
Pakistanis are dealing with the wait for election results as they know best — with memes

Pakistanis are dealing with the wait for election results as they know best — with memes

In the absence of actual news, social media continues to reign supreme.
09 Feb, 2024

Elections ended on February 8 and while the nation waits for results they have dropped some stellar content on social media, keeping us entertained.

Here are some of our favourite — mostly non-political — tweets from election day.

We’re starting off with this dig at Selena Gomez, who, let’s be honest, loves being the centre of attention even when lives are at stake. Hey, some people know they are born to be stars.

This person who is thinking of the wrong Imran Khan. (But we also quite like the shoot).

Hamza, who clearly had a DAY at the polling station. We’re just glad that he and both his parents exercised their constitutional right to vote.

This incredible reaction to Hamza’s parents reuniting.

Apparently, voting was not the only thing happening at polling stations. Pakistani women continued to have very Pakistani experiences.

Yes, this is a legitimate wish. No, this is not our burner account.

This was our entire Instagram feed yesterday and…

This is how we felt. Sometimes.

Except for when this guy commented on OUR THUMBS. Live and let live, bro.

Sabah Bano Malik is relatable as always. Literally us, five minutes into swiping on Bumble.

A throwback to this immensely sad moment. We wonder if any candidates in the current election cycle felt like this.

Was anyone else the most dressed person at their polling station?

And this moment of retrospection. At least the initial joke was funny.

How was your voting experience? Did anything funny happen at the polling station or after? Share your experiences in our comment section below!

Election 2024


Nasir Feb 09, 2024 03:27pm
Great to see the comments section is open again.
Syed Hasni Feb 09, 2024 04:07pm
I have heard in this election about McDonald’s new Prime Minister value meal. You order whatever you want, and the person after you has to pay for it.
Riz Ali UK Feb 09, 2024 04:53pm
Its very easy to spoil your handwritten vote by mistake...computerised votes may make voting easier but also vulnerability is great for manipulation.
Uturn Feb 09, 2024 05:34pm
The comments section is open again!! OMG
sanaullah Feb 09, 2024 09:42pm
i noticed something strange i.e everybody was talking to me politely and was giving hug to each other. i don't know FOR VOTE or BEYOND THAT
Overseas citizen Feb 10, 2024 01:55am
Oh Dawn please restart the comments section- I miss it
Vinod from india Feb 10, 2024 07:47am
Good to see humour - am indian and appreciate you guys keeping spirits up..keep smiling