
DG ISPR defends Neelam Muneer's dance in Kaaf Kangana - but there's a problem

DG ISPR defends Neelam Muneer's dance in Kaaf Kangana - but there's a problem

How about we don't sexualise and objectify women at all, regardless of their nationalities?
Updated 30 Oct, 2019

Kaaf Kangana has been making the rounds on social media ever since it's trailer went viral for its...quality.

Before the hype could die down, Neelum Muneer's dance performance on the track 'Khabon Mai' brought the spotlight back, especially with the actor's defence for taking on an item song because "this movie is a project of ISPR".

Read: Kaaf Kangana's item number might be my first and last, says Neelam Muneer

DG ISPR Asif Ghafoor also defended the track when called out for it, but it looks like it didn't pan out the way he expected it to:

While he clarified that the song does not take place at GHQ as implied by the Twitterati saying, "(GHQ is at Rawalpindi, not Islamabad) nor of an event organised for ISPR as such," it was his defence of the item song that struck the wrong chord.

"The item song is by an Indian girl in the movie as per her role, you may watch movie to know the context."

The comment is confusing (at best), as it doesn't really absolve the movie of objectifying a woman - that too with some extremely uncomfortable and derogatory lyrics - and implies that it is okay as long the the actor - who is still Pakistani - is playing an Indian.

How about we don't sexualise and objectify women at all, regardless of their nationalities? And perhaps it would be a good idea to not inject the politics of war and conflict into every debate.

Given the brevity of Twitter, a statement such as this could also be interpreted by many to mean all song and dance are inherently bad i.e. "If the enemy does it..." and the classic, "Not our culture".

Song and dance has always been a part of desi movies - and that in itself is not a bad thing. But when we already live in a society that doesn't respect women, these 'item' numbers catering to the male gaze do no one any favours. Of course, that point really wasn't made here.

To sum it up:


Mo Oct 30, 2019 10:38pm
Tell the indians, why are you telling us about sexualizing and objectifying women? You are the people who promote indian content all the time! Stop blaming Pak for everything. Everyone has the right to do what they please. And yes it's not our culture, it's not the indians either, they are doing it because of commercialism. Good day!
Just Saying Oct 30, 2019 10:47pm
As per GHQ script, Pakistani girls do not sing and dance, especially with suggestive thumkas required in item numbers. Their role is to to be pious wives and mothers of masculine men who go to war to fight the enemies of Pakistan.
rs34503756 Oct 31, 2019 12:28am
If we ban such content, it is considered religious extremism. If we allow it, it is considered anti-woman because it is sexualising and objectifying women. This content sells because exploiting the male gaze has unfortunately always been a successful commercial tactic. The producers make money. The actresses who willingly choose to perform these roles make money. There's no pleasing everyone.
Malik Saab Oct 31, 2019 01:28am
This statement is wrong on so many levels. Objectification of women should not be allowed. Even you should respect the women of the so called defined enemies. Please don't drag women to achieve your nationalistic agendas.
VIKRAM Oct 31, 2019 05:19am
great ! its a cinema. let it be a cinema ! i will pay to see. if it gets released in India.
Manish Oct 31, 2019 09:54am
What a bunch of hypocrites ! Why clarify that the girl is portraying an Indian just to act "holier than thou". You can easily find worse dance items on the internet which were performed in Pakistan.
peace Oct 31, 2019 11:50am
abdulrahman Oct 31, 2019 11:54am
Change is required in the movies as per the fashion and success of the film industry. You can not associate the change with the culture because it may not be a good deed to do an item song for a female in your culture but then again why do you watch other countries' movies that show the nudity and items songs? this shows your double standard. Further, there is lot of potentiality in the Pakistani film industry that is only waiting for the boldness and permission of the censorship. The mass media need to bring a breakthrough and validate the difference between the culture and the artistic requirement otherwise the industry would never flourish. So, keep the culture aside when it comes to show the reality of the world and the true picture of the current social atmosphere. The film should also focus on brutal and outdated norms like superstitions and focus more on scientific and fact based movies rather than comedy and cultural movies. Go ahead guys, it is a reformation period!
Omar Oct 31, 2019 01:49pm
We as a nation stand most of the time confused with regards to boundaries (do's & dont's) of visual arts in the context of our religion. With this confusion, it is difficult to progress in arts. Consensus should be developed once and for all.
Babu Oct 31, 2019 01:58pm
Non sense to rake up such issues in the modern age of social media in every hand mobile.
WasiTunio Oct 31, 2019 04:27pm
@Just Saying, Good words!!
Dr Imran Ahmed Oct 31, 2019 09:49pm
Hypocrisy, misogyny, hatred of different culture but most of all - a frightening depth of ignorance.
Moona Oct 31, 2019 11:21pm
Ravin Oct 31, 2019 11:22pm
The Pakistani tax payers deserve better than their money being squandered on worthless propaganda like this.