
Writer Farzana Naz passes away after tragic fall

Writer Farzana Naz passes away after tragic fall

The writer suffered severe injuries to her head and back after falling from a stage at a literary event
Updated 26 Apr, 2017

Writer Farzana Naz, who sustained severe head and back injuries after falling from a stage at an event, has passed away.

Naz's fall took place at the closing ceremony of a literary festival at Islamabad's Pak-China Friendship Hall. She fell from a 12ft high stage.

The 36-year-old writer was immediately rushed to Shifa International Hospital Islamabad, where she was in intensive care. A call for prayers for her recovery was sent out on her Facebook profile, but unfortunately her injuries proved fatal.

A painting competition in Rawalpindi has been postponed due to her tragic passing.

Naz had one collection of poems titled Hijrat Mujh Se Lipat Gayi to her credit.

She has two children – four and six years old. She belonged to Bhalwal and had an MA in Urdu from the Punjab University.


Ehsan Apr 25, 2017 06:20pm
May her soul Rest In Peace and heaven. Were irooer safety precautions taken by the event holders?
Asif Apr 25, 2017 06:20pm
Unfortunate. RIP.
Afzaal Apr 25, 2017 06:45pm
Inna lillahe wa Inna alehe rajeoun. May her soul rest in peace and may God give her family the strength to bear this huge loss. Amin.
Awan Apr 25, 2017 06:55pm
Very sad may Allah bless her in next life.
Rana Farhan Apr 25, 2017 07:09pm
Saad indeed. May her soul rest in peace.
Thoroughthinker Apr 25, 2017 07:20pm
Very unfortunate! Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. May her soul rest in peace.
Sajjad kamran Apr 25, 2017 07:34pm
Very sad, very tragic. May her soul rest in peace.
RANA Tahir Apr 25, 2017 07:52pm
Who is responsible to make 12 feet high stage with out any safety measures? They should start an investigation, it is a tragic event and if it was an unsafe stage, the responsible people should be prosecuted. Very Sad!
saeed Apr 25, 2017 07:55pm
May Allah grant her Jannah and sabr to family members
abbottonian 43 Apr 25, 2017 07:59pm
Inna lillahe wa Inna alehe rajeoun.
Asif A Shah Apr 25, 2017 08:06pm
Tragic! I am really saddened by her premature death. However, we must determine if anybody was negligent or it was just an accident.
Ratti Apr 25, 2017 08:31pm
Oh! Inna lillahi WA Inna alaihi rajiun.
pakistani Apr 25, 2017 09:12pm
Inna lillahi WA Inna alaihi rajiun
Ch Taj (London) Apr 25, 2017 09:17pm
My heartfelt prayers go out to the Family of Farzana Naz at this time of great emotional Set back. AHSAN. I very much doubt that Those that organise these events understand the very concept of Safty and it's implications Tragic as it may seem.
ss Apr 25, 2017 09:17pm
What a terrible accident. May her soul rest in peace
J. Gamble Apr 25, 2017 10:10pm
I am deeply saddened by her loss. R.I.P.
Adil Apr 25, 2017 10:13pm
Must tske measures to avoid such accidents in the future.
Rizwan Hamid- USA Apr 25, 2017 10:32pm
Very sad and my heartfelt condolences to the family. Unfortunately, I do have to point out that there is no proof, for or against the existence of a soul. Just a figment of human imagination , not wanting the identity of a person to cease to exist. One thing is certain though, she is totally "at peace" for she no longer exists.
Talha Apr 25, 2017 10:57pm
Very sad indeed! And what is with this damn stage at the Pakistan China friendship center. A couple of years back I saw another patient who fell off the stage and injury his spine. Why don't the administration at the center fix this stage and make it a safe place to operate on. Wake up, will you. Ina lillahe wa Ina ilaihe rajeoun.
Maveric Apr 25, 2017 11:00pm
Muneeb Apr 25, 2017 11:16pm
Very sad
Imran Ahmed Apr 25, 2017 11:47pm
So very sad for the world to lose young talented people like her. May her family be granted strength.
Maria Apr 26, 2017 12:17am
What a tragedy. RIP.
Abdul Jabbar Apr 26, 2017 12:45am
Very sad incident .RIP
Kartikay Ungrish Apr 26, 2017 01:02am
Felt sad to read this. Condolences from india
Rahul Apr 26, 2017 01:04am
@abbottonian 43 what ?
asif farooqi Apr 26, 2017 01:06am
criminal negligence Who is responsible for this accident or we will push it under the carpet of Will Of God and move on Very sad and disheartening
Abdul khaliq Apr 26, 2017 02:15am
RIP. Her loss would be felt by all those who have tender hearts. She may have moved from her ephemeral abode to her eternal place, but her thoughts would continue to live on, inspiring countless people on their way. Nothing could be more bitter than a tragic death like hers, but this is what we are all destined to, knowing not what's to come next, like the lamb that licks the hand that's about to slay it.
Rauf Khan Apr 26, 2017 03:40am
@RANA Tahir . The person responsible to set the stage should be brought to justice. This is absolutely necessary to avoid future incidences like this tragic one.
SACHBOL Apr 26, 2017 04:31am
RIP.....sad news. This is madness.... why you need 12 feet high stage?????? It death trap right there!
Fair opinions Apr 26, 2017 05:37am
Earlier once during an election campaign Imran Khan fell, but God save him. The tragic death of young Naz is very unfortunate.RIP. May God give her parents,relatives,and friends enough courage to bear this loss. There must be a standard safety design for stages,and must have a strong metal pipe boundary to avoid any mishap. Since the incident occurred at capital Islamabad the Federal Govt must compensate her parents in cash & kind.
Feroze Danish Apr 26, 2017 06:26am
I wish that after looking at tragedies like these, we start focusing more on Pakistan's health and safety standards in public places. shall we ?
TR Apr 26, 2017 06:28am
Such a sad news. Why don't we consider our safety and safety of the others in our everyday life. Please be on the look out for unsafe conditions around us and teach others to be safe. Perhaps you can save someone's life some day.
Maarif sohail Apr 26, 2017 06:38am
Inna lillahe wa Inna alehe rajioun. The nations sincerest condolences to the poets family. A tragedy that could have been avoided with proper safety measures and certification of the stage's reliability.
aslam shaikh1 Apr 26, 2017 07:19am
Asad Apr 26, 2017 08:42am
May her soul rest in peace. Who is setting up these stages? I remember Imran Khan (PTI) had also fallen from stage or stairs going up the stage or something like that. Not trying to blame anyone but certainly makes one wonder.
Dove Apr 26, 2017 08:52am
RIP, very unfortunate
RKhan Apr 26, 2017 08:56am
RIP for the departed soul. Giant stages must be constructed by professionals under supervision of a qualified and skilled engineer for stage fall is a fatal accident in public gathering similarly event managers be held reponsible for load factor.
Muhammed Asim Rao Apr 26, 2017 08:58am
Very sad incident and reminds us all to take necessary safety precautions in such events. Imran Khan also fell due to lack to safety precautions taken in such events and many others are also fall prey to such carelessness may her soul rest in peace Muhammad Asim Rao
IndianVIP Apr 26, 2017 09:04am
Very tragic. RIP.
MOHd Apr 26, 2017 09:14am
What a waste of beauty and talent
guzniabbas Apr 26, 2017 09:50am
So sad to hear the tragic death of a young writer. May Allah bless her soul, and grant patience to her family. Ameen.
farah naz Apr 26, 2017 10:01am
Inna lillahe wa Inna alehe rajeoun.
THOUGHT PROVOKING Apr 26, 2017 10:17am
Very Sad and Tragic News indeed !!Inna lillahe wa Inna alehe rajeoun. May her soul rest in peace and may God gives her family the strength to bear This big Loss . we would like to request to the Administration Must take some important measures to avoid such accidents in the future for the safety of the life of every participation .
Hassan Apr 26, 2017 10:17am
May Her Soul Rest in Peace Ameen.
Masood Hussain Apr 26, 2017 10:36am
May her soul rest in peace and may Allah give her family strength to recover from this tragedy.
Vivek narain Apr 26, 2017 10:55am
Destiny apart,convenient architecture should be a norm,a writer is not a mountaineer.
jS Apr 26, 2017 10:59am
So tragic to go like this. Who's responsible for the stage mishap which took away a valuable life and irreparable loss to the aggrieved family and literary community?
Shumaila Apr 26, 2017 11:15am
I have seen the stage of auditorium in Pak China Friendship Centre for several times. There is literally a very deep gap at the front edge of the stage.The outer rim of the D-shaped edge is usually covered by decorative flowers that outlines the "deep ditch". Sitting in audience, I always feared if somebody at stage could fall into it. Unfortunately, it has happened. Can anybody expert tell that is this gap a design necessity of a stage??
Gustaakh Apr 26, 2017 11:38am
12 feet high is almost as high as a Mezzanine floor. What is the need for such a hgh stage and if it was necessary, were there barriers around the perimeter ?
ib Apr 26, 2017 11:41am
the event organizers should be penalized to pay blood money since it is their fault to make such stages without proper safety... in fact there should be minimum safety standards set out for all events and especially stage manufacturing...
Rafia zakaria Apr 26, 2017 11:45am
those responsible should be held for criminal neglect and tried in military courts as this is the new normal.
UN-SAfe EVENTS Apr 26, 2017 12:01pm
This is a crime! It must be investigated! If the stage was above one meter height it must have some protective barriers or guardrails. The least we deserve is an investigation into the negligence! This could be easily protected with proper and safe planning of the event!
Muhammad Arshad Apr 26, 2017 12:02pm
Such a tragic accident, loss of a brilliant mind....
paki Apr 26, 2017 12:40pm
Inna lillahe wa Inna alehe rajeoun. Very unfortunate and tragic. May Allah SWT rest her soul in peace and give her family members strength to overcome this irreparable loss. Aameen
Malamal Apr 26, 2017 01:43pm
tara Apr 26, 2017 01:51pm
A tragic preventable death of a young Pakistani talent. There must be a resolve to implement proper health and safety regulations in the public arena and education for families at home so that unnecessary accidents and deaths can be prevented. Before any public event there must be by law a health and safety (fire , physical precautions drill that all participants must follow )before any such events are allowed to go ahead, otherwise they will be a risk of being negligent and prosecuted.
Abbas Jafri Apr 26, 2017 02:05pm
What a tragic accident, loss of a brilliant mind....RIP. Inna lillahe wa Inna alehe rajeoun. Who is responsible for this young death??? Whoever is responsible for this unsafe act should be taken to task.
SIMBA Apr 26, 2017 02:17pm
@Rafia zakaria absolutely. It is criminal to erect a structure without regard to the life and safety of people using it. Only strict action will increase accountability. People will promptly offer RIP condolences, and go back to work as usual; my heart goes out to her family and young kids who will grow up without their mother. And this is due to the utter carelessness of the person/agency who erected the stage.
KB Apr 26, 2017 02:52pm
Inna lillahe wa Inna alehe rajeoun. She was young may Allah give her children and family strength to pass through this time. RIP Ameen.
Mohammad Ali Shaikh Apr 26, 2017 05:14pm
Very sad incidence. May her soul rest in Peace.
ejaz Apr 26, 2017 05:29pm
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (Arabic: إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎‎). accident or negligence? According to safety rules, there should be guard rail around any elevated platform more than 4 ft. high. I am not sure whether she fell though the guard rail or there was no guard rail installed.
Zulfiqar Ali Syed Apr 26, 2017 06:43pm
Legal action must be taken for negligence which lead to a death of such a valuable member of society
weq Apr 26, 2017 10:46pm
@Afzaal Glad we have sensible people like you, our nation uses RIP now
RIZ Apr 27, 2017 12:30am
Sad - RIP
Muslim Apr 27, 2017 01:05am
A sad accident. Urdu has lost a pearl.
ex petarian Apr 27, 2017 11:25am
Very sad incident. The organizers should be taken to task for not considering any OH&S requirements on a 12' high stage. An accident was bound to happen.
Sarah, J Apr 27, 2017 12:06pm
RIP- So very sad for two very young children left behind. And the irony is that there is no regret, condolences or even mention of this unfortunate incident on Lok Virsa facebook. They are just cheering their other events & achievements. The Executive Director must apologise for the incidence. We should all shame them on their facebook page too.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Apr 28, 2017 03:28pm
MEHwish Apr 28, 2017 05:05pm
In a "habitat" where a prime-ministerial candidate falls off a crate lift and breaks his back, saddened but not surprised.
arnav Apr 28, 2017 07:21pm
May her soul rest in Peace