
Hina Jilani shuts down Aurat March naysayers in the best possible way

Hina Jilani shuts down Aurat March naysayers in the best possible way

About the LHC petition calling for its ban, she said, "These are just dirty minds that find obscenity in everything."
Updated 29 Feb, 2020

A petition was filed in Lahore High Court against the Aurat March earlier this week.

Senior lawyer and rights activist, Hina Jilani made an appearance outside the courtroom, in defence of the march as the Chief justice resumed proceedings in a court mostly filled with women lawyers and the activists.

She addressed the petition and had the best response that should really resonate with everyone.

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Said Jilani, "We are the people of this country. Many different generations participate in this rally, they express their wishes and aspirations on display, using their freedom of expression, be it through placards or slogans".

"With me, there are many millenials in this rally. And we will not tolerate this [suppression of freedom of expression]."

She also objected to the language used in the application against the march, which stated the movement had a "hidden agenda" to spread "vulgarity and hatred". The advocate explained that it was an attempt to malign rights activists striving for social and legal rights of women and the trans community in the country.

"As far as decency is concerned, we know more about decency than these petitioners. We learn it from our parents, these people will not tell us about our values; we know what our social values are. These are just dirty mindsets that seek out obscenity in everything."

"These young folks have permission to say their piece. These women are valuable to this country."

And there you have it! It really isn't that difficult to understand. Lahore High Court Chief Justice Mamoon Rashid Sheikh on Thursday observed that restrictions could not be put on freedom of expression in any vague manner.


Cris Dan Feb 28, 2020 12:48pm
Bravo lady and all ladies involved in this march.
Akbar Ali QAU Feb 28, 2020 12:54pm
I know you cannot dare to publish my comments
Thinking Feb 28, 2020 01:19pm
Well said, Slapped all the male petitioners. Kudos
Asif Ali Feb 28, 2020 02:09pm
What about man's march?
Taj Feb 28, 2020 02:19pm
Aurat march os a fundamental right. It should be reported to UNHRC
JustSaying Feb 28, 2020 02:42pm
, "We are the people of this country. Many different generations participate in this rally, they express their wishes and aspirations on display, using their freedom of expression, be it through placards or slogans" How Dare you Express your Wishes.....
Fastrack Feb 28, 2020 02:55pm
'We know better than these petitioners..' Same mindset both sides.
Parvez Feb 28, 2020 03:00pm
Respecting a woman's rights ... .does not make a man less of a man but rather the opposite.
Ivan Karamazov Feb 28, 2020 03:06pm
Brilliant! More power to Aurat March.
Cris Dan Feb 28, 2020 05:05pm
@Asif Ali you march each day 24/7 and practice your powers too.
Raza Feb 28, 2020 05:37pm
There is nothing wrong in any march for the rights but the problem rises when the march is prejudiced and denounce all the rest in the worst vulgar and provocative ways possible! That is indeed inciting march instead of so called "peaceful" one.
Asad Feb 28, 2020 05:39pm
@Akbar Ali QAU these elements are funded by anti islamic forces
Ibrahim S Feb 28, 2020 05:56pm
What’s wrong with Pakistani men.
BrownFlower Feb 28, 2020 06:18pm
One has to be a real, I mean an "authentic lowlife" to make an issue out of this, let alone file a petition to waste court's time.
Ehsan Feb 28, 2020 07:07pm
Well said
kamal chowkidar Feb 28, 2020 07:25pm
"As far as decency is concerned, we know more about decency than these petitioners. We learn it from our parents, these people will not tell us about our values; we know what our social values are. These are just dirty mindsets that seek out obscenity in everything." Well said.
HashBrown® Feb 28, 2020 07:52pm
"We are the people of this country." Sums it up. Ms Jilani, your country is behind you.
Al Feb 28, 2020 07:53pm
@Thinking There are many women who will oppose the march too. Its not just a male issue. Have you talked to the students of Jamia Hafsa? They are women too?
HashBrown® Feb 28, 2020 07:56pm
@Asif Ali "What about man's march?" Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is for other men to see people like you whining about a "man's march"? What do we need to march for? More rights to ogle at women? More rights to harass them in public? More leadership positions? More control over our households, our communities, and even our government? Do we not have complete and total monopoly over all these things already?
Zak Feb 28, 2020 08:01pm
While Delhi burns, Afghanistan in turmoil, Iran sanctioned, Corona virus a human menace and what do we have: people wasting time to stop a peaceful march for women rights and against 'honour kilkings'. So much judiciary time wasted. The March would have happened and finished by now.
Mirza R. Beg Feb 28, 2020 09:36pm
I fully agree with Ms Hina Gilani,such dirty mindsets should have no room in our country.We all should stand up against them.....infact they should now that they are in minority
Syed Saeed Feb 28, 2020 11:03pm
Pakistan is one of few countries where we still see family values. now these people wants to destroy that too by calming that women don't have any freedom. You have illiterate people 80% of them in the country, educate them and you will have freedom. If these women would teach their kids how to live and treat, we would not have such a problem. Ironic
UFO Feb 29, 2020 01:45am
There is nothing in her statements that is extraordinary and being worthy of becoming news.
Sam Feb 29, 2020 01:50am
Great work Womens sould be empowered in Pakistan.
Tinkerdwaddledoo Feb 29, 2020 04:41am
Just another way for some people to become relevant by using an age old adage. Women are empowered, don’t politicise it, don’t create unrest in the country. And for women displaying vulgarities on placards - grow up and be mature.
Rabia Feb 29, 2020 08:17am
@Parvez Well said
Saima Sayed Mar 02, 2020 08:19pm
@HashBrown® well said! Thank you from a woman!