
Yasir Hussain is proud of Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, says she promotes a positive image of Pakistan

Yasir Hussain is proud of Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, says she promotes a positive image of Pakistan

The actor said we need to change the way we think and remember the services of great women like Fatima Jinnah.
28 Oct, 2022

Yasir Hussain has taken a moment to cheer on Oscar and Emmy-winning director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy. The actor said she promotes a good image of the nation and is living proof of the greatness that lies within Pakistani women. He asked his followers to broaden their minds, implying that women need to be given space and opportunity to grow.

On Thursday, he shared a photo of the filmmaker hoisting her Academy Award along with the hashtags #aurat #maa #hai. He captioned the post, “I am proud of Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy. A Pakistani woman winning an award promotes a positive image of Pakistan because it shows that Oscar-winning daughters are born in Pakistan. In our country, even a bad woman is better than a good man. This is a man’s society. We have to change the way we think. Forgetting the services of Fatima Jinnah is an injustice.”

Obaid-Chinoy is known for her documentaries such as Saving Face and A Girl in the River, The Price of Forgiveness. She is also reportedly set to direct the next Star Wars film. According to Deadline, American screenwriter Damon Lindelof, who has written for The Watchmen, Tomorrowland and Star Trek, is developing the movie for Lucasfilm, a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios. The script is still in the works, which means production is not currently in sight.

The filmmaking team reportedly found a director before they found a co-writer because it was important to to steer the script with the person’s own vision for how they see the story unfurling in consideration. Obaid-Chinoy is currently involved in directing Paramount’s adaptation of the novel Brilliance, produced by Will Smith.

She also recently directed Ms Marvel, a short Disney series with a Pakistani girl as the lead. The show was not only hailed for representing a large segment of people that only make it onscreen as side characters, if at all, but also for its storyline and direction.


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Oct 28, 2022 02:53pm
United we stand, divided we fall.
Tanvir Khan Oct 28, 2022 03:12pm
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy has done a very great humanitarian service by highlighting the atrocities against women in Pakistan! I am also very proud of her!!!
Tahmad Oct 28, 2022 03:26pm
Agreed, we as Pakistanis must come out of negative thinkings and always think positive to others and be respectful and love each other’s in Pakistan and abroad. Pakistan Zindabad, United We Stand - Divided We Fall.
Ahmad Oct 28, 2022 03:26pm
Ms Chinoy has done more for Pakistan than any General or politician. Hats off to her.
JaaliSher Oct 28, 2022 03:56pm
None of you promote positive image! Working on nefarious agenda and being used as pawns by ‘them’
Ahmed Oct 28, 2022 04:21pm
Go see her documentaries and see what they say about Pakistan.
Ten Jee Oct 28, 2022 04:35pm
She is part of an educated 'elite' deracinated class, more in common with European middle classes than the average Pakistani. It's insulting to have such 'role models' foisted upon us when their values do not match ours.
Truth be told Oct 28, 2022 05:51pm
Actually it is the other way around. The more she paints a negative image of Pakistan, the more she gets recognized in the West and Yasir and company think that is progress!
Ilovehelen Oct 28, 2022 05:56pm
Hidden message is " Please cast me"
M. Saeed Oct 28, 2022 07:13pm
This woman is a strong catalyst for our women's emancipation!
Ehsan Oct 28, 2022 07:50pm
More power to her
Its me Oct 28, 2022 08:01pm
Just choose feminism as a topic on which you are going to make film about Pakistan and you GOT Oscar. That's how simple it is.
Its me Oct 28, 2022 08:03pm
Even if I borrow money and make a film on the situation of women in Pakistan and I'll get Oscar. That's how simple it is.
Jahanara Oct 28, 2022 08:52pm
@Tanvir Khan just by making documentaries what humanitarian service she has done? This lady never did anything concrete for the betterment of women. Those who support her and congratulate her are completely ignorant of the fact that she is portraying an absolutely negative image of our country. By defaming Pakistan she is earning money and fame. Stop supporting those who are a source of insult for us.
Riz Haq Oct 28, 2022 10:04pm
@Truth be told she has made a career out of showing all things negative from Pakistan. She is definitely talented but needs to dig deep for positive content to paint a positive image of Pakistan. I dare her to come up with a documentary of what happened in Kenya. And Yasir Hussain needs to learn the definition of Positive Image
abdul Oct 29, 2022 12:17am
Please stop identifying her as Pakistani. She is Canadian and would not have been successful under "chador and chardivari" system of Pakistan. This is a false narrative to illustrate success of an individual who moved out of the country and made it. Let the women (and men) accomplish success by giving them opportunities in Pakistan so they do not go abroad in the first place.
Kaka Oct 29, 2022 05:07am
If acid attacks on women child brides honor killings women thrown in canals is a positive image what would be a negative image ?
Zeba Jamal Oct 29, 2022 05:10am
Those who consider her work humanitarian are absolutely ignorant. She is minting money and fame by disgracing Pakistan and Pakistani women. If she has a real concern regarding the plight of women then why she has never started a single project from the money which she has earned to uplift their lives. People just praise her because she is winning an Oscar. Learn a little more about her agenda and the agenda of those for whom she works.
Maryam Jamal Oct 29, 2022 05:15am
Pakistanis feel proud when she wins an award without knowing that what is she promoting. It is good to represent the facts but if she is sincere in her mission of bringing change then she should start something for the betterment of oppressed women. Apparently her only concern is in presenting Pakistan as a disgraceful country and earning money and fame. Poor ignorant Pakistanis consider her as a great humanitarian.
M. Saeed Oct 29, 2022 01:34pm
@Maryam Jamal badnaam jo hongay to kya naam naahoga? We only want name Pakistan to be in news, good or bad!
M. Saeed Oct 29, 2022 01:38pm
@Truth be told, Yasir himself is a crime glorifier! See his solid strike through his film on 100 children killer, Javed Iqbal.