
'Who are you to set time limits for us?' Lawyer and survivor Khadija Siddiqui asks CCPO Lahore

'Who are you to set time limits for us?' Lawyer and survivor Khadija Siddiqui asks CCPO Lahore

Siddiqui, who was stabbed 23 times in broad daylight, was reacting to the CCPO's comments on the motorway rape case.
Updated 11 Sep, 2020

As Lahore CCPO Umar Sheikh tells Pakistani women that our societies do not allow females to travel by themselves post midnight, Pakistani lawyer Khadija Siddiqui, who was stabbed 23 times in broad daylight in Lahore, reminds the officer of what had happened in her own case.

She also asks as to under what authority could the CCPO set "time limits" on women's travel.

Siddiqui was reacting to the CCPO's comments on the motorway rape case, where the latter had said that women should not be travelling on their own late at night for their own safety.

The officer, who is also supposed to be leading the investigation of the motorway rape case, is being criticised for using language that tantamounts to victim-blaming.

Siddiqui was attacked on May 3, 2016, near Lahore's Shimla Hill where she, along with her driver, had gone to pick up her younger sister from school. She survived the attack and went through a long drawn process before her case was finally resolved and the accused punished.

Her attacker, Shah Hussain, was convicted in the case last year and was awarded a five year sentence.

Siddiqui currently practices law in Lahore.


AZAM AKBAR Sep 11, 2020 12:54am
Ms. Khadija Siddiqui, You are brave and daring. I admire you.
Pathanoo Sep 11, 2020 12:56am
Who made this guy CCPO? What an embarrassment. And, the attacker only got Five Years?
M. Saeed Sep 11, 2020 12:56am
CCPO should go and hide in the CM house from the of charade of public outcry. This might speed up the exit of this nonsense Government.
VIQUAR SYED Sep 11, 2020 01:05am
He is useless
shahzada Sep 11, 2020 01:10am
What kind of police officer is he? Pakistan will become best country in the world if women take over.
Bludgeoned Sep 11, 2020 02:00am
The statement of CCPO Lahore reflects the regressive prevalent mentality in our society. It is our collective responsibility to develop a society where a woman could travel alone at anytime of her choice and the reason without any fear of being judged as a lady of easy virtue or raped by the beasts in the guise of humans.
Agnostic Sep 11, 2020 02:01am
CCPO Lahore you are the symbol of shame in our society.
Syed Ali Sep 11, 2020 02:38am
She is correct to point out that constitution should treat equally all its citizens regardless of gender equally. There are places I wouldn't go out alone at night with nothing to protect me even in New York, Paris, or London. At the end of the day use common sense, Just read on the crime rates of western countries.
Amz Sep 11, 2020 02:57am
I suspect he meant... with the current resources he has he cannot ensure safety at night.. Bad choice of words though... I'm sure if a Male gets looted on the way at night he cant ensure his safety either. Police need more training, resources and technology. Flogging a dead horse wont help.
parveez shafi Sep 11, 2020 03:17am
Shameful comments made by the officer. Just shows the IQ of the man. A woman or anyone should be able to go out at what ever time suits them. Our courts are weak, harsh punishment should be given to these animals who commit these acts.
Asif A. Shah Sep 11, 2020 04:28am
To be fair to CCPO, Mr. Umar Shekih, he clearly said that he did not blame the victim, however, he was acknowledging the deteriorating law and order conditions in Pakistan. In the United States, there are neighborhoods in big cities where a reasonable person would not advise you to go at night.
Zeeshan Sep 11, 2020 04:42am
It was a heinous crime but crimes happen all over the world. CCPO was crude but his argument was correct that she shouldn't have travelled at night on the road for her own safety though it isn't victim blaming but common sense. But at the same time, the perpetrators have to be caught and prosecuted. It's better that CCPO shouldn't have used this kind of language being investigating officer
Ali Mehdi Sep 11, 2020 05:03am
Even a child these days is aware of how sensitive the sexual assault is. The CCPO is sure to be fully aware of how his words would be taken by the masses. It does not seem to be a slip of tongue but perhaps a calculated way of creating furor to accomplish something which we can’t fathom. There’s more than meets the eye in this statement.
Critic Sep 11, 2020 05:56am
This man should be removed ASAP
Ibrahim S Sep 11, 2020 06:08am
I remember my mom telling me not to stay out of the house after dark , Jin would possess me. CCPO Please arrest that Jin who has been creating havoc in this country when you see him during night patrol.
Zahid Sep 11, 2020 07:25am
full of non sense Shahzad Akber and CCPO
Khaled Sep 11, 2020 07:38am
Well said. "She also asks as to under what authority could the CCPO set "time limits" on women's travel"
Khaled Sep 11, 2020 07:40am
Shame on you CCPO, it truly reflects your state of mind.
Harambe Sep 11, 2020 07:51am
@M. Saeed: Matters of personal safety for all people need to be controlled by laws and enforcement administration. It is past time that men exclusively hold safety matters their own hands--that what has led to the Patriarchy. First: Introduce Female judges, Police, firefighters, and supervisory personnel in all industries and departments. That will go a long way to convince people that women are capable humans. Just showing a fighter pilot once is not going to do it!
MG Sep 11, 2020 07:55am
She is 100% right.
MG Sep 11, 2020 07:59am
CCPO is advising people to observe safe practices. When few people are around no one is safe including females. In countries like the US, UK, Australia Indian subcontinent people get attacked in being at the wrong place at the wrong time.....
zebswati Sep 11, 2020 09:05am
Nature has Day and Night ! for a purpose , Human beings always say Who are you ? . What ever way you like to travel/do, do self safety , Sex Vultures in any disguise are always on the hunt, and dont expect wonders from our Administration!. Most import prayers for the Lady recovery with whom this Horrific act and irreversible damage done, and those responsible are punished severely and at the earliest.
NK Sep 11, 2020 09:11am
Khadija I would request you to think again before your question. You are wear a Hijab too. What does the religion says about women travelling alone and that also at night. The CCPO gave his views about our society and culture. If social media has given you the medium to be heard, then this does not mean that you start an argument without thinking. He may not be blaming the victim of this sorrowfully shameless incident but may be blaming or highlighting our society's norms. I bet that a very fraction of a percentage of women will drive on a deserted motorway at night.
Sharjeel Syed Sep 11, 2020 09:37am
Well said ! This incapable police officer should be taken to task.
Chrís Dăn Sep 11, 2020 09:56am
@AZAM AKBAR My salute to the lady!!!
Usman Sep 11, 2020 10:53am
This CCPO is PML Q Goon..... Thanks Imran Khan saaf chali shafaf chali
Saif Zulfiqar Sep 11, 2020 10:55am
To keep the public safe is the job of the security forces and not to tell people to stay home.
Younus Shah Sep 11, 2020 10:57am
@NK very well said! Unless and until we follow what our religion says, no mater what , we as a society will never grow!
Abdul hafiz Sep 11, 2020 11:38am
Stupid people,crticism for sake of crticism,keep your doors open in the night,get looted,blame the police and claim your freedom to keep doors open and responsibility of state to protect.Islam did not ordain hijab,mehram etc for nothing.
Chrís Dăn Sep 11, 2020 11:54am
@NK are you trying to convince women of Pak that they should avoid going out in nughts? Why? Who are you to dictate the life chouces for any citizen ,whether a man or a woman?
Chrís Dăn Sep 11, 2020 11:57am
@NK why women should avoud driving in nights ? Why there is"a fraction" as you yourself pointed out? You and cave mentality people like you have made this country a dangerous country for women. Shame on you.
Chrís Dăn Sep 11, 2020 12:00pm
@Abdul hafiz it is not a question of keeping doors open for thieves etc. It is a question of a general atmosphere of security for all citizens of country irrespective of discrimination of gender. All citizens have equal rights. People with tribal mentality and medieval thinking have made this country unsafe for women.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 11, 2020 03:14pm
She is 100 percent right.
Dr.Sadaf Sep 12, 2020 01:10am
CCPO is not setting any time limits on women travel, he is only reiterating the limits that are there unspoken, no rule book exists with these rules in it, we grow up listening to these rules and regulations, secondly the society and culture to which we belong sharpens our survival instincts to such incidents.
Agha Sep 12, 2020 01:53am
@NK regressive ?
Agha Sep 12, 2020 04:39am
@NK what does her wearing a Hijab anything to do with it? Grow up