
Met woman at 4:40am because doctor advised avoiding the sun, says Khalilur Rehman Qamar on his kidnapping

Met woman at 4:40am because doctor advised avoiding the sun, says Khalilur Rehman Qamar on his kidnapping

The screenwriter detailed being lured into a trap, looted and tortured during a press conference.
22 Jul, 2024

In a harrowing turn of events, renowned screenwriter Khalilur Rehman Qamar was allegedly kidnapped, tortured, and looted in Lahore earlier this week. The incident, which has sent ripples through the entertainment industry and beyond, was reported to have occurred around midnight on Monday, July 15. Qamar held a press conference today (Monday) to speak about the incident.

According to the FIR registered at the Sundar Police Station in Lahore, Qamar received a phone call from an unknown number close to midnight. The caller, who identified herself as Amna Urooj, claimed to be a fan of Qamar and expressed a desire to collaborate with him on a TV drama.

Qamar, known for his popular dramas like Meray Paas Tum Ho and Pyarey Afzal, agreed to meet her. He reached the given location at approximately 4:40am, where Urooj welcomed him into her house. However, soon after he sat down, there was a knock on the door, and around seven armed men entered the room. The men conducted a body search, seizing Rs60,000, an iPhone 11, a Bank Al-Habib ATM card, and Qamar’s national identity card.

The FIR said the abductors withdrew over Rs200,000 from a separate bank account belonging to Qamar. The kidnappers allegedly told him that they had orders to kill him, demanding a ransom of Rs10 million.

During his press conference, Qamar spoke about his frightening experience. He explained his reasons for meeting Urooj at such an odd hour, citing medical advice to avoid daytime outings due to health issues.

“I am sick and my doctor has strictly told me to not go out in the daytime for five years. Even if he hadn’t said that, we meet people at night and you don’t differentiate between men and women. When there’s no objection to me meeting men at night, then why should there be an objection to me agreeing to see this woman at the break of dawn? Because this happened at 4:40am, I had not agreed to go at night when I got the call. For the past 15 days, she was pestering me to see her.”

A reporter alleged that Urooj, in her statement to the police, claimed that she and Qamar had been exchanging text messages and pictures for a week. Qamar vehemently denied this, stating that Urooj wanted to be in his drama and that he no longer had a record of the messages.

In the midst of the conference, the writer shamed women in showbiz (again), perhaps as a rebuttal of sorts to claims that he fell for a honey trap. “The girls in my field, the kind of clothes they wear and the way they talk, I’ve been seeing that for the past 27 years now. It’s nothing new to me,” he said, in response to a reporter alleging that the woman did not seem the type to be cast in dramas.

He also added that he did not know the woman would be alone at home.

A reporter pointed out that Qamar is known for making controversial statements about women, and now that he’s been kidnapped by one, perhaps there was some kind of explanation for all of this.

Qamar struggled to make sense of the connection being drawn between his past statements and the recent kidnapping incident. The press conference then became chaotic as reporters cross-questioned him, leading the police to end the event and escort the writer out.

Ironically, following the incident, a 2019 interview of Qamar has also resurfaced in which he mockingly says that if women want equality, they should consider kidnapping a man — him.

“I spoke to a feminist group about equality. I asked them if they’d ever heard about a gang of men kidnapping a woman. They assured me they have. I asked them why don’t women do the same. If you wish to strive for equality then kidnap men as well. Rob a bus, gang rape a man so that I can understand what you [women] mean by equality,” Qamar said in the video.


Fahad K Jul 22, 2024 06:57pm
Did doctor also advise carrying along Rs. 60k cash, while going to meet an unknown woman at 4.40am?
Fast comment Jul 22, 2024 07:13pm
Everyone knows KRQ is himself a drama. He’s cheap, mean, stupid. His own family members always at odd with him. This is nothing but a notorious practice to divert people attention from killing inflation. Many more dramas to come to distract people attention. The real dilemma is power bills, food prices, not KRQ.
najeeb ahmed Jul 22, 2024 07:14pm
shame qamar shame qamar
Razak Jul 22, 2024 07:29pm
He deserves. Doctor’s advice etc all are lies else why would any one go at 4.40 am ? Anyway learnt a lesson of his life
Gul Jul 22, 2024 07:57pm
Tariq Islam Jul 22, 2024 07:59pm
He is a phoney and a fraud! Basically hot caught? Cant explain 440 am 60k in pocket kiya halwa puri khreedney gaya thaa fajar per?
Ghulam Mujtaba Jul 22, 2024 08:07pm
Meeting with woman at odd time is definitely questiinable. Moreover, Mr Qamar might meet her at neutral place with his team members.
a4 Jul 22, 2024 08:14pm
A different level of excuse...beyond comprehension
Syed Qutub Jul 22, 2024 08:17pm
His version of events is like a sieve..has too many holes in it!
Jamil Soomro Jul 22, 2024 08:30pm
Another bogus man (No.3) after Adnan Siddiqui Sahil Adeem and now we have Khalilur Rehman Qamar. It is the same Issue of degrading women. Shame on him.
Impatient Jul 22, 2024 08:32pm
KRQ is saying half truth. The doctor also said, take me along, whenever wherever you go at 4.40am. KRQ is talking like PML(N) just to divert people attn from inflation, corruption, mismanagement.
Abdul H. Fauq Jul 22, 2024 08:37pm
I feel sorry for what happened to the dramatist. But, I also think that his misogynistic remarks about half of the world population are pathetic.
ABCD Jul 22, 2024 09:06pm
Funny characters in new scripts. Any taker to film it?
Sam Jul 22, 2024 09:26pm
Why not ask the person to come and meet?
VoiceOfReason Jul 22, 2024 09:29pm
Low life. Dont believe a word coming out of this guy.
Farhan Jul 22, 2024 10:07pm
Ya, right! He also deleted his mobile data and chat history on doctor's advise.
jsav12 Jul 22, 2024 11:14pm
Uhh... the comments at the end about equality... this man must be touched in the head.
Don Jul 23, 2024 12:16am
This is not MKR but focus on law and order situation of the city…
FAZ Jul 23, 2024 12:59am
Ok... So why Qamar didn't invite the prospect actress at hisbiwn home? In presence of his own family i.e?
J Khan Jul 23, 2024 01:17am
Sad that he got tortured and robbed. Having said that, he's a vile male chauvinist.
AK Jul 23, 2024 01:29am
It is sad what happened to him, but Mr. Qamar's story has more holes than cheese. So he has been living like Batman for five years based on doctor's advice and no one noticed? Which doctor has told him to avoid sun? Who holds a business meeting at 4:40 AM? Maybe, he was meeting her to pray tahajud together.
Miss O Genie Jul 23, 2024 01:34am
Serve him right
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 23, 2024 02:53am
Lies, lies and more lies. Sometimes, to hide one lie, some people have to rell thousands of lies.
Assad Jul 23, 2024 04:17am
Another two-faced hypocrite caught in the act. I can buy everything except the nonsense about meeting a non-mahram woman at 4:30 am about a drama. Who in their right mind does that? Obviously they had “other” business in mind.
Faisal Ghani Jul 23, 2024 04:39am
So as the sun rises at 5:13 am in Lahore, he only had a window of 13 minutes for the meeting and travelling back to avoid sunlight?
Nadeem Shah USA Jul 23, 2024 05:03am
Guy doesn't sound well, and a liar... Yeah, he could have gone after Maghrib too but seems he thought it was a booty call.
Siplan Jul 23, 2024 06:45am
"When there’s no objection to me meeting men at night, then why should there be an objection to me agreeing to see this woman at the break of dawn?" .. Would you agree if I say " If there is nothing wrong in hugging you, then why should there be any problem hugging your close female family members?" ..
Munir Jul 23, 2024 06:55am
Crime has been committed and culprits should be punished.
Zulfiqar Jul 23, 2024 07:24am
Sad turn of events
NYS Jul 23, 2024 07:39am
At times person meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it –the same happened with Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar his controversial dialogue shaped his destiny
AA Jul 23, 2024 07:41am
Great philosopher honey trapped
Malik Tariq Jul 23, 2024 10:26am
Qamar is a Male Chauvist P - g.
Lilly A Jul 23, 2024 10:49am
Now he can give equal rights to women and men.. hehehehe #shameshame
Martha Jul 23, 2024 10:53am
We know now how he comes up with street class playwrights and scripts, always targeting women's piety and character. Because he himself is that "bad kirdar admi".
Maria Jul 23, 2024 11:16am
Hmmm. Rehman sahab, aap gaye kyn itni raat ko?
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 23, 2024 12:24pm
Liar, liar, house on fire.
Junaid K Jul 23, 2024 03:25pm
Who is he fooling ? He fell into a honey trap. He went with cash to a woman’s house for one reason and one reason only.
Wolf Jul 23, 2024 03:48pm
Lawyers advise though!
Mukhtiar Ali Jul 23, 2024 04:12pm
Do Takkay Ka Marad !
Laila Jul 23, 2024 04:52pm
Do watch Yasir Shamoon Khans interview portion at the press's conference on the channel Neo Plus which miraculously took place in the day/sun with an army of police officers (it's easy to see the priorities of the police and why justice is delayed for the average and poor person). Khalil does not like critical questions. He claims there should be no difference in treatment of men and women. So he will have no issues when his wife or daughter interacts with and meets up with men alone at 4.40 AM (for business of course). He shames women, their dress, their bodies, their opinions, their rights and their trials while working in the same industry. In fact all he ever does is treat them differently. As the Images writer said, in 2019 he said, if women want equality, they should kidnap a man, rape a man and that unfaithful women are not women (unlike men, who in his opinion, remain men despite cheating and being unfaithful). Clearly he thinks women and men are different (which they are but not in the way, he thinks). He is lucky they only took 200k and his phone. Well at least he has material for his next misogynistic project which will undoubtedly earn him millions. Another sunny day. Another woman to pursue for non-man Khalil.
butchservice Jul 23, 2024 05:31pm
what a loser!!!
Alam Jul 23, 2024 05:40pm
This is his best flop drama !
Alam Jul 23, 2024 05:41pm
دو ٹکے کا مردِ !
M. Shahid Yousuf Jul 23, 2024 05:57pm
Truth is a force of nature. All will be revealed in a short time. Why rush to judgement ?
Mac Jul 23, 2024 06:38pm
Feel sorry for this poor person who cannot get out in sun. I donot know what life he has been living. May be doctor also advised to go early since he could have met at 9/10 after sunset. After speaking on intervals against other artists he could not find anything better except to go out so early. What a miserable person!
Imran Jul 23, 2024 06:43pm
Send him to obscurity by firing him from media and tv. He is better suited for Afghanistan.
Humza Jul 23, 2024 07:12pm
This joker is fooling no one with his half baked justifications of why he needed to meet this woman at 4 40 am. That being said, no one has the right to rob and extort which is crime and I hope the criminals are apprehended and charged. This man's behavior is as hypocritical as the PTI behavior when they point as others and don't look in the mirror.
Rashid Ahmed Jul 23, 2024 07:28pm
Does he wants us to believe this . Sunsets around 6:30 to 7 pm. It’s almost time for the sunrise at 4:40 am.
Asim Zafar Jul 24, 2024 10:47am
Guys hold your horses. I think he is a vampire so he should avoid the sun or else....
Zain Jul 24, 2024 12:08pm
He is a liar. He is famous just because of his misogynistic comments. These are the people who show no respect for opposite gender. According to him, women should rob bus, gang rape a man to show they are equal does all men do these stupid things no just a few stupid men women should and are showing equality in all fields of life in business in science in technology.
Salahuddin Ahmad Jul 24, 2024 11:54pm
is this fellow for real? does he think we are all fools, what a lame story , so the doctor told him to go at 4 AM with 60K in his pocket charming
Nawab Ali Jul 25, 2024 01:06am
I think media personnel did a fantastic job by roasting and exposed him.
Laila Jul 26, 2024 05:50am
@FAHAD K Well according to the FIR he had Rs. 6K on him and not 60K. In addition his atm card was used to withdraw Rs. 267k and his phone worth 150K taken. We can't ignore the massive holes in his story. The socalled gang gave him their correct address so police could easily find them, arrest everybody and take their weapons etc. They came with orders to kill him and demanded 10mil but let him go for just 267k. The message exchange lasted 15 days and is now conveniently deleted. He chose to go there alone without a lawyer or personal staff members or guards at 4AM. The meeting could easily have been had at his home with his wife and kids and lawyer present. He behaves as if he was just born yesterday and doesn't know how the world or a kidnapping works. He was blindfolded but saw everything. He claims being physically torture but is completely unscathed and no signs of trauma or ptsd. Our police is notorious for not investigating or solving cases yet his case is resolved within 24 hours of reporting. An army of police officers escort him and sit with him at his press conference as if they are his paid for official spokespersons. His story simply doesnt adds up. He just needs to be honest that he went there for booty call. Hence the absence of his wife. He must take us all for fools. Can you believe his fans are still defending him?
Pan Jul 26, 2024 07:39am
Mobile chat n data is only deleted from his phone: Lady has all . Plus mobile servers not only data and chat: the time ; location: phone identity. cell tower. Many other women will come too. This is not first time.