
‘This will haunt the US for generations’: Netanyahu’s address to US Congress draws mass outrage

‘This will haunt the US for generations’: Netanyahu’s address to US Congress draws mass outrage

The Israeli premier's speech and standing ovation was met with protests, burnt effigies, social media outcry and disgust.
25 Jul, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a landmark speech to the US Congress on Wednesday, seeking support at a time of tensions between his country and its main military backer over the former’s military offensive in Gaza reaches new, barbaric heights.

Washington has been increasingly critical of the mounting toll on civilians from more than nine months of onslaught in the narrow coastal territory, while protests in Israel by families of hostages taken by Hamas are also causing headaches for Netanyahu at home.

The Israeli premier’s speech was met with severe outrage from US lawmakers and citizens, as well as netizens. Thousands of demonstrators marched on the US Capitol, AFP reported. Inside the House of Representatives — half of the main Capitol building — six protesters were arrested before Netanyahu began speaking.

A group of protesters burned Netanyahu in effigy, along with American flags — a raucous end to a mostly peaceful march that also drew families, children and the elderly, as well as concerned citizens from thousands of miles away.

Crowds carrying Palestinian flags and signs ranging from left-wing slogans to Bible verses gathered near the Capitol calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and the arrest of Netanyahu, as prosecutors seek a warrant for him at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

“Seek peace and pursue it,” read one sign, quoting the Bible, while others were styled as criminal “wanted” signs, with photos of Netanyahu in place of a mugshot.

At a rally before the march, Palestinian and Jewish organisers stood on a stage and denounced both the US and the Israeli government for “genocide”, calling for a “citizen’s arrest” of Netanyahu.

US lawmakers skip Netanyahu’s speech

Dozens of Democrats skipped Netanyahu’s speech, expressing dismay over the tens of thousands of civilian deaths and the humanitarian crisis from Israel’s campaign, Reuters reported.

Congressional reporter Andrew Solender said that only about half of Democrat members of Congress attended Netanyahu’s speech.

“By my count, roughly 100 of the 212 House Democrats and 27 of 51 Senate Democrats (and Dem-caucusing independents) are in the chamber for Netanyahu’s speech,” Solander said in a social media post.

“That’s around half of each caucus absent.”

Those absent from the session included Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, as well as Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Sara Jacobs. Representative Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, attended the session wearing a keffiyeh and holding a sign that read “war criminal” and “guilty of genocide”.

Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Tlaib stated that it was “utterly disgraceful” to have Netanyahu address Congress. “He should be arrested and sent to the International Criminal Court.”

Meanwhile, Sanders dubbed the Israeli prime minister a “liar” and a “war criminal”, adding that Israelis wanted him out of office “so he came to Congress to campaign”.

Ocasio-Cortez maintained that it was “a dark day in US history when an authoritarian with warrant requests from the International Criminal Court is allowed to address a joint session of Congress”.

A statement from Omar detailed that she would not attend the Congress session as it was “utterly immoral and cruel to the millions of lives impacted by his [Netanyahu’s] catastrophic actions to platform him, let alone give him the honour of addressing Congress”.

‘For whom are you clapping?’

The address drew criticism from several Palestinian journalists who risked their lives to deliver news from the Gaza Strip. Hind Khoudary questioned: “For who are you clapping? For what are you clapping”, after Netanyahu received a standing ovation from Congress.

Motaz Azaiza took to X to underscore that “a war criminal is speaking to the Congress and everyone is clapping for him”, whereas Azaiza “who showed the world what the criminal Netanyahu committed” is under investigation.

Bisan Owda asked about the ICC arrest warrants, adding that Netanyahu was “flying across the world as a happy butterfly”.

In another Instagram story, she dubbed US President Joe Biden the “genocidal partner and godfather” of Israel after Netanyahu thanked him for his efforts. “How can [you] deny [sending] billions of billions of dollars of weapons,” she questioned.

“Dear free people of the US, how [is] this evil in your what [is] supposed to be [the] house of justice and laws! How he is in your lands free, happy, safe and probably optimistic to have a new weapons deal!”


Social media users condemned the standing ovation Netanyahu received, calling it “the most disgusting, pathetic, stomach-wrenching thing”.

British-American journalist Mehdi Hasan highlighted that “Israel is literally bombing aid trucks including World Central Kitchen but Netanyahu [is] blaming [the] lack of aid in Gaza on Hamas. And Congress is applauding him”.

British journalist Owen Jones maintained that Netanyahu’s standing ovation in Congress would “haunt the US for generations”.

“The world has seen the US political elite applaud a mass murderer — a genocidal butcher — and they are not going to forget it, or forgive it.”

Jewish Voice for Peace, an advocacy organisation, stated that Netanyahu’s speech was racist, devoid of fact, and “filled with anti-Palestinian and Islamaphobic diatribes”. They added that he used the narrative of Israeli captives “as fodder for his own political survival and the slander of anti-war Americans”.

The organisation said that Netanyahu and US government leaders, “who are paying and cheering for these historic atrocities” should be held accountable.

‘Darkest days in human history’

Indian journalist Rana Ayyub detailed the crimes Netanyahu was responsible for and said his address before Congress was “one of the darkest days in human history”. Ayyub labelled Congress “enablers”

An X user highlighted that “there have always been cheerleaders for crimes against humanity, and always people who speak out. History remembers both.”

Another netizen stated that Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was “one of the most horrifying things” they had ever seen, adding that it was a “series of lies and an endless stream of genocidal propaganda”. They dubbed all the politicians who stood up and clapped “genocidal freaks”.

“Watching mass murderer war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu speak on the floor of US Congress and be cheered on by our representatives who ignore our needs while funding his genocide is actually the most embarrassed I’ve ever felt as an American,” one X user wrote.

An X user said the applause Netanyahu received from Congress was “worse than Nazi Germany — because the world legitimises this madness”.

Amid the outrage and condemnation, a tweet of hope stood out the most: “There are more people protesting Netanyahu than giving him a standing ovation. I’m holding on to that”.

The bleakness of the situation, of the leaders of the supposed ‘free world’ both literally and metaphorically applauding an individual who has unleashed nothing short of hell of an entire population is slightly offset by those with some humanity and by those protesting for the rights and livelihoods of Palestinians.

There is hope as long as there are people who protest against the celebration of Israeli actions, who resist the normalisation of this violence and who promise “never again”.


Hassan Jul 25, 2024 04:57pm
This reflects the true face of America's unjust approach towards poor Muslims!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 25, 2024 05:00pm
Lies, lies and more lies by the biggest liar, bigot, racist, wicked, crooked, cruel, corrupt, cunning, crafty, crazy, criminal and biased war crimes global leader and the top perpetrator of Palestinian genocide is now addressing the U.S. Congress's joint session in Washington, D.C. and is shamelessly applauded by its forgetful members, who claim to be promoters and defenders of peace, justice, liberty, independence, human rights, equity, freedom and equality, while the protesting people they represent are arrested and abused outside the capital hills. What a grave, gruesome, grisly, grim, ghastly, gross, gigantic and great tragedy?
Habibullah Shaikh Jul 25, 2024 05:45pm
USA is dividing the world into two - Pro-Israel and Anti-Israel but ultimately it would be at the cost of USA.
M. Siddique Jul 25, 2024 06:02pm
It was a sad day in US history that a war criminal addressed the most noble institution and degraded it.
Multani Jul 25, 2024 06:52pm
USA fully supports Israel on all fronts, we may say what we like
Zulfiqar Jul 25, 2024 09:00pm
The two sides of America are plain to see in this one episode directed by a serial killer.
syed ahmed Jul 25, 2024 09:20pm
Netanyahu is a war criminal and should have been arrested and handed over to ICC of justice for further indictment and sentencing phase
Anonymouseee Jul 26, 2024 02:56am
We are ashamed as Americans.
Ron Jul 26, 2024 03:44am
Sad state of Affairs. What can I say as it said more than enough in this article. My heart cries
Hassan Parvez Jul 26, 2024 03:48am
Majority of US congressmen and senators are on payroll of AIPAC, shame on them, they proved that American politicians can be bought just for few dollars from AIPAC. If Hitler had financed them for reelection, they would have invited him to give speech in the congress and applause every sentence.
Laila Jul 26, 2024 06:18am
Can somebody explain the US governments 7 decades long allegiance to Israel? What leverage does Israel have over the US? Why have billions of US tax money gone to fund Israel? Why is Netanyahu repeatedly addressing the American congress? Why does the BDS movement not boycott The US, travel to the US (both migration and tourism), exchange programmes with the US, (Palestinian students are still going to study at prestigious US universities), US produce, streaming services, films, music, IT technology, pop culture, products and services? Surely there are other countries we can migrate to for a better life? If Trump is selected, will the aid to Israel stop? If yes, should American Muslims then not be voting for him instead of Kamala Harris or other candidates?
ImtiazFaruqui Jul 26, 2024 07:49am
Can the US congress or Biden explain to the American people ,the purpose of the Palestine genocide Killing 40,000 Woman and children- And What is their future SINISTER PLAN - Does this has any benefits for America. If yes - Then How will this help or benefit USA. May be American may understand .
Factsmatter Jul 26, 2024 11:54am
Ben the con showed up so that his paid minions can grovel at his feet.
Mubashir Munir Jul 26, 2024 12:26pm
Open genocide of Muslims backed by USA and western European countries calling themselves as champions of human right causes
Dr Salim Haidrani Jul 26, 2024 05:33pm
The Zionist Project of Israeli State is coming to end if you know that this construction of Israel was laid by the British Imperial power about 100 years ago and US imperialism continues to hold Israel and protect its oil and gas interests in the Middle East. All over the world people have been watching the destruction of Gaza and Palestinians on their mobiles and making up their minds & opinions about the Western World and its favour for this 'Zionist Project'. 21st century will witness the Palestinian State because Western political Model of 'Zionism' is coming to face the rise of China and its different political model for the Global Humanity. Live Long Palestine and Palestinians.
Haidar Jul 27, 2024 07:08am
He is a real criminal he kills innocent people in Gaza and he the enemy of humanity he should be arrested and should be sent to the prison for ever
Haidar Jul 27, 2024 07:10am
He is a real criminal he killed many innocent people in Gaza he is the enemy of humanity he should be arrested and jailed for ever
Momand Jul 27, 2024 10:23am
Allowing Netanyahu a terrorist declared war criminal the real culprit behind Gaza genocide a fanatic hate monger who murdered tens of thousands unarmed weak innocent children women civilians is indeed extremely shameful and black day in congress history. Those congressman who were clapping on every lie of cunning fanatic war criminal Netanyahu are accomplices in Gaza genocide.his address badly exposed US real ugliest hypocrite double face to whole world.this address of a declared war criminal has badly tarnished ruined US congress image around the world.natanyahu is a cunning liar cheater hypocrite deserve no mercy or respect n must be arrested for Genocide of Humanity in Gaza
Laila Jul 30, 2024 01:12am
@SYED AHMED Are you sure about that? Your order is incorrect. First comes the indictment, then arrest, then arraignment, then trial and then usually a conviction and punishment OR an acquittal. You didn't follow the news, because the head prosecutor of the ICC has already accused Netanyahu of warcrimes and applied for warrant of his arrest. However they have reached the same conclusion regarding high standing Hamas leaders (Sinwar, Ibrahim and Al-Masri) who they also found complicit in these warcrimes on Israeli soil and wanted arrested alongside Netanyahu. You may disagree but that's how the ICC works. It examines, investigates and then comes with their conclusions. Obviously arrest warrants can be issued but they will most likely not be honoured. Let's face it, Netanyahu or Hamas leaders are not going to turn themselves over to the court. But both have to for justice to be served. The first arrest ordre by ICC was issued in 2009 for the arrest of Omar Al Bashir, the Sudanese president, for his complicity in the warcrimes in Darfur. Nobody handed him over. He certainly never turned himself in. So ICCs powers are limited.
Laila Jul 30, 2024 01:52am
@MUBASHIR MUNIR, What "Western European countries" do you mean, exactly? Ireland, for example, is located in the West and in Europe, but have not backed Israel. Do you understand the meaning of the word "generalize " and why it's a bad thing? Also you forgot to include Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Morocco in their backing of Israel. These countries both acknowledge and trade with Israel. Finally, it may interest you to know the war is not on Muslims but on Palestinians and the are Christian Palestinians too. Their struggle is the same. For their identity, land and heritage. Maybe you should study the topics before you comment. It's good to some facts and basic knowledge. What's your view on European and American Muslims? There are millions of both.
Laila Jul 30, 2024 02:02am
@HASSAN If you think this is the US' "unjust approach against poor Muslims", then how do you explain the US representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, ex US president Obama Hussein Barack (had a Muslim father), the White House throwing Ramadan dinners for Muslims annually? Did you know Christian Palestinians also exist? Unlike in Pakistan where we treat our christian and hindu minority like second class citizens, force convert and sexually attack their girls, Palestinians and Arabs in general actually treat their minorities as fellow citizens. Palestinian struggle encompasses all Palestinians, Muslim and Christian both
NYS Jul 30, 2024 03:29pm
One goat speaks louder than a room full of sheep (following the title picture).