
Bella Hadid asks followers to send information on ‘real ways to help’ Pakistan flood victims

Bella Hadid asks followers to send information on ‘real ways to help’ Pakistan flood victims

She shared a video of young schoolchildren being rushed to safety as flood water gushes in.
01 Sep, 2022

The floods in Pakistan are a serious crisis and people across the world are taking notice. One such person is American supermodel Bella Hadid, who shared a video clip and asked people to message her with any information about how to help.

Taking to Instagram on Thursday, Hadid shared a video of young schoolchildren being hurried along in order to save them from floodwater. “Finding real ways to help Pakistan. Message me if you have any information please,” she wrote.

The video featured children crying after witnessing other children being “swept away by the floods”.

In now expired Instagram stories, Bollywood’s Ishaan Khatter and Aly Goni had also shared news of the floods and asked their followers to help.

One of the stars of Netflix’s Never Have I Ever, Poorna Jagannathan, also acknowledged the damage after torrential downpour and widespread flooding in Pakistan. She took to the photo-sharing application and urged her followers to donate to Hands Pakistan, Pakistan Red Crescent Society, Islamic Relief UK and Care Org.

Relief efforts are underway all over Pakistan after abnormal heavy monsoon rains and melting glaciers triggered floods that have submerged a third of the country and killed at least 1,191 people, including 399 children since June 14, the National Disaster Management Authority’s daily update showed. If you are looking for places to donate, consider one of the organisations on our extensive list of NGOs and government organisations working for flood relief in the country.


NYS Sep 01, 2022 05:03pm
Finding real ways for donation getting skeptical
Jo Original Sep 01, 2022 05:04pm
Basically do not donate to any politician's funds. You'll never know where the money goes.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 01, 2022 05:19pm
Great move and excellent news.
Syed A. Mateen Sep 01, 2022 05:39pm
She can call the nearest Pakistan's Embassy or the Consulate Office who will advice her how to help the flood affected people of Pakistan.
Tahmad Sep 01, 2022 05:40pm
Bella Hadid…Thanks for your help, there are many charities currently operating in Pakistan, recent floods in most parts of Pakistan is all times high that destroyed most of houses and over 1200 people so far died and many still missing. If want to donate some money, you can send through Edhi Trust, Karachi, Pakistan, full information are available on internet. Thanks again.
Al Sep 01, 2022 06:11pm
Don't give to government, they are theives
Flowers Sep 01, 2022 06:33pm
Bella should've simply shared the politicians UAE / Qatar account numbers.
Multani Sep 01, 2022 07:02pm
Don’t send money to government, all aid must pass through funds monitored by Bella Hadid who can disburse it among needy
Shaun Sep 01, 2022 07:28pm
How much did Bella Hadid donate?
JUNAID AHMAD KHAN Sep 01, 2022 08:34pm
It's best..and a humanity based move
Johnw Sep 01, 2022 09:31pm
Why are these people asking such stupid questions ? donate to UN,Donate to UNICEF,to NGO, there are millions ways of donating. All she needs to announce how much money she is going to donate.
M. Emad Sep 01, 2022 10:05pm
Who is this Bella Hadid ?
FAZ Sep 02, 2022 12:50am
All ways can and would be real. Just don't help the Pakistani government..
Isthisreal Sep 02, 2022 01:09am
With every part her dress gets smaller
GreenAura Sep 02, 2022 01:33am
Thank you to all friends reaching out at this calamitous time. We shall remember these deeds.
Zahid Sep 02, 2022 03:38am
Prime minister Shabaz sharif fund to buy more flats in London
Really Sep 02, 2022 06:49am
Baluchi and Pashtuns are no longer included as far as Pakistan is concerned. Wake up and do your home work
Taskin Sep 02, 2022 06:59am
@Shaun, may be she didnt and asking how you did it.
A Sep 02, 2022 07:07am
Anything but cash. Problem with cash: Pakistan will still have to import food, clothes and medicines which will cause double loss in forex. Secondly there are many money swindlers. Send actual help in form of cloths , medicines and food thru containers to foundations like EDHI foundation.
Skeptic2 Sep 02, 2022 08:37am
Trust wealthy individuals such as Bella Harid will contribute generously to Pakistan at this critical time.
MAK Sep 02, 2022 09:32am
Even she doubts her donations will go to waste. The whole world knows how bad these guys are in the power
Ramay Sep 02, 2022 11:54am
@Al confusing statements attracts displeasure of the donors.