
Former MNA Aamir Liaquat denies rumours of a third divorce

Former MNA Aamir Liaquat denies rumours of a third divorce

"Aamir is Dania and Dania is Aamir, full stop," wrote his wife in an Instagram story refuting the claims.
13 Apr, 2022

Former PTI MNA Aamir Liaquat and his wife Syeda Dania Aamir have denied rumours of divorce that have been making rounds on social media.

It was inferred by netizens that there was trouble in paradise after Dania reportedly purged her Instagram account of pictures of the couple. There were also claims that she had blocked Liaquat. Social media users speculated that the couple's differing political beliefs may have caused a rift, especially since Liaquat quit the PTI recently and hasn't been holding back when voicing his political opinions about his former party and former PM Imran Khan.

Posting a screenshot of Dania's Instagram page that features him in her recent posts, Liaquat denied the rumours of separation. He called it a conspiracy and claimed the PTI was responsible for spreading false information. "I vehemently deny all the rumours that PTI and its mercenaries are spreading that I have parted ways with Dania. We love each other immensely. I warned PTI and their rented goons, 'Don't enter my home, otherwise nothing will be left.'"

He did not, however, provide evidence of why he believed the PTI to be behind the rumours.

Dania also spoke out on the matter and quashed the rumours. "Rumours are rumours. We will not allow anyone to spread false news. Aamir is Dania and Dania is Aamir, full stop," she captioned her Instagram story.

"I am Dania Aamir and we are one, we have not separated. Please, kindly stop spreading these rumours," she said in the video.

Liaqat re-shared the video on his page and requested the FIA and other organisations to arrest the "so-called journalists and social media accounts" spreading the news of their separation.

Forty nine-year-old Liaquat and 18-year-old Dania tied the knot in February 2022. He was previously married to Syeda Tuba Anwar. When netizens speculated that their marriage may be on thin ice, Liaquat denied the claims. Soon after, Tuba posted a confirmation on her page and Liaquat announced his marriage to Dania.


Hasnain Haque Apr 13, 2022 04:10pm
I very much hope he is thrown out of PTI in next elections, he has become an embarrassment to Karachi and the nation.
Pak Patriot Apr 13, 2022 04:54pm
Is that father and daughter in the very top photo ?
Changez Khan Apr 13, 2022 05:01pm
Aamir Liaquat is a corrupt thug.
MG Apr 13, 2022 05:05pm
One should not marry a girl who is younger than his daughter
NYS Apr 13, 2022 05:07pm
Quit MQM quit PTI Twice time split Third marriage unusual match is not hunky dory
Atta Apr 13, 2022 05:14pm
I am convinced that this man is not capable of showing respect towards a woman, any woman.
Integrity Apr 13, 2022 05:15pm
Amir Liaqat should keep a low profile for the greater good. He is a very poor role model!
Andi Apr 13, 2022 05:22pm
So she is confirming the divorce then!
ENGR Hamid Shafiq Apr 13, 2022 06:06pm
It’s bad habit in Pakistani nation that we discuss all the time personal life of people which also against in Islamic teachings
SKF Apr 13, 2022 06:18pm
PTI gave Ticket to this Nerd?
Chrís Dăn Apr 13, 2022 06:24pm
@Atta Me too. He is just a street bug without any breeding.
Rashid Hussain Apr 13, 2022 07:11pm
@NYS A very controversial person. I have been observing this character for the last more than 20 years, His best would be, to start working as joker/clown in films and NOT in real life.
Hamza Apr 13, 2022 07:15pm
Yes divorce is on the cards as Bilawal Bhutto has his eyes set on him. Not surprised.
Abrar Apr 13, 2022 07:32pm
@Pak Patriot you know what their relation is, you might be hating that guy but don't disgust yourself in hate.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Apr 13, 2022 07:49pm
Old habits die hard.
Daanish Apr 13, 2022 07:49pm
What a waste, mental health issues are obvious
A Khan Apr 13, 2022 08:49pm
I dont understand why people cannot see through this sham of a person that is AL.
Irfan Khan Apr 13, 2022 09:40pm
@Hasnain Haque, I couldn't agree more.
AHAQ Apr 13, 2022 09:42pm
This man is obsessed with marriages
Abc Apr 13, 2022 11:08pm
Not even worth discussing. Public attention ki waja se sar pe char jate hn bekaar log
Dr. Malaria Apr 14, 2022 01:10am
Save them Dr. Salaria.
Pathanoo Apr 14, 2022 01:47am
49 & 18 . I am not saying the rumors are correct but whenever you see such a combination, people's tongues wag.
Zak Apr 14, 2022 02:31am
This man needs psychiatric help.
Zak Apr 14, 2022 02:32am
@Hasnain Haque I very much hope he is thrown out of PTI in next elections, he has become an embarrassment to Karachi and the nation Well said, he looks like a PML N type.
KS Apr 14, 2022 03:37am
49 yrs old marrying 18 yrs old?. He is old enough to be her father.
Aftab Apr 14, 2022 04:02am
@Pak Patriot Grandfather and daughter in law.
Usman Wahid Apr 14, 2022 04:43am
Joker couple
THE Apr 14, 2022 05:01am
PTI Supporters hated him more when he was in PTI. Now, they just laugh at his antics ! Adding this guy to PTI was one of the biggest mistakes of Imran Khan and now he should have learned his lesson.
FAZ Apr 14, 2022 06:08am
@Changez Khan He can be a thug, but not corrupt. Corruption in MQM or past MQM is low as compared to PP and Noon.
Larf99 Apr 14, 2022 07:44am
@MG which logic is this ?
Shahid Faruqui Apr 14, 2022 08:13am
@Changez Khan He is cheap
Bharath Apr 14, 2022 08:52am
He marry with his daughter age girl shame for him
Tadka Apr 14, 2022 08:56am
She will learn her lesson soon though she doesn't look 18 as claimed
Anonymouseee Apr 14, 2022 10:04am
Amir liaqat is as shameless as they come.
ShadowLugia Apr 14, 2022 04:10pm
Following the footsteps of his leader IK.
Gilani Apr 14, 2022 04:30pm
He is a crook
Nads Apr 14, 2022 10:28pm
I am not sure he is old enough to be her father definitely, but is he old enough to be her grandfather someone please do the maths!
Rahil Apr 15, 2022 01:52pm
49 year old married to an 18 year old! What were her parents thinking of? Oh yes....MONEY!
Rahil Apr 15, 2022 01:55pm
@ENGR Hamid Shafiq - In which case do something useful for the nation, rather than be knowing for child marriage!
Ghani K Apr 15, 2022 07:57pm
The playboy politician
Tariq Choudry Apr 16, 2022 01:42am
Male version of Meera.
Tariq Khan Apr 16, 2022 03:29pm
Biggest cartoon of pak
Dhinchack Apr 16, 2022 03:55pm
Worth emulating, women permitting of course.