
Has cancel culture gone too far? Osman Khalid Butt thinks so

Has cancel culture gone too far? Osman Khalid Butt thinks so

The actor tweeted about it after Momina Duraid vowed to never work with Firdous Jamal for his comments about Mahira Khan
04 Aug, 2019

Phew, this Firdous Jamal and Mahira Khan controversy just doesn't seem to be blowing over.

The latest celebrity to share some thoughts regarding what has happened is Osman Khalid Butt.

In a tweet, the actor shared a note starting off with how banning an actor due to his opinion, "however dangerous said opinion might be, sets a dangerous precedent".

"Because then your outrage cannot remain selective."

He called to end this cycle of pitting celebrities against one another, such as when they appear on talk shows and are asked to give their candid views for the sake of fodder, adding that the industry needs to be unified and respectful of each other.

And no, he isn't suggesting they lie through their teeth while sharing an opinion but that "criticism can be constructive rather flagrantly dismissive, no?"

Added Osman, "Problematic behaviour should and must be called out. But you cannot play at extremes either way."

He also warned that cancel culture seems to have missed the point: "You are not allowing anyone to reflect on their mistakes, or to atone."

He concluded: "Choosing not to work with someone because of their opinions is not a violation of their free speech rights. Dismissing their contribution to our industry, though, is regrettable."

And to that we say:

When veteran actor Jamal made some fairly regressive comments about Khan last week, many from the fraternity came together to defend the Ho Mann Jahaan actor; MD Productions, Momina Duraid went so far as to announce that her company "will not work with him again in any capacity because of his sexist, regressive and discriminatory attitude."

"We are ashamed of him for being a part of our fraternity", said Duraid.

Soon after, #supportFirdousJamal started trending on social media, thanks to Jamal's son, Hamza Firdous who created the hashtag. Even Shaan Shahid and Feroze Khan chimed in, with the latter writing, "Is this where freedom of speech gets you? Getting someone's bread and butter cancelled?"


SMI Aug 04, 2019 10:00am
No one can snach bread and butter from anyone believe me! If anyone even think like to do he/she will face the same sooner or later in one way or another.
Mani Aug 04, 2019 12:57pm
TV can't stop pitting actors against one another because controversy sells. What Osman suggests will kill their ratings.
Ayesha Khan Aug 04, 2019 01:15pm
Furdous Jamal has nothing to lose it's the loss of the industry.
Rebirth Aug 04, 2019 05:54pm
If this kid wrote all of this himself and thought it, all by himself too, why don't they let him have more opportunities in the entertainment industry? Is his intellect holding him back? I've never seen him act but if that's where his weakness is, at least let him write something. I've only heard he exists because of social media. Quite articulate and thoughtful. Surely, he deserves more gigs. I didn't think a day would come where we would actually have smart people in our entertainment industry, again. We do. This is good.
Ehsan Aug 04, 2019 07:50pm
Agree with OKB. But Firdous Jamal should also should show some remorse for his distasteful statement
N abidai Aug 04, 2019 10:55pm
Mahira said nothing to this senior actor,he went after her bread and butter ,could be jealosy,publicity or thought he can put her down and give her fame and following to others ,who in his delusional mind are better. Thousand time disagree with his opinion,this girl had made it on her own is very talented ,as much as,any of the other actresses in Pakistan,with a X factor ,because this is what is needed,she has it,Atiff has it,and Ali Zafar has it !
Kamran Khan Aug 05, 2019 05:46am
Who is he?