
Priyanka Chopra is vocal in her support for Iranian women but not for Muslim women in India

Priyanka Chopra is vocal in her support for Iranian women but not for Muslim women in India

"The voices that speak after ages of forced silence will rightfully burst like a volcano! And they will not and MUST not be stemmed," wrote the actor on Instagram.
12 Oct, 2022

Protests are sweeping Iran with calls of justice for Mahsa Amini, a young woman who died in the custody of Iranian morality police, and more and more people are expressing their support for the cause. But people aren’t on board for those who stay silent in the face of oppression at the hands of their own government showing support now — notably French actors, Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra and Israeli women.

The protests in Iran are against the government forcing women to cover their heads and inflicting violence on them in cases where the arbitrary dress codes are broken. As an act of resistance, many Iranian women are chopping off their hair and it’s led to token acts of support in the form of celebrities snipping off a lock of their hair on camera or posting about the protests. Chopra shared a picture and post about the movement but people were quick to point out that she has never spoken about the oppression of Muslim women in India and India-occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

On Monday, she shared a photo on Instagram with her thoughts on Iranian women. “The voices that speak after ages of forced silence, will rightfully burst like a volcano! And they will not and MUST not be stemmed,” she wrote while expressing how she’s in awe of the courage and purpose.

The Bajirao Mastani actor added that it’s not easy to risk your life in order to “challenge the patriarchal establishment” while fighting for your rights. She also weighed in on the matter that people need to join in for their collective voiced to be heard as numbers matter. “I stand with you. Jin, jiyan , azaadi… Women, life, freedom,” she concluded.

But soon after her Instagram post, Chopra was called out on social media for not raising her voice for the Muslim women in her own country. One user said in the southern Indian state of Karnataka where Chopra is from Muslim women are fighting for their right to wear hijabs.

It’s not just Chopra though. People are pointing fingers at TV anchors in India trimming their hair in solidarity with Iranian women.

Journalists are questioning the hypocrisy in celebrities staying silent on women being denied their right to wear hijab in India but supporting the choice of Iranian women to not wear the hijab.

A journalist shared a video of BJP MP Parvesh Verma and called out Indian celebrities for “speaking about Iran” but looking the other way when “fascism and apartheid” is taking place in their home country.

The issue is not, of course, limited to Priyanka Chopra and India. When French actors trimmed their hair in solidarity, people were quick to call them out for staying silent on the treatment of Muslim women in France.

The issue is not and has never been about religion. The Iranian movement is based on women being forced to follow a dress code and oftentimes brutalised if they don’t. We should all be supporting Iranian women on their quest for freedom from oppression and the ability to choose what to wear but that doesn’t mean forgetting what’s happening in our own backyards.

The French actors were called out for their performative activism, and it makes sense — how much weight does the support of someone have who cannot even support their own countrywomen. Why is it so easy for these celebrities to stand in support of other people but never in support of their own people?

This selective activism is dangerous and cruel and until we call these celebrities out, it’s never going to change. It gives the message that only some people matter. In this case, it says only some Muslim women matter. Both groups of women are fighting for their right to dress as they please and supporting one over the other isn’t right.

Iranian women deserve support. They deserve support from everyone but they don’t need the backing of people who are selective in their outrage and support.

Chopra, a National Ambassador to UNICEF India, has never spoken up for Muslim women in India, IoJK or even Palestine. Her post for the women of Iran reads insincere when she can’t even stick up for women in her own country.


Zak Oct 12, 2022 02:31pm
Hypocrit has ignored women in Indian occupied kashmir. Double face. Waste of space.
Johnw Oct 12, 2022 02:41pm
Clearly she is against backwardness in all spheres, whether Iran and India.
Asif Bhatti Oct 12, 2022 02:44pm
Fake ignorant woman who should not be given any importance!
haris Oct 12, 2022 02:48pm
Hypocrisy has become a norm in our societies.
Abbotabadi Oct 12, 2022 02:48pm
Muslim women in India are very safe. Look after the Hindu and Sikh women in Pakistan.
Imtirian Hozmydadi Oct 12, 2022 02:49pm
There are Muslims in Iran protesting genocide, why is Pakistan and especially Imran Khan quiet over this? Perhaps you have again sent ambassador to check.. and who has returned with an ‘all is ok’ certificate just like in xinjiang??
Ghajnavi Oct 12, 2022 02:49pm
Women in India occupied Kashmir and in general minority in the entire country are living their fears. They can't follow their freedom and are victims. Hopefully she shows concern to them too
Imran Asghar Oct 12, 2022 03:05pm
Biasedness at its peak
Aziz Oct 12, 2022 03:08pm
@Johnw define backwardness
Ahsan Gul Oct 12, 2022 03:14pm
Only our stupids like Fawad khan wants to work again in India.
FAZ Oct 12, 2022 03:15pm
@Johnw Women want to wear hijab or bikini. Their choice. Isn't that the mantra? By the way the "backward" women of India were protesting for wearing hijab in schools, not inside their homes. Is that backwardness? How does hijab prevents someone from studying?
Yusufa Oct 12, 2022 03:20pm
You complain too much.
Romi Oct 12, 2022 03:21pm
You mean like Pakistanis don’t speak up about China’s mistreatment of its Muslims?
SecondPilot Oct 12, 2022 03:29pm
Not a single Pakistani has spoken up for Iranian women. That shows the contempt in which women are held in Pakistani society. Disgusting.
SecondPilot Oct 12, 2022 03:38pm
@Zak You're a perfect example of when jihadis try to preach morality.
SecondPilot Oct 12, 2022 03:38pm
@Zak You symbolize what the world hates about Pakistan.
Dube Oct 12, 2022 03:46pm
@Aziz Either both Muslim men and women should roam around in black tents or both should be free to move around without them. Backwardness is men forcing women to wear them at homes and pose that as their personal 'choice' in the public. Priyanka Chopra knows this phenomenon and hence condemned what needed to be condemned.
arfa aslam khan Oct 12, 2022 03:50pm
WHAT a double standard is cunning woman she is.WHY is not saying anything about MUSLIN in INDIA because she is TOO SCARED to voice,SHE is a big cunning ignorant. SHAME ON HER.
AZAM AKBAR Oct 12, 2022 03:51pm
This film actress is a hypocrite. Period.
Reality Oct 12, 2022 03:53pm
Shows how jealous ppl are of PC lol
Abdul S Oct 12, 2022 04:02pm
Nobody was killed in india for wearing hijab. The law is u cannot wear it in learning institute. But free to wear elsewhere. Unlike Iran where even non muslims must wear it
bhaRAT© Oct 12, 2022 04:02pm
@Abbotabadi , "Muslim women in India are very safe." Really? The US just raised its travel advisory for India, warning US citizens not to venture out, especially women for reasons well known to all, and Hindus flogging and beating minorities routinely.
bhaRAT© Oct 12, 2022 04:07pm
@SecondPilot , “You symbolize what the world hates about Pakistan.” Saffron brigade thinks they are the whole wide world all be themselves!!
SaneMind1st Oct 12, 2022 04:20pm
I have not seen any comment from Pakistani women, be they, film stars, models, politicians, working, housemakers, etc., on this issue. Says a lot about their right to think, speak and act. Ain't it?
Hubli Oct 12, 2022 04:25pm
Bilkis Bano was paid and was part of a political agenda, Iranian women are fighting for their right to respectful living, don't compare both
Safina Yaqoob Oct 12, 2022 04:33pm
What absolute nonsense - Another publicity stunt by this ignorant women.
Mirza Awais Oct 12, 2022 04:36pm
Why does not she pay attention on women in her country? Why she does not raise voice for Kashmiri women who face violence of Indian army? Double face.
Kulbhshan Yadav Oct 12, 2022 04:38pm
There is no public ban on Hijab in India despite many cases where Burqa wearing women have been caught stealing in jewellery stores all over India. Only some educational institute in Karnatak expects student to respect dress code and not wear something that is part of some religious attire unless it is essential. There is no comparison between forcing and arresting women in Iran to situation in INDIA.
Punisher Oct 12, 2022 04:39pm
Jealousy on full display here. One tweet from PC sends people from neighboring country in a fit of rage lol.
jb Oct 12, 2022 04:45pm
Priyanka puts her finger in the air to feel what is the topic of the day that she can put her name behind,,,, Never mind the problems in her own country.
ali Oct 12, 2022 04:47pm
"Backward" can be defined in many ways ; in this case, it is the lack of knowledge about contribution of hijab wearing ladies to all facets of our global society (from architecture to medicine, from governance of state to philosophy, from poetry to battlefield) in our history. Search up !!! Till then, your assumptions are just that ... assumptions
Just Saying Oct 12, 2022 05:07pm
There is no need or justification for wearing a hijab in any modern society with appropriate law and order.
Just Saying Oct 12, 2022 05:09pm
Priyanka Chopra has no business in Iran. Her only motive is to get free publicity.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Oct 12, 2022 05:15pm
Hypocrisy, ignorance, prejudice behavior, deceit and deception at its top.
Ali Oct 12, 2022 05:16pm
@Johnw Really are you serious.
Multani Oct 12, 2022 05:18pm
Living a good life in freedom in USA celebrities like Priyanka Chopra , Bella Hadid etc give statements for their popularity without any clue about reality. Media should totally ignore these meaningless off an on statements.
Salvo Oct 12, 2022 05:54pm
@bhaRAT© really live in Pakistan and focus on figure out how to travel around safely in Pakistan before aping US travel advisory as the name suggest an advise nothing set on stone…
Iman Oct 12, 2022 06:08pm
@FAZ You are required to wear Hijab in presence of strangers not at home in front of family members but you come in contact with strangers once you step out to go for work or school.
Bunny Oct 12, 2022 06:16pm
who takes her seriously I say.she has opinions about the lastest hot topic each time just sto stay relavent.
Shaun Oct 12, 2022 06:21pm
Pakistan should ask her for loan. She has more money than Pakistan has.
Aimal Oct 12, 2022 06:22pm
@Safina Yaqoob You are right. She should have spoken about the Pakistani muslim women like those in Gilgit-Baltistan where the girls were recently prevented from doing a sport event due to mullahs. What a situation at home!
Mansur Ul Haque Oct 12, 2022 06:23pm
Prayanka has problem in eye sight. Her eyes can see only such things that are in other countries. She can't see any wrong doings in her own country. May be that how you prove you are loyal with your own country.
Waheed Noor Oct 12, 2022 06:55pm
She is a forward thinking lady. Hijab is taking the our society backwards. She wants everyone to NOT wear Hijab whether in Iran or India. So, what is the problem?
Waheed Noor Oct 12, 2022 06:58pm
@ali Hijab has nothing to do with their contribution. In fact, for every Hijab wearing lady I can show thousands of non Hijab wearing women who contributed equally or better.
Faizan Oct 12, 2022 07:00pm
She's a total hypocrite. When she was doing a talk in America some time back, an American-Pakistani girl asked her why she was supporting war by saying "jai hind" after India attacked Pakistan. Instead of answering, Chopra gave some nonsense reply and had the mic taken away from the Pakistani girl. Priyanka is no liberal, she's a liar and a fraud.
Faizan Oct 12, 2022 07:32pm
@Aimal Why do Indians lie so much? No such thing happened as you're claiming.
vikas gupta Oct 12, 2022 07:47pm
@arfa aslam khan: You are a pathetic POS,
Zak Oct 12, 2022 07:53pm
@Johnw Clearly she is against backwardness in all spheres, whether Iran and India. Dont compare any other country to India, the most most backward country, just look at their PM.
Punisher Oct 12, 2022 07:56pm
So when Pakistani celebrities speak against the hijab ban in various countries but don't say a word about the forced wearing of hijab in some countries, isn't that also hypocritical?
Dean Oct 12, 2022 08:03pm
Attention seeker !!!
Raj Oct 12, 2022 08:04pm
Because Indian women are not killed for not wearing Hijab. They are in fact encouraged to speak up.
S.Khan Oct 12, 2022 08:07pm
Muslims in India have too many rights that are not available to them in other countries.
Fast comment Oct 12, 2022 08:13pm
Charity begins from home, Priyanka should also take into loop the plights of minorities in India, then discrimination met out to people next door, then comes Iran.
Tariq Oct 12, 2022 08:38pm
Maybe Iranian leaders need to rethink oil and gas supply to India
someguy Oct 12, 2022 08:41pm
@SecondPilot LOL an Indian preaching women rights to another nation is like water complaning to someone else that they are wet.
Dr. Rafiq Khan Oct 12, 2022 08:43pm
She's just another hindutva-nazi
vin Oct 12, 2022 08:54pm
@Zak So you are worried about Kashmir Pandits, since when?
vin Oct 12, 2022 08:56pm
@Mirza Awais They can file a case.
vin Oct 12, 2022 08:58pm
@Zak Then why do you compare? Why are you so worried about India?
Nadeem Khan Oct 12, 2022 09:03pm
interfere in other countries but not clean up yours,,, great idea
Jay Oct 12, 2022 09:09pm
@Abdul S Good point. I do not understand why people keep missing this point.
Ten Jee Oct 12, 2022 09:43pm
Same mentality as Aurat March Aunties here.
Afnan Oct 12, 2022 09:48pm
So what ?
Gulshan Omar Oct 12, 2022 10:10pm
Worlds biggest batsman PM Modi is there. Priyanka still does not have the bouncer to take him out.
Alih Kazmi Oct 12, 2022 10:15pm
Enjoy Modi's alternate reality show.
Khalid iqbal Oct 12, 2022 10:32pm
@Johnw , how do you describe backwardness .
Alih Kazmi Oct 12, 2022 11:14pm
@Raj Whatever the pretext, more women are murdered in India than any other country on earth.
Ali Mehdi Oct 12, 2022 11:44pm
Lives of Indian Muslim women matter
riz12 Oct 12, 2022 11:51pm
Freedom of choice or expression has been defined by secular nations like France and Hungary - total ban in public. Not the same as institutionalised slavery. India will reach there too.
Uyghyr ahmadi Oct 13, 2022 12:20am
Just as Bella hadid is strictly pro hijab though half naked herself to earn money and has no support for Iranian women. Or all Pakistani commenting are unable to support the fight of Iranian women.
Pathanoo Oct 13, 2022 12:39am
Muslim women are not prevented from wearing Hijab in thier daily lives. Only places they can not wear it is in an institution where it has a policy for uniform.
Faheem Bhatt Oct 13, 2022 01:05am
former Miss World, pride of Ambala City. Wishing her the very best for her upcoming movies - be it English or Hindi.
Ebrahim Oct 13, 2022 01:16am
Salute to you Mr Ashok Swain
NSG Oct 13, 2022 03:05am
What is hypocrisy about PC'S stand? She doesn't support hijab , whether in Iran or India
NSG Oct 13, 2022 03:06am
@Zak what about Muslims in China?
NSG Oct 13, 2022 03:09am
@haris what is hypocritical about PC's stand on hijab? She is against hijab, be it Iran or India
HinduKush Oct 13, 2022 04:03am
@Johnw, in which world is it "clear"? You Indians live in a world of fantasy and behave as if everyone shares it. Did she speak for bilquis bano? Sanghi vermin (I am sure you are sympathetic to their cause) are epitome of modernity?
HinduKush Oct 13, 2022 04:06am
@Imtirian Hozmydadi, genocide? Do you even know what that is or are you just going yo throw that word to look fancy at any and every opportunity you get? How about this "ok" check?
Zeeshan Oct 13, 2022 05:24am
@Zak what about women in our own norther areas. Someone raise a voice for them too.
Ed Oct 13, 2022 05:53am
@Abbotabadi you have no idea about situation of Indian Muslim women!
KJ Oct 13, 2022 06:20am
Muslim women are not brutally treated and subjected in India, so this comparison and claim is completely out of place.
Anonymouseee Oct 13, 2022 06:41am
Chopra is as fake as they come and should be ignored.
Reality Oct 13, 2022 06:42am
@Faizan what she did was totally correct...that woman in audience was looking fr her 2 mins of fame...
Drr Oct 13, 2022 06:47am
@Zak she too will support muslim women in india in their demand not to wear hijab.
Drr Oct 13, 2022 06:48am
@FAZ "Women want to wear hijab or bikini." thay can't do that in public places.
AVR Oct 13, 2022 06:59am
@Zak What about Chinese atrocities on Muslims? You didn't find any hypocrisy there?
M. Emad Oct 13, 2022 07:14am
Beautiful Priyanka Chopra.
Bubba Oct 13, 2022 07:24am
Let's send the Muslim women in India who want to wear the hijab to Iran and help the freedom loving Iranian women move to India. Problem solved.
Kalpa Oct 13, 2022 07:37am
Karnataka issue is different. They are allowed to wear the hijab. Not inside the classes. Where uniform is mandatory.
PKMKB Oct 13, 2022 08:12am
Once again PC is 100% right
ABD Oct 13, 2022 08:16am
Same person cannot be in favor of both Wearing as well as Not wearing Hijab at the same time period.
A Kishore’s fan Oct 13, 2022 08:17am
When Muslim women were beaten to death she was sleeping and now she has become an activist and a supporter of women rights
ABD Oct 13, 2022 08:27am
Commenting on internal law and orders matter of an independent sovereign nation Iran is against the UN Charter.
kalidas Oct 13, 2022 09:08am
@arfa aslam khan, Indian Muslim women are free to wear hijab/burkha in public paces as per their choice. Only in school they have to wear school uniform.
Khyber Agency Oct 13, 2022 10:12am
This fear in Priyanka is very good.
SM Oct 13, 2022 03:18pm
Hijab is such a threat to these hypocrites that they can even tolerate the sight of such a powerful symbol of even a headscarf. Alhamdulillah for Islam.