
Adnan Siddiqui doesn’t like remixes of the national anthem of Pakistan

Adnan Siddiqui doesn’t like remixes of the national anthem of Pakistan

He asked on Instagram if it's appropriate to take creative liberties "with our national anthem that was composed to instil patriotism in us."
25 Nov, 2022

The Lux Style Awards (LSAs) were held on Thursday night in Lahore and a remix of the national anthem was performed at the show by Wahab Bugti and Shehzad Roy. The ‘remixed’ version of the anthem featured the exact same lyrics as the original but the instruments used for the music were replaced with traditional ones. Adnan Siddiqui didn’t like this version at all. and In fact, he finds it “disrespectful”.

Taking to his Instagram, he mentioned a “famous award show” and questioned if it is “appropriate to take creative liberties” with our national anthem that was “composed to instil patriotism”.

He asked if the Constitution permits “anyone to improvise/remix the Tarana in the guise of creativity”, noting that the original rendition is always played at matches, tournaments or other state functions.

“At a famous award show, artists however, fiddle with the National symbol and possibly get away with it too,” said the Ye Dil Mera actor, adding that he personally finds remixes of the national anthem “disrespectful”.

He asked his followers for their thoughts on the matter and a large number of them agreed about the national anthem being preserved in its original form.

We see Siddiqui’s point of view when it comes to preserving the sanctity of the national anthem, however, the “famous award show” he referred to, featured folk instruments and we believe that’s completely okay since they are a part of Pakistani culture.

We understand that at times it can be hard to digest something you aren’t used to —perhaps the way Bugti and Roy performed on stage was unpalatable to Siddiqui — but being open to different instruments being used isn’t such a bad idea. It paves the way for other artists from different regions to also sing the national anthem with their own instruments and flair and that doesn’t change anything other than the instrumental in the background. The words of the national anthem remain the same.

We agree that the national anthem shouldn’t be disrespected, but it doesn’t seem like there was any disrespect intended here. They used traditional Pakistani instruments and sounds to sing the most Pakistani song there is.


Truth be told Nov 25, 2022 03:45pm
Totally agree. In the guise of creativity everything got ruined please leave the national anthem alone.
Shehzad Shah Nov 25, 2022 04:26pm
The lyrics of our glorious anthem are in a foreign language. If anything, they were increasing its worth.
NYS Nov 25, 2022 04:40pm
National Anthem, physical altercation is not respectful despite that where ever it is played the real theme {rhythm} ain't destroyed ,use of multi instrument can enhance it sanctity
John Malik Nov 25, 2022 05:51pm
Get over it. You should hear various renditions of the stars spangled banner. No two are alike. And please it is not necessary to opine on every issue. Nice to stay within your lane. People are more than capable of making their own mind, whether one believes it or not.
Wahab UK Nov 25, 2022 05:55pm
100% agree
Fast comment Nov 25, 2022 06:18pm
Adnan Siddiqui is right.
Faiz Nov 25, 2022 06:36pm
Everyone has an opinion, a National anthem is a tool to enforce nationalism. Dont take it too seriously, ours is in Persian, no one understands it anyway.
Kiwi Nov 25, 2022 06:39pm
It was a nice rendition. Each person has his own opinions.
AGHA PASHA Nov 25, 2022 06:44pm
Fully agree and support Adnan
Abida Nov 25, 2022 07:05pm
@Faiz I think you didn't attend a pakistani school otherwise you should have known the meaning of national anthem
Syed Hasni Nov 25, 2022 08:01pm
Please leave these Remixes to Atif Aslam, only he knows to be obnoxius with sytle . Ahmed Ghulamali Chagla must be rolling in his Grave !
Danish Nov 25, 2022 08:18pm
It’s ok to not like it. Exactly the way I don’t like Adnan as an actor. He should leave acting business alone. Just saying.. (to make the point)
Truth be told Nov 25, 2022 08:54pm
@Shehzad Shah foreign to you since you are a burger generation.
Truth be told Nov 25, 2022 08:56pm
@John Malik don't compare it with US anthem. Pakistan has nothing in common with USA other than the Pakistani Donald Trump called Imran Khan.
ukasha rajpoot Nov 25, 2022 09:43pm
My national pride ask me to hate adnan siddiqui? what should i do.
Art Nov 25, 2022 09:55pm
That anthem is a bluff, everthing belongs to the 1% elite, so why should the 99% even remember it?
Ahsan Gul Nov 25, 2022 10:37pm
@Danish totally agreed. These are by chance actors and never leave opportunity to be in news.
Mrs.Khalil Nov 25, 2022 11:37pm
Old is gold
Mukhtar Nov 26, 2022 02:13am
Do not stop creativity. As long as the spirit of the anthem is not tampered with, what is the harm. Love of country and nation is big enough to embrace all versions of a wonderfully uplifting anthem
Syed Nadeem Nov 26, 2022 04:10am
This should not be allowed, strict law against changing the original national anthem. Next it will become bhangra etc... Where will it stop?
Ali(USA) Nov 26, 2022 04:42am
@Shehzad Shah Urdu is heavily influenced by Fasri and Arabic.Majority of the national anthem's vocabulary is in poetic Urdu which is infact farsi. It's a pity that you can't understand it.
Ali(USA) Nov 26, 2022 04:43am
@Faiz Every Pakistani kid who went to a school in Pakistan understands it, It's a pity that you understand it.
Common Nonsense Nov 26, 2022 07:21am
@Faiz - it’s your fault that you don’t understand it or didn’t try to understand it. I am sure you speak lots word in Urdu which are from other languages. Who understand Bollywood Hindi very well.
Reality Nov 26, 2022 09:00am
Yes agree on this one.same goes for others anthem too
Ali Nov 26, 2022 10:05am
Very correct statement by Adnan, appreciate his observation in a society where most are mentally deaf and blind.
Anonymouseee Nov 26, 2022 12:56pm
He has a right to his opinion and I totally respect that. I think it’s the feeling and intentions with which the national anthem is sung that result counts. In the end we are all proud and patriotic Pakistanis.
Pro West Nov 26, 2022 01:05pm
This guy is out of touch with LSA. Its a place where celebs can show their true attitudes and feelings towards the Pakistani culture and values that they wish to change. Small subversive steps towards a broader goal. No society in the world has been able to resist celeb and pop culture, and all celeb and pop cultures imitate the Western model, and the western model is about manipulating public tastes through art, media. The basic framework in Pakistan is in place. Regardless of how loud the religious community shouts and screams, they can do nothing to reverse this without a sea change that they seem incapable of. Western culture will take over Pakistan.