
‘The time to act is now’: Celebrities deplore the disastrous condition of Karachi after it rains

‘The time to act is now’: Celebrities deplore the disastrous condition of Karachi after it rains

Stars such as Zeb Bangash, Anoushey Ashraf and Ahsan Mohsin Ikram raised their voices for their city.
13 Jul, 2022

This monsoon season — like many before it — has been deadly. Thirty people died in Sindh, including 13 in Karachi, according to the Sindh Provincial Disaster Management Authority. As usual, one of the most impacted cities is Karachi and celebrities are raising their voices, trying to spur action to prevent further damage as a forecast of more heavy rain hovers.

The Sindh government imposed a rain emergency in Karachi after several areas and main roads across the city were submerged with water. Residents complained of power outages lasting more than 36 hours in some areas.

Singer Zeb Bangash took to Instagram to talk about the situation. “Life in Karachi is at a standstill as the wrath of the monsoon lashed the city of lights with over 14 hours of continuous torrential rain. Urban flooding coupled with a weak infrastructure has left the city reeling and mourning countless dead,” she wrote.

Bangash highlighted the importance for action, “With yet another weather system due to lash the city later this week, Karachi can not and should not be allowed to suffer the same fate. The time to act is now — I #StandWithKarachi, do you?”

Actor Ahsan Mohsin Ikram said the joyful experience of rain has become one of suffering for millions in the city. He questioned why the city that generates the highest revenue in the country is still in such a state.

“Karachi pays the highest taxes, still suffers from such issues — it is mind blowing to see that urban flooding has taken over our city. My question now is that where are all the funds going? Rs 34 billion was allocated to upgrade naalas in Karachi,” he wrote.

RJ and actor Anoushey Ashraf commented on the lack of diligent effort on the authorities’ part and wrote, “The ‘intezamia’ [administration] should’ve worked 24/7 to ensure Karachi wouldn’t be an open gutter without lights this time. Shame on every leader who has a running fan at home tonight.”

Tagging K-Electric in her tweet, she said there were zero leads on when the power will be restored. “The ‘kaam ho raha hai’ [the work is in progress] reply is painful,” she said.

Designer Maheen Khan posted a video of the work being done amidst the rain. “This is Karachi. Shoveling water with spades and brooms into wheelbarrows. Don’t know whether I should laugh or cry,” she wrote.

Actor Faysal Quraishi shared a few lines on the rain drowning the city.

Despite the annual disastrous outcome, the city’s administration has failed Karachi as its foundations shake with the slightest bit of rain. With a forecast of heavy rainfall, there should have been better preparation. Karachi deserves better!


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 13, 2022 04:04pm
United we stand, divided we fall.
TTA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TTP Jul 13, 2022 04:25pm
Uncontrollable mass migration from neighboring countries have brought people who don't love Karachi and just want to use it, then this happens.
Hamed Jul 13, 2022 05:07pm
Celebraties have raised their voice! Great. Instead they should go to court and start a case. They should have enough money.
Rick Jul 13, 2022 07:20pm
What plan/s has PPP in its 14 years of power in sindh put forward to stop the yearly flooding oh sorry they have never done nothing about, no flood defences who needs them when you have the PPP to protect you.
Rick Jul 13, 2022 07:21pm
Sindh people you oput a government in power for may years but you do not want to hold it to account, this happens every year don't you want to stop it.
Baba Jul 13, 2022 07:45pm
Sirlankan has demonstrated what to do in recent events
siddiq karim Jul 13, 2022 08:01pm
If people of Pakistan care about their cities and their people they should start promoting family planning the rest will take care of it self
Zulfiqar Jul 13, 2022 08:34pm
So Karachi was perfect before the rains? Like it’s amusing how these all of a sudden took notice. Why don’t they speak up when it wasn’t raining?
TZaman Jul 13, 2022 09:01pm
How nice of celebrities crying for Karachi? Please do shed few tears for rain victims of KP, Islamabad, Balochistan and Punjab to be fair.
Mnkhan Jul 13, 2022 09:03pm
PPP has destroyed Karachi. Their leaders have a personal grudge against this city. They want to make Karachi like interior Sindh where despite having ruled for decades they have failed to bring a change in lives of local residents. They gobbled up billions allocated for development of Karachi. Local government system brought in bt Musharraf was a barrier to their monopoly. Shame on PPP and SINDH CM. Voters please wake up and don't let this blood sucking party ever come into power again. PPP= Enemy of Karachi
Hidsight Jul 13, 2022 09:13pm
i say PPP / MQM zindabad. keep voting for them.... only way out is to Seize all their assets..
Bunny Jul 13, 2022 09:40pm
Sister cities Karachi and Mumbai both sides of the Arabia sea are having the same story .both Cosmo, metro towns , both sea ports , both rich due to trade routes , both failing in infrastructure .
Helping hands Jul 13, 2022 10:22pm
Put out a message on Twitter and your job is done. Bravo, celebrities!
Art Jul 13, 2022 10:41pm
Results of voting ppp criminals!
Daniel Aziz Jul 13, 2022 11:37pm
PPP is the chief culprit of the mess in Karachi especially for the last 4 years when MQM doesn't had much power. MQM in it's hey days didn't do much to built rain drainage system. PTI as usual false promises.
AndYou! Jul 14, 2022 12:34am
No hope and honestly didn’t ever expect from Sindh government or the court.
Ali Jul 14, 2022 01:05am
@siddiq karim the sanest advise I have heard. Rest is political point scoring. Let’s look at some basic fact. We have populace in Karachi who have never supported the governing party. They had supported MQM, JI and PTI but have never held them accountable. They love to go after PPP that they had never voted but only demand that PPP should do more for them, why? We have people from around the country but their loyalties lie somewhere else. They are not even counted as Sindhi and Karachi citizen. Out previous PM never spent a night in Karachi in 4 years but shows up in karachi for financial and political support. Yes “Sindh” generate all these taxes but federal government (military) keeps the money. These celebrities had been given a “power of fake outrage”. Karachi will never get better until it’s people leave their Sindhi racist attitudes and stop sucking karachi dry. By the way people of interiors Sindh are not plugging you drainage system, you are.
Haris Jul 14, 2022 02:16am
@TTA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TTP : what have Jialas and Saathis did for the city? Please enlighten us. Drainage and sewerage pipes in many areas are smaller in size then the one in your toilet.
David M Jul 14, 2022 02:31am
Keep electing MQM / PPP and the result will remain same.
Irfan Huq Jul 14, 2022 02:35am
Karachi earns 70% of the revenue for Pakistan. It is time that the people of Karachi should stand up and demand that a certain amount of money from the taxes from the money it generates to be spent on Karachi. Karachi should have its own administration and if necessary should be separated from sindh. This is what East Pakistan wanted from the center they didn't get it and they became Bangladesh. It is not necessary Sri Lanka it is also Bangladesh that we should look at
swimmer Jul 14, 2022 03:07am
@siddiq karim, Family planning, Impossible dream in Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Zulfiqar Jul 14, 2022 03:47am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad and corrupted we live!
Vengeance Jul 14, 2022 04:59am
Same rains every year and the same celebrities chirping up for free publicity. Last time I checked their lavish houses were bone dry and barely affected by rain. Blowing hot air with no action.
Fast comment Jul 14, 2022 06:51am
Karachi Administration is based on non Karachiites, they don’t own it. At the moment they are on vacation in the rural towns & villages. MQM-P has great responsibility to set things in order.
Stunned Jul 14, 2022 07:05am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad against rain ?
Kohi Jul 14, 2022 07:49am
Good sign that intertainment icons raised their voices for city, but event & one time raised voices wouldn't make difference. Pursuance needs at every stage to get heard.