
Pet owners panic as cat and dog food lands on list of banned imported goods

Pet owners panic as cat and dog food lands on list of banned imported goods

There are local alternatives, such as Waggles, Purrs and Woof, but not everyone is convinced that's the way to go.
Updated 26 May, 2022

Pet parents around Pakistan have been shaken by news that their beloved pets' food is on the list of banned imported goods announced by the government on Thursday as part of its Import Policy Order. For many pet owners, the situation isn't as easy as switching to another brand because their often fussy or senior pets have already adjusted to particular brands of food over the years and are unlikely to take to local alternatives.

Many pet food providers and pet owners have taken to different online platforms to address the issue, asking for healthy local alternatives that offer high quality ingredients. After eating a particular brand for years, you wouldn't be too keen to shift to another brand in a week, and neither are pets. Cats and dogs in Pakistan have been eating expensive and healthy food by brands Royal Canin, NutraGold, Purina, Pedigree, SmartHeart, Reflex, Josera, Taste of the Wild and Mera for many years.

Pet food suppliers

Shan Saleem, who runs pet food and supplies shop Pet Smart with his RPK Critter Care Hospital in Karachi's Nishat Commercial, told Images that the ban has created panic and is being taken in a "negative way" instead of being taken positively. “The ban is negative in the sense that importers have already dispatched the supply to different retailers and have more orders lined up which won't stop. The payment for containers on-board are on the way so for five to six months there won't be any shortfall,” he said.

“But what came with this import ban is negative marketing that the stock has ended. Everything is being sold in the black market by importers and wholesalers who have increased the rates and removed a lot of products from the shelves to sell these products in black,” he explained, mentioning that in the next few months it's unlikely that stocks will run out.

Saleem also said that the current situation has scared consumers and so a person who only needs one bag or perhaps two is purchasing six to eight bags. "The thing we used to buy at Rs12,000 is now at Rs15,000 to Rs16,000, with an increase of Rs5,000 per bag. Just imagine the loss a consumer has to face when one single bag costs twice as much as before? If a container carries 600 to 700 bags, and a single bag has increased by Rs4,000...we're talking about millions being at stake," he said.

According to Saleem, people are being misguided to cause a scene in order to take advantage of a person's need. He said consumers are being ripped off, but he wasn't too sure of the alternatives. "Unfortunately the local industry has failed to maintain the quality of food. The local market suffers because the price is similar to the imported one but the quality is way below that even the pets refuse to eat it," he said.

Abdul Rafay Irfan, general manager of Pawltoo, a pet food and accessories retailer, told Images that the ban is "temporary" and will soon be over. "For example, take EffeEffe, Lavital, Econature and Pronature that we import. They are almost 30 years old. They have spent millions of dollars into R&D and have now reached a stage where these products are safe and healthy for our pets. They have hi-tech facilities and are maintaining the production quality in European standards. So how can we expect our local food to compete with such products?" he asked.

For Irfan, what's important at this time is creating an awareness campaign through which people realise that pet food isn't a luxury — it's a necessity. "The food that's being imported annually is very less in volume. Many more luxury products that are being imported in larger volumes should be banned and local alternatives should be arranged for those but pet food isn't one of them. Most people don't even know the rights of animals here so how will they understand the need for pet food?" he demanded.

Healthy Tails, a pet hospital and retailer in Karachi, said that they have limited stock available now but they plan on keeping some of it in reserves for senior pets in need.

A vet's advice for pet parents

On the other hand Dr Abrar Pirzada of Pirzada Pets Clinic was of a different view.

“If there is a ban on imported pet food, it will prove to be good for pets in the long-run because fresh home-made food is good for your pets,” he told Dawn.

“I have a cat coming to me who is 27 years old and she is so healthy because she is fed clean home-made chicken and mutton. Your pets, be they cats or dogs, live longer on fresh food. Now after the impending ban I also have worried pet owners coming in, saying that pet food is not a luxury but a necessity. But I am telling them that it is a luxury and a convenient way for them to quickly feed their pet and be done with it. Honestly, your pets will be better off if you offer them home-made meals,” he insisted.

When informed that some pets absolutely refuse to have anything else but the packaged imported food, the senior vet said that many imported pet foods carry addictive substances making the animal addicted to them.

“Believe me, it is happening. It might take time to get them off the food they are so used to eating but you can do it,” he said encouragingly.

That said, he added that there were, however, certain medicated pet food varieties that some animals with liver and kidney conditions might need.

“But again, those, too, have alternatives. My father, who started our pets’ clinic some 58 years ago, can educate you more on that. There used to be a time when there was no imported pet food the pets used to have no other choice but to eat healthy wholesome homemade meals,” he pointed.

Local food options

The ban on pet food caused an uproar online on platforms such as Pet Talk, a Facebook group for discussions about pet food, vets, boarders and treats. While many were protesting against the ban, some asked about local brands that cater to both dogs and cats. We were able to find few named Waggles, Purrs and Woof.

Rafae Dossal, founder and CEO Waggles Pet Foods Limited, told Images that his start-up was founded in early 2020 and is now a full-fledged pet food production company that will be exporting to the UAE staring this July. "We started with natural recipes that are simple and uncomplicated while being complete and balanced for pets. We only use 100 per cent whole-food natural ingredients in our recipes that are minimally processed to retain essential nutrients.

"Initially, we launched our dog food recipe range, and then started Purrs, our cat food line of products. The pet food segment is rapidly growing in Pakistan, almost at the rate of 20 per cent segment growth per year," Dossal explained.

As of now, the brand offers wet food recipes for both dogs and cats and is soon going to launch a dry food line. Waggles is currently operating at a "1,200 tonne annual production capacity with a facility that is ISO certified". According to Dossal, Waggles is an omnichannel retail brand that retails via traditional retail stores, online stores like Daraz and their own website. This means they deliver all across Pakistan in 45 different cities.

Dossal also said that pet parents are "sceptical of trying out new brands with their pets due to questions and concerns over product quality and ingredient usage etc" and agreed that introducing a new food brand can indeed be tricky.

While he understands pet owners' concerns around local brands, as the owner of Waggles, Dossal is offering owners the chance to sign up for a sample for their pet to try out. All you have to do is fill out details such as your name, email, shipping address, pet (cat or dog), pet's name, breed and age in order for the product to arrive at your doorstep.

Cats, dogs and pets in general form their flavour preference after years of having a certain type of food. While many argue that a healthy option such as boiled chicken or meat is the way to go, some pets often prefer cookies or biscuits on the side to nibble on. But these cookies aren't always a treat — some pets need to eat them for health reasons or dietary restrictions.

While we understand the need to reduce imports, pet food isn't a luxury item and shouldn't be on the list. Pets are living breathing beings and should be given access to food they can eat and prefer. Over time, their digestive system adjusts to what they've been eating. Why is pet food being considered a luxury when it's a basic need for a living being?


Juman May 24, 2022 03:54pm
If I have to, I'll cut pieces of myself and feed them to Mr. Barks (my dog).
sameer May 24, 2022 03:57pm
Pets can eat local food, also the owners has to do some extra work and prepare their food at home. For a few days the pets may be reluctant, afterwards they shall get used to it. It's not a bad move to ban such imports.
osman May 24, 2022 03:58pm
Who Cares?
Sarai Alamgir May 24, 2022 04:07pm
Please still had pets before items were imported. We need to stop making everything an issue. We rely on imported items too much.
Manoj May 24, 2022 04:07pm
Govt running on loans, but pets need imported food.
Rana R May 24, 2022 04:41pm
WE always had cats in our house and we still have. We always used to buy separate meat for them and daily it used to be boiled to feed the cats. The practice still goes on in our house. We have separate utensils to boiling their meat in.
NYS May 24, 2022 04:44pm
Chicks diet (soyabean) shipment curb ,culmination locally produce .At the same time the pets like cat dog diet can be problematic in the beginning hazards occur laterly ,owner will become habitual to get local diet plan
Constantine May 24, 2022 04:52pm
Now even animals don’t have have food in Pakistan
Yasir May 24, 2022 04:53pm
Looks like it is hitting at the right place. Who these pet owners are? rich, elite class, mostly right? For an ordinary person in Pakistan, it is hard to feed their family and these pet owner want imported food for their pets?? When humans are dying from hunger, you are voicing concern for pet food? Shame on you!!
Jogi Bharmcharia May 24, 2022 05:00pm
It’s disgusting babies are dying of hunger here daily and our burger society PTI supporters are feeding their cats and dogs elite imported pet Scottish salmon Italian foie gras worth tens of thousands of rupees per pet daily.
Malik May 24, 2022 05:01pm
Humans can eat local food but pets cannot?. Our elite is so entitled that they think their pets will die without imported food. Animals can eat local food but who will explain this to DHA, Clifton crowd?.
Fast comment May 24, 2022 05:05pm
Special consideration, provisions, should be made, to comfort all pets & animals, birds. They can’t speak, nor they protest. But they are better in some ways, they remain peaceful in all circumstances.
funnyman May 24, 2022 05:06pm
Pet food is a luxury just as pure-bred animals as pets are a luxury Pet food is a luxury Lazy owners who cannot be bothered to cook food for their "beloved" pet do not deserve to have responsibility of pets and Images Dawn needs to learn that pet ownership came centuries before IMPORTED pet food. All pure breeds that these burger aunties demand existed then and exist now Images Dawn also needs to learn that the rights of a country of humans TRUMP over rights a miniscule minority pets and their owners. Otherwise, Images Dawn needs to use its own dividends and arrange the so very important IMPORTED food for these pets. Put money where your mouth is you bunch of burger hypocrites.
NYKNEW10 May 24, 2022 05:08pm
@Juman ماشااللہ
NYKNEW10 May 24, 2022 05:08pm
@Juman ماشااللہ
Ali Sabir May 24, 2022 05:32pm
... Any organ meat is healthy for dogs and cats.
Khayyam James Hussain May 24, 2022 05:34pm
@osman Humans do.
Atta May 24, 2022 05:42pm
Provide them with fresh meat if you are that concerned.
Khan, USA May 24, 2022 06:01pm
These pet lovers should go to Dubai and buy pet food with their own dollars . The hard earned dollars of exporters and overseas Pakistan not be wasted on pet food !
Khan May 24, 2022 06:05pm
Pets are having the fresh meat of kids and imported food , wow, a poor country !
Khalid iqbal May 24, 2022 06:05pm
It’s amazing , Pakistan does not make cat and dog food , it has to be imported , don’t tell me that .
Love Your Country May 24, 2022 06:22pm
Spending forex of Pakistanis overseas on dog food when there is gas shortage - this is really insane.
Ahmed May 24, 2022 06:29pm
@osman The cats and dogs care and their owners!
Love Your Country May 24, 2022 06:30pm
@Khan, USA - what is better I wonder: ban import or 1000% duty? What is duty rate now anyone?
Simba May 24, 2022 06:34pm
Even pets are not spared. What is happening in Pakistan?
Hamed May 24, 2022 06:54pm
At last somebody is using his or her brains!
Pops May 24, 2022 07:35pm
@sameer Moreover, slow cooked home food is better for dogs. My lab lived 17 years eating my kitchen prepared food.
Pops May 24, 2022 07:39pm
And who says Pakistan is a poor country!
Yemeen ul Islam Zuberi May 24, 2022 07:44pm
It's a shame that we don't have a factory to prepare animal food. It will provide jobs and will stop the drain of foreign reserves, and will sure the consumers will be paying less price at the store. Moreover, it will make its availabilty sure.
john May 24, 2022 07:47pm
keeping dogs as pets not allowed in Islam
Surya Kant Agrawal May 24, 2022 07:49pm
Cruelty to animals
John Doe May 24, 2022 07:55pm
@Juman Yes please go ahead.
Farhana May 24, 2022 07:56pm
@Yasir You know what? Its not always the elite class who has pets. What we do differently from people who can't feed their families is that we don't keep on adding new pets to our household when we can't afford to feed or house the ones we already have, which is what a lot of poor people do, keep having more kids they can't afford. Why should innocent pets pay for the stupid mistakes of society or state?
nk May 24, 2022 08:13pm
Are we in our senses. Why would we need imported pet food for pets? What we as human consumes from the best of available local meat. pulses, fruits and veggies can be given to the pets too and they will be a much cheaper alternative.
nk May 24, 2022 08:32pm
I have kept pets in US and had tried to always buy the best food. One day as I went through the ingredients I got little disturbed. I found all kinds of junk that comes off the butchered animals for human consumption goes into the animal food. A lot of death, life time diseases to beloved pets and many recalled have happened for these substandard pet foods. So the best alternative is to give them home prepared food.
Ibrahim S May 24, 2022 08:35pm
@Juman - why don’t you sacrifice yourself altogether so your dog could eat for months . People don’t have wheat and sugar to feed their children and you worry about pet food . I had pet and I know what to feed them . What a country , which can’t make pet food either . I bet your pets understand English only .
arman May 24, 2022 08:35pm
@sameer Well hire another Khansama to cook for Pets...why not after all the Pappu cannot survive on Tikka Boti alone......or better yet an exclusive restaurant might work.. for members only mind you gulli ka kutta only Tommies pun intended...
Douglas May 24, 2022 08:42pm
@Ali Sabir organ meat?
Ten Jee May 24, 2022 08:50pm
This is a 'burger' problem, in a country where so many oridnary folks go hungry, this 'panic' will fall on deaf ears. The whole world is awash with rats, mice, vermin that cats and dogs could quite easily adjust to; even humans in extreme circumstances resort to eating these to survive. Let these pampered animals lead natural lives - they would then find there is no shortage for their type of food. By the way, now in Europe we are seeing a rise in pet owners that feed their pets vegan only diets. The burgers in Pakistan have some catching up to do.
Syed Hasni May 24, 2022 09:01pm
Since when we are importing "Cheechras" ??
osman ka abbu May 24, 2022 09:27pm
@osman Not an inhumane shitty person like you, obviously
Dr Ali May 24, 2022 09:33pm
Dear pet-lovers, try our brand "Pawfect". We cook fresh organic wet and dry cat food. We use vet approved recipes and package in air tight bags. We deliver throughout Pakistan and have dozens of satisfied customers. Call us now at 03435038862.
Amir May 24, 2022 09:34pm
@Khalid iqbal My friend we import powder milk and cereals also. A lot of other small item. Population 230 million can't even produce cereals ,cheese,powder milk etc. Shame on us.
Ibrahim S May 24, 2022 10:18pm
{Everything is being sold in the black market by importers and wholesalers who have increased the rates and removed a lot of products from the shelves to sell these products in black,” he explained, mentioning that in the next few months it's unlikely that stocks will run out.} People love to buy from the black market , avoid paying sales tax and the merchants avoid paying income tax. It’s easy to complain, criticize IMF loans , and expect miracles to solve all our problems
Khan May 24, 2022 10:52pm
@Khalid iqbal ,Thats not true . Pet food is produced locally but elite always wanted to have their darling pets to have imported branded pet food !
Syed May 24, 2022 11:09pm
@Juman get your self checked!
Aiza May 24, 2022 11:17pm
@Jogi Bharmcharia Well I have two cats, they never get Scottish salmon or French foie gras. But they will have Russian Caviar and champagne the day Rana Sanaullah and rest of the disgusting kleptocrats are set behind the bar. Hell, yeah even I wouldn't mind some that day!
Aiza May 24, 2022 11:35pm
@Juman I think Mr. Barks prefers something more tender and tasty.
Syed A Kazmi May 25, 2022 12:27am
@Juman I wish you could spend the money you are spending on pets for the students who can not afford their fees & other education expenses. This way you won’t have to cut yourself and moreover you will have a satisfaction of serving the country & humanity.
Faisal May 25, 2022 12:32am
@funnyman food is never a luxury. I feed all the stray cats in my neighbourhood who have their ribcages showing and stones throw at them by us hateful humans. Forgive me for not cooking home made food for tens of cat everyday. Forgive me for being such a damn elitist that I don't let them starve.
Faisal May 25, 2022 12:37am
@osman Grow up. This isn't some article about what some celebrity wore to an event. Its also interesting from a business perspective. Continually baffled by how a complete disregard for living creatures that aren't human is a badge of how non-elitist and "awami" people think they are.
Faisal May 25, 2022 12:38am
@funnyman you typing bs comments is a bigger luxury than pet food.
Faisal May 25, 2022 12:43am
Wonder how much $ we would save if instead of banning tissues and pet food our leaders wouldnt fly their entire cabinet to London on the tax payer dime or devote the national budget to funding a war economy instead of its people.
Nagaraja May 25, 2022 02:25am
What an irony? Even pets do not like Pak food?
FairComment May 25, 2022 03:49am
"Why is pet food being considered a luxury when it's a basic need for a living being?" - spoilt brat with content creation access to nationwide publication
Mas May 25, 2022 03:51am
Good move. Government should also ban at least for five years, all imported food items like biscuits, breakfast cereal, chocolate, juices, cheese, meat, meat products and vegetables. Let's grow them or else forget them. We can definitely survive without them.
A May 25, 2022 05:42am
Take them to McDonalds they also serve animal food.
saadia May 25, 2022 06:36am
People need to stop owning animals in that hell hole
Aamir May 25, 2022 06:59am
@Juman what after the dog cobsume you, then i will adopt it & will feed it fresh chicken & mutton.
Syed Saad Muzaffar May 25, 2022 07:06am
Please look at the process that the pet food is made. It is NO good for the pets. All they give you is fancy ads, fancy brand names and fancy prices. The vitamins and nutrients are not from the food but from synthetic compounds which are little value to the animals. I do not and will not feed any of those brand food to my pet. Honestly, the scrap from the butcher is better than the fancy pet foods in the market. Check it out yourselves.
Shams ul Islam May 25, 2022 07:40am
Poors versus dogs. Who will win the fight of rights?
Syed imam May 25, 2022 08:02am
Why can't Pakistan make its own cat & dog food? It's a low-cost investment and not rocket science. Anyone with knowledge of food science and animal nutrition can develop both dry and canned foods.
Ifti Malik May 25, 2022 09:59am
What stupid , entitled people who are worrying about such a trivial matter as feeding their pets. There's all sorts of local alternatives. They should maybe spare a thought for millions of poor Pakistanis who can't even afford a basic meal.
Kursi kursi May 25, 2022 10:32am
Can someone explain how importing any amount of goods reduces foreign exchange in Pakistan. If I work in Dubai and bring millions of us $ worth into Pakistan then how Foreign exchange in Pakistan is effected.
Mir May 25, 2022 01:40pm
Used to be boiled cow belly (ojheri) for as a dog food in those days. Hahahahah
Faysal May 25, 2022 04:31pm
The most pressing problem in Pakistan has finally been covered. This is why I left Pakistan. It’s a place full of people who either have no moral fibre (and thus write pieces about the impact of an import ban on pet owners in a country that has stunted children from malnutrition), or people with 4th grade morality (who think that their goodness is determined by how much they pray, how much they oppress women, and police the actions of others). What a despicable place! Yes the whole world has problems, but the moral rot in Pakistan really is special.
Isthisreal May 26, 2022 04:12pm
@Jogi Bharmcharia well said indeed
LW May 26, 2022 07:39pm
@Jogi Bharmcharia ... PTI supporters?!? Wow, one must have a visceral hatred of PTI or be delusional to think it is the urban & rural middle-classes and lower middle classes of Karachi & Punjab along with the entirety of the Pukhtun belt and the Potohar plateau which are wringing their hands over imported pet food!
Khan May 26, 2022 10:06pm
We dont accept imported government but need imported food for pets !
Khan May 26, 2022 10:07pm
There is a lot of imported pet food at Buni Gala !
Khan May 26, 2022 10:09pm
Can we export all our pets ?
Khan May 26, 2022 10:44pm
@Faysal When did you leave India ?
Khan May 26, 2022 10:47pm
@Kursi kursi its the balance of payments . We import more than we export , simply means our import amount in dollars is more than the combined dollar amount of our remittances and exports ! So we are always in short of dollars .
Khan May 26, 2022 10:52pm
@Syed imam , they do but more elite demand imported food for their pets like Imran Khan for his dogs ! Poor people can not feed local food to their kids and elite want imported brands like Purina, WellPet, Ainsworth, Freshpet , Diamond Pet Foods , Blue Buffalo, Salimo and Animonda !