
Tit for tat is not an excuse Maryam should have used with Jemima to defend anti-Semitism

Tit for tat is not an excuse Maryam should have used with Jemima to defend anti-Semitism

There's a certain decorum, a grace one should exude when in roles of leadership; Maryam should hold herself to that standard.
Updated 21 Jul, 2021

Maryam Nawaz may be making strides in politics but she has a long way to go in learning what the term 'taking the moral high ground' means. Because if she did, she would know that attacking religion and pulling other women down is the opposite of taking the high ground.

Imran Khan may have started this war of words, but Maryam Nawaz took it too far by indulging in anti-Semitism and then defending it with no introspection.

Prime Minister Imran took a potshot at Maryam's son and Maryam responded by launching into an anti-Semitic tirade involving how the premier's sons with his ex-wife Jemima Goldsmith were being raised.

Jemima, even though dragged into the war of words due to her mere association to Imran Khan, took the high road with carefully chosen words that were neither offensive nor demeaning but only called attention to a problem. A serious problem of families being dragged into politics — can Maryam not relate?

But Maryam's tone and her choice of words betray a deeply rooted dislike for a person who we're not even sure she has even met. "I have better things to do" is a retort perhaps even high schoolers have ditched for classier comebacks. "I have no interest in you or your sons or your personal lives," Maryam said — but she obviously does.

Maryam said Imran dragged her family "out of spite" — a family whose claim to fame is politics — but her own motives are also based on the classic tit for tat. She does, however, admit that "nastier" things would be said about Imran Khan's family because of his words, so at least she's aware that this was nasty.

"You have only your ex to blame" — why is it that people can't let go of others' spouses even when those in the marriage have parted ways? We have to imagine that Maryam knows this is wrong on so many levels. You can go after Imran Khan's politics, his looks and obviously his choice of words but we repeat, his ex-wife and her sons who have stayed far away from the realm of Pakistani politics should not be, to use Maryam's words, dragged into it.

If Maryam disagreed with Jemima, she could have done it in a much more graceful and restrained way.

There's a certain decorum, a certain grace one should exude when in roles of leadership. Maryam Nawaz should hold herself to that standard. She should know catty and snarky remarks are unbecoming of a woman of her stature and exposure to the world. Faulting Imran Khan for "starting it" (when did politics become a playground?) is by no means a justification. Are we really going to resort to tit for tat so that we can feel better about ourselves or lessen the hurt inflicted on us?

Dear Maryam Nawaz, you present yourself as someone poised and classy, someone who carries herself with dignity and doesn't stoop to the depths of depravity you say your opponents do. And yet. And yet, here we are with a tweet that disproves all of this.

We shouldn't have to remind you that your issue is with Imran Khan. Jemima's tweet quoted you verbatim and she spoke of her own experience with anti-Semitism — and there is no denying that your remarks against her were anti-Semitic. But you hit back with a "your ex to is to blame". Let's get one thing straight: Jemima was not (or shouldn't be) sentenced to a life of bashing for marrying Imran Khan, never mind the fact that they got divorced years ago.

We aren't alone in our indignation.

If Maryam doesn't rise above, then it might not hamper her chances in politics but she can't expect to become a role model to the women she calls her "behnain, maaein and betiyan" in her speeches.


Qasim Jul 20, 2021 05:44pm
The title suggests that Maryam should've used a different excuse to defend anti-semitism. Hillarious.
M. Saeed Jul 20, 2021 05:46pm
Antisemitism is hostility to, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews and in lawman's language, Jews say that, they are the most perfect, intelligent and beautiful human beings. But, every person not Jew , obviously disagrees and would become antisemitic. For Maryam Nawaz, it is a question of why Jemima should be considered more beautiful and intelligent than her?
salman Jul 20, 2021 05:46pm
Expecting maryum to do the right thing is like expecting her dad to come back to pakistan and face the courts.
Faisal Ghafoor Jul 20, 2021 05:48pm
Maryum said thinking she is disgracing khan , however she exposed her sentiments for non-muslims. That was blow on herself and she is still thinking she responded to IK humiliating sentence on her son.
Say no to political correctness Jul 20, 2021 05:50pm
The Sharifs have always been against the Jewish people. Shame on Maryam.
Fahad Arshad Jul 20, 2021 05:51pm
This woman is completely unfit for society let alone leading a country.
Ali Raza Jul 20, 2021 05:52pm
Mariyum N Sharif is representative of a family that espouses hatred against other religions and have used it in the past to gain political mileage. She has learn how to use careful words when responding to the political opponents and not get carried away by emotions if she want to be respected in politics.
tQ Jul 20, 2021 05:52pm
Does anyone need to remind some history of herself? It is enough, people won't forget madam or let you forget! Be careful when you say something too personal!
Say no to political correctness Jul 20, 2021 05:53pm
Maryam has proved herself to be an authentic low-life.
Moeed Hassan Jul 20, 2021 05:57pm
What's new? That's PML N's culture. Nawaz did it in the 90's ( who can forget morphed pictures of Nusrat Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto). Mariam doing it in the 2021. The audacity of her reply "you have only your ex to blame".
Hasnain Haque Jul 20, 2021 05:59pm
There is a huge difference between Jemima and Maryam, Maryam is the daughter of a convicted thief, has contributed nothing to Pakistan, lives on looted wealth, a compulsive liar, an unsophisticated woman with no morals. On the other hand Jemima has contributed more to Pakistan than many Pakistanis, she is a great mother, moralistic and honourable person who has deep love for Pakistan and its well being. She champions good social and charitable causes whilst Maryam and family live on looted wealth.
AHAQ Jul 20, 2021 06:09pm
Maryam is lying as usual
Fastrack Jul 20, 2021 06:14pm
Maryam's mentality? *puke*
Shezi Jul 20, 2021 06:15pm
I have absolutely no interest in you, your sons or your personal lives because I have better things to do and say but if your ex drags in families of others out of spite, others will have nastier things to say. You have only your ex to blame. Now ask MNS what these words actually say. Please translate. She could not
Fastrack Jul 20, 2021 06:16pm
How the desi (wannabe) liberals sang the dynastic grandma's praises.
Kpk public Jul 20, 2021 06:16pm
Well done Maryam, now I’m voting for you!
Khan Jul 20, 2021 06:24pm
I am surprised that, WHY the Prisoners are allowed to address the public gatherings and even TV or Media is entertaining these Thugs, Corrupts, Liars and Mafias?
AH Jul 20, 2021 06:36pm
No comparison with what Maryam has said to what the PM was saying.
Dr. Asim Maqbool Jul 20, 2021 06:37pm
This women has no brain but only personal/ family grudge. Can someone get her in control?
Syed Ghazanfar Abbas Jul 20, 2021 06:38pm
Maryum Nawaz is a loser of the lowest quality. So is her family
Guest2021 Jul 20, 2021 06:40pm
Maryam is the classic of example of low life who lucked out on daddy’s looted millions. You can be dripping head to toe in designer bling, clothes, shoes and immaculately turned out, but not are not even a dot on the BILLIONAIRESS that is Jemima Goldsmith. Understated, elegant, with the grace, poise and dignity that you so strive for. Your gutter politics reflects your gutter mind. Stick to Andaroon Lahore, and the sheeday, meeday, feeqay, who look up to you, that where you belong!
khan Jul 20, 2021 06:45pm
Careful what you say. In UK your comments could backfire and you need UK visas!!!!
Ali da Malanga Jul 20, 2021 06:47pm
When it comes to class and integrity, Jamima and Maryam are poles apart, with the latter completely devoid of these traits.
Stunned Jul 20, 2021 06:54pm
I am not an IK fan nor am I drinking maryam Nawaz cool aid . However maryam has a history of eloping , of making questionable decisions her entire life , of being raised by most corrupt family in Pakistan , and she has the audacity to call out innocents. Pot calling the kettle black
Zahoor Hussain Jul 20, 2021 07:00pm
کسی زمانے میں میاں صاحب بھی ایسی ہی زبان اپنی اپوزیشن کے خلاف استعمال کرتے تھے جیسی زبان آج کل عمران اپنے مخالفین کے خلاف استعمال کرتا ہے لیکن پھر وقت آیا میاں صاحب نے اعتراف کیا کہ مجھے مجبور کیا جاتا تھا کہ بینظیر کے خلاف گندی زبان استعمال کروں یہ حقیقت ہے کہ جب آپ کسی کو مکا ماریں گے تو تھپڑ نہیں تو گالی کے لیے تیار رہنا پڑے گا موجودہ دور میں جو گند سیاست میں آیا ہے عمران اور اس کی پارٹی کی وجہ سے آیا ہے بلکہ عمران کو لانے والے زیادہ ذمہ دار ہیں مریم کو واقعی ہی جمائمہ اور اس کے بچوں کو اس جنگ نہیں گھسیٹنا چاہیے تھا مگر یہ دیکھنا پڑے گا پچھلے تین سال سے مخالفین اور ان کے بچوں کے خلاف جو زبان استعمال کی گئی وہ بھی جمائمہ بی بی معلوم ہو گا یہاں تو ججوں نے سسلین مافیا کے الفاظ بھونکے ہوئے ہیں پاکستان میں جب آپس میں لڑائی ہوتی ہے تو سب سے پہلے ذات پات نکالی جاتی ہے اور پھر ماں بہن کی گالی دی جاتی اگر جمائمہ بی بی اپنے اور بچوں کے مذہب کے بارے کچھ نہیں سننا چاہتیں تو وقتاً فوقتاً عمران کو فون کرکے سمجھاتی رہا کریں
Sid Jul 20, 2021 07:02pm
She is a spoilt brat and nothing more - tell her to come on live TV and debate IK face to face... She will go home crying!
Solomon The King Jul 20, 2021 07:06pm
Imran sons are Solomon and Daniel when in the West, and in Pakisan Salman and Daaniyal, yet he gives Pakistanis he dispises speaking English and wearing paints and shirts U-turn
Oneliner Jul 20, 2021 07:11pm
Don't defend Imran Khan because he is PM, he started it so let him learn the lesson
Ace Jul 20, 2021 07:12pm
IK needs to mind his language. Maryam did what she had to do to defend herself and her family.
Daud Jul 20, 2021 07:13pm
Money and previleged upbringing cannot buy you class. Such a shameless character.
Atta Jul 20, 2021 07:14pm
This is all dirty politics and that is how it is in Pakistan. If Imran talks negative about Maryam’s son and family is wrong, then definitely Maryam is wrong. What Imran said about Maryam and family was not anti Islam or anti Muslims but was just a reality; then how come what Maryam said about Imran and family was not a reality and was anti Jews or anti Semitic. I don’t understand this hue and cry about this issue. No one is angel and all needs to learn manners and etiquettes about everything
Sajjad Jul 20, 2021 07:15pm
Sad- - PMLN going to same tactics that it was born out of. They did the same thing to BB Shaheed and now this?
Salman Jul 20, 2021 07:17pm
Why do people have any expectations from Maryum Nawaz Sharif ? This just shows how our people are the ones to blame.
ZAK Jul 20, 2021 07:19pm
Her disgraceful family was the reason behind her leaving Pakistan.
ZAK Jul 20, 2021 07:20pm
What can you expect from a daughter of a legendary thief aka Maryam Nawaz
Salman Jul 20, 2021 07:21pm
@Kpk public you might be waiting a while because as of now she can’t stand for any elections until 2035
Salman Jul 20, 2021 07:24pm
IK makes a comment on grandson of convicted criminal enjoying unexplained wealth. Maryum responds by attacking a religion. No wonder she’s such a failure I’m everything she does (ie GB election campaign)
Keen observer Jul 20, 2021 07:32pm
Why are we so surprised with what Maryam Nawaz Shareef said. Her politics, tweets and comments coming out of her mouth can write a book on “ How to stay on low road”. She never exhibit any class. From infighting with family elders, to hippocracy in her cations on many levels. She is an insult to Pakistan. It’s time to ignore. She is not a role model but a villain for the Pakistani women.
Ali da Malanga Jul 20, 2021 07:34pm
@khan - "Careful what you say. In UK your comments could backfire and you need UK visas!!!!" If she was capable of thinking that far, she wouldn't have made blunders like the Calibri font or that she didn't have any property even in Pakistan, etc.
Ali da Malanga Jul 20, 2021 07:35pm
@Zahoor Hussain - Read before you post to ensure that it made sense.
Abbas Jul 20, 2021 07:35pm
You play with fire, you get burned. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones on others. Maryam may not have shown class, but she returned brick for stone. Imran asked for it, and being a man he should have known better. A man should never pick a fight with a woman. If he wins, there is no glory. But if he loses, that is the end of him. Round 1 to Maryam.
Black Fungus Jul 20, 2021 07:43pm
Maryam Nawaz should be grateful that her father, brothers and son have found Jemima’s country welcoming. Maryam Nawaz is nasty. Sends her family to the UK and then claims that it is not a fit country for the children of political opponents.
Fast comment Jul 20, 2021 07:44pm
Maryam Nawaz is on bail, a person on bail is expected to behave well and follow the law. But she is failing every day . The prosecutor must apply to court to cancel her bail, and put her back to prison.
Fatema Imani Jul 20, 2021 07:46pm
"You can go after Imran Khan's politics, his looks and obviously his choice of words.." It's wrong to suggest that you can go after his looks. No, you can't. That's also outside the realm of politics. After all, we wouldn't say that about a woman, right? Please amend.
Black Fungus Jul 20, 2021 07:48pm
@Guest2021 now you are showing your disgusting prejudice. Androon Lahore’s people have contributed a lot. Don’t fight Maryam’s prejudice with yours. You are equally disgusting.
Black Fungus Jul 20, 2021 07:51pm
@Salman but he needn’t have commented. It was a cheap jibe.
Saeed Akhtar Jul 20, 2021 07:54pm
Maryam ‘s children are not in politics yet Imran attacked them.This is the only way to silence Imran Khan. This was right attack on on Imran. Well done MN. Please pay back to Imran Khan in the language he understands.
tariq khan Jul 20, 2021 07:55pm
well maryam has is hardly competent of anything as her dad, what would u expect from here
Black Fungus Jul 20, 2021 07:57pm
International observers will be watching. Maryam has shot herself in the foot big time. It was a low and prejudiced comment and a childish response to Jemima’s tweet. No one can take MN seriously now.
Observer Jul 20, 2021 08:00pm
Defending a white woman against a Pakistani?
N_Saq Jul 20, 2021 08:03pm
You expect high from the lowest of the low?
A. Din Jul 20, 2021 08:16pm
@khan For treatment before going to jail.
blunt Jul 20, 2021 08:19pm
why only a woman is expected to have high moral ground? why not same expectations are from PMIK?
Parvez Jul 20, 2021 08:20pm
Maryam Nawaz single handed does more damage to the PML-N image than all its opponents together.......
Ahmed Malik Jul 20, 2021 08:32pm
IK should have known better. Why drag your opponents families into politics?
Chrís Dăn Jul 20, 2021 08:39pm
@Observer yes because Jamaima is a "LADY".
Chrís Dăn Jul 20, 2021 08:40pm
@Saeed Akhtar tell me one thing please how this child is keeping horses since childhood??? From our looted tax money?
Chrís Dăn Jul 20, 2021 08:40pm
@tariq khan she is a convict.
Chrís Dăn Jul 20, 2021 08:45pm
@Oneliner what he started? That he asked source of money of horses of her son which are unknown like her all assets.
Abbas Jul 20, 2021 08:59pm
I think Maryan response was very timely and to the point...
salman Jul 20, 2021 09:04pm
@Ace of course, thieves have every right to defend their theft - but it helps if they have some evidence that is not forged ala calibri trust deeds
Justice Jul 20, 2021 10:23pm
She may not be a great leader or she may be deceptive, whatever it may be... Maryam looks pretty for her age !!
Kashif Baloch Jul 20, 2021 10:31pm
Let’s just not assume that Miss Nawaz actually knows what anti Semitism means.
Shafaq Jul 20, 2021 10:34pm
@M. Saeed Because she hadn't attacked others personal life and belief for political gains.
Sughra Ahmad Jul 20, 2021 10:41pm
Jamima is a woman of character. A great mother and a great human being. Her children are admirable.
Asif Ali Khan Jul 20, 2021 10:59pm
Maryam Nawaz is a spoiled child of rags to riches . She may look out worldly modern but in reality her inward heart and mind still is in low rags mentality surrounding of golu butts and lohar mindset . Maryam Nawaz should be quarantined in a school of ethics and etiquettes to be considered a role model .
Aamir Jul 20, 2021 11:09pm
Maryam has no leadership qualities.
Amin Jul 20, 2021 11:19pm
Expecting Maryam to even know the meaning of "moral high ground " is really too much, specially looking at her childhood, her marriage, her education, her ambitiousness, its really too much.
Fastrack Jul 20, 2021 11:26pm
@Zahoor Hussain Spoken like a true Noonie. جو چیز عمران خان پاکستان میں لایا ہے اس کا نام ہے اللہ پر بھروسہ، ملک سے پیار اور اس بار بار لٹنے والی مگر لوٹنے والوں کو سلام کرنے والی قوم سے دلی ہمدردی۔ آپ صرف بکاءو عدلیہ کا شکریہ ادا کرتے رہیں جو آپ کے مالکوں کو باوجود اس کے کوئ سزا نہیں دے رہی کہ پاکستان کرپشن کا گڑھ بنا دیا گیا اور ملک و قوم کو کھربوں کا مقروض بنانےکے باوجود ملک کو ترقی نامی کوئ چیز نہیں حاصل ہو سکی۔
Ali da Malanga Jul 20, 2021 11:28pm
@Observer - "Defending a white woman against a Pakistani?" It is defending the right versus the wrong.
Mbhatty Jul 20, 2021 11:34pm
Maryam does not have that stuff . She is full of hate and spite. She lyes without flinching.
Lahori Jul 20, 2021 11:52pm
She is delivering exactly what is expected from an intellectually and morally challenged daughter of a thug and convicted criminal.
Daud Jul 21, 2021 12:02am
@Ahmed Malik you know better that her family is a class of fugitive politicians, as simple as that.
Gargoyle Jul 21, 2021 12:08am
You are asking too much. This woman, Maryam, has no standards. She is no different than a local mug.
Sayyar Khan Jul 21, 2021 12:14am
Trash of Punjab
Zafar Khattak Jul 21, 2021 12:22am
Possibly this un educated female do know what antisimetic is
Haroon Jul 21, 2021 12:26am
Meryem comment was an absolute disgrace.
aisha Jul 21, 2021 12:32am
If she ever comes to London she can be prosecuted for anti semitism. She is always threatening people. PM, the army etc poor woman not of the calibre of Jemima in beauty or in brains.
Ghani K Jul 21, 2021 12:35am
Those who maligned Jemima , Maryam 's father & Mullah Fazal ur Rehman were in the same league . Like father , like daughter .
Imran Jul 21, 2021 12:35am
@Justice What on earth does her looks have to do with anything? perhaps all those visits to London's finest beauty parlous, treatments worth thousands of pounds with money taken from the PAK economy may have helped her looks.
Salman Jul 21, 2021 01:17am
@Justice perhaps she should join lollywood, she’s legally barred from standing in elections for being a convicted criminal but I don’t think that will stop her getting a good acting gig
Salman Jul 21, 2021 01:18am
@Justice make up is an amazing thing
AW Jul 21, 2021 01:38am
Maryam has proven now that she is not a leader material. Her mind set is despicable
Bilal Jul 21, 2021 02:09am
Since when did Maryam Safdar had decorum and class. Please let me not bring up …. meree to London mein kia Pakistan mein bhee koi property nahin hai. She is a liar and opportunist. Nothing more.
amer Jul 21, 2021 02:16am
IK did not take a pot shot on her son. If they did not steal the money do you really think her son can play that game in England let alone Pakistan. Stop supporting the convicts it is pandering to get ads from them so you can make money.
Zak Jul 21, 2021 02:17am
Maryam nawaz has proven herself to be a lowly uncouth uneducated person with no self respect. These are the nouveau riche, living off corrupt looted money, stolen from people of pakistan. Jamima showed dignity and grace in her response.
Zak Jul 21, 2021 02:26am
@Zahoor Hussain Nawaz sharif's abusive language on Benazir, a woman, in pakistan, which took politics to a new low. Now Nawaz sharif has stolen money from pakistan people enough for 10 generations and the 3rd generation is living it up playimg polo, while PMIK is suffering trying to look after the poor in pakistan and get it out of an economic mess. Maryam is left behind as the corrupt, to look after the stolen loot in pakistan.
Zak Jul 21, 2021 02:28am
@Solomon The King Imran sons are Solomon and Daniel when in the West, and in Pakisan Salman and Daaniyal, yet he gives Pakistanis he dispises speaking English and wearing paints and shirts U-turn Neither of them live off stolen money and neither their parents stole moeny from people of pakistan. Maryam son, drinks and is educated on corrupt stolen money.
Zak Jul 21, 2021 02:29am
@Justice She may not be a great leader or she may be deceptive, whatever it may be... Maryam looks pretty for her age !! Take cakes of make up and she looks 70 years old liar.
Zak Jul 21, 2021 02:34am
@Saeed Akhtar Maryam ‘s children are not in politics yet Imran attacked them.This is the only way to silence Imran Khan. This was right attack on on Imran. Well done MN. Please pay back to Imran Khan in the language he understands. But we still want to know how a son of maryam, who claims to have no property and her husband earns $500 a month, afford to send son to cambridge university and maintain horses in Uk. Nation expects an answer.
Zak Jul 21, 2021 02:35am
When will nation be rid of sharif family and such crooks.
Zak Jul 21, 2021 02:52am
Whole nation is ashamed of maryam nawaz sharif. A convict who should be in jail.
venkob Jul 21, 2021 03:16am
deep pockets
Ahmed Jul 21, 2021 03:25am
Like father like daughter. Both immature in politics as well as in the art of diplomacy.
kautiliya Jul 21, 2021 04:21am
JG first time married a racist and she is paying the price
Robin Mitha Jul 21, 2021 04:43am
Our society is mainly uneducated or marginally educated, aggressive and uncouth. The politicians play to the galleries. Imran Khan has made abusive and unbecoming remarks a hallmark of his personality. MN has unfortunately decided to reply in kind. Could we have expected anything different ? Just see the language used in the Pakistani parliament nowadays . We will have to live with gutter language and hope one day we will be more civilised.
Shahid Salam Jul 21, 2021 04:55am
Have written to the Canadian Foreign Minister and to the EU Foreign Affairs Council to place a ban on her entry into Canada or any part of the EU. Fortunately there's zero tolerance for antisemitic tropes and for preachers of hate in the West.
Sha Jul 21, 2021 05:09am
Absolutely shameful conduct by Maryam. It's a disgusting race to the bottom. Please don't drag innocent people to your election drama. On behalf of the silent majority of Pakistan, I would like to extend our sincere apology to Ms Jamima and her both sons. Please understand that majority of people of Pakistan are not as selfish and corrupt as some of our politicians.
parveez shafi Jul 21, 2021 05:18am
This woman, not a lady. I am sick of this family. Why don't they just take pity on pakistani people and go away , and spend the looted money. Politics is dirty, specially in Pakistan. Don't expect clean Politics.
Kublai Jul 21, 2021 05:37am
@Parvez PML-N has an image? What image is that? PML-N leaders are all under indictment for corruption, currently out on bail. Every each one of them. Saad Rafique, Ahsan Iqbal, Hamza Sharif, Maryam Safdar, Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, Hasan Sharif, Husain Sharif to name just a few. Some have absconded to London. So what image.
Ibrahim S Jul 21, 2021 06:34am
Wise people say: Think before you speak . And don’t hit under the belt . Which kid started first
Laeeq Jul 21, 2021 06:51am
Maryyam Safdar has her grooming by her Husband, Capt. Safdar. No doubt her language is foul and nasty.
Yawar Jul 21, 2021 06:52am
Rather than being fixated in her hatred for IK, and as a result making such ridiculous comments, MN and her party should concentrate on the betterment of Pak with an improved economy, education, health and standard of living.
AHAQ Jul 21, 2021 06:58am
@Justice Anyone can see the artificial face mask on Maryam's face. Deception for some. Jemima is a noble lady with a natural look on her face.
Ibrahim S Jul 21, 2021 07:06am
Are there any adults in the ruling party and the opposition
Adnan A Jul 21, 2021 07:10am
Maryam is totally clueless about about how to be diplomatic.
Tahir Raouf Jul 21, 2021 07:16am
The one who started this disgraceful nonsense debate is enjoying while sitting behind the walls, he should come forward and excuse - what he uttered in Azad Kashmir
Secularist Jul 21, 2021 07:43am
Of the three actors in this row, only Jemima has the class. Mere money and title do not beget class.
Sughra Ahmad Jul 21, 2021 07:44am
Goldsmith's natural dominant grace. Sharif Safdar's fake show off, a waste of millions of looted dollars. A reflection of two opposite characters.
Akil Akhtar Jul 21, 2021 08:17am
Maryam seems to have been brought up without any morals.....
Aziz Jul 21, 2021 08:27am
I am reasonably sure that the "Jew lady" is giving her kids better training then what was received by our "Muslim Pakistani sister of the nation".
Tadka Jul 21, 2021 08:34am
@Justice Both are of same age. So nothing diff..just the culture. Yet ppl preference seems to be for the gori
babaji Jul 21, 2021 08:44am
"Lap of jews"... sounds classless, which she really is! The apple didn't fell far from the tree.
Bsd Jul 21, 2021 08:58am
Imran Khan is a fraud! Soon you will realize!
Bsd Jul 21, 2021 08:59am
Imran Khan is a fraud!
Zeeshan Ahmed Jul 21, 2021 09:00am
A new low, even for the likes of Maryam Nawaz, total embarrassment to Pakistan.
Shahid Fakhruddin Jul 21, 2021 09:04am
When children without any contribution for the country are pushed in to politics by their elders ,this type of incidents are bound to happen.She (M) should go any further because she will be short of words against a pure English.
Salman Jul 21, 2021 09:12am
Maryam reminds me of the term "trailer trash"
Trader JJ Jul 21, 2021 09:57am
Educated elite of the country.
Syed Ahmed Jul 21, 2021 10:39am
Her father are thug an looter everyone knows about it why she trying to tell the world i am victim , basically no one believes yu
Zulfqar Ahmed Jul 21, 2021 11:04am
Imran Khan is the cause of this fued, he must make a public apology to both of them, and stop making pathetic speeches when he has nothing good to say...
Sheikh Mehboob Ellahi Jul 21, 2021 11:04am
The line " in the laps of jews" is hurting some Ppl, may I ask isn't it reality?... plz suggest what Maryam shld say, if she has to talk about THIS FACT, for reason whatsoever..
Najam Jul 21, 2021 12:04pm
The sick mentality of maryam and imran is exposed.
Asad Jul 21, 2021 12:14pm
@Qasim: She could have used the 'temporary insanity' defence! Anything would have been better than doubling down and defending it. It seems that some other genius (the likes of Talal C) may have penned this masterpiece response!
Smart Observer Jul 21, 2021 12:35pm
@Hasnain Haque Well Said
Amant Ali Jul 21, 2021 12:48pm
Nobody is blaming IK for starting or stooping in the first place. Why?
yoyo Jul 21, 2021 12:55pm
Nani is jus dumb
F Nawaz Jul 21, 2021 01:50pm
What can be expected from someone who used Calibri, stormed NAB, and brought to you the films of judge Arshad Malik.
Shahid Jul 21, 2021 02:19pm
Do not forget the root cause: illicit money (resulting show off, lies and greed for more sans accountability). Ultimate victims: TRUTh, morality and State - its health (in every sense of the word). 'Higher ground'? Buried deep in the abyss of ignorance. Does anybody care? Judge for yourselves.
Guest Jul 21, 2021 02:55pm
Ah the holy cow of anti semitism!
Changez Khan Jul 21, 2021 04:23pm
Jemima is an intelligent and sensible woman, Maryam is NOT.
Shaleen Jul 21, 2021 07:16pm
@M. Saeed Matlab???
Rami Jul 21, 2021 08:10pm
Marryum Nawaz brought religion in this parchi screaming she does, she has no policy, she never worked in her life, pmln 30 yrs in power gave Pakistan corruption, IMF programs! Last, card the PMLN, fake degree holder has to give out anti Semitic hate! Tell her use this when she apply for her UK Visa!
Jahan Ara Jul 21, 2021 08:27pm
Her comment expresses her hatred towards non Muslims & nothing else.
Redblooded Pakistani Jul 21, 2021 09:16pm
What part of Maryum’s comment is factually incorrect? How can a factually correct statement be considered offensive?
Dr. Grouf Jul 22, 2021 05:32am
It's amazing to note how these "liberals" here, rather colonial peons jump on the anti-Semitism whenever you say Jew bandwagon, siding with the privileged, while downplaying and in fact promoting the Islamophobia coming from the other side, even in Jemima's response on playing the victim card in this living an elite privileged life in Pak
Rahat Jul 22, 2021 07:54am
Mariam speaks to deep rooted hatred for Jews - an affliction that is prevalent in Pakistan. It attests to her third rate upbringing and lack of class.
Jabeen Jul 22, 2021 09:11am
The editor is either unaware of Pakistani politics of was trying to fill columns for the paper. You expect Maryam Safdar to be better? The apple doesnt fall far from the tree.
Shakeel Shigri Jul 22, 2021 12:36pm
Are we mad,,,??? Can we expect any thing positive from Maryam Safdar, a lady full of ego .
Jamilurrehman Jul 22, 2021 06:26pm
Pakistanis should prefer an honest Jew who never harmed Pakistan over a lying, thieving, deceitful so called Muslim who has damaged the core of Pakistan.
Yasin Jul 22, 2021 11:44pm
Mariyam has no moral attitude and corrupt women t women
Reader Jul 23, 2021 01:42pm
Jemima is right, who would want to stay in a country whose sick people send out weekly death threats, can our hazara people go else where after the same ordeal, we are a very bigoted intolerant nation as marium proves in her tweet , very sad.
A Gee Jul 23, 2021 03:26pm
Maryam you really disappointed us. When you say you are Muslim - better be an ambassador of Muslims. Don't bring religion in our personal differences.
Parvez Jul 23, 2021 11:45pm
@Amant Ali To be fair you need to re-run the Imran Khan video and see what he has said ......and you will see that he has simply shown the true face of the Sharif family in England. Remember he is addressing a political rally and has to country the oppositions wild accusations.