
Mahira Khan's take on getting older is a welcome break from youth-obsessed celebrity culture

Mahira Khan's take on getting older is a welcome break from youth-obsessed celebrity culture

The actor said, "I look older. I feel it. In my bones. On my face. The white strands in my hair. And I quite like it."
30 Apr, 2019

In her latest Instagram post, superstar Mahira Khan has talked about a subject that most celebs shy away from.

She's admitted to starting to 'feel old' and said that she's learning to embrace it.

The actor shared on Instagram, "I saw these pictures and thought - ‘Damn I look older’. I do. I feel it. In my bones. On my face. The white strands in my hair. And I quite like it - not nearly as much as I love the kid in me, but it’s getting there."

At a time when celebrities are obsessed with looking younger and fighting a battle with time so that they're not sidelined in the industry, Mahira's open acknowledgement of her ageing is a breath of fresh air and much-needed.

For a high-profile star like Mahira who has a huge following in Pakistan and abroad to talk about ageing is significant because it lays the groundwork for the further endeavours that needs to be made to improve the work opportunities for female actors young and old. Growing older shouldn't by default be the bane of a celebrity's existence that it's thought to be.

Recently Hadiqa Kiani faced ageist comments from a fan and she didn't hold back from schooling her. "Heads up ladies, you're all going to age, you're all going to gain a few pounds or lose a few pounds, get a few wrinkles and despite your success and independence, society will try to judge you and tell you to conform to their standards."

"The idea that you're supposed to just die and get locked in a house after age 35 as a woman in this country needs to end. If Allah gives me the energy, strength and motivation to be this active when I'm 55, 65 or 75 and if I want to be this active, then I will," she wrote.

We hope more celebs can do the same.


Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Apr 30, 2019 02:37pm
Vast majority of people go through four stages of life and the old age starts after 40 (depending upon individual's life style). Undoubtedly, with the experience and age, we become more wiser and less energetic - this means Mahira Khan has entered to this stage of our life. Welcome to this beautiful phase! (Main hu Awam ki Awaz).
Ahmed Apr 30, 2019 02:52pm
She has learned the secret of aging gracefully.
Masood Apr 30, 2019 05:50pm
Age or no-age, you still rule millions of heart and I am one of them.
Ehsan Apr 30, 2019 06:52pm
Very sophisticated
NewBorn Apr 30, 2019 08:45pm
She needs to start a business and transition into that for the future. That's the only sensible way forward.
Aysha Apr 30, 2019 09:22pm
Damn I like you more than ever! Firstly, you are still extremely young, early thirties is not old, but it is a beautiful age when you start getting the confidence and experience you never had and look more seasoned and beautiful than ever. You are the most human beauty around!
RISE555 Apr 30, 2019 09:24pm
how is 35..being old or aging? she is still young, beautiful and talented. Prefer her anytime over her younger colleagues.
Just Saying Apr 30, 2019 10:06pm
34 is the unofficial retirement age for actresses in the subcontinent
Zak Apr 30, 2019 11:35pm
Mahira will be beautiful forever. Beauty radiates from the soul not the looks.
jagmohan trivedi May 01, 2019 02:10am
Mahira Khan is as much realist as her being beautiful.Her self acknowledgement that youth is vanishing and symptoms of old age dawning on her,makes her more charming and beautiful actor.She knows well that beauty lies in beholders eyes.Thus old fans will not ditch her and not care much for new ones. One must Wish she remains eternally beautiful to sustain Throbs of her "chahne wale''admirers.
A pakistani May 01, 2019 10:29am
News flash, humans age, both men and women.
Laila May 02, 2019 01:49am
@A pakistani Yet society treats only women as somebody who age. They can't easily remarry, get shamed for their ageing looks, get criticized but men are treated as young studs even when pushing 50s and 60s. They can easily get married at any age to a girl old enough to be their daughter. So the age shaming is real but only for women.
Ray May 02, 2019 12:01pm
Way to go ladies. Let's age gracefully. This whole fiascoof perpetually looking young is taking a toll.
Ray May 02, 2019 12:04pm
@Laila Totally agree. Asian women are given shelf life. Sit at home and live a homebound life after 35. You marry someone younger that you then you're called a cradle snacther or worst still cougar. Vice versa a man is allowed to live his life, remarry and anything under the sky at any age. Society and perception needs to change and let women live their life and not let others live it for them.
Ka Ra May 03, 2019 08:02am
@Anti-Corruption_Pakistani if old age starts at 40 in Pakistan these days I'm very glad I'm no longer there... And if awam ki away has such Tung nazari I would not want me or my family to associate with such an awam