
Mehwish Hayat calls out fan who tried to wrap his arms around her

Mehwish Hayat calls out fan who tried to wrap his arms around her

The actor shared the incident on Instagram and thanked a friend for having her back.
07 Mar, 2022

Fans often tend to forget that celebrities are humans too, with boundaries of their own and that those boundaries need to be respected. Actor Mehwish Hayat is "shocked at how much liberty fans sometimes think they can take with artistes." The Load Wedding actor was present at a meet-and-greet in Houston, Texas where many fans lined up to take photos. One fan, however, went a little further by trying to wrap his arms around Hayat's back, but was pushed away by CEO of HUM FM, Rehan Siddiqi.

The incident was shared by a fan page on Instagram and was reposted by the actor. Hayat wrote that she wasn't aware of the incident and thanked Siddiqi for his gesture and for having her back, literally.

She described Siddiqi as a "gentleman" and wrote that people should learn "what being a true gentleman is all about" from him. Siddiqi re-shared Hayat's story and said, "some people need to earn manners of meet-and-greet when around women."

Unfortunately, many fans believe celebrities are 'public property', which leads them to believe that they have the right to do whatever they please to them. In Hayat's case, just because a celebrity is standing next to you doesn't mean you have the right to wrap your arms around her or get too close.

We don't know what the fan's intention was, but everyone needs to remember that celebrities are entitled to personal space. If you want to get closer to a celebrity, it would be best to ask for their consent first. After all, everyone deserves to be respected.


Rian Mar 07, 2022 01:52pm
Do not get me wrong but when it’s a good looking guy it’s protecting and being a gentleman. The ugly guy normally is a pervert harrasser!
Faraz Mar 07, 2022 01:58pm
Making a Mountain out of molehill
Timbuk2 Mar 07, 2022 02:01pm
Well because this fan lives overseas and over seas even pakistani women feel a great honor to be wrapped around other men's arms even if they are not their husband and even if they are married n in the presence of their wives is considered an acceptable thing, as other pakistani n non pakistani men wrap arms around their wives. Funny but true. Stay overseas and experience this phenomenon.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 07, 2022 02:04pm
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Joseph Mar 07, 2022 02:08pm
These women want to behave like 304s yet want to be treated like victorian era ladies!
jaredlee007 Mar 07, 2022 02:27pm
What is this man who wrapped his arm around her was Joe Biden, Barack Obama, PM IK, or UN General Secretary? Then she would have taken selfies. She should understand that in public gatherings anything can be done by fans. Well, she was also in a different culture. So, a reminder to her that she should maintain distance from fans in order to avoid such incidents in future. Be humble and polite, automatically fans will get the message. No need to make a mountain of a molehill.
ST Mar 07, 2022 02:30pm
The more you display your body , the more people take it for granted.
Asad Mar 07, 2022 03:55pm
Are these Noble women being molested in public?
Hanna Mar 07, 2022 06:23pm
@Rian then what about Ali Zafar, Ali Noor,Casey Affleck and many other good looking ones?being a pervert has nothing to do with your looks but the personality...though mehvish shouldn't have age shamed but if we think about it honestly women are aged shamed all the time
Ali Sabir Mar 07, 2022 08:54pm
... No big deal.
Father son brother Mar 07, 2022 09:50pm
She believes in pay per view policy only, cheap publicity
Zaviaan Mar 07, 2022 10:49pm
@Rian excellent observation No entry without payment
Syed A. Mateen Mar 07, 2022 11:09pm
"When in Rome do as the Romans do".
dr.Sabir Mar 09, 2022 02:15pm
@Timbuk2 I am so sorry for the place that you reside in to have experienced that, I being born and brought up overseas have never witnessed an incident as "Funny" mentioned by you, Humans must know that they will be Answerable for the words or Slanders they state against other Women or men Alike, in This World and in HereAfter.
Shida Talli Mar 09, 2022 02:58pm
Publicity stunt.