
I wore green lipstick to work and everyone loved it

I wore green lipstick to work and everyone loved it

I wore five crazy lipstick colours for five days and here's what happened
Updated 23 Jun, 2019

(This article was originally published on Jan 19, 2017.)

I realised I had a lipstick obsession the day I bought 25 lipsticks in a go.

Despite my love for makeup, I'm very lazy about wearing it. Plus, it's heartbreaking to have amazing eye makeup on and then to have to wear glasses over it. So for the lazy woman in glasses, lipstick is the BFF who tells you 'girrrrrrrl you got it together'.

I've had an incredible journey with my lipsticks. From safe rosy pinks, I ventured to the extremely bright reds that I once wouldn't apply thinking I couldn't pull it off. Or extremely dark plums that I feared would give me too much drama. But I wore them all, realising confidence is key.

However, recently I've been seeing a trend I couldn't fathom. Colours no one would imagine as lipsticks started taking over my Instagram at a time that wasn't Halloween. Greens and blues for artsy looks had me wondering why on earth we don't wear these lipstick shades? What is weird about that green lipstick? And my heart sank when I thought, 'Oh man I could never wear them here', as in Pakistan.

But why can't I? Who decides berry is a lip colour but grey isn't? And why am I, a passionate lipstick aficionado, suddenly so self-conscious?

And so I decided to challenge myself and gave myself five days of 'crazy lip colours' to see how far I could take my lipstick affair. The challenge was simple: wear a unique lipstick shade and carry about my day and see what happens.

Monday - Blue

I may have had a case of the jitters while taking this picture, as you can obviously tell
I may have had a case of the jitters while taking this picture, as you can obviously tell

I decided to kick things off with a dark blue. NYX's soft matte lip cream in Moscow is a very dark, bold hue and I chose it because I wanted to ease into the crazier, brighter shades. Plus I was nervous about a bright blue being too cool for my skin tone. But it was enough to have me a little self-conscious.

On my way to work, I had a lot running through my mind. 'What will people say? Do I even look good in this? I hope no one laughs. I think I'll have pasta for dinner.' Ignore that last thought.

Surprisingly, no one noticed. People were talking normally and only one person commented on my lipstick, and that too was about how I got it on my chin after eating a sandwich. A mistake common to all lipstick lovers.

The lack of reactions helped. Perhaps I was making the lipstick work very well (or people were ignoring it to be nice but let's be positive here). It helped me think I could kick it up a notch.

Tuesday - Grey

Well whaddya know! It looks good!
Well whaddya know! It looks good!

This was one of the shades I was most worried about so I wanted to get it out of the way as soon as possible. I had seen many videos of beauty gurus applying grey lipstick and suddenly looking washed out. So NYX's liquid suede in Stonefox was up next.

The response had me wondering what was I afraid of! I got many compliments, from "That is one interesting lip shade" to "I am obsessing over that lipstick". I received enough compliments at work to hold my head up high and grin throughout the day.

But then I went home where my family was visiting. And my uncle commented how it looks like I smeared my face on a tawa and well, that was that. I still see myself wearing the grey but maybe it depends on where I'm going.

Wednesday - Gold

You can see the panic in my eyes and me going 'nope!'
You can see the panic in my eyes and me going 'nope!'

After two successful days, I decided to try the boldest of them all. Metallic, rich gold. I had to work with Sleek's Molten Metal pigments in Gold Leaf, which was of a creamier variety so it was a doozy. But I learned an important lesson about how to make some lipsticks work.

Because I wanted to be fair and treat these colors the way I apply all my lipsticks, I didn't apply anything with it. And the result was a very washed out look that had me going "Nope!" Perhaps the lipstick didn't suit me. Perhaps I needed a full face and definition with a dark lip liner. But one thing's for sure. In the correct light I could blind a guy with that gold.

This was the day my friends decided to hang out with me and all I could think was "Really? I looked great yesterday! Why did you ask to meet the one day I look like a washed out bedazzled zombie?"

But oh well. I could tell from their faces they were curious as to what is going on. One commented how it looks like I stuck a gold leaf on my lips and I enjoyed telling him "That's the name of this lipstick!"

Thursday - Green

Oh yes, back to rocking the look!
Oh yes, back to rocking the look!

I was looking forward to the green. I have a warmer skin tone so I had a feeling ColourPop's Dr. M would be a better option compared to the blue and grey. Also after the fail that was the gold lip, I was really banking on the green lippie to have a good day.

And I was right. My bright green lipstick got the most compliments, just a notch above the grey. I was compared to Poison Ivy (Because red hair! Geddit? Geddit?) and many said it was the perfect Slytherin look and I was happy (although I'm more of a Ravenclaw).

I had to go out again to a restaurant. It was an amusing moment to meet some people I had never met before and them assuming you're the one they have to meet because all they know about you is that you're creative. Thank you Dr. M; people can recognize me from a mile away. I shall decide later if that's a good thing or bad.

Friday - Black

Yes I applied a whole lotta makeup after taking this picture but you have to admit I'm working it!
Yes I applied a whole lotta makeup after taking this picture but you have to admit I'm working it!

That's right, I'm ending it with the big one. Black. I was nervous.

Yes, I mentioned that with most lipsticks but this was different. I was worried my lips would have no definition. That they would look flat or hollow. I kept telling myself I've worn near-black browns and purples so this L.A. Girl Matte Velvet in Raven would be just fine.

I had a huge event that day and I had to make an appearance for it. And I would have to do that in my black lipstick. And the anxiety came back. Way more people would see my look than I want. I needed to prepare for this one. Have an outfit to match and a full face to tone down the chunk of black.

It worked! I pulled it off! People thought it was a bold look but no one saw it as too unusual! I unfortunately was still feeling very self-conscious, avoiding eye contact with many but hey, it wasn't as mortifying as I thought it would be. Also, it rained that day so I got a lucky pass with my appearance.

Some afterthoughts

There were some hits and misses but overall I was more confused about these lipsticks than before. I was mentally prepared to look bad in them because perhaps that's why they are not popular. But they worked on me. Not the gold, I know, no need to remind me.

They worked on me according to my skin tone and the ones that didn't resonate with me would probably work on other skin tones. Then what's the big deal? My conclusion to this is the same as my previous lipstick ventures with the brights and the darks; it's all about confidence.

If I can wear green lipstick to work and meet friends later, what's stopping you? Just take that one tiny step out of your comfort zone and welcome yourself to a world of cosmetic possibilities.


Hassan (Karachi) Jan 19, 2017 12:42pm
Man here, I do not understand this fad. Neither do I need to understand it. Rock on Sonia.
aamna Jan 19, 2017 01:40pm
Brave i must say, though i still believe that there are shades that make you look divine and others that transform you in some drag queens...
Helping Hands Jan 19, 2017 01:45pm
Go, girl, go!
Alexey Jan 19, 2017 01:49pm
Time to get my yellow shirt out!
Sam Jan 19, 2017 02:02pm
Brave of you to try this out. As a man, i would not like any of these colors ...most of them reminded me of smokers with dark lips... :-)
Shumaila Jan 19, 2017 02:13pm
Bold,. :)
mUHAMMAD ALI Jan 19, 2017 02:26pm
Keep it natural.. I don't like the lipsticks
Naveen Chauhan Jan 19, 2017 02:57pm
That was bold approach really, but I also should say everything goes with the outfits. you can go with any colour as long as it matches your dress. people don't care when everything is matching, but definitely they are attracted to misfits.
aamer Jan 19, 2017 03:17pm
Should also try orange, violet, yellow and lemon.
Hina Tabassum Jan 19, 2017 03:19pm
The green one looks absolutely fabulous. I might try it. And I am a Slytherin.
A. A. Jan 19, 2017 05:06pm
That reminds me of the different color shade options you get while buying a new car!
Sharique Jan 19, 2017 05:32pm
Wow... nice creative work,
Hassan Jan 19, 2017 06:55pm
How do you know "every one loved it". Many people don't comment on the ground that it is personal affair of an individual specially a woman. It seemed to me crazy.anyhow wish you good luck.
Fatima Jan 19, 2017 07:48pm
I really appreciate your confidence and it happens to me many a times when i want to wear a lip color but don't since it doesn't look good on are a good role model for all who want to do something different.and i think one should do what he/she wants to esp experimenting wd cosmetics,it is the safest
Sukhera Jan 19, 2017 08:07pm
This green lipstick looks awfull. Why you have to wear the lipstick in the first place. Natural color of lips is the most beautiful. You are wasting your time, money and destroying your skin for no reason. These chemicals you put on your lips are bad for your health but you don,t realize how bad they are. Hopefully one day you will find out the truth. You are giving the chance to other people to make fun of you and they think you are weird and not a normal person.
Agha Ata Jan 19, 2017 08:18pm
Green is the color of our flag. That is the best color of the lipstick.
bk Jan 19, 2017 10:06pm
In my opinion you should try two different shades on upper and lower lips. Maybe blue on upper lip and red on lower lip something like that. That will be a variety...
M Jan 19, 2017 10:48pm
The blue, green and the gray are my faves! You should try the mac ones and recently NYX has a new line too!
Omar Jan 19, 2017 11:44pm
I think you're way hot!
Sob Jan 20, 2017 03:30am
Haha, me and my mom saw you at Kolachi with that black lipstick and guess what my mom said later on 'she seemed like a nice girl but what in the world. Black lipstick!'
Modasar Jan 20, 2017 04:19am
Go girl you look rocking
Faizan Jan 20, 2017 11:45pm
Buzzfeed, an insufferable influence on bored young adults, really is spreading infectiously, and somehow found its way to the likes of Pakistan. You look ridiculous and I'm sure anyone with an IQ of at least 10 would agree. You seem to be fishing for attention, or trying to be a 'special snowflake' because people with actual lives could not care less about you. As an aside, you do not look attractive at all in any of those images.
sukhera Jan 21, 2017 03:38am
No body liked it but they did not want to upset you and hurt your feelings. This is the truth, believe it or not.
N. Ahmed Jun 23, 2019 11:42am
Why you need to wear lipstick to look beautiful and impress others. Why dont you accept who you really are?
Yumna Jun 23, 2019 12:09pm
@Faizan You couldn't be more right Faizan. this isn't dawn material
AGHA PASHA Jun 23, 2019 12:54pm
Look nice but donot use everyday.
Anil Jun 23, 2019 01:15pm
Cut off the gold.. rest looks good!
Pakistani Jun 23, 2019 01:23pm
Cheap comedy has long been popular among people, that includes modern day office workers and green lipstick
Jabba Jun 23, 2019 01:47pm
Knock yourself out, but do not be offended if you do not receive adulation for all your choices.
Amy Jun 23, 2019 03:09pm
They are pretty. But sorry work should be serious look. No matter how much made up. This could left for , party , leisure , Insta gram moments and so on.
435 Jun 23, 2019 03:15pm
@Faizan But you cared and scrolled and read from top to bottom and then wrote the longest feedback. This was one of the objectives of the subject and she is quite successful. She is a good artist and businesswomen then.
abdulbasit Jun 23, 2019 03:21pm
monday and blue. what an apt combination
Dr. Sajjad Jun 23, 2019 06:52pm
Not impressive!
Laila Jun 23, 2019 09:33pm
I reckon about 60% of the comments on this article are from males. Again what's with this fascination you guys have with girls and their fashions? And no I don't think these lipsticks are my cup of tea. Then again I don't wear much makeup except kajol so whwat do I know.
AK4PK Jun 24, 2019 02:35am
Rebellion is the name of the game these days and courage is one factor that emerges from this attitude. Don’t care brings about the confidence. This attitude is incumbent in a lot of folks these days and it is just fine because society has begun to accept and appreciate individuality. Morality must however remain as our guiding factor for it is the religion of humanity.
KJ Jun 24, 2019 08:21am
There is nothing on the human body that matches with the green color. Imagine green hair, or a green makeup, or a green eyebrow, or green nails. Honestly, that green lipstick looks hideous. It looks like you have just been eating some green crayons. For that matter, black is no better, alternative. You may wear those colors, if you are a rebel, or someone who wants to be radically different from others.
Khurram Jun 24, 2019 08:54am
Well , what about Saturday and Sunday. Pink and yellow lol