
Let them eat laddoos — Ambani festivities continue amid growing inequality in India

Let them eat laddoos — Ambani festivities continue amid growing inequality in India

An executive at Reliance called the event a 'powerful symbol of India's growing stature on the global stage'.
13 Jul, 2024

Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s son was married on Friday in a lavish ceremony that has been a hot talking point at home and abroad, with his father’s $260 billion-conglomerate Reliance taking to social media to heavily publicise the event.

Reliance’s efforts, coupled with posts from a host of Bollywood stars and coverage in media, have helped whip up public interest in the wedding, overshadowing some critical social media posts that have questioned the opulence at a time of growing inequality in India.

Ambani’s youngest son Anant, 29, married his long-time girlfriend Radhika Merchant, 29, in a star-studded ceremony in Mumbai that was attended by celebrities and politicians, such as Kim Kardashian, Mike Tyson, Tony Blair and Boris Johnson. Three days of celebratory receptions will follow.

One unnamed executive at Reliance called the event a “powerful symbol of India’s growing stature on the global stage”.

“The presence of esteemed individuals highlights India’s economic, political, intellectual, and scientific prowess,” the note, shared with reporters, said.

Ambani, Asia’s richest person, is famous for hosting lavish parties, especially for his three children Akash, Isha and Anant. International artists perform and a host of Bollywood stars usually attend the gatherings, whose price tag runs into the millions.

This promises to be the most extravagant of Ambani’s galas so far, although it is not know how much was spent.

Reliance shares videos, photos

Some, such as opposition politician, Thomas Isaac have called the amount of spending “obscene”.

“Legally it maybe their money but such ostentatious expenditure is a sin against mother earth and (the) poor,” he said in a post on X.

The wedding functions have been deemed a public event, leading to traffic restrictions in a key Mumbai business district for four days, also raising public ire.

With access limited and details closely guarded, information meted out to the eager public has been done partly through Reliance’s official Facebook page, which has 2.3 million followers.

The account shared video clips of dance performances and photographs to give a peek into the private celebrations.

One post, opens new tab on Reliance’s Facebook account this week, which received 54,000 likes, showed the Ambani family at a private music function, dancing to a Bollywood song, which feature in most Indian marriages. It was promoted with hashtags such as #ARWeddingCelebrations.

Media access to the wedding venue was restricted on Friday night, with only a limited number of photographers and TV crew allowed to capture incoming guests.

Onlookers stood with umbrellas in rain outside the venue, some clicking pictures, with the sound of Bollywood audible from inside.

A foreign company executive in India, who is due to attend the Ambani wedding function this weekend, told Reuters function organisers will likely put tape on the phone camera of entering guests to ensure no pictures are taken.

Most of Ambani’s celebrations are closely guarded.

The wedding events started in March with a three-day pre-wedding party with 1,200 guests and a performance by superstar Rihanna, followed by a European luxury cruise with 800 guests in May.

Days later, several Bollywood actresses posted photos on Instagram, sporting luxury designer labels, to their millions of followers, without any details of the Ambani cruise celebrations.

Such is the interest, Indian TV news channels are tracking the wedding minute-by-minute.

“The world descends … Guest list to what’s there to eat. Every minute detail on Times Now,” the TV news channel’s tickers said on Friday evening.


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 13, 2024 02:11pm
"Rome" is burning, and the Nereus of India are playing their flutes.
Don Jul 13, 2024 02:14pm
Congratulations Ambani Sir
Taj Ahmad Jul 13, 2024 02:58pm
Congrats to Ambani family on their son’s wedding with all love and happiness in the years to come.
Asif Jul 13, 2024 03:02pm
Exactly opposite to the situation the common Indian people are living. Enjoy my neighbours.
M.P. Singh Jul 13, 2024 03:02pm
A vulgar display of wealth in a country where the poorest of the world reside!
Jigen M19 Jul 13, 2024 03:50pm
What an awful and gaudy show of wealth in the face of high poverty in India
Abu Jul 13, 2024 04:48pm
@ DON : Why 'sir'?
Syed Hasni Jul 13, 2024 06:20pm
Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", said to have been spoken in the 18th century by "a great princess" upon being told that the peasants had no bread. While Jia Khan is eating the Mahrajs ladoos in India!
Kris Jul 13, 2024 06:26pm
Their wealth, their choice.
Fast comment Jul 13, 2024 06:27pm
Ambanis are biggest tax payers in India. Largest network of philanthropy maintained by them. Unlike Shareefs & Zardaris , they are honest. They serve India & Indians.
Ryan Jul 13, 2024 07:46pm
They earned it. They are spending and enjoying it. Can’t spend on poor. That is their own job and government’s job
mirza shahzad Jul 13, 2024 07:47pm
he should have arranged a grand dinner party for poor people and spend millons on that then we can consider him a nice person but spending millions on already millionaires is futile.
huccha saabu Jul 13, 2024 07:54pm
Congratulations; may the extended ceremoney become a means of distribution to working class (cooks, drivers, hotel employees, logistic partners, servers & cleaning staff, those working in entertainment & media). The higher the rich spend (with our without the show), the money flows to the have-not's. Let our rich do some charity.
Changez Khan Jul 13, 2024 08:42pm
Nothing wrong to be rich but 'showoff' is bad and stinks. What a pathetic way to burn money when millions in India go to bed hungry.
Sam Jul 13, 2024 11:58pm
Outside their home in Mumbai, food is served daily via a non stop bhandar. That is the tradition of giving to the needy and poor. Rich wholesoem delicious food 6 to 7 course meals, for anyone showupy, laborers businessmen, people who are passing by. So stop complaining Reuters. We don't see this tradition Anywhere in the west.
Teju Jul 14, 2024 12:13am
I would recommend people like Ambani spend such extra ant money because this will create more jobs and pay for many textiles and weavers and so on and so forth….In India even a poor spends most money on saving so why not Ambani…This traditional Nehruvian Socialist thinking must stop…Ambani made some of the greatest things for Indian startup (Jio ) high created 250bn wealth and 100 unicorns thanks to jio…if greed is bad in capitalism envy bad in socialism…Indians must stop envy..for controlling greed we have democracy
Teju Jul 14, 2024 12:14am
Why..they earned legitimate they spend legitimate…even a poor Indian outspends his wealth in his children wedding
Teju Jul 14, 2024 12:15am
Name a single country where there is no poverty…America Russia China……
Factsmatter Jul 14, 2024 01:13am
Everyone wants to be rich but hate rich people. Oh the irony. That being said they are spending money and creating jobs. For all the nay sayers, tone down the jealousy and come up with something creative to start your own enterprise.
Nadeem Shah USA Jul 14, 2024 01:17am
They have to pay celebrities to attend their parties, everyone knows. Meanwhile our mothers won't allow sons to marry British royal princess.
Gurpreet Singh Jul 14, 2024 01:29am
While I personally don’t endorse the extravagance, the fact is that its Ambani’s wealth and they can spend it the way they want. Not to mention that they’ve also been feeding 20,000-30,000 poor people for the last two weeks.
Hamza Jul 14, 2024 01:34am
Such waste and over indulgence ends in poverty and disaster. While 80% of Indians starve due to poverty, few corrupt revel in unholy wealth. History shows us that.
Factsmatter Jul 14, 2024 01:37am
If they don’t spend the money suddenly everyone will get rich. Stop with the self righteous indignation.
Muqali Khan Jul 14, 2024 04:14am
Millions starving around the country while a few savour the momentarily pleasure of money.
Kantpatel Jul 14, 2024 04:26am
The leftists are the first to criticize, however, they never Do any service for the poor. Ambanis have help pay for several schools, hospitals, cultural center. Also, contributed millions to help poor to alleviate their problem. Look to your efforts, or lack of it.
Subhash Changarath Jul 14, 2024 05:34am
It's their money, their kids, they enjoy. Don't be jealous. If you have money, you also do. No one will stop you. Stop talking nonsense and poverty. Do you know how much they spend for under privileged?
MG Jul 14, 2024 05:41am
The number of Rich in India is growing at exponential rate
MG Jul 14, 2024 05:42am
In the money he splashed, he could have bailed out some struggling economies
Aadi Jul 14, 2024 05:50am
Remember, even Ambanis were poor one day, they worked hard to reach to this point, no-one is stopping poor people to work harder and spend money earned with hard work. But as usual people like you will always find problems.
Picasso Jul 14, 2024 06:12am
It is Ambani'shard earned legal money and what is concerning others
DM Jul 14, 2024 07:09am
It’s their money so I guess it’s up to them how they wish to spend it but for me, a wedding should be a personal, family affair with the bride and groom surrounded by their loved ones. Paying celebrities to attend the festivities does not make any sense to me.
Ram Prasad Jul 14, 2024 08:39am
So much money flowing into the economy. Good thing. His money and people are just jealous.
Laila Jul 14, 2024 10:49am
Not sure why we are so focused on some rich elite Indian family. Its not like this is the first time in history that people display their wealth or throw fancy weddings with the cream of elite present. When people have money they naturally spend it and most will show off. Surely we have more interesting local Pakistani news.
MNG Jul 14, 2024 01:39pm
They earned the money, it's their money and they spending. Let it be.
Dan Jul 14, 2024 02:53pm
Congratulations and heartfelt best wishes to the newlyweds!! All of us spend much higher than our normal capacity during our marriages!! On other hand Ambanis have spent just fraction of their wealth. Then why this fuss??? Those who are condemning are either jealous or hypocrite.
Hassan Jul 14, 2024 02:54pm
There is no harm in spending but i personally feel it was a bit of too much! eventually the wedding itself was lost in so much dragging!
Raj Bhavan Jul 14, 2024 03:22pm
Ambaani pushed over 4000 Cr from his bank account to Indian economy giving earning opportunities to thousands. People cooking food, decorating, driving made some good money. What you want then to do? Leave there profession and beg?
Krishnan Jul 14, 2024 03:37pm
So much concerned about inequality in India. First ask the elite to pay proper taxes in your country.
Allaisa Jul 14, 2024 03:37pm
But most of the money was spent inside India and went into its economy. That is how Governments do in times of recession etc. But Mr Ambani did it in times of good and thoroughly enjoying himself albeit causing a lot of heartburn amongst the 'friendly' Pakistani neighbors. Have a laddoo and use lots of Burnol.
Rajive Jul 14, 2024 03:49pm
People may went their anger or envy, but truly this wedding added lots to the economy. Millions got employment because of it. And don't forget they also donated millions during the ceremonies. Ambani do do do lot of welfare and charities and they have all the rights to celebrate their joyous occasions to their liking and means. Tall popy syndrome.
Ayman Muqtadir Sattar Jul 14, 2024 04:06pm
I am not to judge , good or bad. Opulence is the word the comes to my mind when I see, read or talk about Ambani family and their events. I can only say, this will be a part of history in more ways than one. Like we read about the Mughal emperors wealth and their lavish life styles! Ambani's are easily the modern day Mughals!
Van Gogh Jul 14, 2024 04:40pm
Waste of Money, time and material......
Ayman Muqtadir Sattar Jul 14, 2024 04:42pm
We are lucky to see such grandeur! Its like reliving the days of Mughals! it reminds us of the wealth and lavishness of the Mughal emperors! Ambani's are the modern day Mughals!
Sanjeev Mehta Jul 14, 2024 04:45pm
It's good rich businessman spending huge money, this way other vendors, staff, event management people, jewelers, decorators and many more will ear for that. Good way to distribute money and grow economy. Congratulations!
Sangat Singh Jul 14, 2024 05:40pm
Money makes the mare go, dear.
Dan Jul 14, 2024 06:03pm
In past 9years 240million Indians got out of Poverty. This is something really to celebrate!!
Umesh Guddad Jul 14, 2024 09:08pm
Dr Sakaria, Charity is a personal choice.You cannot dictate or advise anybody. They have become rich in just 2 generations. Did you see the marriage functions of the progeny of the Sheriffs in London,? Condescending.
Gly Mendon Jul 15, 2024 04:21am
A person with couple of millions worth spend atleast $100000 for thier childrens wedding. Here Ambani spent $1/2 billion since he has $120Billion, what is the difference. If he doesn’t spend money Will remain in his bank? What is the use ? These celebrations create lots of economic activities which helps everyone, down to the driver and the flower seller. He employs millions already throughout the world, what more you want him do? Why not critics do something or much less than him to create employment and economic activities. You want to distribute this free? How it will help?
Pankaj Jul 15, 2024 07:46am
It's their money . Let them decide how they wish to spend it. Further, expenditure of approximately $ 0.7 billion will surely fuel the economy, everyone poor or rich is getting benefits out of this event be it caterers, hotels,cabs,tour operators, florist, event managers, electronic media ,shop keepers ,airlines,entertainment industry, ground workers,labors and who not . Neighbors envy ,owners pride
Chandan Jul 15, 2024 07:56am
which ever country it is, rich ppl always have a pomp show
Alok Jul 15, 2024 09:14am
Why is Pakistani crying over Anant Ambani wedding spends? When the Arabs wed with so much fun and fancy and spends billions, i havent seen the such cryptic post then !!
Shakeel Mahota Jul 15, 2024 11:38am
Giving an impression of an upstart country interested in show-off.... A simple ceremony sans unnecessary extravagance coupled with billions of rupees for several humanitarian causes on the occasion of wedding would have endeared Ambanies to the world..
Manikandan Jul 15, 2024 12:02pm
In India extreme poverty has been fully eradicated, now India is moving towards middle income country. Soon wealth distribution will happen
Indian Neighbour Jul 15, 2024 12:47pm
It should not concern you..... It is thier money.... How much did you donate by the way...
Interesting Jul 15, 2024 01:12pm
Interesting for other articles the comments section still undergoing ’change’.
Jamil Soomro Jul 15, 2024 04:04pm
There are many business tycoons in India but they don't indulge in such frivolous practices like Mukesh Ambani. What a bogus exhibition of wealth.?
Laila Jul 16, 2024 01:50am
We also economical disparity and ever growing disparity in our society. We can't talk about equity let alone equality. So we should focus on it issues. Just look at the Sharif family and the over the top 2 sets of luxurious opulent weddings of Maryams son in both Pakistan and London.
Shyam Jul 16, 2024 01:03pm
The article written without knowing the ground reality . Writer must have done the proper homework before writing against Ambanis We are proud of our Ambanis and appreciate their efforts towards social contributions
Floo Pwdr Jul 16, 2024 05:12pm
The family have worked hard to be where they are. They are philanthropists and take care of their workers. Why is eliminating poverty in the entire Bharat their responsibility?
Truth Speaker Jul 18, 2024 11:36am
As part of the wedding celebrations and Hindu customs, they are feeding 9,000 people daily in Mumbai for 40 days. Anyone can walk-in and have delicious freshly prepared food. Don't comment without educating yourself.