
Saheefa Jabbar no longer dreams of an Oscar after seeing the West’s indifference towards Palestinian suffering

Saheefa Jabbar no longer dreams of an Oscar after seeing the West’s indifference towards Palestinian suffering

The actor and model is reflecting on her past goals and dreams and how little they matter to her today.
02 Aug, 2024

Actor and model Saheefa Jabbar Khattak is reflecting on her life-long dreams, her priorities, and how they have shifted since October 7. The actor, who’s always dreamt of getting an education from Juilliard or the New York Film Academy, working in Hollywood and eventually, getting an Oscar, is no longer interested in any of those things.

Instead, recent events have led her to question the global entertainment industry’s moral values and ethical standing, changing her perspective altogether.

“My family and best friends know that since joining the [entertainment] industry, my only dream has been to win an Oscar,” Jabbar wrote. “However, very recently, after reading, observing, and learning, I realised this is not what I truly want. My core doesn’t desire something so dark, filled with people who are child molesters, abusers, involved in human trafficking, and silent about genocides around the world.”

The actor recalled how over a year ago, she was studying and manifesting to attend Juilliard for a degree in acting. “Until a few months ago, all the mirrors in my house had a long list of goals I wanted to achieve, with winning an Oscar at the top. Despite praying and manifesting, I would ask Allah why I wasn’t getting the right opportunity or the medium to grow. Now I understand why,” she said.

The actor said that while speaking to a few people at the airport about everything the local TV and film industry lacks, when asked about moving to Bollywood or Hollywood, for the first time her instant response was “no”.

“For the first time, fearlessly and openly, I expressed that I didn’t wish for that anymore,” she said. “An artist dreams of working with the best, honing their craft, learning, and creating more, but I no longer wish that for myself.”

For Jabbar, a turning point came when she witnessed the world’s response (or lack thereof) to Israel’s relentless bombardment of Palestine and indifference on the part of major celebrities. The actor expressed her shock at the industry’s silence, noting the dark underbelly of abuse and exploitation that goes unreported.

“What’s been happening in Palestine since October 7 and how these two giants have remained silent about it, how influential people haven’t said a word, is disheartening,” she continued. “When you dig deeper, you uncover a series of stories involving rape, molestation, abuse, and other dark, satanic activities. I don’t think I would ever want to be part of that.”

Jabbar also expressed a newfound appreciation for her religion, suggesting that her previous pursuits were rooted in superficial desires. “Seeing how the West is studying Islam and converting so rapidly makes me realise how right our religion was all along. We’ve been so obsessed with what was shown to us, which was nothing but darkness and pain,” she said.

The model remains uncertain about her future but acknowledges the possibility of finding opportunities that align with her values. “I don’t know what the future holds,” she concluded. “I might get an opportunity that resonates with my soul, and I might work in that. But if you ask me right now, this world has become almost unliveable.”


Peace for All Aug 02, 2024 01:48pm
It’s very sad and frustrating, everyone of us should raised voice against injustice and killing of innocent lives in Gaza right now. East and West and North and South should be on one page to end the war in Gaza now.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Aug 02, 2024 05:32pm
Taking lessons from the ongoing barbaric, horrific and horrible genocide of the helpless, feeble, trifle, weak, defenseless and hapless land and people of Palestine including innocent women and children by the shameless, spineless, conscienceless, hopeless and characterless Israeli Armed Forces funded by the U.S. tax payers, finally, she understood but the hard way, the true essence of equality, justice, fairness, freedom, peace, liberty, independence, equality and human rights for all people, by being exposed to the double standards and hypocrisy of the Western world under the auspices of the U.S. and its so-called western allies.
Zeeshan Aug 02, 2024 06:53pm
I have no idea who she is.
Ian Aug 02, 2024 07:12pm
Please google it , if your reading article about her so you must be curious George.
NYS Aug 02, 2024 07:27pm
To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perseptions
a4 Aug 02, 2024 08:08pm
Do something constructive for Palestinians. With your clout ask the Govt to bring refugees here
S. Khan, MD Aug 02, 2024 09:26pm
The Palestinian issue has global resonance. Political expedience and posturing aside, widespread support has been demonstrated from all strata regardless of faith or race. Perhaps, those who need to pull their socks up a bit are in the Arab world e.g., KSA. Rather than fuming at the west, consider why they have not shown any skin in the game.
Hamid Khan Aug 02, 2024 11:35pm
It is good to observe that people from the entertainment industry have spoken about the West's hypocrisy. The West has no moral standard. All we see is an illusion only to fool us. Indeed, democracy is a good form of governance, but they use it as a tool to destroy weak and developing countries only to take laverage.
Feysel saeed Aug 02, 2024 11:38pm
I think oscars level cannot go down to that extent that she will get an Oscar's for YouTube videos. But appreciate that she thinks big although she doesn't know how to act
ahtesham asif Aug 03, 2024 03:00am
we respect her thinking in the United States
rajesh Aug 03, 2024 07:10am
you have no idea who she is, and you can only imagine how insignificant you are!
Alex Aug 03, 2024 09:19am
Why only Palestine? People are dying in Sudan, Muslims killing Muslims nobody care, people have shirt memories of SA killing and bombing Yemen! Millions died in Syria because of infighting, and last but not the least, taliban killing own people in afghan and Pakistan, there are people still support taliban.
Gurpreet Singh Aug 03, 2024 09:39am
Has she ever received an offer from Hollywood or Bollywood?
Ravi Aug 03, 2024 10:07am
Peace for all indeed.
Money Honey Aug 03, 2024 07:49pm
She would have never won an Oscar anyway. She is an obscure artist who is just trying to get some attention.
Laila Aug 03, 2024 08:33pm
It's not like she was in the running. Nobody there ever heard of her. Will she say the same for Pakistani awards and honors when considering how we treat our women, our poor, our prisoners, our minorites etc? Every intolerance should be opposed. Not just that on Gaza/Palestine. Many injustices are being ignored and not even covered due to the constant coverage of Gaza and I am not talking about since 7/10. I am talking about over the past few decades. Myanmar, Rwanda to name a few. I wonder sometimes if our people would put the same zeal and loudness into protests for the rampant child abuse in madrassas and general, the institutionalized violence on women and how our minorities are treated, if not things would change. Just stick to local modeling and the occasional Pakistani drama. Ms Jabbar.
Laila Aug 04, 2024 08:24am
It's not like she is even the league of Oscar nominees. In fact Hollywood never heard of her. So she has nothing to worry about. She is nt in the running to win any international awards.
anon Aug 04, 2024 01:43pm
@Feysel Saeed: Her level is better than yours. Period.
Surya Aug 04, 2024 01:47pm
FUTURIST Aug 04, 2024 09:51pm
Tabarakallah... Happy for Saheefa Jabbar.
Ahmad Aug 05, 2024 12:05am
I wanted to be president of US. Now I know why I have not become the president. Now I know why, my core would not have been happy
Sabir JM Balouch Aug 05, 2024 01:29pm
There are few who can opt to stand at the right side of the history, you are one of them. Hats off to your courage! Keep rocking!
Laila Aug 07, 2024 02:24am
@A4 Well for starters Palestinians refugees don't want to come to Pakistan. It's naive of you to assume otherwise. Also not sure how this actress can use her socalled clout to tell our 3rd world government to bring Palestinians to Pakistan when Palestinians are not interested and Pakistan is not even able to accommodate its own population and economy is in a mess. Have you not read the news? On top of that there is racism in the Arab world including Palestinians and Africans and South Asians like Pakistanis are thought of as inferior by many (not all), and Palestinians will always opt to go to the West. Always. Palestinians and neighboring Jordan, Egypt, have erased any mention of Pakistans and our Pakistani fighters contribution in the 1967 7 days war with Israel from their history books. That's our value. Bet you didn't know this. As charity starts from home, it's better we take care of our own people first and treat our Afghan refugees in Pakistan better than try to bring in more people and then turn around and complain and criticize how their women dress, how free they are, why they wear western clothes etc. Our culture and the Palestinian culture do not mix. The fact that their people are 98 literate while we still have large national illiteracy especially higher for females tells you how progressive a society Palestinians are. They know Islam better and understand it beter. They don't practise our hindu oriented cultural ways of home made Islam. I can tell you haven't had any or much exposure with Palestinians. We have in a way put them on a pedestal and our exposure to Palestine and Palestinian people and culture is minimal if not non existing. Generally Pakistanis aren't known for diversity or exposure to the world. We kind of live in a bubble. Also I don't think a largely unknown actress has much clout. Also don't worry. There are many constructive initiatives taking places and have taken place for palestinians since 1948. Maybe you should follow the news more and read a few history books on Palestine and its history. You have no idea how there are many international exchange programmes, how majority of Palestinians settled in the West, and how Palestinians are actively represented in all fields etc. Their level of education by far exceeds ours due to the UNRWA initiative. No such initiative was made for Kashmirs children, sadly. If you want to do more than start something yourself. Visit Palestine with a charity and work for refugee camps