
MNA Aamir Liaquat goes after Ahmed Ali Butt for 'commenting on his marriage'

MNA Aamir Liaquat goes after Ahmed Ali Butt for 'commenting on his marriage'

Butt posted an Instagram Story about posting from the privacy of your bedroom that he took personally, despite not being named.
19 Feb, 2022

Beware of posting messages online because there's a chance PTI MNA Aamir Liaquat will take offence to them, even if he isn't named in your message. That's what happened to actor Ahmed Ali Butt.

The MNA and televangelist tied the knot for the third time on Feb 9. The sudden news of the TV show host's latest marriage came less than 24 hours after his second (now ex) Syeda Tuba Anwar announced her divorce from Liaquat. Ever since he got married to Syeda Dania Shah, the newlyweds have been posting rather intimate videos online. The TikTok videos feature 49-year-old Liaquat cuddling up to his 18-year-old wife, them looking into the camera while lying in bed or lip-syncing to songs.

Social media has been flooded with their videos and the reactions have ranged from mockery to expressions of discomfort over seeing these private videos on public forums.

On Wednesday, the actor posted a seemingly innocuous message on his Instagram Story about things that are meant to be private.

"When you post something from the privacy of your bedroom, just remember you invited the whole world in… So don’t complain after, if they don’t leave," he wrote. The actor did not tag Liaquat or make any mention of him or his wife in his post at all. He also didn't post anything before or after his Instagram Story that indicated that his post had anything to do with Liaquat or his marriage.

Several Instagram pages, however, linked Butt's post and Liaquat's videos and it looks like Liaquat believes the message was about him.

Taking a jibe at the actor, the TV host said in a video posted on Instagram, "Apnay dimagh ka password dena, mujhe aqal install kerhni hai [Give me the password to your brain, I want to install some sense]."

"Suno!!!! Tamam Jalne Waloun Including Ahmed Ali Butt Sunoo!!!! [Listen up! All the jealous people, including Ahmed Ali Butt, listen up!]," he captioned the video, tagging Butt's Instagram account.

The comments are turned off on Liaquat's post and Butt has yet to publicly respond to the taunt.


ABCD Feb 19, 2022 01:32pm
Meri shadee meri marjee. Celebrate Shadee Day.
MA Feb 19, 2022 01:39pm
Leave him alone. He simply married.
Game Changer Feb 19, 2022 01:41pm
Even a great batsmen like Lara will have to retire one day and can become a commentator or umpire
SMI Feb 19, 2022 01:50pm
Ahmed Ali is 200% right
Oldhabibian Feb 19, 2022 01:51pm
While Liaquat may be full of energy and adrenaline right now, remember that in 10 years time he will be 59 his wife 28. In 20 years, provided the marriage survives, he will be 69 and she will be 38. I wish him luck, He will need it.
Nads Feb 19, 2022 02:00pm
Someone sharing a few happy posts with their Wife does not mean they have invited you in their bedroom. It means they are at most showing off their happiness. That is fine and yes we all have to leave their bedroom or lounge always it is theirs, what in the world!
Karachi King Feb 19, 2022 02:26pm
Very well said by Mr. Ahmed Ali but Amir Liaquat become blind in Tiktok love and using her wife as a tool for getting famous and soon he will realize.
Banti Feb 19, 2022 02:58pm
@Oldhabibian he can pray
Tanvir Khan Feb 19, 2022 03:09pm
Islamic norms of legal womanisation must be applied, or they lose their effectiveness!
Chrís Dăn Feb 19, 2022 03:20pm
@Oldhabibian why you live either in past or in future only. Live with today which is the only reality on face of it. Why pak.nation stay sad either on past or for future!!!
AKS Feb 19, 2022 03:44pm
Lucky fellow. People are commenting out of jealousy.
Babar Feb 19, 2022 04:16pm
@Nads as soon as these celebs open the doors of their private likes, they should expect feedback (good or bad). Just remember, they share their lives on social media to seek attention and get free PR! You live by the word, you die by the sword, there are no half measures!
Furqan Feb 19, 2022 05:02pm
He is way much better then all those idiotic muslim couples who are spending their lives together without legal marriage. Atleast he is doing it legally. Whatsoever Amir Liaquat is right.
Concerned Feb 19, 2022 05:15pm
In recent years, Aamir Liaquat developed mental health issues, he should see the doctor for his mental health issues right now before he go for the 4th marriage.
Ga Feb 19, 2022 05:16pm
Nan, honestly speaking. Majority of Pakistani married men envy this Alim online guy..
Soniye Tu Auder Te La Feb 19, 2022 05:27pm
Most men posting negatively about him are stuck in their miserable married lives and can't see a 40-year old partying like he was in his 20s.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Feb 19, 2022 05:28pm
Truth hurts and real truth hurts really.
Ali Mehdi Feb 19, 2022 06:18pm
The blow went home
Noted Feb 19, 2022 07:13pm
Amir Liaqat Sir, please go an extra mile and be a legend in these depressing times. Only someone hero like you can understand the meaning of this post.
Ghani K Feb 19, 2022 07:13pm
'televangelist;! - Somebody give him sobriety test. He is lethal on the road,
Babar Feb 19, 2022 07:53pm
@Soniye Tu Auder Te La ....Maybe, or alternatively most married 40 year old's, love and respect their wife's, respect the meaning of marriage ! Aamir's moral compass is broken, the new girl in his life will use him as a stepping stone before moving on. Seriously, how long will this marriage last, 5 years maximum?
Truth be told Feb 19, 2022 07:55pm
@Oldhabibian not sure what you mean and why you stopped at 69 and didn't cover another decade. They'll be fine. Let them live.
jawaad Feb 19, 2022 07:59pm
what is the catch ?
Imran A. Feb 19, 2022 11:48pm
Don't give Amir liaquat what he is craving for... attention. If you leave him and ignore him, he will share even more intimate pictures of his married life.
Faraz Feb 19, 2022 11:50pm
@MA He did not simply marry. He has been posting cringe worthy videos from his bedroom and has been very much in the public eye.
M. Saeed Feb 20, 2022 12:15am
It is highly insulting that, nobody has cared to respect the titles of Liaquat. Remember he is a Doctorate in Religious Affairs and a Moulana !!~!
Zoob Feb 20, 2022 12:15am
Well no surprise given how much people love following these disco mullahs
Amir Feb 20, 2022 02:19am
We are such a low profile values and no decency.
Rehana Bounse Feb 20, 2022 03:34am
@Ga please tell me why ? Just because he has a woman who is 100% opposite of him
Rehana Bounse Feb 20, 2022 03:42am
@Noted that is so sick. At this age men are graceful but this guy is so cheap & pathetic. Example is his odd behavior in the bedroom . Not the effect he wanted. Very very cheap & what kind of role model is he for his children .
Jatt Feb 20, 2022 06:53am
This black sheep has nothing to do with religion and has been nothing but a big disgrace on public media.
ST Feb 20, 2022 08:58am
Amir Liaqat leaves no chance to prove his stupidity
Sandeep Kulshrestha Feb 20, 2022 09:38am
Aamir Liyaqat is a man with dubious credentials. He runs a religious show and passes lewd comments behind the camera. I pity the girl. She is misguided by this fraudster.
mrs farida ansari Feb 20, 2022 10:23am behaving in a rather obnoxious way.ok so he got married to a girl 30 years now just hide and please leave the public alone.we don't want to k now anything about u
Kifayat Ullah Khan Feb 20, 2022 12:09pm
I think Amir Liaquat needs to get mature, presently he is acting like a kid with high/active Testosterone levels...
tina Feb 20, 2022 01:17pm
@Furqan And in what way can you justify a Nikah for few days of pleasure in with a young girl?
tina Feb 20, 2022 01:21pm
@Sandeep Kulshrestha She is not innocent either and has only married him for fame and money.
A Feb 21, 2022 05:23am
What will she do after few years? Or she will have to compromise on her needs.
Rehana Bounse Feb 22, 2022 12:46am
@AKS really? Jealous of what ?
Keenobserver Feb 22, 2022 10:59am
I sure do hope that come Ramadan 1st, this guy is not given a platform on TV channel to tell everyone the piety lecture. He is free for whatever he want to do with his life but not make mockery of one’s faith.