
'Are you beach body ready?' Sadiq Khan bans body-shaming ads in London subway

'Are you beach body ready?' Sadiq Khan bans body-shaming ads in London subway

Many Londoners feel the Muslim mayor is imposing the Sharia law upon them
Updated 16 Jun, 2016

The controversial "Are you beach body ready?" ad in London subway has finally led to a positive change in the city.

In wake of the trauma linked to body shaming, the new mayor of London, Sadiq Khan announced a ban on all such ads from the city's public transportation system effective July, stated a press release.

"As the father of two teenage girls, I am extremely concerned about this kind of advertising which can demean people, particularly women, and make them ashamed of their bodies. It is high time it came to an end," he said.

A Protein World ad displayed in an underground station in London. Photograph: The Guardian.
A Protein World ad displayed in an underground station in London. Photograph: The Guardian.

Transport for London (TfL) has been told not to allow ads which contain objectionable material in regards to unhealthy and unrealistic body image.

"Nobody should feel pressurised, while they travel on the Tube or bus, into unrealistic expectations surrounding their bodies and I want to send a clear message to the advertising industry about this," he added.

In addition, the mayor has asked TfL and its stakeholders to create a steering group to keep the TfL in check, to ensure the policies and guidelines of the Advertising Standards Authority are being followed.

However, many have taken to social media arguing that this is an imposition of the sharia law in their 'non-Muslim' country.


sana UK Jun 15, 2016 02:25pm
As a Londoner , I think sadiq has made wrong decision, he will face backlash for this, curtailing freedom of speech.
Zak Jun 15, 2016 02:34pm
Great mayor, bringing dignity to vulnerable girls. Best mayor.
Krezy Jun 15, 2016 02:36pm
He aint against explicit pictures to be displayed... rather he says other people (who are not like the model) dont feel ashamed of not being "beach body ready"....
Indian Shia Jun 15, 2016 02:38pm
London Mayor that was stupid excuse.
Harsh Jun 15, 2016 03:20pm
So he priority seems to be banning ads?
timetostopthis Jun 15, 2016 03:29pm
Leave Pakistan and go to London. Become the mayor and then make it just like Pakistan. Good idea.
Ash Jun 15, 2016 03:45pm
I knew it's coming, it was just matter of time.
Qamar Valliani Jun 15, 2016 03:59pm
Public places where the movements of the children is common , these ads should be banned . Let these ads be expressed in bars, airline and tourist agents offices etc etc.
Mumtaz Shah Jun 15, 2016 04:18pm
Its quite an instinctive decision. Its contrary to the British values. Has Londoners made a mistake to elect him ? May be not next time ?
vasudevan Jun 15, 2016 04:43pm
The Mayor has done well and I can relate to this act as I too have two daughters. His religion has nothing to do with this. I am not a Muslim and I support him in this
Farid Jun 15, 2016 04:50pm
Well done mayor.
divergence Jun 15, 2016 04:51pm
@sana UK yeah backlash from either marketers who have vested interests. He is clear that the issue involves psychological pressures.
divergence Jun 15, 2016 04:52pm
I think he will accused of promoting an "Islamic agenda" because unfortunately he happens to be a Muslim. The reaction would have been somewhat different had it been a non muslim mayor putting such bans.
Raghu Jun 15, 2016 04:54pm
by this logic, most of the ads will be out... all the best London...
haris Jun 15, 2016 04:58pm
@timetostopthis: He was born in London.
Muhammad Ali Jun 15, 2016 05:10pm
Does it really matter? Put a ban on your eyes and simply don't see the skinny ads...
@expat Jun 15, 2016 05:11pm
In UK ,its not about religion at all ,its about human dignity and its perception. Freedom of expression has gone too far to degrade humans to a primitive level with nude beeches to nude eateries to acceptance of perversions as acceptable norms and human behaviour.
Shahan Jun 15, 2016 05:15pm
I am sure that the whole scandinavia will support him. awesome
Sara Jun 15, 2016 05:16pm
I don't agree with Sadiq's decision.
Asad Khan Jun 15, 2016 05:27pm
This is exactly what creates negative opinions of Muslims.
SAEED MASOOD Jun 15, 2016 05:48pm
Well done Mayor Sadiq Khan..people all over the world are fed up of this dirty nonsense..
noob Jun 15, 2016 05:50pm
I've a suggestion: all Londoners should be made to attend confidence boosting schools so that such ads don't come in way of our progress.
noob Jun 15, 2016 05:52pm
Why did he make a reference to his daughters?
Abdirizack Ali Jun 15, 2016 06:05pm
I dont agree with Sadique's decision I see it like Morse's Decision in Egypty
TruthOnly Jun 15, 2016 06:27pm
If you have elected him then give him freedom and authority without being biased about his religion!
Sara Jun 15, 2016 06:51pm
This is a very depressing ad and actually a psychological torment. Imagine if there was a body builder guy or an Einstein image chiding men if they are smart and produced a theory of relativity in a day. Any unrealistic expectation is a psychological poison and distortion of the sense of wellbeing. I must say Sadiq Khan is a smart guy and if he come back to Pk to run our punjab province, we would benefit immensely.
Kashif Jun 15, 2016 06:55pm
Known for his liberal views (quite opposite to what Islam says) I don't think he is imposing such restrictions just for the sake of Sharia...It was a high demand from majority of women on such adds which make you feel bad about your body, 80% of people don't have beach body..... Recently a ExModel's book was highly praised when she criticized the designers for asking Ultra skinny models for show, which in result Govt banning the Ultra skinny modelling...
Jason Jun 15, 2016 07:04pm
If the public does not push everything he does against a particular religion, maybe he does actually mean well, if we really think about it. Especially people with daughters, would agree, i would imagine.
Asif Jamil Jun 15, 2016 07:14pm
I think, intention may have been good , so that girls who are not skinny don't feel bad, but it seems to have backfired.
Maze Jun 15, 2016 07:18pm
welcome. most of wemen will appreciate it
Aiza Khan Jun 15, 2016 07:35pm
I good decision indeed! Where are all the women rights champions now? Is it ok to show case women's body all over the place like an other product or object of pleasure. Do people realise how big this industry is which keeps telling all generations of women that your natural body is not good enough and that you have to starve and get it fixed in some or another way? Do you realise how big the eating disorder is among young women as a result of this ongoing use of women's body as a commercial commodity? This is a progressive step for women's liberation against hard core commercial interests. We want our bodies back! Shame on all those who burp out racist comments! This is about a mayor who has the balls to stand against big commercial interests! BRAVO, WAY TO GO, SIR!
farhan kermani Jun 15, 2016 07:38pm
Not a great decision. Dont tell people what to do and what to see.
Arshad ,Canada Jun 15, 2016 07:41pm
He should have gone to the city representative s for vote. It is too early for him to make such bold decisions.
Ajaya K Dutt Jun 15, 2016 07:51pm
As a human I condemn his ban for enforcing his point of view on others who want to differ.
hasana Jun 15, 2016 08:06pm
Wrong move at the wrong time. I am sure his intention is fine but the Muslim image is horrible in the West. This is not the time to pull a stunt like this.
Adnan Jun 15, 2016 08:12pm
Don't think conservative enough is enough we could not get anything out of it. Respect women and ban such public abuses
Cheng Jun 15, 2016 08:13pm
without enacting law he cannot discreetly order such ban! Will he allow burqa clads to be advertised
khanm Jun 15, 2016 08:25pm
@sana UK with this token posing in nude,would it be considered as freedom of speech, I think he should have taken the legal aspect rather than a moral one....i guess the term obscene varies from culture to culture,
Talha Jun 15, 2016 08:44pm
So those who are against the objectification of women are now fundamentalists? Women are not to be objectified no matter what others think about this stance of Sadiq Khan. I was against Sadiq Khan supporting gay people but I like this recent decision of his.
The Observer Jun 15, 2016 08:50pm
Great move... it is not about sharia... it's about respect
Anwar Amjad Jun 15, 2016 09:10pm
When Margret Thatcher banned displaying nude photos at public places in the entire UK how many people protested? Now everybody is shouting against banning just one ad because the Mayor is a Muslim. Do people remember what it was like walking down London streets before the ban when every corner bookstall was full of nude photos?
Zain Abedin Jun 15, 2016 09:15pm
Excellent move, so many people commit suicide because of body shamming.
Pakistani Jun 15, 2016 09:26pm
It's not only Muslims who are opposed to obscenity but all other religions are. Here in canada I was talking to a white lady and she admitted that she is not happy that kids are exposed to a lot many things too early. Have you people ever had a chance of meeting Amish people, please Google it and increase your knowledge. In this modern world they live a modest life and wear a perfect hijab. They are not Muslims they are Christians.
arman Jun 15, 2016 09:56pm
Im a muslim my self and i think he shouldnt be doing this
prathamraz Jun 15, 2016 10:22pm
what next???ban gym n exercise equipement..coz it will pressurise these people to do workout.
Ahmed Jun 15, 2016 10:38pm
This is stupid. Health Education of masses is govt responsibility banning advertisements is not a solution. Tomorrow he will ban clothing lines, fashion stores, hair products erc from the stores. It will never end.
Matiur Rahman Jun 15, 2016 10:58pm
West needs moderation and what a blessing in disguise in the form of Sadiq. There should be no panic it is only a balancing act to bring the extremist nudist ads to an acceptable level.
Noshin Jun 16, 2016 12:10am
Good decision! women should have been respected irrespective of cast, creed and religion and such ads are a total disgrace to women..........
Noshin Jun 16, 2016 12:12am
Good decision! women should have been respected irrespective of cast, creed and religion and such ads are a total disgrace to women..........
adil Jun 16, 2016 01:10am
So the people are against his decision because they wanted freedom of nudity! With this freedom they are called modern society. What has happened to the modesty here? Englishmen were the gentleman.
Abdirizack Ali Jun 16, 2016 01:28am
Why he doesnt take such step via concern authority ,does he has an authority to do so ? It is not good to focus on such a minor & meaningless issues rather than major issues if you are the big boss like mayor of a big city concentrate the big tasks with priority
Aatir Jun 16, 2016 01:40am
I dont agree with Sadiq Khan on some stuff but this is just a bunch of right-wingers bashing him on twitter nothing big about it.
Uncle_Sam Jun 16, 2016 01:46am
Good mayorship!
Salman Chippa Jun 16, 2016 02:33am
He is simply protecting the dignity of women. To all the mothers, you don't want your daughter to show off their bodies? Women beauty should only be for her husband not for the whole world. To all the haters, why not place your daughter, sister or mother's on ads like this, I don't think you would like it if you have any shame/dignity left in you!!!!
gp65 Jun 16, 2016 02:37am
Advertising is aspirational. What next? Stop advertising fancy cars because a poor man may feel ashamed of his old car? This is a freedom of speech issue. Sadiq Khan maybe a wonderful father to be concerned about his daughters. HE needs to learn to be a good mayor based on values of the city where he lives.
Punch Jun 16, 2016 03:53am
So now let's ban all smart people from ads so there's no intellect-shaming of stupid people.
Karachi wala Jun 16, 2016 03:59am
After reading comments I m sadden but happy at the same time .I m sadden cuz of all the hate and happy that we Pakistanis are not the only one hating others. He did this so people don't feel pressured .
Abdirizack Ali Jun 16, 2016 05:08am
@TruthOnly agree
Hassan Jun 16, 2016 05:39am
@sana UK and banning tobacco commercials is not curtailing freedom of speech?
Hassan Jun 16, 2016 05:42am
@Mumtaz Shah care to explain how that was an instinctive decision? The way i see it, you're being impulsive and not analyzing the situation properly.
Hassan Jun 16, 2016 05:51am
@Asad Khan you mean by being considerate of human dignity? If such acts prompt negative perceptions about muslims , the problem in this case, does not lie with muslims. It lies with people who always see things through their biased prisms.
Zaid Khan Jun 16, 2016 06:17am
So it basically come down to this... all human values in modern world are to be decided by western media and if Sharia protecting the rights of Women can never be right? Who made the western corporate world the boss of the world?
Kolsat Jun 16, 2016 07:56am
@sana UK: This was bound to happen and you should have expected it before voting him in. What is next? I will be waiting to read about it here.
VK Jun 16, 2016 08:18am
@hasana Best comment from my perspective......
Chris Roberts Jun 16, 2016 08:23am
It is true that this type of advert CAN and often DOES have a very negative impact, leaving one feeling inadequate, unattractive and undesirable - "I'm embarrassed to be seen the way I am", or "I don't measure up". The consequences on one's self-esteem are often disastrous. Had the model in this ad been a male, I hope Mayor Sadiq Khan would have reacted the same way. The message SHOULD be: JUST BE YOURSELF AND LET PEOPLE APPRECIATE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE!
VK Jun 16, 2016 08:28am
@Matiur Rahman Depends what's the definition of extremist nudity is according to Matiur Rehman, might not be the same for others, dude. BTW, the woman in the ad isn't nude to extreme, open your eyes and check the ad carefully before commenting. This is London, take it or leave it.
Janjua Jun 16, 2016 10:46am
@timetostopthis He is not pakistani, Born in London, grew up in London, ......When he has left Pakistan ?????
shmanzar Jun 16, 2016 08:29pm
good work
saeeds Jun 16, 2016 09:22pm
It is about his religion but there are many conservative Christian think like him. But this wester way of life for long time. When immigrant entered there country they agree with there system, right or wrong that total different debate . But when they get some power they try bring same values which destroy there native countries .
london lover Jun 17, 2016 01:01pm
@sana UK great work!!!
london lover Jun 17, 2016 01:01pm
Atleast a great work and that should be appreciated!!
london lover Jun 17, 2016 01:03pm
@Qamar Valliani exactly!!
KneeJerk Jun 20, 2016 08:39am
@Chris Roberts i agree also just SEEING a fit person on the street often makes me feel sad and hate myself perhaps we should have all fit people cover up or wear fat suits so i dont have to feel bad.