
Patari cofounder Khalid Bajwa resigns as evidence of sexual misconduct surfaces

Patari cofounder Khalid Bajwa resigns as evidence of sexual misconduct surfaces

Three women have come forward claiming Bajwa behaved inappropriately with them
Updated 14 Apr, 2018

Earlier today, sexual harassment allegations against Patari cofounder and CEO Khalid Bajwa surfaced on social media.

One woman, Mehravaar, came forward on Twitter and shared screenshots of her WhatsApp exchange with Bajwa, finally speaking out, claiming that she felt "uncomfortable and overpowered by a man twice my age."

She added that he "graced me with unwelcome hugs" at public events.

Speaking to Images, Mehravaar said: "I just want to say that he’s been doing this for years. Especially to young girls. Coercing them to meet, reminding them of his position of power and trying to entice with weird perks related to Patari and whatnot. I just want people to be safe from him."

A short time after Mehravaar came forward, another Twitter user Zainab used the platform to allege that Bajwa had similarly behaved inappropriately with her. She said: "Although it was a very long time ago. I was only 17, I went through a stupid breakup and this guy, mind you he was 27 years old back then, took so much advantage of me back then. I was only 17 and didn’t know any better."

Since then, a third woman has come forward to Images and spoken about her experience with the Patari cofounder under anonymity: "We'd be talking about work and he'd deviate and ask me out for coffee or ask me to paint my nails red for him, his "dying wish". He later apologised for such comments by saying 'I never meant anything by it, I think I lost the handle on the conversation a bit. I was really upset with myself. Eik toh tharak mari bhi nahi aur ulta par bhi gayi.' I brushed it off but clearly I know now that this wasn't a one-off incident."

Patari has since released an official statement online which reads: In light of recent events, Patari's CEO Khalid Bajwa will be stepping down from his post with immediate effect." And that an investigation is underway.

Update: Patari's investor syndicate, Sarmayacar, has released a statement saying that Ahmer Naqvi has presided as the interim CEO after Bajwa was asked to step down from his position.

Images has reached out to Patari for further comment, but the portal has declined to issue any further statement at this time.

Images has also reached out to Khalid Bajwa and awaits a response.


saquib mumtaz Apr 11, 2018 04:25pm
you go girls. More power to you
The Right Left Apr 11, 2018 05:06pm
Good job girls !
A. A. Apr 11, 2018 05:30pm
How difficult is it to block someone on whatsapp or other social platforms? Why engage in a conversation with someone who is making you uncomfortable?
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