
My first day of boot camp, as told through Bollywood drama

My first day of boot camp, as told through Bollywood drama

In case you were wondering, I did not look like Deepika by the end of it and my hair definitely did NOT look that good
Updated 18 Nov, 2015

Boot-camps are all the rage these days. It’s easy to get enthusiastic about weight loss, a toned body and a vision of yourself able to nonchalantly do 50 press-ups. Actually signing up for a class can be daunting though, especially mixed ones.

And if you haven’t been very active before, well, it can be downright scary... and painful. The first class is the hardest so I was mentally prepared for a world of pain when I started the MUV Base boot-camp.

Between trying to perfect your form and doing agonizing things you didn’t know your body could do (while trying to look cool), the thoughts racing in and out of your mind can be downright… absurd.

To prep you, here are the 30 thoughts you can expect to go through your head on your first day of torture:

1) This is easy. I could do this all day.

2) Oh god, how long do I have to do these jumping jacks?!

3) Isn’t warm-up supposed to be fun? I can’t breathe.

Cardio and strength training, also known as Hell on Earth

4) Jump-squat-push-up?! I didn’t come here to die.

5) How can twenty seconds last so long?!

6) Oh thank god, rest period.

7) That did NOT last ten seconds.

8) Why is that guy looking at me?

9) Oh no, maybe he thinks I’m looking at him!

10) The instructor wants me to go deeper into my squat? LOL, no.

11) Okay, butt out, back straight, head up.

12) My form was perfect in that last one. I’m a goddess.

13) Wait, did I hold my stomach in?

14) Damn, I forgot to hold my stomach in!

15) Was all of that useless because I didn’t hold my stomach in?!

16) Hell no, squats again?!

17) This next one looks easy. I got this.

18) NOPE, don’t got this.

19) If he says squats again, I’m walking out the door.

20) Seriously?! How many kinds of squats are there?!

21) I’m gonna go for the proper push-up.

22) Oooor maybe I’ll just do them on my knees. Mustn’t over-exert!

23) Jump Lunges?! I fall flat on my face during normal lunges!

24) I’ll just skip this one.

25) Oh god, the instructor is coming this way, pretend to do jump lunges!

26) Hey, I’m totally killing these mountain climbers! Oh wait, my shoe came off.

Aaaand Cool-down

27) It’s over?! It’s over!! I did it!

28) Stretches? No problem!

29) Um. My body can’t do that.

30) Oh god, there’s 29 more days of this!

This better be worth it!


Naveen Nov 18, 2015 04:07pm
ha ha very funny
IN Nov 18, 2015 04:54pm
Thats why Zumba, Aerobics, Hiphop, Jazz, Salsa, Ballroom and yes even Bollywood dances are popular these days. The motto is, 'kick the workout, join the party!' We can burn upto 1000 calories in 1 hour zumba/bollywood session. Combined with Yoga/Pilates, they may yield wonderful results. Best for women 35-40+. Sheer fun. Aqua zumba - you have to try it!
WaheedNoor Nov 18, 2015 08:27pm
Great. Liked it.
W Nov 19, 2015 12:39am
exactly my feeling when I started TRX and believe me it doesn't get easier
Arjun Nov 19, 2015 06:26am
I have been doing High Intensity workouts for a while now. They are the best way to lose weight and tone up. However, please make sure not to overdo them as you can easily be injured. I am a very athletic guy and this still is a big challenge for me, so I can just imagine how difficult would it be for someone new to this. So take it easy, and build your strength and endurance gradually. I certainly hope this kind of workout culture catches up in South Asia. We really need this.