
Sindh High Court directs FIA, PTA to block defamatory content posted about actor Kubra Khan

Sindh High Court directs FIA, PTA to block defamatory content posted about actor Kubra Khan

She filed a petition against YouTuber Adil Farooq Raja for "defamatory, dangerous" allegations made against her and three other actors.
06 Jan, 2023

The Sindh High Court directed on Thursday the Federal Investigation Agency and Pakistan Telecommunication Authority to block defamatory material being disseminated against actor Rabia Iqbal alias Kubra Khan on social media.

The interim order came on a petition filed by Khan against “derogatory, defamatory, malicious, incendiary, dangerous and sensationalising allegations” made by YouTuber Adil Farooq Raja against her and three other actors on the social media networking websites.

A two-judge bench, comprising Justice Salahuddin Panhwar and Justice Zulfiqar Ahmed Khan, after preliminary hearing of the petition, issued notices to the director general of the FIA, chairman of the PTA and others for Jan 9.

The bench also told the authorities to file their respective comments by the next date and adjourned the hearing.

In her plea, which she also shared online, Khan submitted that a YouTuber, who claimed himself to be a rights activist and former army officer, had made false allegations against the four actors and degraded them.

She submitted that the person was causing an affront to the actors about their modesty and dignity by alleging that they were “used by intelligence agencies and the establishment to lure politicians into compromising positions at their safe houses”.

The petitioner’s counsel submitted that Raja later uploaded another video where he clarified the issue and retracted his earlier version. “However, during the process it irreparably damaged the reputation of the actresses including the petitioner and on account of the contents uploaded in the social media sites and cyber space,” the counsel added.

He submitted that the FIA and PTA had been approached with requests to remove the content but no action had so far been taken against the YouTuber nor had the defamatory content been removed from the social media websites.

He pleaded to the court to direct the PTA and FIA to take immediate action against the perpetrators in accordance with the Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act, 2016 in letter and spirit. The court was also urged to direct the authorities to hold an inquiry into the matter.

The video

The petition comes after Raja, who describes himself on Twitter as a geopolitical analyst and rights activist, released a video on December 31 in which he made several sweeping statements against the former top leadership of the army. One allegation was that four “top models and actresses” would fraternise with the former officials as well as with politicians. He was unable to substantiate his claims with proof other than claiming it was revealed to him by “sources”.

He also mentioned the initials of the four women he was making the claims about — MK, MH, SA and KK or AK. The confusion in the last set of initials was compounded when he claimed to have said AK after Khan’s tweet threatening to sue him for defamation.

Raja claimed on Twitter that he hadn’t defamed Khan and pointed to his “condemnation” of the rampant speculation that arose after his video as evidence of this. He accused her of defaming him by explicitly naming him in her post.

The situation grew more heated when a number of celebrities lent Khan their support, calling out the character assassination of one of their own.


NYS Jan 06, 2023 11:06am
Vigilant action by SHC
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 06, 2023 11:07am
Why to worry so much if you have not done anything wrong?
Khalid Kundi Jan 06, 2023 11:09am
Mr Raja! Never blame anyone on hearsay. Either bring a proof of what you say or face the music. Running to the UK is not that helpful when law enforcement of the said country can make you pay for what you have done.
Rehan Jan 06, 2023 11:10am
Why there is mess with a estranged woman actions
AW Jan 06, 2023 11:18am
Adil. Raja’s news is usually very credible
humble Pakistani Jan 06, 2023 11:22am
I wish courts took decision for the common man in the same way.
Pakistan for All Jan 06, 2023 11:32am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Will you say the same thing if a similar campaign is started against you or your loved one?
M. Saeed Jan 06, 2023 11:38am
What the fugitive said, is almost a universal accusation on all actresses of the world. Factually, any person attempting the profession, enters the industry well aware of it's norms and vices.
Asif Zardari Jan 06, 2023 11:44am
Still waiting for courts to allow FIR for IK
Brig. Mullah Jan 06, 2023 11:45am
what about pending cases in SHC since ages. Oh, there have not been filed by celebrities
Talha Jan 06, 2023 12:06pm
Anyone who accuses another person of adultery needs to provide the evidence of four eyewitnesses otherwise the accuser deserves to be publicly punished and humiliated. Only such stern measures can keep a society sanitized.
Pakistani Jan 06, 2023 12:50pm
Major Raja Adil a run away from military hiding in UK and blaming actresses without proofs. All these actresses did a drama series on army and major Raja Adil is confusing it with something else. This ex major is a full disgrace to pakistan
Syed Ahmed Jan 06, 2023 12:53pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad publicity stunt nothing else
Anon Jan 06, 2023 01:31pm
The irony is her name was never mentioned in the said YouTube video by Adil Raja.
M. Emad Jan 06, 2023 02:15pm
Beautiful Pakistani Actress.
AHAQ Jan 06, 2023 02:50pm
She is being just used as an excuse to hide the other revelations by Maj Retd. Raja
Syed Hasni Jan 06, 2023 03:34pm
Truth is generally the best vindication against slander- Abraham Lincoln
Truth be told Jan 06, 2023 06:12pm
@Talha when evidence was provided in the form of a living daughter, courts did nothing since at that time they were favouring Imran Khan and people were blinded by the media. Which country are you talking about where these rules will apply? Evidence or no evidence, this is Phakistan.
Fast comment Jan 06, 2023 06:38pm
@Anon The dirty obnoxious blame game must stop. This retired major is extra smart and has vast knowledge of history politics and current affairs. He shouldn’t have used his mind in below the belt dirty politics. He should serve his institution instead spreading disappointment.
Aam aadami Jan 06, 2023 08:54pm
Why make so much fuss? When there is smoke, there is fire .. I am waiting for the video.
Ajaz Jan 06, 2023 10:15pm
Kubra Khan and Mehwish Hayat are just mouth pieces (no pun intended) for the neutrals and boys!
Captain Jan 06, 2023 10:25pm
If FALSE then one condemns, else; need to be verified and justice be done ✅
Pakistani Jan 07, 2023 06:16am
@Brig. Mullah 100% correct observation
Concerning Jan 07, 2023 08:49am
Special treatment? How about the commoners? Opening courts at 11pm?