
What do Rahul Gandhi and Imran Khan have in common? They both measure flour in litres

What do Rahul Gandhi and Imran Khan have in common? They both measure flour in litres

The former premier's slip of tongue has led to many jokes across the border.
Updated 19 Sep, 2022

Imran Khan’s recent slip of tongue has spurred a spate of memes — on Indian Twitter. It sent the Indian side of the internet into a frenzy as they compared him to their own politician Rahul Gandhi. Why — because both politicians spoke about inflation and measured flour in litres.

On Thursday, the former premier went live where he spoke about the “historical” increase in prices and addressed what he called an “economical crisis”. He pointed out that if there is no political independence at this point, he fears that the country’s condition will not be something that can be controlled in the near future.

While comparing the prices during his tenure and the current government’s, Imran said, “The commoner is currently facing difficulties with flour because it has doubled in price. One kilogram of flour, at our time, was at Rs50 and today in Karachi, it has gone over Rs100 per litre in a matter of five months.”

Though his slip up didn’t really make waves in Pakistan, it was picked up across the border where he was instantly compared with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi who has made similar mistakes in the past. Earlier this month, he addressed the public in Delhi where he compared the prices in 2014 to what they are now. In his speech, he had said, “Flour was INR 22 per litre and now it is INR 40 per litre,” but was quick to realise his mistake and rectified it to kilogrammes. Did that stop netizens from trolling him? Not at all.

Indian Twitter believes the two politicians may have read the same book.

They’re both “legends”.

Did Imran copy Rahul?

Or is it a conspiracy to change the metric system?

This user took Khan’s slip up a little too seriously.

Imran’s slip up brought a lot of laughter.

Just twin things.

Or competitor things?

Politicians have been giving us quite a few laughs this year, be it Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’skaanpein taang rahi hain” or PM Shehbaz’s struggle with his headphones at the SCO Summit in Samarkand. There’s never a dull moment when it comes to Pakistani politicians.


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 19, 2022 01:50pm
In fact, there is not an iota of commonality between the two.
Shakil Khan Sep 19, 2022 01:51pm
Common sense, liberal values
bhaRAT© Sep 19, 2022 02:21pm
Indian Disinformation Network is busy again!
Fastrack Sep 19, 2022 02:21pm
We know untra-nationalist Indians hate our last PM. He is a thousand times better than their Failure Modi.
Dube Sep 19, 2022 02:21pm
@Shakil Khan RaGa is indeed liberal. But Imran? Are you serious? If he's a liberal, then what are people like IA Rehman? Are they far-left revolutionaries?
SAM Sep 19, 2022 02:27pm
They are brothers. Maybe if they both came to power, the two countries would be friends too.
Mudassir Hussain Azeemabadi Sep 19, 2022 02:29pm
Imran has his own class!! He tops in Science & Geography as well!!
Najam Sep 19, 2022 02:30pm
Niazi has been an embarrassment, both domestically and hec also isolated Pakistan completely abroad.
M. Emad Sep 19, 2022 02:47pm
Slip of tongue, not that serious relax.
Zak Sep 19, 2022 03:15pm
Dont elevate Rahul or Modi by even coming close to IK, who is known world over while other two losers are not.
Shakeel Ahmad Sep 19, 2022 03:51pm
What about SS.
MG Sep 19, 2022 03:59pm
Both are idiots and good for nothing
Multani Sep 19, 2022 04:36pm
No comparison between two, our IK is British educated, sophisticated, honest where Rahul is no where near but both are naive and incompetent administrators.
Simba Sep 19, 2022 04:37pm
@M. Emad imagine what else has slipped behind closed doors!
Tamilselvan Sep 19, 2022 04:48pm
@Zak One was an appointed PM and the other was elected with over whelming majority
Abdullah Sep 19, 2022 05:06pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad .There is both dont love there countries and are there for there benefits only.
Soam Sep 19, 2022 05:22pm
Both are mosquitoes.
Bilal Sep 19, 2022 05:44pm
People dont take seriously to both of them
Fast comment Sep 19, 2022 05:44pm
Slip of tongue by both smart guys. Rahul Gandhi is good but not as popular as Imran Khan, besides Rahul Gandhi has remote chances to lead India in near future, but IK is knocking at the door of throne, only it’s a matter of time.
Kulbhshan Yadav Sep 19, 2022 05:59pm
Both are idiots but one managed to become PM of the country thanks to the Neutrals.
HumaN Sep 19, 2022 06:25pm
This is an excellent article as the competition between two mindless clowns is tight.
Johnw Sep 19, 2022 06:42pm
Their IQ fluctuate depending upon room temperature, it's highest at 70 during sleeping hours.
Someone Sep 19, 2022 09:00pm
Kudos to whomever paid his scholarship at Cambridge.
John Sep 19, 2022 09:24pm
A futile attempt to compare RG with the stature of IK!
SAM Sep 19, 2022 09:30pm
@Fastrack No, No, No, ALL Indians love IK. He is honest and well-meaning. He needs some work on the competence part, but that is for his voters to judge.
James (California) Sep 19, 2022 09:53pm
The Indian economy grew the most under Cong led UPA !! Modi has destroyed growth with notebandi, low orders for vaccines and legalized corruption with Adani and Ambani !! Youth unemployment numbers are so bad!
John Sep 19, 2022 10:13pm
@Kulbhshan Yadav The highest form of bigot has been promoted as Indian PM!
Aamir Sep 19, 2022 10:42pm
no commonality whatso ever.. For Imran, The army massively rigged the election to bring him in to power. Rahul Gandhi is a political leader.
Ibrahim S Sep 19, 2022 10:48pm
Both are cleaned shaved
Sunil Sep 20, 2022 01:26am
@Zak yes we know. That’s why he’s on the run.
Agrippa-the Skeptic Sep 20, 2022 02:30am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad, seriously? How did you notice it?
Agrippa-the Skeptic Sep 20, 2022 02:31am
@Fastrack, seriously?
Ajaya K Dutt Sep 20, 2022 03:02am
Imran Khan is a favorite in India. Indians wish him to control Pakistan for a Loooong Loooong time. It is important for peace in the subcontinent.
Drr Sep 20, 2022 04:03am
@Mudassir Hussain Azeemabadi "Imran has his own class!! He tops in Science & Geography as well" In geography he is an inventor.he invented a common border between Germany and Japan.
Nadeem Shah USA Sep 20, 2022 04:18am
Imran Khan has a lot in common with Trump actually...
Wasim Rajah Sep 20, 2022 05:30am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad But there is a lot of similarity between you three
Chacha Sep 20, 2022 05:56am
This is what happened when you speak from copied note Lol
gt Sep 20, 2022 06:22am
Rahul Gandhi is not against muslims of India but do not about IK views for Hindu living in Pakistan
gt Sep 20, 2022 06:24am
@bhaRAT© There is not disinformation from India
gt Sep 20, 2022 06:26am
@Fastrack Mr. Modi is not failure but very successful PM India had ever.
gt Sep 20, 2022 06:27am
@Fastrack India do not hate your PM
gt Sep 20, 2022 06:31am
@Soam And who are you .
NINO Sep 20, 2022 08:16am
The only difference between the two is that Imran truly believes and means what he says but for Rahul it was a slip of the tongue.
NINO Sep 20, 2022 08:17am
@Multani Is he educated or went to play cricket?
time_travel Sep 20, 2022 08:19am
Difference is Rahul’s ancestors have ruined India’s progress for 60 years and IK has just started destroying Pakistan. Modi is cleaning up mess created over the years.
mss Sep 20, 2022 09:38am
It would be more appropriate to ask "what is common between IK and Modi"? Both are Populist leaders who have the same peculiar traits purposely inculcated to rise to power.