
Angeline Malik’s drama Hum 2 Hamaray 100 is about the pains and joys of living in a joint family

Angeline Malik’s drama Hum 2 Hamaray 100 is about the pains and joys of living in a joint family

The director told Images she wanted to create something that wouldn't glorify people's problems like other dramas do.
02 Nov, 2022

Hum 2 Hamaray 100, directed and produced by Angeline Malik, is a TV show that wants to cover issues people face on a daily basis but also counter friction with lighthearted moments. She told Images she considers the drama a ray of sunshine in times where problems are glorified onscreen instead of being tackled properly.

“[The show] is based on a joint family whereas, at the same time, we are discussing family planning and we are also focusing on family values,” she said. “I believe, over time, there are many things that [we have] lost. There was a time where we used to eat together with our family, we used to watch television together [but] these old values and traditions are not present in today’s day and age.”

The Tamasha actor said the show is about a huge family that is very close. “Obviously, there are issues that come with joint family systems but at the same time, it’s also about how important family is and how family is there for each other when needed. This is the backdrop, it is a satire on real life incidents, not a comedy,” she explained.

A drama with relatable characters, the series is one that may give people hope. “These days people are losing hope — there’s depression, there’s poverty, there’s lack of education. In this [show], we are showing that despite these issues, there are small moments of joy such as a packet of chips, the family going on a picnic or eating together,” said Malik. “We have highlighted small things like this because I feel that entertainment has become very morbid and depressing we are addressing issues in such a way that we are glorifying the problems people face on a daily base. I am not glorifying them in this series, I am showing these issues, their solutions and asking people to look around and find that there are so many moments we should value and should be happy about.”

An “out-of-the-box concept”, the AAN TV series stars an assortment of actors, old and new. The senior cast includes Samina Ahmed, Adnan Shah Tipu, Furqan Qureshi, Hajra Yamin, Sana Askari, Ayesha Gul, Ayesha Toor, Nazli Nasr, Taqi Ahmed, Malik, Rasik Ismael, Pari Hashmi, Rana Majid, Kashif Javed and Mona Shah. There are also some talented young actors like Hammad Sheikh, Reham Rafiq, Ali Ibrahim, Ahmed Ibrahim and Angel Amd Emanay who are part of the cast.

Toor told Images what made her say yes to the character. “Angeline told me the story and the most important thing she said was there is a message attached to it but the message is not conveyed by crime, screaming or being overly dramatic. We will portray this character very gradually and well,” she said. “Then [another] important thing she said was that the girl is respectful, educated and sensible. Secondly, she reads and is very interested in books. I said yes immediately to that because I was like thank God some character of mine is well educated and fun. It is books and relationships being talked about instead of things that are generally discussed in dramas. I said yes as soon as she told me the story.”

Not being able to reveal much about her character lest she spoil it, Toor talked about her work experience, calling it brilliant. “These new actors, Reham, Hammad and another child who plays Puma’s character — at least they’re new for me, I haven’t worked with them — are truly truly talented and professional. It was a pleasure for me to work with them. Where the team is concerned, some members in Angeline’s team and I started working together 15 years ago. We had such a great time.”

The Kaisi Teri Khudgarzi actor’s last serial involved a lot of crying and screaming, which she found too dramatic. “What I find interesting about this one is that it’s very normal, [like] real life, nothing over the top yet it is funny, it’s written well, [involves good] acting. It is my pleasure to be part of this play and to be part of this team,” she added.

Hum 2 Hamaray 100 is the story of Shams Ud Din household which has three generations living under its roof. “In this family, there are members of every age group facing their own challenges that are sometimes silly but sometimes thought provoking. There are kids learning from adults but also adults learning from kids. In essence, it is a satirical tale of a joint family depicting the minor and major issues they face every day,” said Malik.

A broad spectrum of issues have been touched upon in the show, including the importance of education, women empowerment, cousin marriage and its complications, old age pregnancy, child abuse, harassment and a woman’s right to make her own choices. Each episode tackles a different issue, at the same time, entertaining the viewers and offering solutions.

The drama’s OST is a rap song produced by Baber Mangi with his own vocals, along with Safeer Jaffery, Ash Rohan and Rafiq, who is also playing a burqa-clad rap singer inspired by Eva B.


Ahmed Nov 02, 2022 10:10pm
Angeline Malik a terrible actor, director, only in Pakistan can such work be praised.
Just@Man Nov 03, 2022 09:35am
Looks like usual trashy stuff. The image, colour scheme etc all tells us to not bother watching it
Hanna Nov 03, 2022 11:24am
Finally something relatable to watch amid all the regressive run of the mill dramas