
Aamir Liaquat denies third marriage, says Tuba is his only wife

Aamir Liaquat denies third marriage, says Tuba is his only wife

As actor and model Haniya Khan speaks up about her 'secret relationship' with the televangelist, he responds by gaslighting her.
Updated 27 Apr, 2021

In a series of unpredictable events, as is the case with most things Aamir Liaquat, a woman emerged last week, claiming she is the Amil Online host's wife. Heads turned as the woman sported a semi-recognisable face, it was actor and model Haniya Khan. She accused Liaquat and his second wife, Syeda Tuba Aamir, of using black magic to harm her.

The news broke days after the inexplicable Liaquat's puzzling yet hysterical antics on live national television did the rounds on social media and was almost like a replacement for the dying headlines.

Liaquat released a video denying the rumours of his third marriage, saying, "I only have one marriage, which is with Tuba."

In a video laden with problematic statements, Liaquat said, "Everyone complains about talkative women, but no one marries a mute woman." He continued, "Everyone wants to marry a woman that can speak."

Without suggesting too much, we would like to remind you that this is being said after his alleged third wife spoke about his untruthful, exploitative behaviour.

He then proceeded to recite some poetry and in a truly toxic 30 seconds gaslights Khan, saying "Talaash kar na sako gi phir mujhe wahan ja kar bhi ghalat samajh kar jahan tumne mujhe kho diya tha [you will try and fail but not find me, in the same place you lost me thinking I'm wrong]".

And in true Aamir Liaquat fashion, he proceeded to make some strange statements. He read, "Aur kabhi jou mujhe fatwa dene ka ism mile, main insaan ka insaan ke aage rona haram likh du. Rona hai tou sirf khuda ke aage rona hai. [If I ever become capable of issuing a religious edict, I'd declare it unlawful for a human to cry to another. If one must complain, it must be to no one but God]."

So Khan is in the wrong for...crying? We're as confused as you.

Khan had claimed that their relationship was not new and that her family had also been meeting Liaquat. She said the two were to get married, the families had agreed, but his current wife started a 'campaign' against her. Calling him a hypocrite, Khan also alleged that Liaquat tried to sabotage her career.

All of this came via live streams on social media, where she also revealed that she had attempted suicide on multiple occasions. She accused Liaquat of separating her from her family, saying she fought with them for him.

She challenged him, saying if he is an honest and truthful man, as he likes to claim, then he should come out and be honest about their relationship, and answer all questions thrown his way.

When the news was disputed and Khan pushed into a corner, she released screenshots of conversations and pictures with the face of Pakistan's Ramazan transmission baron.

The internet, of course, was in shock. But not for reasons you might suspect. The internet was struggling to come to terms with idea that Aamir Liaquat is a hot commodity in the marriage market.

Liaquat, 48, married his current wife, 27-year-old media executive Syeda Tuba, in 2018. After the marriage was announced, his first wife, Syed Bushra Iqbal, took to social media to reveal the hurt that it caused her. She said Liaquat divorced her over the phone.

It's a weird, weird world we find ourselves in but we wonder, what would it be like if Aamir Liaquat didn't make headlines every other week. Our lives would be far less interesting, that's for sure.


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Apr 27, 2021 02:43pm
Once a cheater, always a fraudster.
Truth be told Apr 27, 2021 02:48pm
He could be telling the truth IF upon release of news and tirade against him on social media he divorced her (or has already divorced her) and his technically utilizing this to boldly state that he currently has only ONE wife.
Ali Mehdi Apr 27, 2021 03:09pm
He knows all the bad reasons to be in the headlines. His marriage isn’t my business so he can keep a harem if he can get more famous that. way. It’s now too boring to even look at this monkey
Tahir Raouf Apr 27, 2021 03:12pm
Who is Amir Liaquat??
Owais Pervaiz Apr 27, 2021 03:25pm
Whoever marries him deserves him.
aziz Apr 27, 2021 03:26pm
He is just following his great leader Imran Khan !
Read between the lines Apr 27, 2021 03:30pm
How come no one is talking about Haniya Khan's Mother whom got beaten up by her own daughter. Poor woman was terrified on video. Someone needs to check with her.
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Apr 27, 2021 03:38pm
How low Conartist Aamir Liaquat can go. This guy has no shame.
RN Apr 27, 2021 03:39pm
Can the Media ban him? Thats the only way to contain this joker.
haris Apr 27, 2021 04:11pm
Unfortunately, legacy of Corona and Amir Liaquat continue to haunt us for many years to come.
Changez Khan Apr 27, 2021 04:36pm
Don't trust this guy.
Observer Apr 27, 2021 04:48pm
Why does media give coverage to a low life.? Why does our country allow hypocrites and charlatans to teach about religion they do not follow? It shows what religion these people really follow. Money. Money. Money.
Observer Apr 27, 2021 04:52pm
Fake educational degrees. Fake marriage proposals. Fake religion. Foul mouth when he thinks mic is off. Black magic. What more proof do people want.
Wolf Apr 27, 2021 04:52pm
What we have to do with his wives? We have millions over important things to pay attention to. This guy is total nonsense.
Observer Apr 27, 2021 04:53pm
Monkey see Monkey do. Why put monkey on public tv.
Amer Apr 27, 2021 04:53pm
What a clown
Observer Apr 27, 2021 04:55pm
Shameless and low class fake con artist.
Amjad Khan Apr 27, 2021 05:21pm
Dr(His doctorate degree is suspect)Aamir Liaqat is a talented(Negative)Con artist.He is a Male Meera Jee of society.Knows the art of publicity very well.
Saad Apr 27, 2021 05:28pm
Despite his crazy antics and questionable state of mind, he has still managed to land three beautiful women. Either women's standards have fallen considerably or he's got some magic formula that far better men don't seem to posses. He's not much of an 'Alim' but he can definitely start a new show titled 'Don Juan Online'.
Chrís Dăn Apr 27, 2021 05:33pm
He is trying to be a sugar daddy of Pakistan.
Champions of the Champion Apr 27, 2021 05:42pm
He is a real fraud and putting a bad name on the scholar community. Shame on him. He is disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M. Saeed Apr 27, 2021 05:58pm
Our Ullema must stand jointly against this Rasputin Aamir and expel him from their fraternity of Ullema, as he still claims to be a a religious aalim.
tenben Apr 27, 2021 05:59pm
Stop this garbage person to stay in headline. Trash news. Garbage person
Champions of the Champion Apr 27, 2021 06:03pm
He is a genuine fraudster and a reason for shame for the scholar community. A disgusting character from top to bottom. shame on him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ABCD$ Apr 27, 2021 06:06pm
He calls himself an evangelist shameful And why on earth did this model lady had to get involved with a man who has married twice before, gives divorce over the phone and is flirting with a third lady, can't she read between the lines the character of this guy.
Pew Apr 27, 2021 06:35pm
He looks like a clown, why would 3 women waste their life with a talkative clown?
Morning Star Apr 27, 2021 06:40pm
Amir Liaquat the Rasputin of Pakistan.
Syed Apr 27, 2021 07:06pm
Why I even click this :(
MasoodHaider Apr 27, 2021 07:07pm
Amir Liaqat's behavior is no surprise. The surprise is that such a despicable character is embraced by IK's supposedly morally upright party.
Pew Apr 27, 2021 07:36pm
@Champions of the Champion scholar community is like him too, don’t be surprised!
Saeeds Apr 27, 2021 07:37pm
Good for you Aamir. Keep the traditions going.
John Apr 27, 2021 09:11pm
From fake degrees to marriages...this dude has no credability.
AJ Apr 27, 2021 11:19pm
Not a fan of Aamir Liaquat, but allegations must not be equated to the truth. Should be proven with due evidence.
M. Saeed Apr 28, 2021 12:06am
@ABCD$ character of a person is known from the company he keeps.
Multani Apr 28, 2021 03:41am
He does not realize people made him popular and same people as can reject him for all the nonsense he does and soon he can be nobody.
FAZ Apr 28, 2021 05:56am
So this explains his late crazy shows?
Ibrahim S Apr 28, 2021 06:58am
Aamir Liaquat seems to be Pakistani version of David Letterman .
hamza Apr 28, 2021 04:40pm
alim online*
A Bostonian Apr 28, 2021 07:32pm
I don't know why, but I don't trust this man.