
UK studio helps ex-fans of Ye get rid of their Kanye West tattoos for free

UK studio helps ex-fans of Ye get rid of their Kanye West tattoos for free

The rapper's recent anti-Semitic remarks have caused a lot of people to distance themselves from him.
17 Dec, 2022

Kimberley Westgarth says she was so disgusted by Kanye West’s recent anti-Semitic comments that she is getting rid of her tattoo of him.

Two years ago, the 24-year-old architecture student had her upper left arm inked with an image of Kanye West’s face, with tears of blood from his eyes.

“I loved his music and at the time I did like him as a person. I liked what he stood for, how he stuck up for the bipolar community,” she told AFP. “I did idolise him at the time but obviously people change, so I want him off my skin.”

West, now known as Ye, sparked outrage earlier this month by declaring his “love” of Nazis and admiration for Adolf Hitler. His rambling, hours-long appearance with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on the latter’s Infowars livestream saw him kicked off Twitter.

It was the latest in a series of anti-Semitic comments that have seen the troubled one-time titan of fashion and music’s commercial relationships crumble.

For Westgarth, the comments hit home hard, as her best friend is Jewish.

But she is not spending a penny to get the tattoo of him removed. NAAMA Studios in London’s upmarket Marylebone district is doing it for free. It is providing her with 12 sessions of laser treatment over the course of a year under a special programme it runs called “Second Chance”.

Painful past

The initiative was set up to provide the free removal of tattoos that have come to be a constant reminder of an individual’s painful past. That could be tattoos about gang membership, a stretch in prison, a toxic relationship or hate symbols.

It has now been extended to include those of Kanye West. Already, about 100 people have got in touch with NAAMA Studios via their website, said owner Melina Lawson. Two people have been selected and are receiving treatment, she added.

“It is a journey for the client, especially with any history on their tattoo, especially if you don’t like the tattoo or what it represents to you anymore,” said Lawson.

“It can be a bit sensitive to the client but as they progress into the treatment, they start to change themselves. They can see that actually it’s being removed. They can be something else.”

The total cost of removing a tattoo is on average £2000 ($2400) but varies according to the size of the inking and the number of sessions required. But the social impact of a removal and the positivity it can bring to a client “is much bigger” than money, said Lawson.

“I was so pleased,” said Westgarth. “I’ve been looking to get it removed for about a couple of months now and everywhere was so expensive. So when I’ve seen this opportunity, I leapt for this opportunity. And to get it for free — I can’t thank them enough.”


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Dec 17, 2022 01:35pm
Who cares?
NYS Dec 17, 2022 02:09pm
Positivity changes thousands mind ... Kenye W antismetic remarks land him into such disgusting place (no matter he is bypolar and standing with the same group) .People who were as affectionate to tattoos his bodily image are welcoming the way to remove ( having no cost) ... How ridiculous yet disgusting stance! Point to ponder!
M. Saeed Dec 17, 2022 02:28pm
Our own TV star Zoya Nasir has a similar story to tell. She broke engagement with her boy friend, Christian Betzmann, when he talked bad about her religion and customs of her country.
Saira Khan Dec 18, 2022 12:03am
Yes get tattoos off for free but keep being racist to south Asians. Only scared of the J boys because they control your banks.
Steve Probeck Dec 18, 2022 12:27am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad shut up