they document it all, those of us back home are living vicariously through them.

Here's all that we're living for.

Is it even a vacay if there's no picture in the plane?

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Spotted (or not): no baby Amal so you know this trip is tantrum-free and khala is on duty.

Some solo shots, making full use of the aesthetic of the mosque

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Gotta do it for the gram!

Some lighting to add to the party

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One can say, the lunch was pretty lit.

Cruising through the year like...

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Fast forward to 2021?

Loving the vibe of the pink coat

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One of her own creations, what better publicity than self-publicity?

Salt bae with the bae

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And of course, some cute ones for the fans!

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Babar Azam Nov 20, 2020 10:48am
Only destination left for Pakistanis.
Geti ishaq Nov 20, 2020 11:19am
Do they live in Turkey? If not, it isnt a staycation. It's a vacation that they have taken by going from Pakistan to Turkey.
Ahmed Nov 20, 2020 12:19pm
I guess more pressing topics are there then muckraking personal life of people and using recondite words.
Shah Nov 20, 2020 12:19pm
@Babar Azam Please quit the negativity will you. I have seen Pakistani citizens all across the world with my own eyes; from Europe and America to Africa and Far East including Australia. Turkey just happen to be much more interesting place for Pakistanis. No where in the world was I welcomed more than in Turkey for the sole reason of being Pakistani.
Usman Ali Nov 20, 2020 01:30pm
Seriously? What's next? which blouse did he buy for her? How is this news?
Pindi Nov 20, 2020 01:57pm
Umm, do you guys know what 'stay' cation is? Hint: def not this.
concerned Nov 20, 2020 03:04pm
Chrís Dăn Nov 20, 2020 03:10pm
Very refreshing photographs.
RationalBabu Nov 20, 2020 04:36pm
@Usman Ali this is so far removed from the life of an average Pakistani!
TR Nov 20, 2020 05:15pm
Wish you all the best.
Chrís Dăn Nov 20, 2020 06:32pm
@Babar Azam it is not the fault of irdinary citizens. All wish to visit nice resorts. Our governments do not like it.
Chrís Dăn Nov 20, 2020 06:32pm
@Ahmed but very refreshing photos.
NK Nov 20, 2020 07:32pm
@Babar Azam You do not know when they come back how much US tourist are all praise and admiration about Turkey. It is a well worth place to see,
Fast comment Nov 20, 2020 08:43pm
Turkey worth seeing the best affordable tourism available there. Yeah Pakistanis Indians Chinese Japanese Americans EUs Australians Russians, the British, all seen there enjoying the beautiful sights & scenes.
Mahmood Ahmad Nov 20, 2020 09:28pm
@Babar Azam I don’t understand what’s the grudge against Turkey Half of Europe and Americans goes there for vacation! And 100% better then NY or DC because there history is only less then 500 years Turkey’s history is thousands of years olde..
M.Siddhu Nov 20, 2020 11:42pm
@Babar Azam Could have gone to ancestral land--India--maybe Goa?
A Khan Nov 21, 2020 12:11am
Question: who are these people? Can you at least introduce them and let us know why they are important enough for us to care?
Sami khan Nov 21, 2020 03:23am
Where is the baby? Did they forgot her in Pakistan?
ABC$ Nov 21, 2020 03:49am
@Babar Azam trust me Indians are also welcome in turkey,you should go there.
ajay Nov 21, 2020 06:49am
very nice pic.. both looks great.
Memon Abdul Nov 21, 2020 11:12am
Speechless... I don't know what to think... Sponsored by Govt. of Turkey? It's business with fun, actors sell personal life pictures for good money? Do we care, should we care? At time of economic turmoil, media and media personalities are living it large in the spotlight while the rest of the country is suffering? What's new?... I can't seem to make up my mind about this... Meh...
ambreen Nov 22, 2020 08:08am
I cannot understand how people can be so brave to travel in a pandemic!