
14 Nov, 2016

In case you missed what the recent hype has been about (yeah, bigger than Trump's win), it's about the moon, or rather supermoon that has everyone enamoured.

Which means that the moon will be 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than a normal full moon - basically the largest, brightest full moon in nearly seven decades.

The last time the moon was this close to Earth was in 1948, and because the next one will appear in 2034, just the thought of witnessing it is a real treat for... well most. Here's what's happening on Twitter:

1) Because hey, who wants a zombie apocalypse anyway, right? Just kill 'em all with one crash.

2) Death Star captain Wilhuff Tarkin is probably getting a kick out of this: "These humans are such fools!"

3) The truth! Of course it's been Bruce Almighty all along.

4) YAAS! Who said we don't want women to rule? Sorry Hillary, if only you were Daenerys Targaryen.

5) Thanks for the honest and devastating observation. It was completely solicited. #Buzzkill.

6) Sequel: How to get a guy in 60... or 18 years.

7) And some poor souls missed it because of the high tides and change in weather.

8) It's a bird,it's a plane, no! It's superma-...moon?

9) There are two kinds of people in this world.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Actually, make that three. Exhibit C:

10) And make it a wishing star if you must, because why not?

11) This guy does have a point... sort of.

12) Oh well, there's always 2034. If the world manages to survive Trump's presidency.


sultan ahmed Nov 14, 2016 07:02pm
This is a sign of unique power whole have command over all.