
Pakistani Academy Selection Committee calls for film submissions for Oscar consideration by Aug 15

Pakistani Academy Selection Committee calls for film submissions for Oscar consideration by Aug 15

The committee is inviting filmmakers to submit their films in the International Feature Film Award category.
Updated 29 Jul, 2024

The Pakistani Academy Selection Committee (PASC) is inviting filmmakers to submit their films for Oscar consideration in the International Feature Film Award category for the 97th Academy Awards by 5pm on August 15.

An international film is defined as a feature-length motion picture of over 40 minutes produced outside of the United States of America and its territories with a predominantly (more than 50 per cent) non-English dialogue track. Animated and documentary feature films are permitted.

The committee will choose one film as Pakistan’s official submission for the award.

The selection committee comprises individuals selected through private nominations and referrals. Nominators are esteemed film professionals, filmmakers, artists, and craftspeople with expertise in the realm of motion pictures. The chairperson presents a list of potential selection committee members to the International Feature Film Executive Committee for their final approval.

The majority of the selection committee comprises esteemed film professionals, filmmakers, artists and craftspeople with expertise in the realm of motion pictures, the names of whom will be released after approval from the Academy.

In previous years, the committee had selected In Flames and Joyland to be its official Oscar submissions.

Criteria for film eligibility

The country-selected film must be first released in the country of origin no earlier than November 1, 2023, and no later than September 30, 2024, and be first publicly exhibited for at least seven consecutive days in a commercial motion picture theatre for the profit of the producer and exhibitor.

For films to more easily meet theatrical exhibition requirements, the Academy will allow films to qualify outside the country of origin, provided the film is theatrically exhibited outside of the United States and its territories for at least seven consecutive days in a commercial motion picture theatre for paid admission.

The film must be advertised and exploited during its qualifying theatrical release in a manner considered customary to theatrical feature distribution practices. The film need not have been released in the United States.

Films that, in any version, receive a nontheatrical public exhibition or distribution before their qualifying theatrical release will not be eligible for Academy Awards consideration.

Non-theatrical public exhibition or distribution includes but is not limited to:

• Broadcast and cable television


• DVD distribution

• Inflight airline distribution

• Internet transmission

The recording of the original dialogue track and the completed picture must be predominantly (more than 50 per cent) in a language or languages other than English. Accurate, legible English language subtitles are required.

To read the complete rules, you can go to the Academy Awards website. For entry forms, submission details, and queries, reach out to


Syed Hasni Jun 20, 2024 09:17pm
Pakistan destroyed its own reputation. If anything, I have improved Pakistan's image-Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Good Luck!
Taj Ahmad Jun 20, 2024 10:45pm
Good luck for Pakistani film to be nominated for Oscar Award.
Naeem Jun 22, 2024 08:20am
Good luck, but after cricket failure and mob incidents, bad news after bad news, there is no hope left in the awam anymore.