
Is Azaan Sami Khan's Haye Dil Bechara a copy of a Spanish song?

Is Azaan Sami Khan's Haye Dil Bechara a copy of a Spanish song?

Yes, the choruses sound eerily similar but is it replication or inspiration?
Updated 28 Feb, 2020

From the moment Sheheryar Munawar, Maya Ali and Sonya Jehan stepped foot on the floor, we've been humming to the rhythm of Jimmy Khan's Haye Dil Bechara.

If you've attended enough weddings this season like us, you probably also know the steps to it by heart; the song composed by Azaan Sami Khan has had us dancing on our toes, clapping to the chorus and have a good time.

So you can imagine our disappointment when a Twitter user pointed out that the song might be heavily inspired (read: copied) from a Spanish song.

Apparently, the tune is eerily similar to Alvaro Soler's 2016 Spanish hit, 'Sofia' which has over 62 million views on YouTube.

Yes, the choruses sound alike but would we call it replication? Probably not.

Images has reached out to Azaan Sami Khan and awaits a response.


BrownFlower Feb 28, 2020 06:29pm
On the other end; it's actually quite surprising to see Pakistanis revering him, and not see him in light of his father's life choices.
Nusrat Mar 03, 2020 02:43pm
Yes.. its copy
Alih Mar 05, 2020 03:29pm
Who cares, everyone is copying.