
Atiqa Odho condemns PTI supporters’ harassment of Marriyum Aurangzeb in London cafe, calls it ‘unacceptable’

Atiqa Odho condemns PTI supporters’ harassment of Marriyum Aurangzeb in London cafe, calls it ‘unacceptable’

The actor, who is a PTI supporter, asked her friends and fans to choose a more dignified approach and get their facts straight before acting.
Updated 27 Sep, 2022

There is no justification for bullying people, certainly not on political or ideological differences. Actor Atiqa Odho, who has expressed support for the PTI in the past and is married to PTI leader Samar Ali Khan, stood up for PML-N member and Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb after she was harassed by PTI supporters in the streets of London.

Multiple videos of the incident have been shared on social media showing Aurangzeb being heckled by people wearing PTI scarves in a Pret a Manger branch. In another video, some of the same people chanting “chorni, chorni [thief]” can be seen following a masked Aurangzeb, as the woman filming her says she “makes grand claims on television there but she does not have a dupatta on her head [today]”. The politician remained calm and nonreactive during the entire incident.

On Monday, Odho shared a clip of the information minister narrating her side of the story after the incident and defended her. “I agree with Marriyum Aurangzeb. You may not agree with someone’s politics but harassment of this nature is unacceptable as not the way to solve national issues. Shows a very poor side of Pakistan to the world when overseas Pakistani’s behave in this manner. They become a part of the problem and not the solution,” she wrote.

She addressed her friends and fans and requested them to take a more dignified approach and work through the voting system if they are not happy. “You achieve nothing with bad and immature behaviour. Don’t get carried away by emotion and lack of proof or correct information. Get your facts right, have evidence for them and then follow the law always. Otherwise you are playing with Pakistan’s future,” she concluded.

In the video Aurangzeb can be heard talking about how people must behave with one another. “There is a way of doing things,” she said, trying to appeal to people emotionally by asking how they’d feel if it were their sisters or mothers being harassed in the streets like this.

“Ten minutes ago 20 PTI supporters with mics were abusing me here, they were calling out names without a reaction from me,” she said, adding that she has faced this before but it doesn’t affect her in the way they want. She explained what she is concerned with is how this behaviour impacts Pakistan’s image abroad.

PM Shehbaz Sharif was among many who commended her for her levelheadedness in this situation.

It is never okay to target someone for having different beliefs as you in such an aggressive way. Disagree with their politics all you want, but harassing someone is not okay.


Hamza Sep 26, 2022 02:46pm
She was probably paid to say these things
M. Emad Sep 26, 2022 02:48pm
When PMLN threw Benazirs fake photoshopped photos onto peoples houses via helicopter, did anyone condemn?
Mahnoor Malik Sep 26, 2022 02:51pm
Most Asylum seekers and free loaders (Social Benefit fraudsters) from Pakistan exclusively support PTI in UK. Send them back to Pakistan as they are doing corruption in the British Society. Ironcially they want to end corruption in Pakistan whereas they are doing the same in UK?.
Javid abbas Sep 26, 2022 02:56pm
Thieves should be treated like Thieves not respectful people.
Aamir Latif Sep 26, 2022 02:59pm
Third rate culture, courtesy by IK and his PTI, when leader talks like Oyee etc and publicly uses bad names, what to expect from led to beleive supporters of against others....
Talha Sep 26, 2022 03:07pm
@M. Emad that was wrong. This is wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Rambo Sep 26, 2022 03:08pm
The coffee she is having is most likely from the money of tax payers as SS is meeting his bro at the expense of tax payers. Thieves.
M. Emad Sep 26, 2022 03:09pm
@Mahnoor Malik Ironic, half of PMLN and Nawaz is seeking asylum in the UK
M. Emad Sep 26, 2022 03:10pm
@Mahnoor Malik Freedom of expression and speech is corruption? Maybe in Pakistan. but not in a democratic country like the UK
R Sep 26, 2022 03:11pm
Great gesture shown by Atiqa Odho for Maryum Orangzeb really pleasant surprise
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 26, 2022 03:14pm
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Love Your Country Sep 26, 2022 03:15pm
This behaviour is NOT discouraged by IK who prides on taking micky out of his opponents on container tops (and keeps referring to standards set in Madina). Supporters take their cue from leaders just like children learn from parents.
Love Your Country Sep 26, 2022 03:17pm
@Javid abbas - what we ought to learn from Madina - hate the sin not the sinner.
M. Saeed Sep 26, 2022 03:19pm
I fully agree with Odho. This event has only added insult to our international injuries. People of the world are not like us. they always find the reality by their own efforts than chewing blindly, whatever is fed to them.
Wahab UK Sep 26, 2022 03:19pm
Unpopular opinion: PML N paid their goons to create a controversy.
Zak Sep 26, 2022 03:20pm
What about mariam aurangzeb harassing and constantly abusing pakistani people and PTI in particular. Tarrar had 4 young students picked up by police just for laughing near his table in a restaurant. Why Atiqa did not say something then. Never side with corrupt people and their supporters .
michael Sep 26, 2022 03:23pm
Reflects on their upbringing. Shame!! Shame!! Just like their leader resorting to name calling and has nothing to say. It's a relief that the country's administration is not in their hands in these difficult times Otherwise, they would have CREATED blunders.
Zak Sep 26, 2022 03:27pm
@Mahnoor Malik Most Asylum seekers and free loaders (Social Benefit fraudsters) from Pakistan exclusively support PTI in UK. Send them back to Pakistan as they are doing corruption in the British Society. Ironcially they want to end corruption in Pakistan whereas they are doing the same in UK?. Nawaz sharif Head of PML N, Isaq Dar and Co, all absconders and asylum seekers in UK.
NYS Sep 26, 2022 03:27pm
Once she was humiliated in Madina where she was in attendance with deligation and now in London streets this farce and bullying is not acceptable in respectable societies In another incident family apologized Ahsan Iqbal TBH I am not sound supporter to any league
Mahmood Sep 26, 2022 03:29pm
Anyone else on PML-N payroll or carrying the PDM membership card??
Mahmood Sep 26, 2022 03:32pm
@Mahnoor Malik And that bothers and surprises you?? What about the UK government, rolling out the red carpet for NS and his sons, Hamza and Dar - all corrupt convicted criminals, to come and live in that country?? Does the UK even have any moral standards?? By your premise, all those who hailed from Meer pur, Sahiwal and other interior Punjab and move to the UK in the 50s and 60s, are all PTI supporters - decades before the party was even formed, or anyone had even heard of IK?? Nice. What color is the sky on your planet??
Figaro Sep 26, 2022 03:33pm
@Javid abbas, don't you have to prove before you call a thief to someone. In that case then Imran can be called a fraudster as per the story of Financial Times.
ak4pk Sep 26, 2022 03:37pm
Marriyum is part of a well established corrupt Political Party and at a time of heightened awareness she should have known what was coming to her if she ventured out in the streets of London or for that matter in the streets of any country. Democracy gives everyone the right to air their views and the so called hecklers were exercising their rights. Does anyone heckle Atika when she is out in public ? No because she is not a part of a corrupt gang !
F Nawaz Sep 26, 2022 03:37pm
Looks like one of their choreographed videos again.
Fareed Sep 26, 2022 03:38pm
As a bystander and listening to her it gives impression that PTI has lost credibility by verbally attacking a woman it’s a shame. If you need to settle scores do it on your own land. PTI and PML-N are bringing disgrace for the country every day.
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Sep 26, 2022 03:44pm
A planned attempt by PML-N to divert attention from Mariam Safdar sahiba's audio leaks. Won't work.
Ukpindite Sep 26, 2022 03:44pm
Falcon1 Sep 26, 2022 03:44pm
@Mahnoor Malik "Most Asylum seekers and free loaders (Social Benefit fraudsters) from Pakistan exclusively support PTI" Hmmm.... so NS secretly loves PTI and IK but cannot say it with words or action? Why? Because according to you, "Most Asylum seekers and free loaders, fraudsters) from Pakistan exclusively support PTI." NS is a fraudster from Pakistan living in the UK, so he must be a PTI supporter- because he fulfills the prerequiste.
Saeed Shah Sep 26, 2022 03:47pm
@M. Emad If so that is height of wrong doings, however the history already revealed that the wrong doing was from those who can do whatever they like and still this is unacceptable. Fortunately, MNS got opportunity to reconcile all the wrong doings and like wise the respected BB, and the formulated Misak e Jamhoriat. But the people who have no say at in all in any system and are living the life on social benefits should never be allowed to disrupt the peace and balance of a country who welcomes everyone with open arms. UK Govt, should take action on these criminals who were more of goons
Pakistani_1 Sep 26, 2022 03:48pm
@Mahnoor Malik very true
Usman Khan Sep 26, 2022 04:01pm
Atiqa should keep her uninformed opinions to herself...people did not heckle maryam auregzeb for her passive political inclinations, rather she was heckled because she plays an active part in a corrupt and self serving political party. She spreads lies and disinformation by projecting her parties crimes on others...
bhaRAT© Sep 26, 2022 04:01pm
In real democracies, it happens. Leaders in western democracies over there get heckled - from Boris Johnson to Trump and Biden, they have all had it.
bhaRAT© Sep 26, 2022 04:02pm
@Mahnoor Malik Saffron brigade spreading disinformation!
Gina Sep 26, 2022 04:13pm
Atiqa Odho and Marrium forgot that the CEC is biased and so the voting is already rigged . PMLN & PPP are guilty of horse trading so the electoral process is no guaranteed means of democratic expression for the public. Their voice is not heard so all they can do is protest and shout at these self serving politicians like Ms Aurangzeb for whom corruption is a way of life.
Akhtar Husain Sep 26, 2022 04:19pm
PTI leadership should condemn shameful behaviour of its supporters.
Hello world Sep 26, 2022 04:29pm
PR stunt by this woman.
Imran Sep 26, 2022 04:34pm
So these people have been using Pakistan like a personal bank account for decades thus causing poverty, lack of development, suffering of the innocent and then someone crawls out of the woodwork to talk about ethical treatment of these criminals.
M Nasir Sep 26, 2022 04:35pm
@Mahmood Genius, how can you support a party before it was formed?
Imran Sep 26, 2022 04:36pm
@Mahnoor Malik Wrong my friend! , Iive in the UK and well before PTI was formed the Asylum seekers were PPP/PML or MQM - check your facts!
Arsalan Sep 26, 2022 04:41pm
Desparate times bring desparate reactions. Madam Odo, blame the cause not the symptoms. Mariam Aurungzeb bullies too using her power. All those arugent statement is her press conferences. I hope and pray, some day Pakistan is safe enough for people of Pakistan to express themselves freely without fear.
Rehan Sep 26, 2022 04:44pm
@M. Emad two wrong does not make it right
Fast comment Sep 26, 2022 04:45pm
The resilience shown by Iron Lady Ma’am Maryam Aurangzeb was exemplary. She was quite comfortable and counter attack by taking video of all those shouting. Both parties should exercise restraint, and abstain from such politics.
Que Sep 26, 2022 04:49pm
I still remember her video where she was showing her two fingers in a taunting manner for the two thousand aid / rebate given by the government... Well, what goes around comes around...
Nadeem Shah USA Sep 26, 2022 04:55pm
PTI people disgraced their own party and embarrassed themselves. That woman screaming at Maryam was cringeworthy, and it made me respect Maryam, and I was no supporter. This needs to stop as the same can happen to PTI members too and this will create an ugly trend. This is the madbess spread by Imran, teaching people to be rude and Arrogant like himself.
Abid Sep 26, 2022 05:20pm
Can any one confirm The people taunting were PTI supporters I think the subject of the article should be corrected
Malick Sep 26, 2022 05:28pm
It’s very sad and inhumane to demonize the people for their political or religious beliefs. What Imran Khan has done to the people of Pakistan is unacceptable and even living in western countries they are behaving irrational.
Falcon1 Sep 26, 2022 05:33pm
@M Nasir That was exactly the point he was making. You missed it.
Azhar Hussain Sep 26, 2022 05:42pm
We have been very dignified for the past 70 yrs and let these crooks and their friends rule us, so need to lecture us on what is dignified and what is not. We have to make their lives a living hell so that they know that we had enough.
Waheed Sep 26, 2022 05:43pm
If you are public office holder, people have the right to protest ms celebrity, it happens alot in the west.
Irshad Sep 26, 2022 05:47pm
Well done MA. Respect you even more. There is saying in in Urdu: Unkay bhonknay say karvaan ruka nahin kartay. Tired of their sick habits. . Instead of talking about their achievements they resort to mean tactics to further expose themselves. Respect you for your bravery.
AJ Sep 26, 2022 05:47pm
Please also support all the thieves locked up behind bars in banana republic of pakistan .. why only big thieves..
Youth Sep 26, 2022 05:48pm
@bhaRAT© Saffron brigade defending their valuable asset imran khan.
Kamran Khalid Sep 26, 2022 06:04pm
Children are dying and don't have any medicines. People do not have any clean drinking water and our PM with his entourage is visiting his elder. What a shame.
Ahsan Gul Sep 26, 2022 06:11pm
@Fast comment - where did you learn words “Iron Lady” ? Cheap expression. However, was bad to pester her in England.
Lakhkar khan Sep 26, 2022 06:15pm
@Mahnoor Malik - Whether in Pakistan or abroad, PTI supporters are losers.
Dr. Sajjas Sep 26, 2022 06:30pm
@M. Emad Yes, many did. Many are doing even today
Skeptic Sep 26, 2022 06:30pm
It is rather elementary. If you don't respect yourself, nobody else will. People are judged by the company they keep, the party the affiliate with, the people the friends with or serve. Just in the the photo above, half of the people have been either convicted or are absconders for various crimes of corruption and money laundering, fraud or other nefarious deeds. While 60% of the cabinet of the current government is out on bail and implicit in various crimes. Maryaam Aurangzeb is happy to serve, protect, promote and speak for these people and denies any of them did anything wrong, all the way to the head of the party, NS. This only makes her an easy target for ridicule, contempt and derision by others. No one with an ounce of intelligence would even want to be seen with these crooks, let alone represent them, hide their crimes or deny the facts which have been proven in an open court. Overwhelming public opinion, in Pakistan or just the comments here, cannot be wrong.
M. Najam Shah Sep 26, 2022 06:30pm
@M. Emad Certainly does not give an excuse to anyone to harass a woman. As that was profusely wrong so this as well. Morality draws a line and that should be respected!
Pakistan First Sep 26, 2022 06:31pm
PTI supporters living abroad have no common sense at all, they making all Pakistanis living abroad looks bad to other nations and their behaviors making Pakistan worst country in the world. I urges all Pakistanis living abroad don’t be a part of any Pakistani political party or be a member, just support Pakistan and be a good Pakistanis all over the world. Thanks to all.
Saad Sep 26, 2022 06:31pm
@Javid abbas Kindly also educate us How a traitor and an incompetent person, ultimate beneficiary of conspiracy should be treated?? To avoid confusion I am talking about IK.
N_Saq Sep 26, 2022 06:33pm
There is a saying in English “there is nothing wrong in calling a dead man dead.”
zarmeena azeem Sep 26, 2022 06:50pm
If women are equal to men and harassment is the flavour of politics these days, (which I agree should not be) then women should be prepared to face the same circumstances as men. You can't hide behind Hai Hai I was harassed because I am a woman and then make provocative remarks in front of the press. Maidan main aai ho tau samna karo!
ABE Sep 26, 2022 06:50pm
It's lonely at the top. Because it's so damn crowded at the bottom! The elite has take the cake while the poor are left with crumbs. This is how a Trump supporter must feel, surrounded by Democrats. And many wonder, 'why do they hate us'??
Scary Sep 26, 2022 07:05pm
Who so ever is Atiqa is, your apology is not good enough. First you and PTI hooligans should resign and then offer apology. You have all brought disgrace to Pakistan through your leader Imran Khan.
F Khan Sep 26, 2022 07:14pm
They are just doing what their leader is doing. Their will be a day when his own fans will be doing the same with him. You reap what you sow.
Ed Sep 26, 2022 07:16pm
Ms Aurangzeb doesn’t have an ounce of shame nor feel embarrassed. She stood in the shop with a wicked smile on her face. She should have left but truly she doesn’t have any embarrassment.
F Khan Sep 26, 2022 07:17pm
Must be a brave lady to speak against her own party supporters on principle. It shows character.
Ibrahim S Sep 26, 2022 07:41pm
Ms. Atiqa Odho - Please address the root cause of these issue . He is sitting in lavish Banigala mansion.
Salman Sep 26, 2022 07:43pm
Looks like atiqa doesn't pay any tax. If I was there, I would have nailed her down and ask for a full tax refund.
Salman Sep 26, 2022 07:45pm
@Mahnoor Malik you're right. Most of them have first or last name Malik. Total fraudsters. Some are land mafias as well buying properties for themselves and working closely with zardari as well.
Masood Khan Sep 26, 2022 07:49pm
According to reliable sources, this entire "DRAMA" was staged by PML-N themself. Those hecklers and shouting women were planted by Sharif's organization and they were each paid a little over 150 Euro for the part. Two of them were regulars at Sharif's residence in London. This would also help to delay Sharif's deportation.
Punjabi first Sep 26, 2022 08:14pm
Mob mentality at its finest. It is already too much to ask for any civility from our kin but incidents such as the seen in the video are truly a reflection of our society.
Salman Sep 26, 2022 08:18pm
How is this lady able to afford gucci bags ? Did Ms. Odu ask herself why millions of poor kids are begging daily in the streets of Pakistan. Roll up your window and look the other way ! These people should be behind bars !
Haque Sep 26, 2022 08:26pm
Usual behavior from PTI supporters. Very shameful.
Queq Sep 26, 2022 08:35pm
@Imran Well Said - Brother!
Sane Sep 26, 2022 08:41pm
Shameful hooligans bullies
Rami Sep 26, 2022 09:04pm
No woman card, 100% acceptable, verbal narrative is acceptable in UK it happens against the UK politicians too, who are women! Unacceptable what pmln did against BB and Jemiamh khan the anti semantic speeches and propagandas!
Hafeez, Canada Sep 26, 2022 09:06pm
@Mahnoor Malik Looks like you are in big corruption in UK...thanks to PMLN UK.
Hafeez, Canada Sep 26, 2022 09:12pm
What Maryam Aurangzeb is doing on public money in Uzbekistan, London, New York and again London. She is not not any way connected to these trips.
AHAQ Sep 26, 2022 09:13pm
She can play a good character of a vixen in the movies
Louanne Sep 26, 2022 09:17pm
Online poker
Waqas Ahmed Sep 26, 2022 09:18pm
A highly dignified approach by Mariam Aurangzeb.
NACParis Sep 26, 2022 09:23pm
Maryam is a drama artist full of lies blasting PTI on a daily basis on television. Atiqa Ji do not forget that the majority of the population, not necessarily being members of PTI, is against the PDM looters
Chengez Sep 26, 2022 09:27pm
How would you treat a criminal, who robbed your home?
Iqbal Malik Sep 26, 2022 09:33pm
It looks like Atiqa Odho is also beneficiary of PML's corruption. Did she condemn what happened with Gill and what Rana Sanaullah did with the protesters in Islamabad and Punjab?
Haroon Sep 26, 2022 09:34pm
When some protests against PDM, they are labeled as PTI supports. Why? Do these people have tag of PTI on their cloths etc.
Ahmad Sep 26, 2022 09:34pm
Super strong lady
Simba Sep 26, 2022 09:35pm
Storm in a tea cup. Pak ministers need to realise that UK has freedom of expression and they are not immune to criticism.
Iqbal Malik Sep 26, 2022 09:37pm
@R Only beneficiary of PMLN's corruption are on the PDM side.
Iqbal Malik Sep 26, 2022 09:38pm
@M. Saeed Our insult is that this corrupt mafia is ruling on us.
Hammad Sep 26, 2022 09:39pm
Super strong lady, always found her compact, ellegant and very well behaved while very sorry to see the others not behaving like mature persons and with a respect for women first then anything
najeeb Sep 26, 2022 09:40pm
@Hamza there are lacs of Pakistanis against them not a single lady
Raheel Sep 26, 2022 09:41pm
It's unacceptable to be having coffees in London at tax payers expense and visiting a convicted criminal at his flat. All this while Angelina Jolie is helping flood victims. The ministers of the imported government are having a nice time in restaurants in the west.
Tariq Sep 26, 2022 09:45pm
When you are in politics it is fair game . These perpetual gundas and thieves need to face the masses whose tax money they have been plundering.
MAK123 Sep 26, 2022 09:47pm
@Mahnoor Malik, Bravo. You have hit the nail in head
Mujeeb Sep 26, 2022 09:56pm
@Mahnoor Malik funny you said that, PML corrupt leaders should be send back instead
Ali Sep 26, 2022 10:01pm
@Mahnoor Malik Are you of them?
zh Sep 26, 2022 10:11pm
Do people of Pakistani origin in England go around wearing PTI scarves? The other question is, how did these people know that MA's schedule? Could it be a staged event?
saksci Sep 26, 2022 10:12pm
The corrupt families have the full support of the corrupt government.
Raheel Sep 26, 2022 10:33pm
She is a nobody really.
Budnaam Sep 26, 2022 10:34pm
Why are all on holidays in London ?
Ejaz Sep 26, 2022 10:56pm
@Mahnoor Malik: I don’t agree with your statement. Do you know these people who hackled at Mariam Aurangzaib?
Ejaz Sep 26, 2022 10:59pm
@Aamir Latif calling thieves by their real character. it is third rate culture?
Ejaz Sep 26, 2022 11:07pm
@NYS in any respectable society, convicted criminals don’t roam freely. The society kept them behind bars.
Hasan Sep 26, 2022 11:11pm
@M. Emad you seem to miss the point. That behaviour was pathetic. Have disagreements. But this is crossing a line
Irfan Huq Sep 26, 2022 11:14pm
Shameless followers of a misguided Foul mouth leader. Protesting in a private business area is not about freedom of speech Freedom of expresssion is always done in a public area.
Hasan Sep 26, 2022 11:14pm
@Wahab UK as always another PTI fan who loves deflecting. Bhaijan the ones who did it posted multiple videos their faces in it are in multiple pti rallies. Probably paid but by PTI. Imran is a master of propaganda ergo we are talking about this
Hasan Sep 26, 2022 11:22pm
@bhaRAT© Yes in their own countries. So please go to Pakistan and do it. I don’t see English welsh in America or Australia heckling Boris or Lizz Truss. Now Since you are a pti supporter and have a very relaxed relationship with truth and will deflect. Do so.
Shahzad Kazi Sep 26, 2022 11:47pm
@NYS You are assuming that PTI leaders and supporters are respectable people.
Basharat Sep 27, 2022 12:00am
@Mahnoor Malik How about the people sitting in luxury apartments without any proof of funds transfer to purchase such expensive properties. Don't be selective.
Basharat Sep 27, 2022 12:04am
"Calling a spade a spade" As simple as that.
Dr. Seema Satti Sep 27, 2022 12:14am
@Javid abbas This shameless attitude of pti supporters is doing no good to our country, only embarrassing us in front if world.
Dr. Seema Satti Sep 27, 2022 12:16am
@ Imad, but Nawaz Sharif is not bullying and abusing anyone on streets. Just look at the attitude, attire and language of pti supporters. How can a sensible and sane person justify this behaviour?
Retired Sep 27, 2022 12:35am
Our information minister was enjoying a cafe trip when the victims of the flood are dying for non availability of clean drinking water.She has no sense and sympathy for the poor of this country
Honeyjam Sep 27, 2022 12:36am
Atiqa cannot feel the pain a common Pakistani does ! Hence her opinion !
Shahid Sadiq Sep 27, 2022 12:43am
@Mahnoor Malik are you referring to the Sharif family?
Ed Haque Sep 27, 2022 12:48am
Shahzad Arif Sep 27, 2022 01:19am
@Mahnoor, What a pathetic generalisation on your part. I'm a PTI supporter and my income is well above the average of UK and I've a circle of friends who're all in the same boat. Social benefit fraudsters are not smart hence they usually support other fraudsters and you know perfectly well who they're!
Ali Sep 27, 2022 01:23am
@M. Emad and that make abuse by PTI leaders and supporters OK?
Lodhi Sep 27, 2022 01:41am
People forget civlised behaviour when they cross the threshold of karachi people kill a dacoit if caught red handed.Mariam too has been using obnoxious language in her press meetings.
Zargey Sep 27, 2022 01:49am
Being chairperson of actors trust she did not condemn TV and media artists who came out and allegedly said that Sana Javed bullied and disrespected them on sets . But she took time to condemn this act . Now it is interesting the way Maryum is smiling , could be staged by the PMLN . Why would people wear banners of PMLN impromptu ? Who told them that she would be at this cafe and come all prepared and dressed up.
Dr Dummy Sep 27, 2022 02:27am
Very disgraceful Pakistanis living in England and displaying how much they respect the peron (woman)!
Dr Dummy Sep 27, 2022 02:29am
@Javid abbas You have to prove it in a court of law before you call anyone as such!
Kingiam Sep 27, 2022 02:44am
I didn't see the pdm enraged when talal chaudary was harassing a female and he got beaten up by her brothers .. Oh no and guess what he's still in the party
JhunJhunwala-Tikkaramgurung Sep 27, 2022 03:34am
@Skeptic , agree 100% with your Comments bravo !
Zeeshan Ahmed Sep 27, 2022 03:55am
@Mahnoor Malik where do you get your fictional ideas from?
Firangi Sep 27, 2022 04:08am
All politicians are fair game, but no touching, personal and abusive language should be used.
Shahid Saleem Sep 27, 2022 04:54am
@M. Emad two wrongs don’t make one right
TP Sep 27, 2022 05:06am
When the day will come when people ask politicians about their policies rather than about their personalities.
Kashif Shahzad Sep 27, 2022 05:57am
If she was a man, would then it was acceptable? Let's stop playing the gender card Times have changed but the core value remains unchanged. RESPECT IS EARNED, can't be a DEMANDED
Junaid Jamal Sep 27, 2022 06:05am
Thieves should be behind bars for life or they return the stolen money. This is the least people can do
Seth-usa Sep 27, 2022 06:22am
Don’t see any reason to support these corrupt and disgusting so called leaders. Who are these people commenting positively for them? There may be genuine PML supporters I think most must be from some foreign bots generating them.
Salam Ullah Khan Sep 27, 2022 06:37am
Cheapness and disgraceful behavior/approach is PTI's identity. You can't expect a humanly and dignified approach from either their leader (Imran Niazi) or its followers/cults. SHAME
shan Sep 27, 2022 07:08am
I agree no one should be harassed even if they guilty if stealing tax paper money. Tax payers should continue to respect them and cheer them in public.
shan Sep 27, 2022 07:08am
@M. Emad no they were right then
A Pakistani Sep 27, 2022 07:28am
Harassing anyone for any reason is an unethical, immoral and illegal act . These people should be punished and put behind bars .
pakexpat Sep 27, 2022 07:38am
@Mahnoor Malik They went into asylum due to such harassment at home by family political mafias
Ibrar Sep 27, 2022 07:51am
@Mahnoor Malik UK is our country we are born here for many generations and have freedom of speech, if you don't like overseas Pakistani don't ask them to send remittance and beg for charity.
MSA Sep 27, 2022 07:54am
It is not Atiqa Odho's problem. Why is she out there to pass moral verdicts on people who are demonstrating against a politician. It happens every day and everywhere in the world. It appears that Atiqa is scoring some points for some purpose.
najeeb Sep 27, 2022 08:02am
@zh u hit the nail
time_travel Sep 27, 2022 08:15am
No professionalism. IK and PTI goon should be punished.
Mahnaz Qaiser Sep 27, 2022 08:20am
Mariam Aurangzeb is one of the "thieves" that the PTI failed to convict in 4 years,while Nawaz was escorted to London on a plane. What will be different next time round? PTI's answer to all problems is abuse and curses.
Mahnaz Qaiser Sep 27, 2022 08:21am
@Hamza Give a convincing answer to the hecklers' rude behaviour.
Mahnaz Qaiser Sep 27, 2022 08:24am
@M. Emad Yes,people condemned,as they do now.Unbecoming behaviour is not a solution,conviction in court is.But then,PTI was unable to do that in 4 long years.All of PMLN is either in government or roaming around free.
John Sep 27, 2022 08:39am
PPP/Wadera lady coming to help PML-N lady!
Omar Sep 27, 2022 09:12am
@Mahnoor Malik - I paid more than £70k tax last year in the UK and yet I support PTI…:)
Arif Younus Sep 27, 2022 09:29am
@Rambo that (coffee from taxpayer money) may or may NOT be the fact - as we cant substiante that. What is clearly known is that Khan travels with security entourage and flies helicopters ON TAXPAYERS money …55rupees or more . And this is happening even when he holds NO office. But we won’t talk about that as it doesn’t suit the narrative
Athi Sep 27, 2022 10:01am
PTI now endorsed a mob mentality which going to hurt PTI than ever before.
A.Ali Sep 27, 2022 10:55am
Things have gone beyond PTI supporters. Now, even neutral voters or Pakistan lovers are also getting involved. So, blaming only PTI supporters doing it, holds no water. Masses hate this govt and its members.
Faisal Hayat Sep 27, 2022 10:59am
Isn't this non bailable, go with shouting against some one. This isn't street circus.
Hassan Sep 27, 2022 11:12am
@M. Emad Even if true, are you relying on 2 wrongs=1 right? We got to think and think gracefully.
Zameera Rihai Sep 27, 2022 11:18am
First of all why she is there with the whole "corrupt qafila" ? second this is the thing they earned in last thirsty years by sucking the blood of whole nation. Their profile pictures with flood effectees dont make them a great leader. Whole "tabbar" is on vacation and displaying sympathies by DP's
Syed Nadeem Masood Sep 27, 2022 11:19am
Entire nation is paying a heavy price. And yes bullying is unjustified. Mocking or belittling someone, teasing people in ways that sting is not the right. Approach needs to be reconsidered.
Lodhi Sep 27, 2022 11:35am
@Arif Younus helicopter is private.chief minister uses official helicoltet when accompanying imran.
Anonymouseee Sep 27, 2022 12:16pm
@Mahnoor Malik jealous Indian?
Anonymouseee Sep 27, 2022 12:17pm
Atiqa odho enjoys lavish foreign trips and uninterrupted electricity because of all the money she has. Try to think what the poor man in Pakistan has to go through due to all the corruption these PML thugs do.