
08 May, 2020

Elon Musk had announced on Monday that he has been blessed with a baby boy with wife Grimes.

While of course the internet spoke a lot about this as they would with any such celebrity, it was when he revealed the baby's name that the topic just blew up.

Musk revealed that his son's name is - wait for it - X Æ A-12. No, that is not a math problem... or maybe it is? But yes, meet new baby X Æ A-12 Musk.

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

Naturally, all people wanna know is how to pronounce the name, and both the parents have explained how to say it... but they never say it... so we still don't really know.

So is it Xascharchangle-12? Dare you to say it thrice in a row.

Because the world is genuinely confused and not getting any answers, they did what they do best; make memes about it and joke nonstop on social media. Twitter has been having a blast trying to decode this and we feel like it'll go on for a while.


Forgotten it twice already

We just wanna know

Pretty much

We see what you did there

Try writing that on a cake

Can imagine this

How did this happen?

We can't even!

This could be it

Ohhh so that's how you say it

It's about to be a tough life

We get it

Sure, keep telling yourself that

In the near future

And then there's this guy with a truth bomb


Ibrahim S May 08, 2020 08:15pm
The late singer 'Prince' also legally changed his name to a symbol that was hard to pronounce .
Noreen May 08, 2020 10:48pm
Sir can we Google this exotic name
Majnu May 09, 2020 02:17am
Most of the tweets seem to be from India.
VIQUAR SYED May 09, 2020 05:05am
This is so funny
ukasha rajpoot May 09, 2020 08:21am
His name should have been SA south africa.....Immigrant to America.....1992
THE MORNING STAR, MD. May 09, 2020 09:43am
Elon Musk is overwhelmed by the power of the DNA, which has created something far greater than his Tesla.
M Abdul May 09, 2020 12:41pm
I see that baby having a hard time filling in personal details on computers, like everywhere! That meme about invalid first name just might be true - her name might go out to challenge registries everywhere (like the Y2K bug - remember Y2K?)