
Salman Ahmad is leaving PTI and we don't know what true love is anymore

Salman Ahmad is leaving PTI and we don't know what true love is anymore

He live-tweeted his departure from the party and it all started with a cryptic tweet two days ago
Updated 22 Mar, 2018

You know it's really breakup season when Salman Ahmad announces that he's leaving Imran Khan's side.

Also read: The weirdest moments from Salman Ahmad's love letter to Imran Khan

After decades of loyalty to the cricket champ-turned-PTI chief, Salman has announced that he is moving away from political party PTI, claiming he can no longer justify Imran Khan's actions.

He live-tweeted his departure from the party and it all started with a cryptic tweet two days ago.

Who'd have thought Salman Ahmad was in genuine turmoil at the time. Turns out Amir Liaquat is joining PTI and while many raised their concerns, SufiSal was at first confident that his leader will make the right decision.

And he was not afraid of saying more.

He just wanted to be heard, but it looks like he wasn't.

And he did not take it too well.

Will Salman Ahmad still be a part of PTI? Will he sing at those rallies? Or is this completely over? Sigh.


Naveed Mar 20, 2018 12:22pm
Aamir liaquat joined so he has to save his fame and trust among people!
Tariq Amir Mar 20, 2018 12:23pm
I am not surprised. Many people could not understand IK. Now they see his real face and nature.
F Khan Mar 20, 2018 12:31pm
Salman Bhai. It's too late. IK can not wait till age 72 to become PM. Principles can go to hell. PTI new agenda is to get electables, black or white, it does not matter.
asad Mar 20, 2018 12:33pm
Although no one supports PTI in Karachi, but here I agree that Amir Liaquat has proved time and again that he is a liar and got no moral character. PTI supporters will defend Amir Liaquat for all his verbose like they do to Imran khan.
Kamran Khan Mar 20, 2018 12:33pm
It may be the start of the end of Imran Khan, which is very very unfortunate. For some reason it has stuck to his mind that by hook or by crook he has to come to power. Coming to power is all important to most of us too as that is only how you can make things happen, but at what cost? He is forgetting the very fact that lots of Nazariyatee's with him have never been from power hungry Clan, rather right is right for them. As it looks like that IK wants to make this fight as his last fight. We can all pray for him and wish that as he has been proving many wrong before and that he would continue to do so. Pakistanis should just consider one thing that one Chance belongs to him also and let us all give him that. After that if does not perform let him fall with a speed million times more than he took to get here. As he is running out of chances as one get forgive him for. IK please take care care before lots and lots more people start giving up on you, Like die hard supporter Salman just did.
Karachi Mar 20, 2018 12:33pm
Wisdom prevailed....
Naveed Mar 20, 2018 12:34pm
Thanks Salman! You are the voice of people. I will not vote for PTI as they have already started doing business through votes.
Kashif Malik Mar 20, 2018 12:35pm
PTI is just 22 years old. How come Salman was defending it for past 35 years?
De Wahab Mar 20, 2018 12:38pm
I agree with Salman. IK please kick him out! Can't believe IK let him in his party!!! He will ruin the party!
renegade Mar 20, 2018 12:41pm
i too realized five years ago
usman Mar 20, 2018 12:42pm
From where IK bring angels. If he bring anyone else, people do not vote ......
Sad but true Mar 20, 2018 12:47pm
PTI has lost its way.
Rebirth Mar 20, 2018 12:48pm
We finally get to hear some good music/singing at his rallies. I'm talking about Ali Azmat, of course. Have fun, Mr. Ahmed. And just so you know, you're not much better than Dr. Liaquat.
Shahid Mar 20, 2018 12:52pm
Totally agreed. Imran Khan should NOT take everyone in the PTI and Co. AL is very controversial and he even has no vote bank with him, no constituency ..... This decision of IK is regrettable
ABC Mar 20, 2018 12:54pm
@asad "No one supports PTI in Karachi" Hmm interesting statement for a party which secured second highest votes from Karachi. Would you like to present some scientific evidence to back your statement?
Silent observer Mar 20, 2018 12:56pm
Salman is just getting emotional. Amir Liaquat said clearly he is joining PTI for the sake of Pakistan and NOT for Imran Khan.
Faraz Chaudhry Mar 20, 2018 12:57pm
Anyone can join a political party, there should be no ban, as most of the people who are joining are endorsing the agenda of its Chairman Imran Khan.
shakeel Mahota Mar 20, 2018 12:57pm
@F Khan but is Amir Liaqat electable?????
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 20, 2018 12:58pm
Welcome to the PTI's dissident club. Keep it up and hang on tough.
R Sultan Mar 20, 2018 01:00pm
I agree with Salman Khan. IK has lost his moral compass and senility is setting in. He is unable to tell good from evil. A snake is a snake and should be kept out.
shakeel Mahota Mar 20, 2018 01:01pm
If being controversial is the criterion, then our country is full of such personalities. Controversial figures do have large following on social media but one should see if it's positive fame or notoriety...
M. Emad Mar 20, 2018 01:04pm
Clever Salman Ahmad realises that Imran Khan stand no chance in the 2018 general elections.
Polluted People Mar 20, 2018 01:07pm
I fully endorse and pro your comments Salman Bhai. I already has quitted PTI and rejoined JI due to this blunder. I already embraced Dr. Firdos Ashiq with heavy heart and gloomily but this act has given an end to my sympathies and support to PTI. My minimum 100 vote bank will be redeemed by JI again now.
Usman Mar 20, 2018 01:09pm
I do not support any political party but I thought Imran Khan was good for Pakistan, Saying this I am not supporting Nawaz to be better but no one is better for Pakistan. Imran Khan should have known that youth is following him and he is bring Aamir Liaquat in PTI is disgrace to the party as well his followers.
Sab se pehle pakistan Mar 20, 2018 01:11pm
@F Khan : who told you Aamir Liaquat is an electable? If anything PTI will lose thousands of votes because of his inclusion. Including Aamir Liaquat is the biggest blunder in PTI's political history.
khurram Mar 20, 2018 01:16pm
Aamir is beyond repair and I have çompletely lost faith in imran after this...
Aneel Mar 20, 2018 01:17pm
Completely agree with him, I was the biggest supporter of IK and PTI but he just embarrassed me by welcoming Amir Liaquat. Though IK doesn't know me, he lost me as well.
Asif Bhatti Pakistan Mar 20, 2018 01:37pm
I agree with Imran Khan's decision - give everyone some time please
Jawaid Mar 20, 2018 01:39pm
Salman Ahmad is so right. He has been supporting the wrong guy all along. Realizing now however, is better late than never.
M Taimur Mar 20, 2018 01:42pm
Salman Ahmad is right. I wonder who is advising IK on such issues
ILYAS KHAN Mar 20, 2018 01:54pm
Pathetic decision by Salman Khan. It is a political party and not a club. Whoever want join can join the party. Salman should only judge if IK come to power and become morally or financially corrupt.
Abdullah Patoli Mar 20, 2018 01:56pm
Salman bhai, YOU are not only one to leave PTI after AL joining. I left PTI, the moment I got the news, although I am a small worker for PTI in Sydney. But I know tens of families who are not going to vote for PTI anymore after this debacle!
Niaz Mar 20, 2018 01:59pm
I joined PTI recently in johar karachi camp but shocked on joining of aamir Liaqat Cheater
Chishti Mar 20, 2018 02:01pm
Before every election Khan does something which snatches my family's votes. Pity
Iqbal Mar 20, 2018 02:02pm
‘Imran Khan is a ‘disgrace’ to the unique Muslim term ‘KHAN’.
Changez Khan Mar 20, 2018 02:03pm
More well known personalities will exit PTI. Imran Khan is either too desperate for votes in the coming election or he is simply losing his mind.
SIAK Mar 20, 2018 02:07pm
IK thinks he is Aql-e-Qul!!
Pakistani Mar 20, 2018 02:07pm
Although Salman Ahmad is right in his assessment of AL, but he should not taken this extreme decision of quitting PTI.
Technocraft Mar 20, 2018 02:10pm
Good and just move Salman - Millions will agree with your stand and rhetoric, specially the pioneer PTI supporters. IK has indeed made a series of huge mistakes and now he deserves not to win anything -
Akbar ali Qau Mar 20, 2018 02:19pm
He is saying the words of every IK fan
Iqbal malik Mar 20, 2018 02:30pm
100% agree with Salman
umar makhdumi Mar 20, 2018 02:32pm
Imran Khan should not have joined politics in the first place. It is not his cup of tea. It is not some social/infrastructure project like cancer hospital or a rural university. Neither it is like managing ten cricket players of a single team. He is so desperate to win the elections that he is welcoming all types of shady characters into his party's fold.
parveez shafi Mar 20, 2018 02:51pm
Imran has lost the plot. He has forgotten which direction he was going and now he has people around that I and many like me are not comfortable. What I feared most is coming true The party is highjacked.
Faysal Mar 20, 2018 02:54pm
Salman should not have raised his voice against Amir's joining to PTI. Amir is a human being and i dont think he did something wrong.
M. Emad Mar 20, 2018 03:01pm
Only idiots join PTI.
Khan Mar 20, 2018 03:11pm
Well said Salman !
abdullah Mar 20, 2018 03:11pm
Fake stuff.... just to gain few headlines..
Khurram Mar 20, 2018 03:14pm
There is no question on the fact that Imran Khan is thousand times better than Nawaz or Zardari and PTI should be given chance in next election. But Imran Khan makes one mistake after another and the main issue is that he does not realize his mistakes. This was a grave mistake as Aamir Liquat joining will not earn PTI a single vote, but a lot of people will now turn away from PTI. Although I would still vote for PTI for the sole reason that I cannot convince myself to vote or remain silent to see the proven unpatriotic thieves such as PML(N) and PPP to lead Pakistan, parties who just want to come in power to achieve immortal / almighty status for themselves and their family names. But this move will surely mean that my vote would not matter as it will be an easy win now for PML(N). Goodbye Pakistan...lost all hope.
Ayub Mar 20, 2018 03:16pm
The main aim of Imran Khan is reach the corridor of power. He has never been an idealogist or a revolutionist.
iffi Mar 20, 2018 03:20pm
I still believe IK will have a sound reason to have Amir Liaqat in his camp .... If you look around in other parties like PMLN, PPPP, JUIF, MQM etc you will see people who are intolerable .... Amir Liaqat is a scholar & i rate him high with some exceptions .... but at the end of the day ..nobody is perfect ...
Adil Quraishi Mar 20, 2018 03:27pm
Salman Ahmed represents the soul of PTI as we saw it ,loved it and supported it. Unfortunately this is not about Amir Liaqats,Fawaad Choudharys and Jehangir Tareens who are habitual hypocrities but about Imran Khan who has traded his soul and PTI for power at any cost. It's a shame and end of principled politics that we believed PTI represented once.
Pervaz Rafi Mar 20, 2018 03:44pm
@F Khan . Where are the principles. What is difference between PTI and others. Old bottle, new label.
Amer Rao Mar 20, 2018 03:49pm
Imran Khan's mission is much greater then personalities. It does not matter who stay or leave.
Masood husain Mar 20, 2018 03:49pm
I fail to understand the reasoning behind this illogical decision on part of IK.
Philosopher(from japan) Mar 20, 2018 03:54pm
PTI is on wild goose chase. They can’t get vote by taking Amir in. Karachi people are way smarter then IK’s thought.
Koshur Mar 20, 2018 04:06pm
@ABC Scientific evidence :) evidence does not have to be scientific always.
Waseem Ashraf Mar 20, 2018 04:17pm
My dear Friends , I myself do no agree with IK decision to include Amir Liaqat in PTI. I know IK knows about his reputation still if he is accepting him there must be some reason . NOT any bad intentions ,I assume but i can assure everyone that IK is not saleable. We all know. Lets wait and see what is the real motive behind this decision. Don't be so quick to judge him or make a decision.
Patriot Mar 20, 2018 04:20pm
@F Khan Spot on and in my humble opinion if the leader is clean then all is well.
asif Mar 20, 2018 04:22pm
Why does he needed to take this guy in the party? Personally IK has messed up his life and now politically he is losing it.
ashiq Mar 20, 2018 04:38pm
Funny imran khan
Asim Mar 20, 2018 04:51pm
@Faraz Chaudhry actually its not about just joining the arty. Lets see if he is given a notable position in the party.
Umar Malik Mar 20, 2018 04:52pm
@F Khan agreed
Umar Malik Mar 20, 2018 04:53pm
Maharaja Mar 20, 2018 04:53pm
The real ones have welcomed the true one with open hearts and mind.
PinkPeacock Mar 20, 2018 05:00pm
Bit by bit - piece by piece, IK's camouflage is peeling off and his TRUE COLOURS are beginning to show. Many who wish Pakistan well, were foxed to look to him with hope. Unfortunately, he has not only shattered their trust, but also their passion for PTI. As if embracing Zardari and Qadri (and many more) was not enough, he had to inject this ill reputed person. No sane person will do that! Will they? Could it be a "spell" on him from hidden hands or "spiritual" bonding? We cannot even guess - can we?
Sara Mar 20, 2018 05:01pm
What about Mubbashir Luqman? When is he joining the PTI?
MAH Mar 20, 2018 05:02pm
good decision by Salman!
Must learn Mar 20, 2018 05:04pm
Dr Amir Liaquat is far useful for PTI than a guitarist.
Pakistan_Zindabad Mar 20, 2018 06:14pm
Sometimes, people are dishearten, because their expectations are NOT fulfilled, and, as a result, they look for excuses for expressing their disappoinment in different ways. This is what happened in this case!
ahaq Mar 20, 2018 06:26pm
who does not have? Politics is not for the faint heartened.
Naxalite Mar 20, 2018 06:35pm
@Naveed He have every right to voice his concerns
Josephina Mar 20, 2018 07:57pm
@khurram : absolutely on the same page as you
Waseem kamran Mar 20, 2018 09:03pm
Pathetic decision
N abidi Mar 20, 2018 09:42pm
This is a big laugh! With the nawaz,and zahardari,around,imran khan still,is a the best choice. One thing for sure, imran khan will live in pak and will not take money and put it in his own bank account! Last hope for pak! Enough said,I am praying for next pm imran khan!
Farhat Mar 20, 2018 10:10pm
Hate Amir Liaquat always and REALLY stunned that Imran Khan needs a character like him in his party !!!!!! I seriously doubt his judgement.
MAK Mar 20, 2018 10:44pm
Amir Liaqat will seriously HURT any party he joins. He has to maintain his salary of 36lakh per month, he has to maintain his palatial house in DHS, he has to ride in his Mercedes, he has to pay 2 lakh/month for his kid's school. So for all these expenditures he can sell his soul. And poor Imran Khan a simple guy from KPK has no idea who is joining his party.
Irfan roy Mar 20, 2018 11:23pm
I am surprised why imran khan allowed amir liaquat to join his party. Disapointing
Waheed Khan Mar 21, 2018 12:20am
IK Just wanted to have a muhajir face to get muhajir votes in karachi nothing more to it. It will not work anyways. He does have pakhtoon votes however in karachi.
wedge Mar 21, 2018 12:37am
@Polluted People Unfortunately, JI is worse than even a polluted PTI.
ContextIsKing Mar 21, 2018 12:43am
There is context to every decision. We don't have the context yet. Let's refrain for passing judgement and instead wait and see how this story unfolds. IK is still lesser of the 3 evils. I would still vote for him. Guy needs to be given a chance. Or we can can keep repeating the same old PML and PPP mantra, which we all know how it will conclude term after term. There is must be method to his madness. Wait and see...
Keenobserver Mar 21, 2018 01:59am
If Amir Liaquat venom is removed with him on PTI podium, than IK has taken his leadership to next level, but if Amer Liaquat remains who he is, and PTI tolerates it, than its OVER.
saeeds Mar 21, 2018 02:45am
PTI is always like this,. It’s a party of hypocrites, cheaters , people used religion. You are no different and it took long time to understand this. Forget PTI ,change yourself now.
AZAM AKBAR Mar 21, 2018 03:04am
@ILYAS KHAN Mr. Salman, Where were you when Azam Swati joined PTI? Do you know that Azam Swati is wanted in the USA? Not only Azam Swati many others have come to PTI.
Akil Akhtar Mar 21, 2018 03:50am
SO you did not say a word against MQM chief but you have a big problem with Aamir Liaqat....LOL
Shafaat Mar 21, 2018 03:56am
Salman Ahmed is over must have full confidence in his top leadership...who comes And who goes should not effect the individual workers And if he or she becomes so sencetive then it’s Not good.
AZAM AKBAR Mar 21, 2018 04:15am
@Kashif Malik Correct. I am no more supporter of PTI too. But Mr. Salman Ahmad is making noise.
white noise Mar 21, 2018 05:21am
this is how all political parties end up, den of hypocrisy and greed.
Omair Mar 21, 2018 05:57am
@Patriot a clean leader does not choose an unclean team. And I think you missed his sarcasm.
Liaquat Syed Mar 21, 2018 08:20am
First I thought IK is better than NS and Zardari, then I realized that he is like two others now I have no doubt that he is worse than IK and Zardari.
Nasir Mar 22, 2018 04:00pm
@Tariq Amir anyone can become a member of PTI or any other party. I think if someone wants to join the party that is not a big deal People should understand that.
SIXER FROM CHAKWAL Mar 24, 2018 11:08pm
I can see so many comments from PML N supporters who read this headlines and complimenting Salman's decision to quit PTI but sorry to tell you folks that Salman is not leaving PTI; read his fresh tweets. Welcome back Salman Ahmed