Nasir Khan Jan was bullied on a morning show. This needs to stop now
Whether you like him or not one thing's for sure - Nasir Khan Jan is a social media sensation, with his viral videos garnering thousands of views from all over the country.
On Tuesday Samaa's morning show Naya Din invited Khan Jan on air for an interview. The rehearsal segment that Khan Jan shared on his YouTube channel showed things going smoothly. However, the show that aired was the complete opposite of it.
Host Muhammad Shoaib became verbally aggressive towards his guest, raised his voice and repeatedly calling him "vulgar". Fellow host Kiran Aftab remained silent, smirking every so often during Shoaib's hurl of insults towards Khan Jan.

Shoaib was referencing a video of Nasir Khan Jan in which the social media personality can be seen dancing in a bathroom wearing a towel around his waist.
Ironically, during the course of the show, Shoaib kept interrupting Nasir while he tried to explain himself and told him to 'calm down' while yet again aggressively telling him to tolerate his own comments.
Let's make one thing clear: personal attacks are not okay, not on TV, not in real life.
For a host to invite a guest on board and lash out the way Shoaib did is appalling. It represents a total lack of etiquette and common courtesy. Disagreeing with someone and promoting a healthy discourse is acceptable, but shaming someone isn't.

Shoaib was irresponsible and his treatment was unethical and problematic. He called Khan Jan's dance video "vulgar" - but it's clear that it's only because Khan Jan's image does not align with Shoaib's idea of masculinity and propriety.
If a man dancing in a towel is vulgar then where is the same outrage to Ranbir Kapoor's famous towel dance in Saawariya? Or Aamir Khan's bathroom dance in 3 Idiots? Or even Bollywood's forever shirtless hero Salman Khan, who danced in a towel in Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega?
Or for that matter, if we talk about our local celebrities... what about Feroze Khan's shirtless gym selfies or Mohsin Abbas Haider's workout photographs?
Just because Nasir doesn't reflect society's dominant idea of "manliness" or attractiveness does not give Shoaib the right to speak to him with disrespect. Before losing his cool, he should've re-evaluated his bias and corrected himself - if only people checked themselves before acting upon their impulses.
Entertainment is subjective and does not have to appeal to everyone, Shoaib should've left his personal bias at home and not let that get in the way of his work. In our opinion, the only thing vulgar was Shoaib's behaviour on the show.
We applaud Nasir for staying level headed throughout the show and not letting the hosts get to him.
Twitter also called out the host for his troublesome behaviour.
Mohammad Shoaib has since responded to the outrage, saying: "I respect criticism and silence is my best response."