
Leave Jemima Khan alone

She divorced Imran Khan almost 18 years ago. Why is she still being dragged into the depth of Pakistani political mudslinging?
19 Apr, 2022

We're sure you must have heard the line "you marry a man and you marry his whole family", but it seems for some people, such as Jemima Khan, the more accurate version is "you marry a man and you marry his whole country". Though she and former premier Imran Khan were married for only nine odd years, Jemima has never been able to escape Pakistan and Pakistanis and the latest evidence of this is the protest outside her home by a group of PML-N supporters.

Jemima was married to the cricketer-turned-politician from 1995 to 2004. She has been divorced for far longer than she was married but that means nothing to Pakistanis who consider her one of their many bhabis. Almost 18 years after their divorce, she is still plagued with questions and comments about Imran Khan. She's understandably sick of it, but that means nothing to those who continue to shower her with unwanted comments and attention.

Although tweets asking if she still loves Imran Khan are a far cry from a mob of angry men gathering outside her house and threatening to enter her bedroom and we need to make that clear. Jemima, who has a rather cordial relationship with her ex-husband with whom she shares two sons, has unwittingly become a symbol of the PTI in London for no fault of her own. Her lack of acrimony towards her ex-husband has led people to believe that she should be treated as if she were still married to Imran and is somehow responsible for the actions of a grown man.

In short, she is paying a hefty price for not being a bitter ex. There were no protests outside the home of Reham Khan, another of Imran's exes, nor were there any outside his own home in Bani Gala. Jemima was the only one whose home was besieged.

She reshared a video on Twitter in which a group of men had gathered, listening to someone with a megaphone shout that they would enter her bedroom if she did not stop the PTI from protesting outside the house of former premier Nawaz Sharif.

"This is a video of hundreds of men protesting for hours outside my 88 yr old mother’s house in Surrey yesterday.

The man with the tannoy is threatening — “If Jemima and her children don’t come down here, then we will enter her bedroom," she wrote, questioning whether this was legal.

And indeed it shouldn't be. Nawaz Sharif is a three-time former prime minister of Pakistan who is still involved in politics. Jemima divorced a man who became prime minister of Pakistan nearly 15 years after their marriage ended. Spot the imposter.

Jemima is not a representative of PTI. She has no stake in the game save a cordial relationship with an ex. Why then is she being targeted so virulently? Also, this isn't the first time that she and her children are being targeted. Our politics and political discourse has devolved so severely in the past couple of years that it's difficult to imagine it once could have been civil, when families were not targeted and hatred was not spread so deeply.

Today, we're in a mess. We've got abuse and vitriol spewed online by politicians and their supporters alike and the victims are rarely the players themselves. Take Jemima for instance. Why is she paying the price for Imran Khan's politics and political decisions? Why is she being told to stop protests outside Nawaz Sharif's home when she has nothing to do with them?

She is not leading any protests, nor are her children. She is not a politician and — save for a few opinionated tweets to which she is fully entitled — she has not even commented on the politics of this country. Why then is she being somehow held responsible for all of this?

Is it because women often pay the price for things they do not do? Or is it because we as a nation have fallen so far into the depths of our political rivalries that we cannot even see the lines that should never be crossed? Is there still time left for us to retrace our steps and get back to civility? Our politicians — all our politicians — will have a real time of it when (or if) they try to get political discourse back to where it should be — on politics, policies and politicians.


Adnan Mazher Khan Apr 19, 2022 05:04pm
She is paying price for being an honorable lady.
javed Apr 19, 2022 05:06pm
Jemima Goldsmith.. please write the correct name
Bsd Apr 19, 2022 05:06pm
In that case, why are you referring to her as Khan and not Goldsmith?
ayesha Apr 19, 2022 05:09pm
when you put your nose in politics in every tweet and then have a family that supports imran khan even though they have minsitry position in uk .you aare bound to get criticised.
Jaredlee007 Apr 19, 2022 05:18pm
Disrespectful followers of corrupt politicians.
Hasnain Haque Apr 19, 2022 05:20pm
Very sad to see rent a mob, most of whom are asylum seekers or illegally in UK demonstrating outside her house, a person who did so much for Pakistan and these same looters did very little.
Imran Apr 19, 2022 05:21pm
A decent lady who is well respected and a philanthropist, if she was still here I think you will note how she stands out from the rest.
M. Saeed Apr 19, 2022 05:33pm
This is her reward for gifting Bani Gala to Imran Khan, as her divorce settlement.
A Apr 19, 2022 05:45pm
Trend was set by PTI.
Ibrahim S Apr 19, 2022 05:48pm
@ayesha . Agreed. She is just twisted facts and spreading disinformation. I believe IKN’s media goons are helping get as well to distort fact . Bottom line . If PTI workers stop protesting in front of NS residence , I’m sure that the PML workers will stop protesting in front of IKN’s ex residence as well .
Ishan Apr 19, 2022 05:48pm
The crowd outside her house are no different from the writer. They were outside as they still refer to her as “Jemima Khan” just like title of this article. She is “Jemima Goldsmith “ not “ Jemima Khan “
Abida Apr 19, 2022 05:51pm
@ayesha oh please ,writing a few tweets means PMLN goons can protest outside her home ? You can't compare it to protest outside nawaz sharif House as he is actively involved in politics a former PM
Johnw Apr 19, 2022 05:52pm
One bad decision and now she has been paying for it ever since. Poor girl.
Shakil Khan Apr 19, 2022 06:00pm
If ex wife is target, then why not protest in front of Reham Khan house, she was also Khans wife! Jemima can and will take care of herself and family in UK. Her house can be equated Sharifs houses that are proceeds of politics in Pakistan.
Tahmad Apr 19, 2022 06:04pm
It’s very sad and unacceptable, this is an act of violence, no one should allow protest for any kind of activities in the residential area’s anywhere on earth.
TPA Apr 19, 2022 06:05pm
She married the wrong guy. Imran Khan is a loser.
Khan Apr 19, 2022 06:12pm
@ayesha Totally wrong . If people are protesting outside an absconder's house who on the pretext of health issues is dodging justice, then they have every right to protest. NS was three times PM who used to get Payee for his lunch via tax payer's paid helicopter. Jemima & her kids have never been on any government position in Pakistan where they would be paid through our tax money.
Nostalgia Apr 19, 2022 06:29pm
She should have appreciated Hamid Mir's tweet but no she had to criticize it. All he said was protests at homes should not happen but she wants others haggled but not her.
sidC Apr 19, 2022 06:34pm
Why? she was poking her nose in pakistani politics every now and than. She started
Syed A. Mateen Apr 19, 2022 06:35pm
Jemima Goldsmith needs to decide and announce openly that after her divorce with Imran Khan she is politically with Imran Khan, or not.
Imran Apr 19, 2022 06:51pm
PMLN is obsessed with Jemima. Sign of a demented group.
Zak Apr 19, 2022 06:58pm
@Bsd In that case, why are you referring to her as Khan and not Goldsmith? What difference does it make, what her name is????
Dr T Apr 19, 2022 06:59pm
No justification- for those who feel vilified, how would you feel if some stranger comes invading your privacy at your home just because you were affiliated or even have an opinion on something, then that would be counted as harassment wouldn’t it when the shoe is in the other foot
Noor Apr 19, 2022 07:04pm
Maybe it will help, if Shehbaz Sharif tell his PML-N goons to leave Jemima and her family alone.
Changez Khan Apr 19, 2022 07:04pm
Agree, she has nothing to do with this mess. The corrupts should stay out of this.
Sidhu Apr 19, 2022 07:16pm
@Bsd because people forgot tiger ride.
Waheed Noor Apr 19, 2022 07:19pm
Then she should along with her siblings stay away from the politics of our country. You can not have it both ways.
Suri Apr 19, 2022 07:28pm
She is not Khan any more, the only unfortunate thing is she cannot change her twitter handle.
Angraiz ki Utran Apr 19, 2022 07:34pm
Jemima should also refrain herself from commenting on Pakistani politics and since IK is dragging everyone's family and hurling all sort of abuses the people are now responding back in the same manner with below the belt hits.
Skeptic@ Apr 19, 2022 07:38pm
Why? If IK encourages his supporters to protest aGainst Nawaz and his family,, the opposition has the right to protest IK and family. Keep personal homes out of the protests and everything will be fine.
Hasan Apr 19, 2022 07:39pm
@ayesha there is a difference between being criticised and threatened.
Aamir Latif Apr 19, 2022 07:39pm
It is highly undesirable but unfortunately she is paying the price what her ex husband party goons are doing outside NS house.. I wished both parties had spares homes in the hear of hate
SHAHID SATTAR Apr 19, 2022 07:47pm
Has she retained the name of her ex-husband?
Aziz Apr 19, 2022 07:52pm
@javed , Jemima Marcelle Goldsmith
Aziz Apr 19, 2022 07:52pm
@Bsd , Jemima Marcelle Goldsmith
Aziz Apr 19, 2022 07:53pm
@Adnan Mazher Khan, No because she still supports Imran Khan online on social media !
Khalid Apr 19, 2022 08:00pm
PTI supporters should also stop using her image in memes and on online posts. Maybe use photo of actual exfirst lady instead. Maybe she should also not send supportive tweets if she does not want to be involved it is not a one way street of your choosing.
Khalid Apr 19, 2022 08:01pm
Why did you even call her as "khan" when she is divorced, why dont you leave her alone first?
Tahir Raouf Apr 19, 2022 08:04pm
Tweeting in favour and situation getting worse becoming apolitical, is this called honour and dignity
Fast comment Apr 19, 2022 08:07pm
Now PML(N) Government in Pakistan. UK authorities should ask NAwaz Sharif to leave UK.
Abdul Apr 19, 2022 08:08pm
Bravo Well done Dawn
Fareed Apr 19, 2022 08:10pm
She and her brother openly tweet in favour of PMIK.. how can she say she is apolitical
Zak Apr 19, 2022 08:18pm
Deport all 30 of them.
Faisal Rafique Apr 19, 2022 08:38pm
@ayesha its called freedom of speech in western societies. PML-N people were also exercising freedom of speech but you have to question to the value part. What value it brings to PML-N and rest of the Pakistanis.
Zulfiqar Apr 19, 2022 08:48pm
Dumb PML-N goons can’t figure out where to vent their anger.
Johnpauljonesljones Apr 19, 2022 08:51pm
@ayesha this is not criticism. Learn your truth
AbdulHaque Shaikh Apr 19, 2022 08:55pm
Harassing the ex-wife of Imran Khan shows low mentality of Nawaz and his party. They should not be trusted to govern Pakistan. Period
Truth be told Apr 19, 2022 09:04pm
@Fareed absolutely.
GJ Apr 19, 2022 09:07pm
Very well said. These folks must leave Jemima and her family alone. They have done nothing to invoke this craziness. Also, Imran and Jemima's children should not have to bear the bad consequences of Pakistani politics. It is already sad that they had to divorce, which, I am sure, was in part because the Pakistanis made their life hell in Pakistan. Very sad.
zee Apr 19, 2022 09:20pm
Because she and her brother are using their influence through tweets and support to IK and PTI. So, please stop this! We can't have double standards; when Ik was degrading Maryam and called her a 'grani', did you write about it? Of course, not. Jemima is very much involved in Pakistani politics and her sons have attended PTI rallies. So, she needs to stop supporting Ik's efforts in UK and this would end.
Dean Apr 19, 2022 09:22pm
Typical Shariff tactics and supporters cannot fight the Lion have to resort to fighting ladies ! Shameful
abx Apr 19, 2022 09:37pm
But it is true that if you marry a muslim , then one is for life. Her sons may claim to become Pakistani politicians one day and imitate IK. now that is a Nightmare for the world.
zia Uddin Apr 19, 2022 09:39pm
Please be nice to Jemima Khan, AKA Jemima Goldsmith.
Faazil Apr 19, 2022 09:42pm
That's the price you pay by marrying a pakistani
Ali Apr 19, 2022 09:53pm
@zee entire shareef family is in politics. Jemima isn’t. Stop defending your ghundas
Jondon Apr 19, 2022 09:53pm
@zee so how does that justify some fools protest at her house?
Kk Apr 19, 2022 10:05pm
@ayesha criticized ? You are arguing that JG a British citizen who has a valid opinion about developments in Pakistan should be treated the same way as a Pakistani citizen (hiding in JG’s country) who is convicted for corruption and who has abused the trust of the nation in its highest office ? NS is accountable to the Pakistani nation. JG is not accountable to the Pakistani nation. Get real.
Kk Apr 19, 2022 10:07pm
@Syed A. Mateen no she doesn’t…..
Kk Apr 19, 2022 10:09pm
@Aziz so do millions
Kk Apr 19, 2022 10:09pm
@Faisal Rafique what’s it called in non western countries?
Kk Apr 19, 2022 10:12pm
@Fareed but she hasn’t looted Pakistan…. No fat bank accounts with money stolen from the hungry, the sick and the homeless Pakistani citizens
ST Apr 19, 2022 10:27pm
PMLN are embarrassed and don't know what to do . So perhaps they thought Jemima house is an easy target
Jin Apr 19, 2022 10:46pm
PmlN hired goons- not a natural protest- the real one is in Hyde park and outside avenfield apartments
Qasim Apr 19, 2022 10:54pm
PMLN goons part y
Jazz Apr 19, 2022 11:03pm
Ohh that's all paid protesters.
Abdullah Hussain Apr 19, 2022 11:26pm
What a load of tosh; you are so very conveniently trying to conjure up gender issues that do not stand up to scrutiny. This woman and her clan have played an active part in the terrible politics of hate and bigotry that her ex personifies. Finally, if you are so confident of your moral high ground then, please have the basic courtesy to put your name to the opinion piece.
Abbasshah Apr 19, 2022 11:44pm
Very bad in taste ,sane people are not amused.
IMRAN LALA Apr 20, 2022 12:02am
@Adnan Mazher Khan Paying the price for marrying IMRAN KHAN
Abdullah Apr 20, 2022 12:25am
How about pti wpuld have left kulsoom begum when she was on death bed where pti supporters would sneak in the hospiatal to check ifshe was really sick anf than she died so they believed.karma.
Pakistani Apr 20, 2022 12:50am
You cant compare oranges to apples. Nawaz is a convicted (for money laundeirng) absconder hiding in the UK.
Ahmed Apr 20, 2022 12:51am
Protesting outside the Sharif apartments is not the same as demonstrations outside the Goldschmidt home for obvious reasons.
Tariq Apr 20, 2022 01:02am
All I know is she has to leave the religion and the country because of their leader and still they are not satisfied. Protesting in front of civilians' homes for political gains. It shows their petty thoughts behind their frustration.
Ghani K Apr 20, 2022 01:14am
She was hounded out of Pakistan by mud slingers . Why drag her into dirty politics of Pakistan
Ghani K Apr 20, 2022 01:19am
She is still a classy lady , a good mother of IK’s sons
TTA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TTP Apr 20, 2022 01:42am
@TPA jealous Indian troll.... Get a life... She would never marry someone like you.
Z. Alam Khan Apr 20, 2022 02:24am
@Hasnain Haque UK police need to check legal id holders first; rest of them to be brisk away to the departure bus for prison - illegal entry and deported to the motherland .
Z. Alam Khan Apr 20, 2022 02:32am
@Nostalgia J Goldsmith needs to consult lawyer and get restraining order- any one come close to her private property get arrested. That is UK .. not Pk jagreer - Nawaz to be deported causing nusance in UK. Police checking legal id if you go near her private property . get arrested n deported.
Bye_Bye Apr 20, 2022 02:50am
Out of some hundreds of stock photos of Jemima, DAWN chooses to display one showing her depressed and in sleeveless dress.
Titan Apr 20, 2022 03:20am
When the same was happening outside the house of Nawaz Sharif's children who have no role in Pakistani politics everyone was feeling it's justified, and these protests were orchestrated by PTI in London. Jemima Goldsmith has been a mouthpiece of PTI many times her own family's money was used to build up SKMT and that is the money Imran Khan used to pay his expenses before his party was in main stream media, now whatever is happening is justified and should happen. I am not a PML(N) supporter nor a PTI supporter I am politically neutral but have my eyes open
skb Apr 20, 2022 03:44am
@Ibrahim S your long note did not make any sense.
skb Apr 20, 2022 03:46am
@ayesha you felt like , need to say something even stupid.
skb Apr 20, 2022 03:56am
@Syed A. Mateen She does not need to do any such thing. GFYS.
Ace Apr 20, 2022 03:57am
Jemima is hand in glove in this whole mess, she has always been covering IK.
Rick Apr 20, 2022 04:17am
Send all demonstrating outside her house back to Pakistan, this is UK not Pakistan. Go to Pakistan and do what you want.
arrow Apr 20, 2022 04:18am
if she is his "EX" the why the caption.... jemaima "KHAN"
arrow Apr 20, 2022 04:22am
if she is his "EX" then why jemama "KHAN" ..... It could be goldsmith
LOL Apr 20, 2022 04:23am
She is no 'Khan' anymore.
Mangoman Apr 20, 2022 04:31am
Seriously, what is this a fanboy article? Names are wrong for starters. BTW, what is her name Jemima Goldsmith or Jemima Khan? Or a mix of those? Second, the lady has divorced the man 18 years ago, why does she keep tweeting political support for him? Why does she organize fund raisers for PTI? She is herself making political statements and crying hoarse when there is a backlash. People in London and those who have family members in London know what she does for PTI. So stop this bull and do some real research before publishing such one sided article. I wish there were such articles for malala or qandeel baloch or even benazir may the last two ladies rest in peace. I even saw some pretty nasty vitriol against Bilquis Edhi when she was alive.
Sara Apr 20, 2022 04:42am
Sara Apr 20, 2022 04:44am
She is Jemima Goldsmith not Jemima Khan.
Maria Apr 20, 2022 05:42am
Yup leave her alone. However, Ms Goldsmith has tweeted enough Pakistani political things pro her husband and against others till this year. Her children stand with their dad in rallies where he threatens kids of his own opponents. When you stand by a mud pit or throw stones in it, don’t be surprised when you get mud on you as well.
Maria Apr 20, 2022 05:43am
@Hasnain Haque what did he do precisely? Other than rant like a narcissist, lie constantly and ruining the economy with a soaring inflation rate?
kukkarsen Apr 20, 2022 05:49am
@Adnan Mazher Khan no, paying a price for marrying a muslim
Dr.Habib A Zuberi Apr 20, 2022 05:54am
Thosw who wish to be left alone do no engage in political actinities.
Dr.Habib A Zuberi Apr 20, 2022 06:00am
Pakistanis should improve their own position and leave this lady alone..
Moeen Apr 20, 2022 06:41am
I don’t see what is wrong Protesting in front of 3 times PM NZ (fugitive, corrupt as one can be) house. In response a protest in front of PM of opposition may acceptable. But protesting at house of ex-wife divorced 18 years ago? Anybody smell cowardice here, might I say stupidly cowardice?
AHAQ Apr 20, 2022 06:46am
Twisted mentality of pmln supporters
fida Apr 20, 2022 07:02am
PTI Ghondas always do things without realizing the consequences of there actions. This is one case where they blundered by staging a sit-in in- front of Nawaz Sharif house in London. Sure it is unfair to create difficulty for the lady, best for PTI ghondas is to leave Nawaz alone, after all he is not in Pakistan.
fida Apr 20, 2022 07:07am
If she still writes her name as Jemima Khan, than she is still fully involved with Imran Khan. Best for her is to revert back to her old name Ms. Goldsmith.
zorro Apr 20, 2022 07:45am
the answer is very simple, it's cultural! Spiteful, vicious, personal attacks whenever there is conflict. It happens in every home, dispute, disagreement just cannot rise above pettiness and acrimony. Hardly the teachings of islam?
Ashfaq Hasan Apr 20, 2022 07:48am
Shame on them. Why do these cheap shots have to get family involved?
Shakir Hussain Apr 20, 2022 08:09am
Leave her alone , she is only mother of IK' kids.
Dubdub Apr 20, 2022 08:44am
PML N is a hate cult.
Fazloo Apr 20, 2022 09:00am
Cheap, lowlife n league
Stella Apr 20, 2022 09:19am
@TPA yes yes Shahbaz is the real prize
Bhatti Apr 20, 2022 09:30am
If that is the case, then why does she go by Jemima Khan on Twitter? Why does she constantly post about Pakistan if she has nothing to do with us? She would be just another rich nobody had she not an association with IK, and she milks it when convenient to her, which is often.
Ehsan. S Apr 20, 2022 09:34am
Jemima's surname is Goldsmith
Shehzad Khan Apr 20, 2022 09:51am
@Ibrahim S did you even read the article? She is am ex with no PTI affiliation. NS is party of ruling party. Do you understand why it's downright shameful to protest outside her house?
x Apr 20, 2022 09:59am
@javed She goes by the name Jemima Khan professionally
Amer Apr 20, 2022 10:31am
I agree that she should be left out of Pakistani politics; but that also depends on her, as she needs to stop tweeting/commenting about Pakistani politics.
Daredevil Apr 20, 2022 11:01am
@Bsd, BSDK, look at the actual problem. You are not tasked to correct the incorrect ones here.
Salman Apr 20, 2022 11:43am
She is not really as innocent as she is acting. When Nawaz Sharif left office, she tweeted "Go Nawaz Go". Recently, her brother who is in Parliament tweeted that Imran Khan would be back in power soon with even bigger majority.
Raheel sharif Apr 20, 2022 12:06pm
She is not Jemima Khan she now calls herself Jemima Goldsmith.
Gary Apr 20, 2022 12:53pm
The world is run by the Jews.
Gary Apr 20, 2022 12:53pm
@Hasnain Haque And most of them are on free meals.
Ashfaq Hasan Apr 20, 2022 12:56pm
These people are disgusting. That's all there is to it!!!
Isthisreal Apr 20, 2022 01:08pm
What about all the other fair and lovely ex-wives? Why just her? Also correct her surname at least..
Liaquat Raza Apr 20, 2022 01:10pm
Sad and unfortunate.
imran_m Apr 20, 2022 01:35pm
how about protesting in front of RK's house? she's also in london. but i guess she's doing the job right for her masters.
M. Saeed Apr 20, 2022 02:30pm
In comparison, Jemima is highly decent and fair person and that is why she was not compatible with Imran Khan and separated. Look at her keeping Khan with her name for the sake of giving identity to her sons, of their roots.
Mehdi (Matt) Syed Apr 20, 2022 03:46pm
@Bsd are you sure that she has changed her name? Or is it by default of western culture that once divorced your name gets reset to old settings! Also, she may wants her sons last name be with her as well.
SAIMA Apr 20, 2022 04:32pm
Jemima Khan , Seriously ? If that's how you will refer to her than what's the point that you are trying to make here!
Maya Apr 20, 2022 04:37pm
Oh please stop caping for this Karen. your meltdown is beyond me.
Dr Asim Apr 22, 2022 12:59am
She also should stop talking about Pakistan in her tweets as well as her family like her brother who was told not to comment by the UK government. Her name is Jemima Goldsmith as she is no longer married to Imran Khan.
Ibrahim S Apr 22, 2022 06:38am
@Shehzad Khan if you say so . The facts won’t change . If she had nothing to do with PTI or IKN then you should not react so strongly , just ignore it as an unrelated incident .