
Shae Gill responds to DMs shaming her for praying for deceased singer Sidhu Moose Wala

Shae Gill responds to DMs shaming her for praying for deceased singer Sidhu Moose Wala

The singer said she will block anyone who sends her such messages.
31 May, 2022

'Pasoori' singer Shae Gill has no energy to give to religious intolerance and frankly, no one else should either.

The recent passing of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala had a lot of celebrities around the globe sending their condolences and Gill was one of them. She posted an Instagram story sharing the news and wrote, "Heartbroken. May his soul rest in peace and may his family and friends have the strength to bear this loss."

This act of humanity was seen as otherwise by some netizens. Having had enough of being 'policed' by such people, on Monday, the singer shared screenshots of the DMs and made her stance clear.

The message read, "As a Muslim, you are not allowed to make dua for non-Muslims when they die."

"I've been getting a lot of such messages. Just wanted to inform everyone that I am not a Muslim. I am a Christian, belong to a Christian family and can make prayers for people from different religions," Gill wrote in response.

Shortly after this story, the 'Manzil' singer shared another DM saying there has been a shift in the messages she's receiving now. "Mostly getting such messages now and it's heartwarming. I honestly wouldn't have announced it like that but I got sick of people thinking they could police me by that standard."

Gill posted one last DM to conclude, "And if you send me messages like this, you are getting blocked. And yes, I do read messages whenever I have the time."

It is not okay to discriminate on the basis of religion and it is certainly not okay to shame someone, especially for actions that have nothing to do with you. Last we checked, kindness is the basis of every religion and kindness does not discriminate.


Sajjad May 31, 2022 11:36am
That engrezi though :)
Ahmed May 31, 2022 11:50am
No one is discriminating on basis of religion. We can pray for people of other religions but a prayer for them to have a good afterlife is like calling our entire belief system wrong. The reason being the wrong they have done. It would be injustice. Let me pray for a person for other religion: I pray his family be happy in both lives.
Javed May 31, 2022 12:06pm
She should block all mullahs from her account and don’t even read mullahs messages. She is a Pakistani Christian woman and mullahs should leave her alone.
Tadka May 31, 2022 12:41pm
Confused beings
Mahd May 31, 2022 12:51pm
A kid with 500 followers is talking like he is some superstar? Who cares about generation Z? I dont and frankly speaking no one else should either.
Selected vs Imported May 31, 2022 01:02pm
Typical Pakistani mindset. Not found even in Saudi Arabia.
Noted May 31, 2022 01:02pm
And the circus goes on in the name of religion.
Noted May 31, 2022 01:02pm
And the circus goes on in the name of religion.
Vijay B. May 31, 2022 01:03pm
Shae Gil sounds like a wonderful person in her own right and has the right and privilege to express her vies and condolences to whoever she pleases. Her being, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian is of no consequence whatsoever.
M. Saeed May 31, 2022 01:25pm
There are many other singers and artists who are of different religions and nobody cares. It is only jealousy against someone rising fast, that creates such hate-posts and in reality, religion has nothing to do with it.
MG May 31, 2022 01:31pm
Brainwashing and spreading hate by Mullahs
Adeel May 31, 2022 01:46pm
@Ahmed Wow. How do you plan on coexisting with the rest of the world?
M. Saeed May 31, 2022 01:59pm
There is no religion of Music and it is a strong unifying medium of Humanity.
Faisal May 31, 2022 02:05pm
@Ahmed Im genuinely confused. What wrong has anyone done by not being a Muslim? That doesn't seem like an Islamic mindset but a supremacist one.
sher singham May 31, 2022 02:17pm
Mullahs have destroyed Pakistan.
Ali PIRZADA May 31, 2022 02:18pm
Salutations, This is entirely misleading, for Islam is promoting brotherhood, tolerance and solidarity among all the factions of mankind. Moreover, we as Muslim for the whole human race, condemn all forms of unfair, unethical and inhuman violence or unjust treatment meted out to humans. Thanks
Usama Khan May 31, 2022 02:25pm
@Ahmed "... is like calling our entire belief system wrong" A retarded thinking. Your "Is Like" goes against the very peacefulness of Islam because of major WRONG assumption that all nonMuslims will enter hell. Plz listen to Mr. Ghamdi on this
haris May 31, 2022 02:39pm
Dear ms. Gill, Could you just ignore such comments and leave it up to them. Every society has such class of citizens. It's nothing unique in our society.
Aiza R May 31, 2022 03:16pm
I’m confused at the last person who is telling her she lives in pakistan which is a Muslim state so therefore she as a Christian cannot be tolerant to other faiths? What logic is that?
Asad May 31, 2022 03:27pm
@Ahmed Even Saudi's dont say such ridiculous things. Dont create your own version of islam. So much religious bigotry being spread in nation just for saying RIP.
Ahmed May 31, 2022 03:35pm
@Adeel I coexist just fine. You should think of how a world without right and wrong would look like.
Johnw May 31, 2022 04:04pm
That's why Pakistan is considered a backward, uncivilized nation.
SAM May 31, 2022 04:48pm
Keep the power, madam.
SAM May 31, 2022 04:48pm
@Ahmed You are a bigot, Islam has a large heart, you dont.
Mahira Yousaf May 31, 2022 05:06pm
All topi drama by this singer. But why? What's your agenda?
Zak May 31, 2022 05:11pm
Islam is for all humanity, they are creations of the Almighty, regardless of religion expressing condolences and a prayer, is the muslim way.
Obaid Rahman May 31, 2022 05:13pm
@Ahmed If you can't pray for others then your entire belief system is wrong.
Sid C May 31, 2022 05:16pm
Religion has many face , this one is more common. Giving other lectures and advice are common features of every religion.
Niaz H. Jafri May 31, 2022 05:20pm
We are becoming zombies slowly and gradually very unfortunately. :(
Sami May 31, 2022 05:35pm
Ever thought of praying for Humanity? Humanity first!
amir May 31, 2022 05:52pm
@Ahmed She can pray, her religion does not stop doing so.
Mishah May 31, 2022 06:07pm
It's ridiculous how welay we are to comment on someone's condolence msg , seriously . Isn't there anything better like get your nose out of here ?!
Ammarah May 31, 2022 06:18pm
These crazy people are relentless in their stupidities and the entire country gets ashamed by these people. They should be banned from social media.
zarmeena azeem May 31, 2022 06:40pm
Non muslims will pray for non-muslims first before they pray for any muslim.
Ash May 31, 2022 07:47pm
Whether you want to send him RIP or not based on religion but Siddhu Moosewala was a gangster. The persons who killed him made some serious allegations about Moosewala killing their friends—3 of them to be exact, and yet according to the killers, the punjab police did nothing bcz Mooswwala had clout. He was living the thug life, unfortunately he got offed the thug way.
Syed Hasni May 31, 2022 08:21pm
Shae you just cannot do anything wrong girl. You are just too pretty !
MA May 31, 2022 08:24pm
Everyone has their own free will to express their feeling as does she and she should accept that .
T-man May 31, 2022 08:36pm
Well done Shae. We support you. You can pray for anyone you want.
Anonymouseee May 31, 2022 09:47pm
Who is she again?
Anonymouseee May 31, 2022 09:48pm
@Ahmed well said.
Chiknaprince May 31, 2022 10:03pm
@Ahmed then there is serious issue in your belief system, where there is no place for humanity and tolerance for other religions. You most probably belong to Zaik Naik clan.
John Cool May 31, 2022 11:31pm
@Noted "And the circus goes on in the name of religion." Then they complain there is Islamophobia.
Bilal Jun 01, 2022 12:08am
@Adeel, nothing about what he said will affect his coexistence. No one's character is being assaulted. Religion may not visibly affect life in this world but there will be clear consequences in the hereafter. Think before you say.
Dhinchak Jun 01, 2022 12:18am
@Aiza R ask your bro and dad, they will explain to you this logic
Jehanzeb Khan Jun 01, 2022 01:02am
Huh, strange times when people even use the dead ones as a springboard to get attention on social media
Humza Jun 01, 2022 01:37am
Ignore the idiots is what I would say. You can't reason with people of limited intellect and I would counsel Shae Gill to simply ignore the uneducated people and keep making great music that makes all Pakistanis proud of her. All Muslims decry the killing of another person irrespective of faith. We also admire Sidhu Moose Wala's music the same way we enjoy Ed Sheeren's music. If some jaahil can't understand that, just ignore it.
Sajid Jun 01, 2022 02:21am
When will Pakistan Mullahs become human beings and leave their animal culture?
Dam'it Jun 01, 2022 03:57am
No where written that a Muslim cannot pray for a non muslim
Alih Kazmi Jun 01, 2022 04:12am
@Ahmed There is nothing wrong with praying for non-Muslims. I have prayed for several: Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Olof Palma and Jacienda A, to name a few and several Christians, Sikhs, atheists I met in private life.
krishan Chand Jun 01, 2022 06:10am
She is spot on and has her heart ticking right!
Mani Jun 01, 2022 08:27am
@Selected vs Imported Saudi monarchy is no role model.
Mani Jun 01, 2022 08:30am
@Faisal you obviously don’t know Islam. It’s about the creator and his creation. You are asked not to interfere.
LOKESH RAGHUWANSHI Jun 01, 2022 10:01am
@Javed but they are not look like Mullah they are youngster like you and me.
Manzar sarfraz Jun 01, 2022 03:35pm
Just ignore these retards Shae Gill. Prayers are sent to heaven, not these mentally sick people. Let Him decide whether He wants to listen or not
Alih Kazmi Jun 01, 2022 05:33pm
Most of the comments are dogma vs dogma, little hint of rationality here. Most people who think they are against dogma are actually supporters of an opposing dogma.
Vijay B. Jun 01, 2022 06:32pm
In all fairness, I assume there is a uniform civil code in force in heaven and not separate laws for people of each different religion.
Hamida k Jun 01, 2022 08:51pm
This sounds like a scammer & frightmonger spreading hatred among different religions. Just block him. His language is all broken & he seems to be saying what he doesn't even have knowledge about.
Hamida k Jun 01, 2022 08:54pm
@MG He doesn't sound like a mullah He's most likely a scammer who's just spreading hate among people. His intentions are malicious & profile might be fake as well.
Pankaj Jun 01, 2022 09:00pm
Is this the true face of Islam??
Justice Jun 01, 2022 10:51pm
I am a Pakistani and feel very shameful of such ignorant ppl who speak on behalf of all muslims and Pakistanis, as muslims and human beings we can and should pray for anyone who has passed away, he who says we can't pray is not a Muslim or Pakistani and should refrain from speaking as such as it portrays the entire nation and muslim race.
Su Jun 02, 2022 04:49am
Right now they are saying don't pray for non day they will say don't help the person dying who is non muslim.i think the DM IS illterate ... genuinely.